Mario Camerini

Mario Camerini

Nacimiento : 1895-02-06, Roma, Lazio, Italy

Muerte : 1981-02-04


Director de cine italiano, nacido en Roma. Estudió derecho y se alistó en el ejército italiano durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Apresado por los alemanes y liberado al final de la contienda, de regreso a Italia comenzó a trabajar en el cine con su primo Augusto Genina, que dirigía films desde 1913. Sus primeros trabajos fueron como guionista y ayudante de dirección, pero ya en 1923 dirigió su primera película: Vida y muerte de un clown. Durante el período mudo no fue muy prolífico, en parte por el casi ruinoso estado de la industria italiana después de la guerra. Entre las escasas referencias que se conservan de sus primeras películas destacan Voglio tradire mio marito (1925), una comedia al estilo de Lubitsch sobre malentendidos matrimoniales, y Kiff Tebbi (1927), rodada enteramente en África. Rodó también en exteriores ¡Que sinvergüenzas son los hombres! (1932), en la que ya podían verse algunas de las constantes que caracterizarán al movimiento neorrealista (véase Neorrealismo cinematográfico), como el interés por las clases trabajadoras. Protagonizada por Vittorio De Sica y Lia Franca, cuenta la historia de amor entre una dependienta y un chófer. Al año siguiente dirigió Te amaré siempre (1933), en la que mezclaba el melodrama tradicional con un toque de ironía a la hora de contar la historia de la seducción de una joven campesina (Elsa de Giorgio) por un conde que la abandona. La sátira social de este film se convirtió en una de las señas de identidad de Camerini como cineasta y estuvo presente en algunos de sus mejores títulos durante los primeros años del sonoro. Así, por ejemplo, en Daró un milione (1936), en la que Vittorio De Sica interpreta a un millionario que cambia su identidad con un mendigo. Se trata de la primera película como guionista de Cesare Zavatinni, uno de los pilares fundamentales del neorrealismo. Mario Soldati escribió junto al propio Camerini Bajo aristocrático disfraz (1937), otro vehículo para De Sica, un auténtico ídolo en Italia por aquel entonces. Otra de sus grandes películas de estos años fue la lujosa versión de la obra de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón El sombrero de tres picos (1934), protagonizada por los hermanos Peppino y Eduardo de Filippo y de la que Camerini dirigiría luego una segunda versión, La bella campesina (1955), con Sophia Loren, De Sica y Marcello Mastroianni. La ascensión al poder de Mussolini y la Segunda Guerra Mundial impusieron fuertes restricciones en la industria. Durante esos años destacó Te amaré siempre (1943), revisión de su éxito de 1933 interpretada por Alida Valli. Camerini y su guionista Sergio Amidei trasladaron la acción del campo a una peluquería en la que trabajaba Adrianna, la joven seducida y embarazada por el hijo de un banquero. Este melodrama se encuentra entre lo mejor de la obra de Camerini. Durante la postguerra se sumó a la explosión neorrealista con escaso éxito y regresó a las comedias sentimentales y adaptaciones literarias. En los años cincuenta vivió un momento de esplendor al dirigir Ulises (1953), el primer intento del cine italiano de producir películas de acción para el mercado internacional gracias a la presencia de estrellas americanas como Kirk Douglas y Anthony Quinn. En la mejor tradición del peplum, rodó en sus últimos años como director El misterio del templo hindú (1963) y Kali Jug (1964), vehículos para el lucimiento del americano Lex Barker.


Mario Camerini


Don Camilo y los jóvenes de hoy
Es posible que el alcalde Peppone pierda las elecciones, y Don Camilo se encarga de que el hijo delincuente del alcalde haga su numerito, mientras su sobrina insinúa a Peppone que está embarazada de su hijo.
Don Camilo y los jóvenes de hoy
Es posible que el alcalde Peppone pierda las elecciones, y Don Camilo se encarga de que el hijo delincuente del alcalde haga su numerito, mientras su sobrina insinúa a Peppone que está embarazada de su hijo.
Yo no veo, tu no hablas, el no oye
Valerio y Reginella encuentran un terrier que se ha escapado de su dueña, una acaudalada dama francesa. Van a Venecia para devolverlo y cobrar la recompensa, pero encuentran a la señora en cuestión asesinada en su domicilio. Huyen despavoridos, pero olvidan la maleta en el lugar de los hechos...
