Self (archive footage)
The making of Dumbo (1941).
Entre los muchos tesoros de animación que se celebran, aquí están las nunca antes lanzadas 'Hell's Bells' y el original sin editar 'Mother Goose Goes Hollywood', más el galardonado 'Three Orphan Kittens' (Mejor dibujo, 1935). Enriqueciendo aún más la colección hay varios comentarios opcionales de algunos de los principales expertos en animación y cinematografía del mundo, que también participan en una animada conversación sobre la serie que le permitió a Walt Disney llevar el arte de la animación a vuelos de fantasía inimaginables.
Dos cortos de animación clásicos de los estudios de Disney. En 'El Dragón Chiflado' (1941), un jovencito y un famoso luchador de dragones se unen para enseñar a un dragón dócil el arte de ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta. En 'Mickey y las Judías Mágicas' (1947), Mickey Mouse, Goofy y Donald Duck enfrentan al temible Willie the Giant para intentar recuperar el arpa de canto mágico a Happy Valley.
Riete sin parar con el regreso de Goofy, el sabueso mas loco del mundo, en esta coleccion de sus mejores caricaturas. Toda la familia disfrutara divirtiendose mientras Goofy pasa de u problema a otro en estas hilarantes caricaturas de uno de los clasicos animados mas queridos de Disney. Aqui Goofy demuestra su "habilidad atletica" en El Arte de Esquiar y El Arte de la Pesca. Despues en Goofy y Wilbur, Goofy y un pequeño y valiente saltamontes aprenden el verdadero significado de la amistad en un divertido....
This generous collection includes 46 of the 48 shorts that starred Goofy between 1939 and 1961 (but none of the great Mickey-Donald-Goofy films from the mid-'30s). The "How to Ride a Horse" sequence in The Reluctant Dragon (1941) set the pattern for many of these cartoons. An elegant narrator (artist John Ployardt) explains a sport that Goofy attempts to demonstrate. The character that animator Art Babbitt described in a 1935 lecture (quoted in the DVD bonus material) as an easygoing dimbulb gave way to an enthusiastic but spectacularly maladroit figure. One of the funniest entries in the series, "Hockey Homicide," contains several studio in-jokes: dueling stars Icebox Bertino and Fearless Ferguson, and referee Clean-Game Kinney are named for artists Al Bertino, Norm Ferguson, and director Jack Kinney.
The city of Anyburg decides its traffic situation has gotten out of hand, so it puts the automobile on trial. The trial (conducted in rhyme) starts with a car that was in a hit-and-run accident, followed by a sports car whose sins are peeling rubber and general hot-rodding, followed by a heap, on trial for lack of safety. Next, a number of safety equipment designers testify that, despite their best efforts, the accident rate keeps rising. Through all this, the defense lawyer declines to ask questions. A highway designer bemoans the problems on his beautiful roads. At last, defense. He shows a number of scenarios, pointing out that the real problem isn't the car but the driver. Everyone left the courtroom, declaring the car not guilty, and drove politely again, for a little while.
With examples from Disney feature-length films, Walt Disney gives a behind-the-scenes look at the improvements in animation made by his studio's in-house training and research that studied real-life motion and made technical innovations.
Walt Disney discusses the history of animation, beginning with J. Stuart Blackton and his Humorous Phases of Funny Faces in 1906, and including Gertie the Dinosaur.
Reina es una preciosa perrita de pura raza que vive feliz en su hogar. Jaimito y Linda, la miman mucho y ella corresponde feliz a sus cuidados. Sin embargo, el día en que sus dueños deciden hacer un viaje, la vida de Reina se ve alterada; la llegada de la tía Sara con sus gatos no provoca más que sobresaltos. Menos mal que conoce a Golfo, un perro vagabundo muy simpático
Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
Historia de la música a través de los siglos, desde el hombre prehistórico a la orquesta sinfónica moderna.
An owl teaches his class full of birds about melody. It's all around in nature. Only birds and man can sing; man "sings" even when he speaks. We see a quick survey of the stages of life, as captured by songs: the alphabet song for primary school, Here Comes the Bride, The Old Gray Mare, etc. Some inspirations for song are outlined in song: love, sailing, trains, the West, motherhood, etc., but "we never sing about brains." Finally, an example of how a simple melody can be expanded into a symphony: an elaborate version of the simple tune that opened the lesson
Historia de magia y fantasía en el que la joven Alicia se sumerge en el sorprendente país de las maravillas y conoce a extraordinarios personajes como Tweedledee y Tweedledum, el Sombrerero Loco, La Reina de Corazones y el frenético Conejo Blanco.
