Three people from three different worlds... Three Others who become the unwitting cause of each others suffering...Three ordinary lives so tormented that even death seems sweet... Can emotional pain be vanquished through physical pain?
After the Freedom Flotilla attempts to bring humanitarian assistance to Gaza refuses to turn back, it is attacked by the Israeli military. In a dramatic battle scene, activists resist and are killed by the Israeli soldiers. A Turkish commando team led by Polat Alemdar (Necati Şaşmaz) travels to West Bank in Palestine, where they launch a campaign against Israeli military personnel in an attempt to track down and eliminate an Israeli general, leader Moşe Ben Eliyezer (Erdal Beşikçioğlu), who is the responsible for the flotilla raid.
Executive Producer
El Valle de los Lobos evoca un hecho real: el arresto, el 4 de julio de 2003, de once miembros de las fuerzas especiales turcas por el ejército de Estados Unidos, ocurrido en Suleimanieh, norte de Irak. Los once soldados turcos fueron esposados y los estadounidenses les cubrieron la cabeza con sacos de yute. Después de haber sido interrogados durante varios días, fueron liberados sin que se les diera la menor explicación. Este incidente, que supuso una humillación para el pueblo turco, sirve de punto de partida a la historia de "Kurtlar vadisi - Irak".