Yo no veo, tu no hablas, el no oye
Valerio y Reginella encuentran un terrier que se ha escapado de su dueña, una acaudalada dama francesa. Van a Venecia para devolverlo y cobrar la recompensa, pero encuentran a la señora en cuestión asesinada en su domicilio. Huyen despavoridos, pero olvidan la maleta en el lugar de los hechos...
Delitto quasi perfetto
Delitto quasi perfetto
Kali Yug
Los malvados indios, aficionados a los sacrificios humanos, intentan expulsar a los ingleses de su patria, pero otros buenos ayudan a la Pérfida Albión en su campaña protectora.
Kali Yug, la diosa de la venganza
Secuela de "Kali Yug, El misterio del templo indio"
Kali Yug, la diosa de la venganza
Secuela de "Kali Yug, El misterio del templo indio"
Seduction Of The South
Based on the events from the Italian civil war. In 1860's, a member of a guerrilla force captures a colonel from the opposing army and later leads one of the sides to victory.
Seduction Of The South
Based on the events from the Italian civil war. In 1860's, a member of a guerrilla force captures a colonel from the opposing army and later leads one of the sides to victory.
...And Suddenly It's Murder!
Three couples are involved in a murder at Montecarlo.
Run with the Devil
En la calle del mismo nombre se entremezclan jóvenes pintores que quieren alcanzar el reconocimiento, y otros jóvenes que sólo desean "llegar".
Run with the Devil
En la calle del mismo nombre se entremezclan jóvenes pintores que quieren alcanzar el reconocimiento, y otros jóvenes que sólo desean "llegar".
First Love
Ugo meets the 18-year-old Renata in the hostel where she is staying. He falls in love with and leaves with her for several romantic places until the money ends. Ugo will try to get the girl engaged on a local TV station, but Renata falls in love with a manager.
First Love
Ugo meets the 18-year-old Renata in the hostel where she is staying. He falls in love with and leaves with her for several romantic places until the money ends. Ugo will try to get the girl engaged on a local TV station, but Renata falls in love with a manager.
Holiday Island
Intersecting lives on an island holiday: A lawyer anxious he caused a youth's death.An engineer suspecting his wife after being teased by pranksters.A young man falling for a nurse.A Frenchman seeing his wife wooed by a local.
Holiday Island
Intersecting lives on an island holiday: A lawyer anxious he caused a youth's death.An engineer suspecting his wife after being teased by pranksters.A young man falling for a nurse.A Frenchman seeing his wife wooed by a local.
The Awakening
Una misionera que ha estado en África durante 20 años es enviada a un convento cercano a Nápoles, donde toma cariño a un niño cuyo padre ha muerto. La madre del niño está a punto de abandonarle para seguir a un hombre del que está enamorada, y que piensa emigrar a Estados Unidos.
The Awakening
Una misionera que ha estado en África durante 20 años es enviada a un convento cercano a Nápoles, donde toma cariño a un niño cuyo padre ha muerto. La madre del niño está a punto de abandonarle para seguir a un hombre del que está enamorada, y que piensa emigrar a Estados Unidos.
The Awakening
Una misionera que ha estado en África durante 20 años es enviada a un convento cercano a Nápoles, donde toma cariño a un niño cuyo padre ha muerto. La madre del niño está a punto de abandonarle para seguir a un hombre del que está enamorada, y que piensa emigrar a Estados Unidos.
Guerra y paz
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Leon Tolstoi. En el año 1805 Napoleón amenaza con invadir Rusia. Pierre Bezukhov es un intelectual pacifista y ocioso, hijo natural de un noble. Cuando estalla la guerra, se mantiene al margen de la contienda y frecuenta la casa de sus amigos los Rostov, una acogedora familia aristocrática, en la que brilla por su encanto y generosidad Natasha.
La bella campesina
En el siglo XVII, cuando Nápoles formaba parte del Imperio Español, un astuto molinero (Mastroianni) se aprovecha de la belleza de su mujer para obtener favores de la administración española. Remake de "El sombrero de tres picos" que estrenó el propio Camerini 20 años antes.