Pedrín decide ir a la caza del lobo que ha estado rondando alrededor de la aldea. Se unió a sus amigos en el camino: el pájaro, el pato y el gato. Toda la diversión llega a la final, sin embargo, cuando el lobo hace su aparición, ¿Pedrín y sus amigos vivirán para contar sus aventuras?
Made for the Community Chests of America, Pluto demonstrates his community spirit by donating his collection of bones.
Antología musical animada compuesta por 10 fragmentos: "Los Guerrero y los de León", "Tarde Azul", "Cuando los gatos se juntan", "Tres palabras", "El gran valente", "Un sueño en silueta", "Pedro y el lobo", "Después que te fuiste", "Historia de un idilio" y "El ballenato que quiso cantar en la ópera".
El gallo Panchito, el loro José Carioca y el pato Donald protagonizan esta comedia musical en la que se combinan personajes reales con dibujos animados. Mucho ritmo, chicas guapas y diversión son los principales ingredientes.
Un pequeño pollo, Chicken Little, deberá evitar por todos los medios caer en las garras de Foxy Loxy. El cortometraje fue adaptado a un largo en 2005.
A World War II propaganda film about the need to remain calm and logical during wartime.
Pedro, a small airplane from Chile, engaging in his very first flight to pick up air mail from Mendoza, with near disastrous results.
Una banda de música nazi (donde destacan Hirohito tocando la tuba, Göring tocando la flauta travesera, Goebbels tocando el trombón y Mussolini con el bombo) empieza a tocar una canción (en la cual dicen estar orgullosos de hacer "Heil en el rostro de Hitler" y definen como un "super-hombre" a todos los de raza aria) que despierta al pato Donald, lo que da lugar a numerosas situaciones.
En esta mezcla de acción real y animación, la acción se traslada a Sudamérica. Desde los Andes hasta Río de Janeiro, pasando por las pampas de Argentina, el pato Donald y Goofy corren divertidas aventuras .
Animated documentary promoting timely filing and payment of Federal income taxes, demonstrated by Donald Duck's difficulties with his tax return.
Las cigüeñas llegan, como todos los años, hasta un pintoresco circo para repartir los bebés a sus respectivas mamás. La señora Dumbo, una elefanta, descubre que su bebé tiene unas orejas enormes; todas sus compañeras se ríen de él, pero la señora Dumbo lo defiende siempre, hasta el punto de ser encerrada por enfrentarse a todo aquel que se mofe de su retoño. El pequeño Dumbo, maltratado y ridiculizado por todos sus compañeros, sólo cuenta con la ayuda de un minúsculo ratoncito llamado Timothy, que decide hacer de él una estrella del circo.
Una colección de interpretaciones animadas de grandes obras de música clásica. En 'El Aprendiz de Brujo' (P. Dukas), Mickey Mouse, discípulo de un mago, se mete en un gran embrollo, pues sus conocimientos de magia son muy limitados. 'La Consagración de la Primavera' (Stravinsky) cuenta la historia de la evolución, desde los seres unicelulares hasta la extinción de los dinosaurios. 'La Danza de las Horas' (Ponchielli) es un fragmento de un ballet cómico interpretado por elefantes, hipopótamos, cocodrilos y avestruces. 'Una Noche en el Monte Pelado' de Mussorgsky y el 'Ave Maria' de Schubert describen el enfrentamiento entre la oscuridad y la luz.
Goofy va a pescar con su mejor amigo, Wilbur, un saltamontes.
Mickey, DOnald y Goofy se embarcan en un barco ballenero.
Una elaborada fantasía onírica basada en el popular poema infantil de tres niños jugando y flotando entre las estrellas. Los tres niños dormidos navegan en su bote de zapatos; se detienen brevemente en una nube, luego tienen varios problemas con sus líneas de pesca (uno aterriza en una estrella parecida a un pez que termina retorciéndose en sus pantalones).
Assistant Director
A group of moths invades a costume shop through a badly plugged hole in a window and makes quick work of the contents. A male moth ignores his lady to chow down on a hat and she's soon seduced by a candle flame, which rapidly spreads. He notices her trapped in a spider web with the fire attacking and makes some attempts to save her, but pours benzene on the fire by mistake. The rest of the moths are summoned, and they fight the fire with water-filled bagpipes, an air drop with a water-filled funnel, etc., while our hero works to free his lady from the spider web.
