Post Production Supervisor
Un paciente ingresado en un manicomio decide escapar y embauca a Billy, un inocente empleado del centro, para que lo acompañe prometiéndole dinero y prosperidad. En su huida, conocen a Jimmie Jean, una camarera que está decidida a cambiar de vida y se va con ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Post Production Supervisor
Cuando su novia le dice que sus hombres no lo seguirían ni hasta una casa de mala reputación, Max, un general del ejército mexicano, decide realizar un gran acto de heroísmo. Llevará a sus hombres a través de la frontera hacia Texas y re-capturará de El Álamo. Esto molesta a los tejanos en gran medida, y la Guardia Nacional de Texas es enviada a retomar la misión. Normalmente esto sería fácil, ya que los hombres de Max han dejado toda su munición en México, pero el departamento de Estado insiste en que nadie resulte muerto, por lo que la Guardia Nacional también entra con armas descargadas.
Post-Production Manager
En Estambul, un trompetista de jazz se ve envuelto en la muerte de una joven a manos de un playboy millonario junto a un grupo de amigos. Poco después en Río de Janeiro se encuentra con una mujer idéntica a la asesinada tiempo atrás.
Supervising Film Editor
When four geologists who form a combine of five industrial companies turn up dead, the race is on to determine whether the culprit is a group of high-powered industrial interests or the government. A trouble-shooter is hired to find a net of deadly intrigue and treachery. The prize: a field to be leased to private industry by the state.
A futuristic underwater sea-lab is having problems with a UFO that's parked between them and a nearby deep ocean trench. As they investigate, they attract the unwanted attention of a dangerous creature who puts the scientists and crew in danger.
En el año 2000, una nave espacial tiene la misión de buscar planetas para la colonización. Sin embargo, un encuentro con un ser alienígena y un enjambre de meteoritos envía a la nave fuera de rumbo en el océano de un planeta inexplorado.
An overweight lab technician with low self esteem, brought on by his dominant mother, becomes a serial killer of female nurses.
Thomas de Quincey es un aventurero de comienzos del siglo XIX que ayudaba a esclavas fugitivas y a víctimas de la guerra tong en San Francisco. Vestido de negro de pies a cabeza, de Quincey narra sus aventuras. En la subasta de esclavos donde hermosas chicas orientales son expuestas en jaulas colgantes hechas de bambú, de Quincey se hace amigo de una ocurrente enana oriental...
Tom Dooley and Country Boy are on the run after killing an enemy soldier not knowing the war is over. The Command refuses to give them some slack for making this tragic but honest mistake and sends a lawman after them.
Una vez en tierra, seis paracaidistas se enfrentan a un grupo de soldados alemanes. Cowboy, uno de ellos, se pone un uniforme nazi, y Charlie, uno de sus compañeros, lo mata sin querer. Sin embargo, los demás empiezan a sospechar que Charlie lo mató premeditadamente.
A kid who wants to enter his car in the drag races joins a rock band to make enough money to do it.
In this heart-warming drama, a beggar and his performing dog, Flip, struggle to eke out a living upon the cruel streets. He is hired to perform at a rich kid's birthday party. There, the beggar is offered $500 for his beloved dog. He refuses and again hits the streets. Soon he becomes so impoverished that he can no longer provide food for his four-legged friend; he sells him for $20. The beggar is then beaten and robbed. Later he learns that Flip died. The man soon follows the dog to heaven where they begin performing for God.
A group of young soldiers parachute into France in preparation for D-Day.
En una pequeña ciudad de California empiezan a suceder cosas muy extrañas: el comportamiento de algunas personas cambia de tal manera que causa estupor e incluso miedo entre sus parientes y amigos.
Al Teniente Diamond le ordenan archivar el caso sobre el jefe de la mafia Mr. Brown, porque le está costando al departamento demasiado dinero, y los resultados son nulos. Diamond, sin embargo, no se rinde y trata de conseguir pruebas por medio de la novia de Mr. Brown, Susan Lowell. Brillante fotografía y cast para un noir injustamente subvalorado.
Bit player Sherry Stewart gets miffed when director Walter Darman turns her down after she reads for a small part in his picture. She and her boy friend, Ronnie, devise a plan to lure Darman to her apartment, where she gives him a drugged drink. She tells Darman they had been intimate and blackmails him for $50,000. More than a little distracted by his situation, his wife senses something is wrong and he gets into a violent argument with his father-in-law who owns the producing company Darman works for, and discontinues the picture. Sherry informs Darman she is going to tell his wife all about them. Darman tells his secretary that he is going to work late and is not to be disturbed, sets the moviola runnings, and exits by the back door and hot-foots it to Sherry's apartment.
A man looking for his fortune in a mine decides to tempt his partner with his much younger wife. The goal? To catch them "in the act" and kill him without consequence.