Director of Photography
The story of Swedish silent film actress Sigrid Holmquist's life (1899-1970), by using the silent film medium. It consists of already existing film clips from the 1910s and 20s. Sigrid is played by eight different stars from her era, and she also plays herself. Sigrid Holmquist was born in Borås, Sweden and her stubborn spirit led her to become a movie star in Scandinavia and Hollywood before retiring from the movies in 1926. An experimental film project.
Director of Photography
Dos publicistas quieren lanzar a la presidencia de Estados Unidos a un magnate de la leche.
Director of Photography
Peyton Place es una pequeña localidad situada en el estado de Massachusetts donde últimamente sus habitantes están bastante disgustados con su vecina Allison MacKenzie (Carol Lynley), una muchacha que ha escrito una novela basada en las vidas de algunas de las personas que viven en el pueblo y que está siendo un verdadero éxito de ventas. Aunque los nombres han sido convenientemente cambiados, es fácil adivinar quien es quien en el libro, motivo por el cual, casi todos los vecinos se han puesto en contra suya, liderados por Roberta Carter (Mary Astor). Se trata de una bibliotecaria de la escuela, una mujer extremadamente seria e implacable. Curiosamente, una de las pocas personas que apoya a Allison es su padrastro, quien tiene desavenencias con la madre de ésta por dicho motivo
Director of Photography
Neddy, la segunda esposa del ranchero Sam Burton, es india kiowa, y su hijo Pacer (E. Presley) nace mestizo. Cuando en el territorio estalla la guerra entre los blancos y los indios, Pacer deberá elegir a cuál bando se aliará. La familia Burton se divide y se enfrenta sangrientamente. Basada en la novela "Flaming Lance" de Clair Huffaker; para muchos es la mejor película de Elvis, y eso que "El Rey" sólo canta una canción.
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Luigi, Jerry, and Mike are in boot camp when they are presented with a chance to represent their unit in competition on a national television show. The three guys are up to the challenge, which begins a chain of unusual circumstances that not only have them singing and dancing at the proper times, but also running into a trio of alluring young women.
Director of Photography
Los señores Dean hacen un viaje familiar por Sudamérica. Con ellos van sus hijas adolescentes que traerán de cabeza a sus padres. Y eso que el pobre padre pensaba que lo tenía todo controlado. No hay nada que hacer cuando comprueba que multitud de chavales jóvenes de buen ver se acercan para entablar conversación con sus "pequeñas".
Director of Photography
Basada en la novela homónima de William Faulkner, narra las vidas y las pasiones de los Compsons, una rígida e ilustre familia del Sur de los Estados Unidos que vive una grave crisis financiera y emocional. Howard (John Beal) se pasa el tiempo bebiendo, su hermano Bengy (Jack Warden) es un niño en el cuerpo de un hombre, Jason (Yul Brynner) es el más sereno de la familia. Y Quentin (Joanne Woodward), que es la narradora, es la única que tiene el coraje necesario para evitar la desintegración de su familia.
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En 1856, Townsend Harris (John Wayne), un diplomático americano, se le encomienda la misión de negociar con el hostil gobierno japonés para establecer relaciones comerciales. Harris tendrá que afrontar todo tipo de amenazas y dificultades y, aunque sucumbirá al embrujo de una hermosa geisha, llevará a cabo su cometido.
Director of Photography
El mayor Saville, un veterano de guerra que encabeza un grupo de oficiales, se enamora de la esposa de uno de ellos. Tras una peligrosa misión, el marido cae atrapado en las líneas enemigas y Saville es el encargado de rescatarle.
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Un agente de inteligencia estadounidense es enviado a Tokio para localizar una red de espionaje comunista.
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Alice Chicoy (Joan Collins) es la esposa de Johnny (Rick Jason), conductor de autobús. Alice es la dueña de un pequeño restaurante y le gusta demasiado el licor. Descontenta con lo que se ha convertido su vida, decide sorprender a su marido a medio camino del recorrido de su autobús. Entre los pasajeros, esta Camille Oakes (Jayne Mansfield), es una stripper en camino hacia un trabajo bien remunerado en San Juan. Camille se ve atrapada en un coqueteo con el vendedor ambulante Ernest Horton (Dan Dailey).
Director of Photography
Thomas Rath es un padre de familia felizmente casado que trabaja como ejecutivo de publicidad y que, además, está a punto de ser ascendido en su empresa. Pero, de repente, recibe una carta cuyo contenido provoca la crisis de su matrimonio: durante la II Guerra Mundial Rath había tenido un romance con una joven italiana, pero nunca supo que de aquella relación había nacido un hijo.