La bella campesina
En el siglo XVII, cuando Nápoles formaba parte del Imperio Español, un astuto molinero (Mastroianni) se aprovecha de la belleza de su mujer para obtener favores de la administración española. Remake de "El sombrero de tres picos" que estrenó el propio Camerini 20 años antes.
Adaptación de "La Odisea" de Homero. Terminada la guerra de Troya con la victoria de los griegos, Ulises (Kirk Douglas) navegará durante diez largos años, teniendo que superar terribles dificultades, antes de llegar a su palacio de Ítaca.
Adaptación de "La Odisea" de Homero. Terminada la guerra de Troya con la victoria de los griegos, Ulises (Kirk Douglas) navegará durante diez largos años, teniendo que superar terribles dificultades, antes de llegar a su palacio de Ítaca.
Gli uomini, che mascalzoni!
Sunday Heroes
Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to rig it. He refuses the offer but he actually begins playing like an amateur and the crowd begin to smell something fishy going on.
Sunday Heroes
Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to rig it. He refuses the offer but he actually begins playing like an amateur and the crowd begin to smell something fishy going on.
Sunday Heroes
Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to rig it. He refuses the offer but he actually begins playing like an amateur and the crowd begin to smell something fishy going on.
Wife for a Night
A poor musician hires a courtesan to pose as his wife so he can "give" her to a wealthy count in return for patronage.
Honeymoon Deferred
After World War 2, a newly married couple travel to Italy on their honeymoon and visit the town where the husband fought. The town, however, holds some secrets.
Honeymoon Deferred
After World War 2, a newly married couple travel to Italy on their honeymoon and visit the town where the husband fought. The town, however, holds some secrets.
Outlaw Girl
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
Outlaw Girl
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
Woman Trouble
Driven by the constant quarrels with his wife and humiliated by a rich Milanese industrialist after asking him for a job, an unemployed person decides to steal a car from a garage guarded by a friend.
Woman Trouble
Driven by the constant quarrels with his wife and humiliated by a rich Milanese industrialist after asking him for a job, an unemployed person decides to steal a car from a garage guarded by a friend.
The Captain's Daughter
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
The Captain's Daughter
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
The Captain's Daughter
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
The Captain's Daughter
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
Two Anonymous Letters
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
Two Anonymous Letters
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
T'amerò sempre
Seduced by count Diego and then abandoned, Adriana finds a job at a large hairdresser shop, so she can lead a dignified life together with her daughter.
T'amerò sempre
Seduced by count Diego and then abandoned, Adriana finds a job at a large hairdresser shop, so she can lead a dignified life together with her daughter.
T'amerò sempre
Seduced by count Diego and then abandoned, Adriana finds a job at a large hairdresser shop, so she can lead a dignified life together with her daughter.
Love Story
Venice Film Festival 1942
The Betrothed
Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her kidnapped and brought to a convent whose prioress is a nun as wicked as he is. The two youths will have to go through a lot of misfortunes before being reunited and being able to marry.
The Betrothed
Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her kidnapped and brought to a convent whose prioress is a nun as wicked as he is. The two youths will have to go through a lot of misfortunes before being reunited and being able to marry.
Una romantica avventura
Directed by Mario Camerini.
A Hundred Thousand Dollars
On a whim, an American man offers a girl the sum of $100,000 if she will marry him.
A Hundred Thousand Dollars
On a whim, an American man offers a girl the sum of $100,000 if she will marry him.
Department Store
In a massive department store the driver romances the shopgirl. The problem is that the manager also has his eye on her, and some employees seem to be pilfering goods from the place.
Department Store
In a massive department store the driver romances the shopgirl. The problem is that the manager also has his eye on her, and some employees seem to be pilfering goods from the place.
Department Store
In a massive department store the driver romances the shopgirl. The problem is that the manager also has his eye on her, and some employees seem to be pilfering goods from the place.
Department Store
In a massive department store the driver romances the shopgirl. The problem is that the manager also has his eye on her, and some employees seem to be pilfering goods from the place.
Der Mann, der nicht nein sagen kann
Tonight at Eleven
A comedy poking fun at earlier 1930s American crime films: A society lady goes after a gang of outlaws and lands up becoming involved romantically with a gangster.
