Maxime Leroux

Maxime Leroux

Nacimiento : 1951-03-26, Sainte-Adresse, France

Muerte : 2010-01-23


Maxime Leroux


L'affaire Salengro
Henri Becquart
Adieu De Gaulle, Adieu
Christian Fouchet
La mort dans l'île
Le Pennec
Violette Castillon, a young Parisian lawyer, goes to the Île de Ré where a criminal named Stany claims her to ensure his defense. In exchange, he will tell her the truth about his father, the late robber José Rocca. The day after Violette's arrival on the island, Stany is attacked, a notable from the region is found hanged and other misfortunes befall the island. While the dead are multiplying around her, Violette is determined to discover the truth.
The Easy Way
Albert Spaggiari is arrested in Nice and brought to a judge's office for interrogation, but he escapes to South America where he meets a journalist who is investigating the event.
The bird walker
Thomas, Sarah's father
Since childhood, the farmer's daughter Sarah Minarel neighbors considered a strange child and bullied her. When she grew up and became an attractive girl, nothing changed. But Sarah paid no attention to the antics of neighbours, because was busy with interesting work — at the request of staff taxidermist Pacton she catches a rare bird…
A Winter in Paris
After being released from prison, a burglar is convinced by a former accomplice to participate in the theft of a precious jewel belonging to a rich heiress.
Bien dégagé derrière les oreilles
Robert Calou
Everything goes awry between Suzy and Henri who run a hairdressing salon together. Fed up with a routine that has been lasting for ages, Suzy wants a drastic change, which is not to her husband's liking, all the more as she tells him she intends to divorce. Under these circumstances, they decide to separate both the salon and their apartment into two parts. It does not take long before all the villagers take sides, either with Suzy or with Henri.
La vie à mains nues
A business school graduate causes consternation in his family when he decides to become a mason, like his grandfather.
Corto Maltés: Bajo el signo de Capricornio
Corto Maltés llega a Brasil durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, donde conoce al profesor Steiner y a Tristán Bantam, que va a buscar a su hermana Morgana. Tristán es un chico muy débil a quien Corto coge mucho cariño y protege de las amenazas del abogado Milner, ya que éste quiere robarle todo su dinero. Además, encabeza una rebelión de los “cangaçeiros” brasileños contra sus terratenientes, en una primera batalla por la demolición del colonialismo en el país...
The Beast of Gevaudan
A new tell about the most famous legend in France.
Corto Maltés: La Corte Secreta de los Arcanos
Nino (voice)
1919. Asia está sometida al caos. Un gran número de trenes cargados de armas cruzan la tundra helada desde Rusia y Siberia hacia Manchuria. Con ellos, el tren del Almirante Kolchak lleva un cargamento de oro procedente de las arcas de los Zares de Rusia. Muchos mercenarios se encuentran al acecho. En ésta caza del tesoro sin cuartel, Corto Maltés acude en ayuda de los Linternas Rojas, una sociedad secreta que ha salvado su vida en más de una ocasión. Con Rasputín, su "amigo odiado" de siempre, se encontrará con sociedades secretas chinas, una duquesa rusa tan atractiva como perversa, un hombre que se cree la reencarnación de Genghis Khan, un aviador americano y diversos generales divididos entre su nostalgia por el pasado y la preocupación por su futuro. La aventura no ha hecho más que comenzar...
La nave de los sueños
Four men and two women illegaly board a cargo ship from Buenaventura, Colombia to New York. All their dreams and frustrations confronts them while they attempt not to be discovered by the ship crew. They all seek the "American Dream".
Une femme dans la tourmente
Vincent Mallet
Michèle is the new French consul in a South American country. She quickly discovers that the government is, in fact, a dictatorship. Moreover, her seventeen-year-old daughter is involved in the revolution against the regime.
After raising her daughter, one would think that Julie's life was rather full. However, she recently got an offer from the French consul to a mission in Pondicherry, India to teach her skills to Indians. She can only do this if she gets her high-school diploma, something she neglected to do earlier. The idea of this new post motivates her to rectify her youthful omission, and she goes back to school in Montparnasse. Just before classes are to start, her current boyfriend's condescending ways prove too much for her, and she breaks up with him, reacting to that by getting drunk. Thus, when she has to take the subway to school on the first day, being unfamiliar with the route and somewhat the worse for wear, she gets lost. Fortunately, she meets an elderly man, a retired musician for the Paris Opera, who is headed for the very same destination. The two form a relationship of mutual encouragement and support.