Solos y aburridos tras espantar a todo el mundo, cuatro fantasmas de una casa encantada llaman a los cazafantasmas (Goofy, Mickey y Donald) con la esperanza de divertirse un rato asustándolos.
A pesar de haber salido de su poblado con la intención de pasar un día de caza, el pequeño Hiawatha decide perdonar a un conejito, de manera que todos los animales del bosque le ayudarán después a él a escapar de las garras de un enorme oso. 67º de los 75 cortos que forman las Silly Symphonies de Disney
Donald corteja a Daisy en su primera aparición en un corto Disney. Paseando por México, Donald y Daisy deciden agarrar un coche para desplazarse, pero un accidente hará que las cosas no salgan tan románticas como Donald esperaba.
Un amigo envía a Mickey una cría de elefante, Bobo, como compañero para Pluto.
Toby Tortoise está de regreso, y esta vez él y Max Hare boxean en lugar de correr.
Donald, Mickey y Pluto se van de montañismo por los Alpes.
El ratón Mortimer, un viejo amigo de Minnie, aparece en un picnic de Mickey con Minnie.
Mickey es el capitán de su equipo de polo: Donald en una mula, Goofy y el gran lobo feroz contra el gordo y el flaco, Harpo Marx en un avestruz y Charles Chaplin en un partido arbitrado por Jack Holt. El público también está lleno de estrellas.
A sailor doll, thrown into a toy dump, rallies the demoralized dolls that were already there.
La princesa violoncelo de la Isla de la Sinfonía se ha enamorado del príncipe saxofón de la Isla del Jazz. Pronto, la reina los descubre y encierra al saxofón en la prisión-metrónomo. La guerra estalla, y el príncipe y la princesa están a punto de ahogarse en el Mar de la Discordia. ¿Les salvará el amor y la música?. 55º de los 75 cortos que forman las Silly Symphonies de Disney.
EL jardín de Mickey se ha llenado completamente de insectos.
Al amanecer, los pequeños bebés del lago emergen del nenúfar en el que duermen para disfrutar de un largo día de juegos y diversión en la orilla con los animales del lago antes de volver a su cuna floral.
Mickey está intentando dirigir un concierto de la 'Overtura de Guillermo Tell', pero el vendedor de helados Donald no hace más que interrumpirle
La conocida fábula de la liebre y la tortuga, animada por los estudios Disney
The goddess is greeted by dancing flowers and fairies. The devil comes and takes her away to be his queen. She's despondent, as winter settles in above ground. But the devil isn't happy either, and offers anything to make her happy. They reach an agreement: she'll spend six months above ground and six below. Thus we have seasons.
Los pingüinos bailan y juegan en la Antártida.
Corto de Disney de 1934, donde debuta el Pato Donald-
Como en la fábula clásica, el saltamontes toca su violín y vive el momento, mientras que las laboriosas hormigas se llevan enormes cantidades de comida para el invierno. Con su canción, es capaz de convencer al menos a una pequeña hormiga hasta que llega la reina y lo asusta para que vuelva al trabajo. La reina advierte al saltamontes de los problemas en los que se encontrará con el invierno. Llega el invierno y el saltamontes, al borde de la inanición, tropieza con las hormigas, que se dan un festín en su pequeño y cómodo árbol. Lo acogen y lo calientan. La reina le dice que solo los que trabajan pueden comer, por lo que debe tocar para ellos. Escrito por Jon Reeves.
The elderly owner of a china shop leaves for the night, and the various figurines and decorated mugs come to life. A demonic figure captures an upper-class lady and does battle with her lord, damaging much of the shop. But the demon proves to have a glass jaw and, literally, a yellow streak, and the happy couple is soon reunited. No dialogue, but some signs are in English, particularly the final punch-line.
Un narrador canta las estrofas iniciales del poema clásico mientras vemos la casa en reposo. Santa aterriza en el techo, baja por la chimenea y abre su bolsa. Los juguetes salen y decoran el árbol, con los soldados de juguete disparando bolas de su cañón, un avión de juguete ensartando una guirnalda como si fuera una escritura en el cielo y los bomberos de juguete aplicando nieve. Un dirigible lleva la estrella a la cima. Mientras tanto, Santa llena las medias. Su risa despierta a los niños, que se escabullen. Los juguetes se precipitan a sus lugares y Santa escapa por la chimenea justo a tiempo.
Scrappy and Oopie sneak into the New York Auto Show to look at the new cars. Then they go home and build their own auto from bath tubs and sausages. Will they be the hit of the show?