Mister Max
Vittorio De Sica, heir to a large sum of money and owner of a newspaper vending stall, makes enough money out of his business to take a vacation at a fashionable resort. He is given a cruise ticket by an aristocrat who is an old school friend, and is mistaken for the aristocrat when he uses a camera that has his friends name on it. Assia Noris plays a maid who falls in love with him because of who he is and not who others think he is. Happy ending comes when De Sica marries Noris, who is more real than the pampered society belles he has been partying with.
Mister Max
Vittorio De Sica, heir to a large sum of money and owner of a newspaper vending stall, makes enough money out of his business to take a vacation at a fashionable resort. He is given a cruise ticket by an aristocrat who is an old school friend, and is mistaken for the aristocrat when he uses a camera that has his friends name on it. Assia Noris plays a maid who falls in love with him because of who he is and not who others think he is. Happy ending comes when De Sica marries Noris, who is more real than the pampered society belles he has been partying with.
Mister Max
Vittorio De Sica, heir to a large sum of money and owner of a newspaper vending stall, makes enough money out of his business to take a vacation at a fashionable resort. He is given a cruise ticket by an aristocrat who is an old school friend, and is mistaken for the aristocrat when he uses a camera that has his friends name on it. Assia Noris plays a maid who falls in love with him because of who he is and not who others think he is. Happy ending comes when De Sica marries Noris, who is more real than the pampered society belles he has been partying with.
But It's Nothing Serious
Based on a Pirandello play, Vittori De Sica plays a wealthy young social lion who has to constantly fight off a horde of women who are eager to marry him because of his position and money. He weds Elisa Cegani, a servant girl, who turns out to be a more appealing wife than any of the others could have been. Assis Noris decorates the screen well as one of the chasers and pursuers. In 1937, De Sica and Noris made a film, "II Signor Max," which, other than the setting and character role names, basically has the same plot as this film.
But It's Nothing Serious
Based on a Pirandello play, Vittori De Sica plays a wealthy young social lion who has to constantly fight off a horde of women who are eager to marry him because of his position and money. He weds Elisa Cegani, a servant girl, who turns out to be a more appealing wife than any of the others could have been. Assis Noris decorates the screen well as one of the chasers and pursuers. In 1937, De Sica and Noris made a film, "II Signor Max," which, other than the setting and character role names, basically has the same plot as this film.
Il grande appello
An Italian proprietor of a squalid Djibouti bar collaborated in selling arms to Ethiopians fighting his own country's invasion but after finding his long lost son on the Fascist front he decides to choose patriotism over selfish profit.
Il grande appello
An Italian proprietor of a squalid Djibouti bar collaborated in selling arms to Ethiopians fighting his own country's invasion but after finding his long lost son on the Fascist front he decides to choose patriotism over selfish profit.
Il grande appello
An Italian proprietor of a squalid Djibouti bar collaborated in selling arms to Ethiopians fighting his own country's invasion but after finding his long lost son on the Fascist front he decides to choose patriotism over selfish profit.
Come le foglie
Come le foglie
Three Cornered Hat
A comedy about a governor who wants a miller's wife and tries to fix a night with her by putting the miller in jail.
I'll Give a Million
A comedy about a hobo and a millionaire who swap roles after the millionaire rescues the hobo from a suicide attempt.
I'll Give a Million
A comedy about a hobo and a millionaire who swap roles after the millionaire rescues the hobo from a suicide attempt.
The homonymy of her husband with a criminal who has several murders on his conscience, committed in Canada, scaring the young wife who is a passionate reader of mystery novels and has a guilty conscience
The homonymy of her husband with a criminal who has several murders on his conscience, committed in Canada, scaring the young wife who is a passionate reader of mystery novels and has a guilty conscience
I Will Love You Always
T'amerò sempre
100 of these days
Count Agostino di Montecorvo's nephew and niece pretend they get married for his hundredth birthday since the old man has had this wish for a long time. But when the count wants them to beget a child as well they are forced to present him with a fake one. But then the child's mother wants it back...
100 of these days
Count Agostino di Montecorvo's nephew and niece pretend they get married for his hundredth birthday since the old man has had this wish for a long time. But when the count wants them to beget a child as well they are forced to present him with a fake one. But then the child's mother wants it back...
100 of these days
Count Agostino di Montecorvo's nephew and niece pretend they get married for his hundredth birthday since the old man has had this wish for a long time. But when the count wants them to beget a child as well they are forced to present him with a fake one. But then the child's mother wants it back...