The Son of the Shark
Le père
Brothers Martin and Simon, not yet teens, are incorrigible vandals; Martin runs away from reform school, Simon from foster homes, and they always find each other in a seacoast town of Lignan, where their destructive behavior is infamous. (It may date to their mother's leaving the family.) Martin is philosophical, romantic, and poetic: he dreams of being the son of a shark; he holds tight to a book about goldfish his mother gave him. In both halting and wild ways, he tries to court Marie, a neighbor girl. Simon, with a pocketknife and an intractable will, seems more dangerous to others. What, on earth, is there for these children-becoming-men?
Justinien Trouve, or God's Bastard
The militiaman captain
Set in the French countryside in the 1600s, a lone rider deposits a newborn baby boy on the steps of a monastery, having bitten his nose off. The child is bought up by an ex-pirate and his wife and is taught to read, write, count, joust and fence, and is also given a wooden nose. However, he is ordered by a local baron to attend a tough seminary, but he soon rebels and makes an action-packed escape...
A Crime
Lucien Butard
"Un Crime" takes place over a single night, between 10pm and 6am. It takes place in a single setting - a millionaire's apartment in Lyon. The film is about the conflict between two men, alone, face to face in the closed world of the apartment. The first man is a famous lawyer named Dunand. The second is Frédéric Chapelin-Tourvel, Dunand's rich client, twenty years his junior. Throughout the night, Dunand tries to track down the truth. Did Frédéric kill his father and mother, in particularly barbarous circumstances ?
La maté porque era mía
Mariano Escobar
La mujer de Paul, cansada de que su voluble marido la engañe, lo abandona. Desde entonces, en lugar de aprovecharse de esta nueva libertad, Paul espera que vuelva, y se cansa de esperar. Pide consejo a su tío soltero, y para él sólo existe una solución: deshacerse de la mujer. Para ello utilizan a Vicente, un marido engañado.
L'Affaire Seznec
Inspecteur Bonny
Guillaume Seznec and Pierre Quéméneur join forces to sell cars to the Soviets. It was then that the latter suddenly disappeared, while driving with the former about 30 kilometers from Paris. The body will never be found. Seznec quickly became the main suspect and was sent to prison for life, even though nothing clearly indicated that he was the culprit.
Les carnassiers
Frank Laverne
Alice, a young Portuguese woman, escapes from a psychiatric hospital where she is locked up under the orders of her father-in-law who intends to take away her inheritance. On her way to France, she falls victim to a truck driver who she kills to defend herself. A few moments after this murder she meets Bernie, a young boxer, who will take care of her, going so far as to hide her from the eyes of the police and the detectives in the pay of her stepfather. He is preparing for the title of world champion.
Diên Biên Phu
Artillery Lieutenant
Un periodista americano se encuentra en Vietnam en el 57º día de la batalla de Dien Bien Phu entre el ejército francés y las guerrillas Vietminh, la cual acaba con una derrota de las fuerzas francesas y la retirada de Francia de Indochina. (FILMAFFINITY)
Prague, 1920. Milena's father wants her to follow in his footsteps and be one of the first female doctors in Czechoslovakia, but she is determined to be a writer. She elopes to Vienna with the Jewish music critic Ernst Pollak, and starts a correspondence with Franz Kafka. She leaves Pollak and returns to Prague with her father, where she befriends and translates Kafka. As a journalist, Milena covers the 1923 Ruhr worker's strike and meets the communist architect Jaromir.
The Tribe
Olivier Rohan, a young doctor, has just opened a general practice. However, having only a small clientele, he continues to work in the hospital's emergency room. One night, he will witness the unnatural death of a young man.
Netchaïev est de retour
Freshly landed in Paris, Daniel Laurençon, who calls himself Netchaïev, who was believed dead five years ago in Gibraltar, warns a commercial center of a bomb attack a few minutes before its completion.
Jean Galmot, aventurier
Antoine Charas
Evocation of the life of the journalist Jean Galmot, adventurer, who established himself as a gold digger in Guyana in 1906. Madly in love with this country, he will die for having wanted to give dignity and freedom to the Guyanese people.
