Alexis Tomassian

Alexis Tomassian


Alexis Tomassian


Samson (voice)
En 1863, Martha Janes debe aprender cómo manejar a los caballos de un carruaje para poder así participar en un convoy que transita por el oeste de los Estados Unidos. Un día decide ponerse pantalones y cortarse el pelo, generando así una enorme polémica que sacará a relucir su verdadero carácter ante las innumerables dificultades que se se presentan en un mundo tan grande como salvaje y en el que todo es posible.
Nadie lo sabe pero Zombillenium es un parque de atracciones habitado por auténticos monstruos. Para evitar que Héctor, un humano, revele la auténtica identidad de sus empleados, el Director Vampiro del parque se ve obligado a contratarle. Para volver a ver a su hija, Héctor hará todo lo posible por escapar de sus colegas Zombis, Hombres-Lobo y Vampiros… ¿Se convertirá este padre desesperado en la principal atracción de Zombillenium?
El aprendiz de papá noel y el copo de nieve mágico
Esta vez es oficial: Nicolas es el nuevo Papa Noel ¡Importantísima responsabilidad para un niño de 7 años! Pero a dos días de su primera Navidad, Nicolas debe plantar cara a una terrible crisis.
Spike: El secuestro de los renos
Spike (voice)
El taller de Papá Noel está funcionando a toda máquina, pero el oso Tony planea sabotearlo. Spike, junto a su prima periodista Dorothée y su amigo Paco intentarán evitar que Tony se salga con la suya.
Dead Line
Ethan (voice)
Ethan is electrocuted in the lift of his building. The Reaper comes to get his soul, but it is without taking into account madam Bompas's intervention, sparkling neighbor of Ethan.
Kiphy (voice)
Two stray cats come to secretly steal milk from a pharaoh's bath, but one of them becomes hypnotized by a life of wealth.
Spike salva la navidad
Spike (voice)
Spike, un elfo que trabaja para Papá Noel, tiene una importante misión: recuperar el saco que contiene todas las cartas que los niños han enviado. Spike contará con la ayuda de Raymond, un viejo elfo.
La Belle Lisse Poire du Prince de Motordu
L'homme qui hurle
Gustave Klopp suffers from narcolepsy, he can fall asleep everwhere at anytime whithout warning. Living a simple life with his wife Pam and his best friend Lenny Bar, Gus decides to undergo therapy sessions and finds out that he can make incredible comics from his dreams.
Le Passage du bac
The Lambs
In a village of the French Juras, Daniel, 15, and Marie, 14, live in the shadow of their brutal, domineering father, who can only express his love through violence. When their mother dies, the two inseparable children flee into the forest pursued by their father...
Cherche famille désespérément
After the accidental death of his son on a racetrack, Edward Milan, a wealthy industrialist, asks his nephew to find his grandson, who has been living in an orphanage for eleven years and whose existence he has just learned. But the boy, named Martineau, is suspicious of the police since he has been unjustly accused of shoplifting. He runs away when the two uniforms in charge of taking him back to his grandfather's house appear. He manages to find lodging with an old lady, a kleptomaniac at times, then with a theater prop master who is persecuted by his fiancée and finally with a lonely veterinarian.
Great, My Parents Divorce!
Julien, a boy in the sixth grade, was badly depressed by the divorce of his parents. But he soon found that half of the class had come from broken families.