Jean-Pierre Darras

Jean-Pierre Darras

Nacimiento : 1927-11-26, Paris, France

Muerte : 1999-07-05


Jean-Pierre Darras


Comiques de toujours, coffret Vol. 1 à 4
Self (archive footage)
Georges Dandin de Molière
Monsieur de Sottenville
The adaptation of Molière's comedy-ballet in three acts.
El castillo de mi madre
Narrator, Marcel Pagnol (voice)
Continuación de "La gloria de mi padre". Como cada periodo de vacaciones, el joven Marcel regresa con su familia a la casa de la Provenza. Allí se reencontrará con su amigo Lili y hará un nuevo descubrimiento: una niña rica que vive con su madre en un viejo castillo. (FILMAFFINITY)
La gloria de mi padre
Marcel Pagnol, elderly, narrator (voice)
Basada en la autobiografía de Marcel Pagnol, académico de la lengua francesa. Marcel y su familia deciden pasar sus vacaciones juntos en la Provenza francesa y allí conoce a un niño dela zona que le enseñará los secretos de las colinas, en el que será para él un verano inolvidable. (FILMAFFINITY)
Diary of a Madman
The director
In the nineteenth century, in St. Petersburg. Poprichtchine, a small official living almost in misery, decides not to go to the office. Coming from a noble family, he can not stand his condition anymore.
L'amour à la lettre
Quentin Granier
Benedicte is a divorced woman who is greatly appreciated by those around her. One day, she finds an anonymous declaration of love on her desk. The strange letters accumulate and Benedicta is eager to discover the author. And who better to help her in this exciting investigation than her wild ten-year-old daughter?
Astérix y la sorpresa del César
Abraracourcix (voice)
En el único pueblo del mundo romano que se resiste a César, Obélix se enamora locamente de una recién llegada, Falbala. En el momento que, animado por Astérix, le ofrece flores, ella se precipita en los brazos de su novio, Tragicómix. En el curso de un paseo romántico, los novios son detenidos por un afanoso pero ignorante decurión, Effrayé, el jefe del campo romano, que les envía a la legión, al Sáhara. Después de destruir al campo romano local, Astérix y Obélix, ayudados por Idéfix, deciden enrolarse en la legión para rescatarles. Después del entrenamiento anormalmente breve, llegan a un campo romano en medio del desierto.
Le braconnier de Dieu
A monk for thirty-seven years, Brother Gregory could not resist the temptation. Leaving the monastery for the first time to fulfill his duty as a voter, he catches up with pastis and women.
Le bourgeois gentilhomme
Le maître de philosophie
In this adaptation of the play by Molière, Monsieur Jourdain, social climber, nouveau rich but naive, dreams of being recognized in high society. He hires masters of music, dance, philosophy. He has gone mad with thoughts of honors, decorations, and power.
Por la piel de un policía
Commissaire Chauffard
Un policia retirado trabaja como investigador privado. Un día, la anciana Madame Pigot lo contrata para que encuentre a su hija ciega. (FILMAFFINITY)
Signé Furax
The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.
La Puce et le Privé
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.
The Impostures of Scapin
Octave has married Hyacinthe during the absence of Argante, his father.
El derecho a matar
Una noche, Michel Gerfaut descubre a un herido dentro de un coche. Se lo lleva al hospital y se va sin hacer ninguna declaración. No duda en ningún momento de que acaba de meterse de lleno en una peligrosa conspiración destinada a eliminar uno por uno a los dirigentes de una empresa de armamento. Michel se convierte en un testigo que incomoda a algunos.
L'Hôtel du libre échange
Out of It
Jacques Panivaux
The lawyer is visiting a prison to meet with a violent criminal who has been condemned to death. During the visit, things turn bad, there is a riot where prisoners escape and the criminal escapes taking a lawyer hostage.
Genre masculin
“A l’aventure”: the expression is beautiful for this sinister place, grubby, old and outdated that is the cafe of Mr. Jacquot. Yet this is where Pierre, Adolphe, Alain and François meet every day.
Le chasseur de chez Maxim's
le Ministre
The love story like no other of an aristocrat with the daughter of the bellboy at Chez Maxim's restaurant.