The Last Adventure
Un noble y anciano soltero se enamora de una chica y la lleva de vacaciones a Rapallo. Pero la chica también es cortejada por un segundo pretendiente, mucho más joven. Así, cuando el joven se declara, ella deja al viejo noble, que había dudado en declararse, dejando escapar "la última aventura".
The Last Adventure
Un noble y anciano soltero se enamora de una chica y la lleva de vacaciones a Rapallo. Pero la chica también es cortejada por un segundo pretendiente, mucho más joven. Así, cuando el joven se declara, ella deja al viejo noble, que había dudado en declararse, dejando escapar "la última aventura".
What Scoundrels Men Are!
Bruno, a chauffeur having some problem in keeping a job, meets one morning Mariuccia, a taxi driver’s daughter working as a perfumery’s shop assistant, and trying to impress her, pretending to be rich, uses his employer’s car to took her on a trip to the lakes, but things don’t work as planned and to conquer Mariuccia’s hearth won’t be so easy…
What Scoundrels Men Are!
Bruno, a chauffeur having some problem in keeping a job, meets one morning Mariuccia, a taxi driver’s daughter working as a perfumery’s shop assistant, and trying to impress her, pretending to be rich, uses his employer’s car to took her on a trip to the lakes, but things don’t work as planned and to conquer Mariuccia’s hearth won’t be so easy…
What Scoundrels Men Are!
Bruno, a chauffeur having some problem in keeping a job, meets one morning Mariuccia, a taxi driver’s daughter working as a perfumery’s shop assistant, and trying to impress her, pretending to be rich, uses his employer’s car to took her on a trip to the lakes, but things don’t work as planned and to conquer Mariuccia’s hearth won’t be so easy…
Figaro and His Great Day
In this delightful mixture of romance, comedy and music, the director turns back the wheel of time about sixty years and shows the audience an Italy of primitive railroads, high bicycles and the famous "dolce far niente." Taking the visit of a traveling opera company to a small town, where it is scheduled to present "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" and where one of the most important citizens is a retired opera singer, the scenario writer weaves a web of merry complications well calculated to keep the spectators in a happy mood.
Under your eyes
1931 film made for Fiat
A young honeymooning couple are lured away to a seaside resort by a high-society sleazeball, who has plans to seduce the girl, while at the same time her hubby in desperation stakes all his money on the roulette wheels.
A young honeymooning couple are lured away to a seaside resort by a high-society sleazeball, who has plans to seduce the girl, while at the same time her hubby in desperation stakes all his money on the roulette wheels.
A young honeymooning couple are lured away to a seaside resort by a high-society sleazeball, who has plans to seduce the girl, while at the same time her hubby in desperation stakes all his money on the roulette wheels.
A young honeymooning couple are lured away to a seaside resort by a high-society sleazeball, who has plans to seduce the girl, while at the same time her hubby in desperation stakes all his money on the roulette wheels.
Kif Tebbi
A young Italian-educated Libyan nobleman is summoned to fight for the Ottoman Empire in 1911.
Maciste in Africa
A young girl is abducted by her tutor, and they set off in a ship which has a sheik on board, who tries to molest her, but she is saved by a sailor. He and Maciste fight off the entire crew but the girl is captured again by the sheik and carried off to his harem, where Maciste and the sailor rescue her and take her back to Italy.
I Want to Betray My Husband
Adaptation of the Ermanno Geymonat play.
Saetta, principe per un giorno
Cyrano de Bergerac
La obra teatral CYRANO DE BERGERAC puede considerarse un clásico instantáneo. El verso de Edmond Ronstad, los amores de Cyrano por Roxane encauzados a través de Christian —joven sin discurso también enamorado de la bella— el aura patriótica de Cyrano, su capacidad de sacrificio y el hecho de estar inspirado en un personaje real de nariz tan legendaria como la de Cleopatra, convirtieron en éxito inmediato a esta obra estrenada en 1897. En 1920 ya contaba con cinco adaptaciones al cine y la de Augusto Genina se erigió por encima de todas las anteriores e, incluso, las posteriores sonoras. Protagonizado por el segundo actor que interpretó el personaje en escena, el film fue realizado en 1922 y durante cerca de 3 años fue sometido al laborioso coloreado de su largo metraje, por medio de plantillas fotograma a fotograma.