François Ceppi


La Séparation
In Paris, Pierre and Anne have been living together for a couple of years and they have the eighteen months son Loulou, who stays with the nanny Laurence during the day while they work. Their best friends are the couple Victor and Claire, who also is not married but live together. Out of the blue, Pierre feels Anne estranged with him and sooner she discloses that she is in love with another man. Pierre seems to accept her affair but their relationship rapidly deteriorates, and Pierre becomes violent with her.
Night Taxi
It is only a few years into the future, but the face of France has changed drastically, due to its takeover by a moralistic, hypocritical and totalitarian regime. Women with children who want to divorce their husbands are not allowed to do so, all political parties have been outlawed, smoking is illegal and everyone must work. After a spat with her boyfriend, Carole (Laure Marsac) hails a taxi, not realizing that she has done so without any of the money or identification papers she needs. Her driver (Bruno Cremer) attempts to help her, but a variety of mishaps bring her to the attention of the police, who proceed to arrest her on made-up charges and a phoney HIV-positive result on tests given at the time of arrest.
Beau fixe
A group of 4 girls decide to revise for their exams together, in the summer vacation. They move from Paris to the countryside, where Valerie's grandmother has a vacant house. The film is all about their inter-personal relationships, and how living together effects each of them. Then Valerie's male cousin arrives one day, and we see how they deal with the young man, and vice versa
The Discreet
There is an author who has been dumped by his girlfriend and has no inspiration for a next novel. In an attempt to find a solution to both crises, he, along with his publisher friend, decides to seduce a young woman with the singular purpose of keeping a diary of the seduction and then dump her before publishing the book about it. Unfortunately he falls in love with her.
Acoso a una mujer
Claire, una turista francesa, es arrestada en una isla mediterránea por Kasta, el puritano jefe de policía local, que la acusa de inmoralidad en público. El juez la libera por falta de pruebas, pero Kasta, obsesionado con castigarla, la vuelve a detener de inmediato, esta vez acusándola de posesión de drogas. Mientras espera el juicio, Claire es enviada a una prisión de mujeres.
Dos bastardos en Saint-Tropez
Julius lleva a su mejor amigo Paul, recién salido de la prisión, al sur de Francia para unas vacaciones. Pero nuevas chicas, viejas llamas, mentiras y un par de estatuillas robadas les esperan.
The Fourth Power
Yves Dorget, major reporter in a daily newspaper, finds on an "affair" part of a simple news item Catherine Carré, his former friend, editor and chief and star presenter of a television newscast.
Brigada de la noche
Cuando la investigación sobre el asesinato de una prostituta por parte del vicedepartamento de París se descarrila, un policía no se detendrá ante nada para vengarse.
Primeros deseos
Tras un naufragio, tres adolescentes consiguen llegar a una isla, en la que encuentran una lujosa mansión. En ella viven Julia, una pianista de renombre, y su marido. La mujer enseguida las invita a alojarse en su casa.
The girlfriend of an associate of a gangland boss, is persuaded by a police detective to inform about her lover's associates.
Billy Wilder, un hombre perfecto al 60%
French film critic Michel Ciment interviews Billy Wilder about his life and filmmaking.
Ciné regards: Judy Davis
Television documentary about Australian actress Judy Davis and her film debut MY BRILLIANT CAREER (1979).
Attention, the Kids Are Watching
In a seaside villa, under the care of a nanny, a group of children spend most of their days watching violent television shows.
The Accuser
In this sardonic comedy, after an executive is killed in a mysterious automobile accident, the French offices of his multinational company is inundated with mysteriously threatening be-ribboned anti-capitalist tracts, delivered overnight to everyone's desks. Later, the executive's body is brought to company offices for an official wake -- only no one at the company has ordered that such a thing be done. A mysterious prankster, who is able to imitate the voice of the company's president, has arranged these things. When Americans from the head office get wind of these developments, they institute a search for the perpetrator which leads to mysterious subterranean passages under the company's skyscraper.
The Track
Somewhere in rural France, a young English female tourist is sexually assaulted by two men in the countryside. After she manages to escape, a party of local hunters agree to track her in order to cover up the scandal.
Right  to the city
Lefebvre's Le Droit à la Ville as visualised by Jean-Louis Bertucelli
Justine de Sade
Thérèse (Alice Arno) es una huérfana joven e inocente a la que le ha tocado vivir en una sociedad de lujuria y depravación. Se verá obliga a enfrentarse a todo tipo de perversiones en las que participarán bandidos, aristócratas, clérigos… Todo englobado en una serie de degradación sexual suprema, de la que ella intentará huir en todo momento con tal de salvaguardar su virtud.
Astérix el Galo
En el año 50 antes de Cristo toda la Galia ha sido ocupada por los romanos... ¿Toda? no; una pequeña aldea de irreductibles galos resiste incansable al invasor. En el campamento romano próximo de Petibonum, Caius Bonus está muy enfadado porque sus patrullas, cada vez que se encuentran con alguno de los habitantes del pequeño pueblo galo, son derrotadas y dispersadas. Ello es debido a que los galos toman una poción mágica que les hace invencibles, cuya fórmula secreta sólo es conocida por el druida Panoramix. Los romanos secuestran al druida, pero no consiguen que les revele la fórmula secreta. Entretanto, Astérix, que ha echado de menos a Panorámix, se introduce en el campamento romano para liberarle...