Scrappy and Oopie sneak into the New York Auto Show to look at the new cars. Then they go home and build their own auto from bath tubs and sausages. Will they be the hit of the show?
Scrappy and Oopy are trying to make a movie, but things aren't working out so they go door to door in Hollywood looking for actors. They find baby versions of mostly comedians and they all then dance about.
Scrappy and Oopy are trying to make a movie, but things aren't working out so they go door to door in Hollywood looking for actors. They find baby versions of mostly comedians and they all then dance about.
A Columbia Scrappy cartoon released October 6, 1933.
Adaptación del poema homónimo de Robert Browning, en el que un flautista llega a la ciudad de Hamelin y se convierte en la salvación de sus habitantes, que sufren una plaga de ratas. 39º de los 75 cortos que forman las Silly Symphonies de Disney.
Scrappy in Hollywood.
Mickey se mete en problemas cuando Pluto y Fifi se comen el chocolate de Minnie. Existen dos versiones del corto: una en B&N y otra en color.
Un bebé es transportado a Lullaby Land, donde los chupetes crecen en los árboles, los pañales, los biberones y los orinales marchan en un desfile, y el perro a cuadros cobra vida. Se adentra en la cueva de "mantener fuera", llena de cosas como tijeras, cuchillos y plumas estilográficas que no son para bebés y comienza a romper relojes con martillos y jugar con fósforos gigantes. Los fósforos lo persiguen; el bebé escapa montando una pastilla de jabón a través de un estanque, pero el humo de los fósforos se convierte en hombres del saco. El benevolente hombre de arena, vestido como un mago, ve al bebé escondido y hace su magia, llevándonos de regreso a la verdadera guardería.
Scrappy and Oopy are the welcoming "committee" at the Chicago World's Fair. Zestful. Loaded with celebrity caricatures. The man receiving hair treatments is a spoof of supervising animator Art Davis.
Scrappy runs a farm where Oopie is a farmhand. He sees a front-page newspaper article about "Technocracy," and he decides to fire everybody. Scrappy then builds mechanical robot farm workers and livestock with predictably disastrous results.
Twisted take on "The Little Match Girl". Cartoon child abuse at its finest.
Scrappy and Oopie, though little boys, happily celebrate the return of beer after fourteen years, with the help of brew-guzzling gnomes, apparently from the "Rip Van Winkle" story. They leave an allegorical "Prohibition" figure (ugly old man in stovepipe hat) stripped and chased off.
Scrapy's birthday party is attended by a raft caricatures of famous movie stars and world leaders, including Mussolini, John D. Rockefeller, Will Rogers, Laurel & Hardy, George Bernard Shaw, Jimmy Durante, King George V,Ghandi, Babe Ruth, Ex-King Alphonso XII, Professor Picard and even Al Capone is seen, unfortunately unable to make it as he's in prison.
All the tomcats in the neighborhood come calling on Scrappy's cat, until it becomes an out-of-control party.
All the tomcats in the neighborhood come calling on Scrappy's cat, until it becomes an out-of-control party.
In the one, a goat is being held hostage in his own cabin by a wolf knocking at his door. The goat calls on his phone for help so Scrappy sends his little brother to arrest the wolf. But the younger bro keeps coming back from the winter snow until he has a couple of rubber hot water bottles on him.
Somehow, Oopie's become a child prodigy on the Bass Viol, and practices with Scrappy playing along on piano. On the day of his big solo premiere, an accident takes place and Oop's knocked out. Not wishing to disappoint the show's patrons, Scrappy rigs up the unconscious savant with wires like a marionette to simulate a performance.
Scrappy runs a dime-a-night flop house, cheerfully sprinkling disinfectant around before the night's customers arrive. They're all animal people except Oopie, who as usual can't help but make trouble, and breaks things and makes a racket enough that the other denizens can't sleep.
Scrappy runs a dime-a-night flop house, cheerfully sprinkling disinfectant around before the night's customers arrive. They're all animal people except Oopie, who as usual can't help but make trouble, and breaks things and makes a racket enough that the other denizens can't sleep.
Scrappy and Oopie build a bird house, and a sparrow wants to move in. However a mean robin stops him, and then tries to kill him with an arrow.
Scrappy and Oopie build a bird house, and a sparrow wants to move in. However a mean robin stops him, and then tries to kill him with an arrow.
Color clash in the barnyard.
Color clash in the barnyard.
Scrappy, his little brother, and the dog take the car and drive to the camping grounds.