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Adaptación de un éxito de Broadway de Richard Rodgers y Oscar Hammerstein bajo la dirección de Rouben Mamoulian.
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Inglaterra siglo XVI. Relato sobre la atracción que la ya madura Reina Isabel I Tudor (Bette Davis) siente por el seductor Sir Walter Raleigh (Richard Todd) y su enconado enfrentamiento con una maquiavélica rival más joven que ella (Collins).
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Tres ladrones pretenden atracar un banco en una ciudad minera de Arizona. Cuando llega la noche realizan el asalto y huyen con un rehén hasta una población donde vive una comunidad Amish.
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Un productor de Broadway contrata a una escritora. Cuando ella aparece muerta en su apartamento, todas las sospechas recaen sobre él. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Suddenly es un pequeño pueblo de California donde nunca pasa nada. Un día, la noticia de que el tren del Presidente de los Estados Unidos hará una parada en el pueblo, provoca un gran revuelo. Unos gángsteres planean asesinarlo desde la ventana de una casa donde viven un jubilado del Servicio Secreto, su nuera viuda y el hijo de ésta. Los rehenes intentarán impedirlo.
Director of Photography
Un oficial de inteligencia de los Estados Unidos, destinado en Berlin tras la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), se ve atrapado en un dilema político cuando los rusos secuestran un soldado norteamericano, hijo de un importante hombree de negocios. Pretenden canjearlo por un matrimonio de ancianos alemanes, a los que buscan por traición.
Director of Photography
Un destacamento de la Marina americana establece su base de operaciones en el desierto del Gobi con el fin de enviar partes meteorológicos a la flota. Cuando se enteran de que los japoneses intentan atacar la base, para hacerles frente, organizan el primer regimiento de caballería con jinetes mongoles. Basada en hechos reales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
La historia de dos granujas (Lawford y Boone) que planean robar en el rancho de un irlandés borrachín. Pero uno de ellos queda cautivado por la belleza de la hija de la víctima (O'Hara).
Director of Photography
Los “Smoke Jumpers” son los intrépidos bomberos del estado de Montana, cuya misión es combatir los incendios forestales. En un terrible incendio provocado por un rayo mueren todos los miembros de una patrulla, excepto Cliff, que no recuerda absolutamente nada. Uno de sus compañeros lo acusará de haber abandonado a los demás y, entre ellos, a su propio padre.
Director of Photography
I'll Get By is an updated remake of the 1940 20th Century-Fox musical Tin Pan Alley. William Lundigan and Dennis Day play William Spencer and Freddie Lee respectively, successful song publishers who make hits out of such numbers as "I Got a Gal in Kalamazoo", "Deep in the Heart of Texas", "You Make Me Feel So Young", "There Will Never Be Another You", and other favorites (the rights to all of these songs were conveniently held by 20th Century-Fox). The partnership has some hard times, especially during the feud between ASCAP and the radio networks, when only public-domain songs like "I Dream of Jeannie" were permitted to be broadcast.
Director of Photography
Guerra Fría, la Crisis de Berlín. En 1948, la Unión Soviética decretó el bloqueo de los sectores occidentales de Berlín. Los rusos cortaron las comunicaciones por carretera de modo que las zonas ocupadas por los aliados se quedaron sin alimentos ni provisiones. Los Estados Unidos respondieron al bloqueo estableciendo un "puente aéreo" que hizo posible el abastecimiento de la ciudad durante un año. En esa operación participaron dos oficiales de las fuerzas aéreas americanas: los sargentos Hank Kowalski y Danny McCullough.
Director of Photography
Un ex piloto de la Marina ha decidido hacerse rico trabajando para unos traficantes de droga. Su principal problema consiste en que mantiene relaciones con dos mujeres: la secretaria de un capo de la organización y la mujer de un antiguo compañero de vuelo.
Director of Photography
Novelist Will James, a specialist in horse stories, wrote the yarn upon which 20th Century-Fox's Sand was based. Mark Stevens plays horse breeder Jeff Keane, who loses his prize stallion in a train accident. While the stallion roams wild and free, Keane enlists the aid of rancher Joan Hartley (Coleen Gray) in searching for the animal. Once the horse is located, it is clear that it has developed a mean streak, the result of various cruelties inflicted upon it by humans. Jeff and Joan combine their efforts to regain the horse's friendship. Veteran Native American actors Iron Eyes Cody and Jay Silverheels make significant supporting appearances. Sand was attractively filmed in Technicolor on location in Colorado.
Director of Photography
Buscando una historia impactante, el intrépido periodista Thomas Jefferson Tyler se hace pasar por un admirador para conseguir una exclusiva de la descarada Sara Farley, heredera de una cadena de supermercados.