Love and Cool Water
Jip, a young piano teacher in Paris, lived in the cozy comfort with his mistress Mona, who is twenty years older, until he met the young and lovely Rita. Together, they lead a bohemian lifestyle and go on a trip to the south. But on their return, Rita falls ill ...
Attention les yeux!
Un réalisateur sans beaucoup d'expérience souhaite tourner un film pornographique.
Juegos de tres esposas liberadas
Lucien Dorgeval
Dos parejas, proclives a frecuentes discusiones, se separan: los chicos se instalan en el despacho de su agencia de publicidad. No tarda en unírseles un tercero, su principal cliente y amigo. Las chicas, por su parte, liberadas del yugo de sus maridos, desarrollan cada una su propia personalidad...
Folie douce
El embrollón
Dr. Edgar Fuchs
Ralph Milan, asesino a sueldo, espera pacientemente en la habitación de un hotel de Montpellier el momento en que debe disparar a un tal Randoni, testigo principal de un caso de corrupción. Pero no ha contado con la presencia de Pignon, el inquilino de la habitación de al lado. Abandonado por su mujer, este vendedor de camisas elige ese mismo momento para poner fin a sus días, llamando la atención del personal del hotel y la policía. Mr. Milan tendrá que hacer todo lo posible para evitar que el desesperado Pignon frustre sus planes... En el año 2008 el guionista Francis Veber dirigió él mismo un remake.
The Suburbs Are Everywhere
He is a sales rep. She is a secretary. They live in the suburbs but she works in Paris. They don't see much of each other and spend much of their time in commuter trains. They try desperately to change job locations to be more often together, but... The plot is not the important thing in the film ; what makes it emblematic of the early and mid-seventies is the insouciant atmosphere. The '74 oil crisis had not yet morphed into a recession, and life was good - even though it was as hard as ever to find a home near one's workplace (or the reverse) ! Marthe Keller and Jacques Higelin are both excellent. The movie is not an all-time great, but it captures the "zeitgeist" of French life in the Seventies.
At the Meeting with Joyous Death
The premise deals with a family living in a country-house which turns out to be 'alive' – to the point where a TV crew is brought in to 'capture' the paranormal phenomena
La Main passe
Étienne Massenay
Le Viager
Emile Galipeau
In 1930, Louis Martinet, a peaceful sexagenarian, no longer has a long life to live according to the words of his doctor, Leon Galipeau, who sees to take advantage of the very interesting situation of the "future deceased". This one indeed has a small house in Saint-Tropez. Galipeau sniffs the windfall. Following his advice, Martinet agrees to give it in life to the brother of the doctor, Emile, and then rushes back to a health of iron. Worse, he even survives the war. Galipeau, exhausted, decide to use the great means to get rid of the importunce who persists in thwarting their project ...
The Old Maid
Muriel is a shy woman who bluffs and blusters around in order to hide her shyness and to protect her loneliness, even though she longs wistfully for a companion of some sort. She has been lonely so long that now she is an old maid and has never been wooed. In this gentle French film, Muriel gets a glimpse of romance when Gabriel walks into the seaside hotel she is vacationing in. His car has broken down, and he has to stay there for a few days while it is repaired. Hers is the only dinner table with room at it, and Gabriel cannot prevent himself from charming women. She is stiff with him at first, but soon they develop a friendship.
La Ville-bidon
M. Brunet
A fake documentary on the life forms of the Paris Suburbs, viewed through the eyes of homeless, unemployed people the sharks of politics and building societies push to hopeless life.
Elise, or Real Life
Le commissaire
