Bernhard Winkler


Mattias Karlsson: Året fram till valet
How do you know that someone is a ghost? You can't see his legs.
A Separation
A tragicomic documentary that portrays the very last acts of a long marriage. A film about the tentative search for a beginning of what - finally, and unfortunately - is over.
The Woman in the Woods
Edit from Sjöskogen in Dalsland, Sweden was born deaf. She lived alone in a cabin in the woods her whole life. She got money from many different jobs here and there and she was never a nuisance to society. But many mean spirited rumours were spread about Edit and when she died, 92 years old in 2010, no one had really known her. Rebecka Rasmusson started digging in the history of Edit's life. This is what she found.
Searching for Sugar Man
Additional Editing
Sixto Rodríguez fue un cantante de folk de Detroit que tuvo una carrera discográfica de corta duración, teniendo dos álbumes reconocidos, pero que no salieron a la venta, a principios de 1970. Rodríguez continuó su carrera musical en el sur de África, convirtiéndose en un icono de la música pop, siendo un referente y sirviendo de inspiración a las futuras generaciones. El largo rumor de que estaba muerto por suicidio, hizo que algunos fans de la década de los 90 buscaran la verdad del destino de su héroe.
The Guerilla Son
Zanyar Adami looks down at Bagdad from an airplane heading to Sweden. His mother is still down there at the airport. His father isn’t even there to wave goodbye. At the time, Zanyar is only five years old. 23 years later Zanyar, soon to be a father, sits in his kitchen in a suburb of Stockholm. His father, Taher, sits in front of him. Any day now, Zanyar will become a father himself and he knows that he can’t wait anymore. He has to confront his father with the question he has been afraid to ask all his life: How could Taher leave him in the midst of a war and then send him to Sweden all by himself?
Geniet och pojkarna
The Genius and the Boys
D Carleton Gajdusek won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Prions - the particles that would emerge as the cause of Mad Cow disease - while working with a cannibal tribe on New Guinea. He was a star of the scientific world. Over his years working amongst the tribes of the South Seas, he adopted 57 kids, bringing them to a new life in Washington DC. His adoptions were hailed as wonderful fatherly beneficence. But, at the height of his career, rumours began to spread he was a paedophile. Gajdusek would argue that if sex with children was okay in their own cultures, he wasn't wrong to join in. How could a great mind like Gajdusek's lose insight so totally, and why would the scientific community to which he was a hero be so quick to leap to his defence and dismiss the allegations? (Storyville)
Four Wives - One Man
Examines the strained dynamic between the three wives of the polygamous Mohammadi family, as cash-strapped Heda seeks to add a fourth wife.
One Eye Red
Halim has seen through it all. He has seen through the Integration plan a secret conspiracy that tries to turn all immigrants into Swedes. Unfortunately he has also seen through his own father, who has fallen victim to the Integration plan. But Halim has his own plan; he is going to be Sweden’s mightiest revolution immigrant and take a stand to save his father from forgetting his Arabic roots.
Under a Starry Sky
The story about Frieda Darvel, a young South-African girl, that lives on the street like many other children in Cape Town. One day she becomes nation wide famous after she participates in the reality TV show Pop-stars. When this fairy tail comes to an end she goes back living on the streets of Cape Town and hopes for a better life for herself.
Hannah med H
Hannah is a young woman who lives on her own. She starts to get this feeling that she is being watched. The phone starts ringing at night and when she answers, no one is there. Is she imagining everything or is it for real?
Lilja forever (Lilja 4-ever)
A sus 16 años Lilja es una joven rusa que ha sido abandonada por su madre y lleva una vida miserable en una ciudad pobre de la decadente ex-Unión Soviética. Su única vía para poder escapar del hambre y de la pobreza más extrema es prostituyendo su cuerpo esporádicamente. Entre toda esa desdicha su único amigo es Volodja, un niño de 11 años adicto al pegamento, ambos intentan escapar de la realidad soñando con una vida mejor. Un día parece que esa vida soñada por fin se pone al alcance de Lilja cuando conoce a Andrei, del cual se enamora y éste le propone que se marche con él a Suecia y empiece una nueva vida.
A documentary about young freelance foreign correspondents, stringers, in Eritrea. Without much journalistic experience, they will report on the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia to a not very interested world. As stringers, they only get paid per item or article. The film provides a unique insight into the war correspondent's everyday life. The fight against local bureaucrats and the corpses that remain on the battlefield, extreme stress alternated with long times of waiting. A movie by Patrick Bratt.
One night a strange event occurs at a hospital in the north of Sweden. Three girls are born who are all baptized into the name Johanna.
Fucking Åmål
La película relata la historia de Agnes Ahlberg y Elin Olsson, alumnas de secundario en el "insignificante" pueblo de Åmål. Elin es extrovertida, popular y ha estado con innumerables chicos, pero encuentra su vida exasperantemente aburrida. Agnes, por el contrario, es tímida y no ha conseguido hacer amigos desde que se mudó con su familia a Åmål hace un año.
Das einfache Glück
Sabine works in a hairdressing salon in Berlin. In order to keep the job, she has to occasionally grab the boss. She also feeds her boyfriend Frank. Sabine has simple dreams: sleek-cars and holidays on the beach.