There's no sign of Scrappy to be seen in this comic-strip study of a carnival's midway, but there is a lot going on, due to Oopie running a lemonade stand, and a lot of alcohol gets mixed into the brew.
There's no sign of Scrappy to be seen in this comic-strip study of a carnival's midway, but there is a lot going on, due to Oopie running a lemonade stand, and a lot of alcohol gets mixed into the brew.
A Columbia Scrappy cartoon released May 31, 1932.
The adventures of a young boy and his dog. Vonsey and Oopie are the two bullies on the block who sometime give the two problems.
The adventures of a young boy and his dog. Vonsey and Oopie are the two bullies on the block who sometime give the two problems.
An old coal-burning locomotive roars down the tracks, manned only by engineer Scrappy and his assistant, Oopie. They go along at a fair clip, with Scrappy maintaining the engine, but Oopie can barely get one lump of coal into the boiler at a time.When they come to a steep grade, Oopie's broken off most of the controls, and a headlong hurl over a cliff awaits.
An old coal-burning locomotive roars down the tracks, manned only by engineer Scrappy and his assistant, Oopie. They go along at a fair clip, with Scrappy maintaining the engine, but Oopie can barely get one lump of coal into the boiler at a time.When they come to a steep grade, Oopie's broken off most of the controls, and a headlong hurl over a cliff awaits.
Playing pirates, Scrappy and Oopie try to recover a treasure chest that's underwater. From a dock, Oopie is sent down on a rope to haul it up with, but fish decide to crawl over him while his hands are busy holding on, and tease and annoy him into repeatedly dropping the chest just before getting to the surface.
Playing pirates, Scrappy and Oopie try to recover a treasure chest that's underwater. From a dock, Oopie is sent down on a rope to haul it up with, but fish decide to crawl over him while his hands are busy holding on, and tease and annoy him into repeatedly dropping the chest just before getting to the surface.
Scrappy gets a buffalo nickel to mind bratty baby Oscar, but quickly finds the job isn't worth it.
Scrappy gets a buffalo nickel to mind bratty baby Oscar, but quickly finds the job isn't worth it.
Young Scrappy tries to impress a girl by smoking a cigar made out of cabbage, but he only succeeds in accidentally swallowing the cigar and setting her panties on fire.
Scrappy tries to rescue his dog, Yippy from a mean dog catcher.
Scrappy tries to rescue his dog, Yippy from a mean dog catcher.
In this one, the boy character is getting ready to go to Sunday school with his dog. On the way, he encounters bullies not to mention a stereotypical Italian in a manhole.
The cartoon follows Scrappy as he tries to get rid of his baby brother, Oopy, so he can go on a fishing trip with his dog. The more Oopy insists on tagging along, the more violent Scrappy turns against him.
The cartoon follows Scrappy as he tries to get rid of his baby brother, Oopy, so he can go on a fishing trip with his dog. The more Oopy insists on tagging along, the more violent Scrappy turns against him.
Scrappy's dog, Yippy, isn't feeling well. Scrappy sees a sign for Dr. Woof's Dog Tonic and thinks that's just the thing...
Toby the Pup organises a Halloween celebration. Some witches and elves join the party.
The title character gets some milk from a cow's udder for the first few inches of the bottles before filling the rest of them with water. Then he and his horse would deliver the stuff at various houses.
Toby The Pup goes to the circus.
Toby The Pup goes to the circus.
Toby conducting an orchestra playing Irving Berlin's "Alexander's Ragtime Band" while that band is spitting tobacco in the spittoons nearby!
Toby the Pup, The Museum is only one of twelve cartoons produced and only seven still survive today. Created by animators Sid Marcus, Dick Huemer, and Art Davis. This cartoon is basically about a little dog who is a rather bad and cheeky museum cleaner. Not surprisingly, his boss is very impatient with him and urges him to keep cleaning. As the cleaner cleans, some of the things in the museum come to life.
Toby the Pup, The Museum is only one of twelve cartoons produced and only seven still survive today. Created by animators Sid Marcus, Dick Huemer, and Art Davis. This cartoon is basically about a little dog who is a rather bad and cheeky museum cleaner. Not surprisingly, his boss is very impatient with him and urges him to keep cleaning. As the cleaner cleans, some of the things in the museum come to life.
Animation Director
A Screen Song of the old standard.
A humanized dog comes from a bar and fights with his shadow in the dark just before a bouncing ball comes on and the singer warbles "I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark".
Rare theatrical promo for the Christmas Seals charity, showing the busy daily routine of an urban everyman and offering the health wisdom of eight hours of sleep each night.