Elise (Marie-Josee Nat) is a young provincial woman working in a factory in Paris. Her revolutionary brother secured the position for her, and she falls in love with an Algerian native who works with her. She becomes painfully aware of the prejudice he experiences from the police and his superiors. The recent conflict between France and Algeria only compounds the problems of Algerians in France. Her love and concern for the man causes her to search for him after he disappears one day. Elise considers moving to Algeria to find the man she loves in this bitter social drama.
Et qu'ça saute!
Jorge Blanco
En una pequeña república sudamericana aparece un gran yacimiento de uranio. El gobierno, entre revolución y revolución, ha de decidir a quién cede la concesión, estadounidenses, rusos o cubanos. Los delegados de los tres espías se espían y traicionan sin cesar
She Does Not Drink, Smoke or Flirt But... She Talks
Georges, Monsieur le Comte
Germaine se gana la vida limpiando las casas de tres señores distintos. Todos ocultan algún asunto sucio y a Germaine le encantan los cotilleos. Por lo tanto, para redondear sus mensualidades, decide chantajearlos.
L'amour des 4 colonels
A Golden Widow
A woman learns that she is sole legatee of her forgotten rich uncle, but there is a small problem: she's got to be a widow to latch onto the dough or the fortune will go to a vague sect...
La Coqueluche
Un empleado de ferrocarriles recibe como regalo un gallo
Would-Be Gentleman
Le maître de ballet
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme satirizes attempts at social climbing and the bourgeois personality, poking fun both at the vulgar, pretentious middle-class and the vain, snobbish aristocracy. The title is meant as an oxymoron: in Molière's France, a "gentleman" was by definition nobly born, and thus there could be no such thing as a bourgeois gentleman.
El tatuado
Lucien, le facteur
Un marchante de arte especializado en la compra y venta de cuadros siempre está al acecho de alguna obra rara. Y finalmente la encuentra en el lugar que menos se hubiera podido imaginar. Se trata de un autorretrato de Modigliani que adorna la espalda de un antiguo legionario.
Base on Paul Féval's "Le Bossu" ("The Hunchback")
Demasiadas mujeres para Layton
Detective in Interrogation Room
Layton, agente del servicio secreto, ha de descubrir el paradero de Hakim Gregory, un traficante de drogas que ha escapado de la cárcel después de matar a varios guardias, pero las mujeres se interponen en su camino...
The Second Twin
The commissioner
Middle-aged attorney Pierre falls for a young woman who dances in a discotheque to work her way through medical school. The lovestruck lawyer can't bring himself to leave his wife over the young woman. When the dancer's wealthy suitor is murdered, Pierre is accused of the crime.
Un mundo nuevo
Primer film rodado en francés por Vittorio De Sica, que sigue los pasos de un joven y una joven que forman una pareja, a pesar de que sus vidas son muy distintas e independientes, y se resisten a casarse. Sin embargo, ella se queda embarazada inesperadamente, lo que trastocará por completo sus vidas.
Lucky Jo
Lucky Jo and his three friends are little criminals, who try to live from small burglaries. But they never have luck - ever so often something inpredictable happens to Jo and gets one of them arrested. While Jo is in prison once again, they decide they'd better do without him in future. He decides to help them secretly...and unfortunately.
José, un truand
Désespéré par la mort de sa femme, le banquier René Duchesne se promène le long de la Seine. Seule la rencontre de Suzanne, son ancienne femme de chambre lui révélant les infidélités de Madame, le sauve du suicide. Monsieur décide alors d'aider sa protégée à sortir de la prostitution, et d'empêcher ses beaux-parents de faire main basse sur l'héritage.
Un tal La Rocca
Robert La Rocca y a su amigo Xavier, están condenados en prisión por estar implicados en el asesinato de una banda rival. Cuando salen de la cárcel se muestran dispuestos a cambiar de vida, pero el pasado acabará marcando su destino.
Dos hombres en Manhattan
Un diplomático francés que trabaja en la sede de la ONU en Nueva York desaparece inexplicablemente. Con el fin de hallar alguna pista sobre su paradero o sobre las misteriosas razones que pudieron obligarlo a abandonar la ciudad, los periodistas franceses Moreau y Delmas se trasladan a Nueva York.