Hiver 54, l'abbé Pierre
Le député Robert Buron
En 1954, durante un invierno especialmente frio y duro, mientras unos se ven obligados a dormir en la calle, otros encuentran asilo en la casa del Abad Pierre, un antiguo diputado que perteneció a la Resistencia y que ahora consagra su vida a cuidar de los más desfavorecidos. Presenta en el Senado un proyecto de "Casas de emergencia" como refugio para albergar durante el invierno a las personas sin hogar. La muerte de un bebé por congelación lo lleva a lanzar un estremecedor mensaje desde la radio, que es publicado en las páginas de "Le Figaro", lo que servirá para reforzar su propuesta.
Mamá, hay un hombre blanco en tu cama
Romuald es un ejecutivo de una fábrica de yogures, un tiburón de las finanzas dispuesto a todo con tal de conservar su puesto. Juliette, que trabaja en la misma fábrica como limpiadora nocturna, es una mujer negra que tiene cinco hijos, cada uno de un padre distinto. Su encuentro parece, más que improbable, imposible. Sin embargo, se verán unidos por un hecho inesperado: un complot que obliga a Romuald a buscar refugio en la humilde casa de Juliette, con cuya ayuda acabará por desenmascarar a sus enemigos.
Baxter (voice)
Baxter es un bull-terrier muy especial. Tiene sus propias ideas sobre la relación con los humanos. Cuando no se siente feliz con su vida hace todo lo que está en sus manos para cambiarla...
La pasión de Camille Claudel
Claude Debussy
Camille (Isabelle Adjani), la hermana del escritor Paul Claudel, sintió desde niña una gran pasión por el arte y en especial por la escultura a la que dedicó gran parte de su vida. El escultor Auguste Rodin (Gérard Depardieu) fue su maestro, y ella se convirtió en su musa. Entre ambos surgió una tormentosa relación amorosa plagada de crisis y rupturas. La escultora tuvo también una vida personal muy agitada: era una mujer demasiado libre e independiente que no se adaptaba a las costumbres y convencionalismos de su época. Al final de su vida, vivió como una mendiga y acabó siendo internada en un psiquiátrico por sus problemas mentales.
La garçonne
The neglected daughter of an industrialist who made his fortune in explosives supplies during the war and of a mother who was mostly concerned with herself, Monique Lerbier is a pretty blonde with generous but strong ideas and a hard character. She has chosen to be an atheist since her adolescence and does not tolerate injustice and social hypocrisy. She was to be married to an engineer, Lucien Vigneret. It was an arranged marriage, the dowry having to allow Vigneret to enter the capital of his father's company, which needed it to finance its business. But two weeks before the wedding, Monique surprises the fiancé with a mistress.
La pasión de Beatrice
Durante cuatro años, Beatrice espera el regreso de su padre y de su hermano, que han caído prisioneros en la batalla de Crecy (1346). Durante su ausencia, ha tenido que luchar para conservar las propiedades de la familia. Cuando regresa su padre, convertido en un rebelde que se opone al orden establecido, Beatrice le demostrará su fortaleza moral.
Le Moustachu
The French intelligence service want to use a double agent to eliminate a terrorist groupe. To do this, the captain Duroc will give to the traitor a car filled with explosives. But the whole thing is a double trap. One of the officer of the Service, Leroy, has plan a dreadful blow to discredit his new director. He had chosen Duroc because is not supposed to be an intelligent agent.
Thomas Crosky, known as Cross, a lonely policeman, learns that his wife, daughter and sister-in-law have been kidnapped by a criminal who has escaped from a psychiatric hospital.
Levy & Goliath
A very faithful Jewish man works making diamond dust in his family's workshop, to sell to industries. One day he goes on businnes trip. In the same train goes a very sexy girl, with some heroin bags (you guess it) very similar to the diamond bags. The police begins to chase the girl, and she hides the drug into the Levy's bag. The girl calls his boss ('Goliath') the situation and he and his band begins to hound Levy, who, by this time, selled the bags to a factory, not knowing the content. He has to get out of the problem with the help of his brother and his God.
Propriétaire du magasin
Three young friends steal some music equipment for their struggling post-punk band and, in a panic, kill the shop’s owner. Assayas’ debut feature examines, with characteristic restraint and acuity, the psychological fallout as the band unravels—and each of its members grapple with their own feelings of guilt, paranoia, and despair.