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Un espía ruso es destinado a la embajada soviética de Ottawa (Canadá) con la misión de obtener información sobre armas nucleares, pero, tras un breve periodo de estancia en el país, decide desertar.
Director of Photography
Siglo XVI. Pedro de Vargas se ve obligado a huir de España tras ofender a Diego de Silva, un noble caballero y miembro de la Inquisición que le había robado todas sus tierras. En compañía de un amigo, consigue enrolarse en la expedición de Hernán Cortés con el objetivo de comenzar la conquista de Méjico.
Director of Photography
The popular Alfred Ollivant novel "Bob, Son of Battle" is the source for this drama about sheep dogs in the Scottish highlands, filmed in mountains in Utah’s Garfield County. Gwenn (Santa Claus in Miracle on 34th Street, released the same year) is a crusty shepherd whose struggling relationship with his son McCallister is complicated by a predatory animal that is attacking the flocks of local shepherds.
Director of Photography
Durante un desfile navideño organizado por las grandes almacenes Macy de Nueva York, el hombre que encarna a Santa Claus ha de ser sustituido porque se encuentra indispuesto. Un anciano llamado Kris Kringle es contratado para el trabajo, pero todo se complica cuando asegura que es el auténtico Santa Claus.
Director of Photography
A woman reminisces about her teenage years in the 1920s, when she fell in love with her teacher.
Director of Photography
A Manhattan family's Christmas season turns topsy-turvy when 13-year-old Judy Graves mistakenly thinks her newly-arrived visiting uncle has just been released from prison.
Director of Photography
A vivacious actress needing work becomes a housekeeper for a crusty retired politician, and gives his life the shaking-up that it needs.
Director of Photography
A young boy tries to train Thunderhead, a beautiful white colt and the son of his beloved Flicka, to be a champion race horse.
Director of Photography
A story of of the captain of an oil tanker during World War II, Captain Bart Manson, who rescues Katherine Hall when her ship is sunk by a German U-boat.
Guadalcanal sigue a un entregado pelotón de marines a través de los horrores de la guerra en el sur del pacífico. Soldados que no sólo luchan contra el enemigo, sino también contra la enfermedad, un terreno peligroso y un clima implacable.
Director of Photography
Lloyd Nolan is back as detective Michael Shayne who's in search of a stolen coin.
Director of Photography
In this espionage movie, set in Washington during WW II, the daughter of an ex-senator has become a dress model. She is approached by an American counter-espionage agent who offers her a chance to serve her country. The carefree son of a naval official receives a similar offer. He is asked to secure secret Naval plans. Unbeknownst to them, the man they work for is actually a Nazi spy. The two dupes finally figure it out, and the spy kidnaps them. Somehow they escape and break up the spy ring.
Director of Photography
A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
Director of Photography
After a drunken night out, a longshoreman thinks he may have killed a man.
Director of Photography
Una presentación gráfica y franca de los tipos de tratamiento de las enfermedades venéreas.
Director of Photography
Un cadete de West Point se enamora de una chica que canta en la banda de su hermano. Deciden casarse, aunque ello signifique que ha de dejar la academia, pero cuando el hermano de su novia escribe una balada patriótica, comprenderá que el deber es más importante que el matrimonio...
Director of Photography
Young man from Kansas goes to New York to work for his tycoon-hero. His superiors won't listen to his ideas about business, but the boss and his daughter do.
Based on Zane Grey's tale of a man who gains an unfair reputation as a gunfighter while out to avenge his father's death.
Director of Photography
Cisco saves a stagecoach from being robbed and takes a shine to one of the passengers whose father is in cahoots with a vicious criminal who plans to murder him.
Director of Photography
En la bulliciosa ciudad minera de Tombstone, Ben Carter, el dueño de un saloon, intenta deshacerse de un competidor que ha traído hermosas chicas de Chicago, contratando a un pistolero. En vista de que el sheriff se niega a enfrentarse con él, decide hacerlo Wyatt Earp, un antiguo explorador del Ejército, que acaba aceptando el puesto de sheriff y empieza a limpiar la ciudad de maleantes. Mientras tanto, mantiene una peculiar relación de amistad/rivalidad con Doc Holliday, un jugador tísico.
Director of Photography
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
Director of Photography
In Arizona a young woman who's being manipulated by an evil businessman is helped by the Cisco Kid who happens to be there on holiday.
Director of Photography
Big Town Girls have dating service jobs long enough to learn that a society matron needs a boxer to perform at a party. They talk a waiter into playing the part and a series of accidents and tricks sends him on a boxing career.
Director of Photography
While Charlie is distracted with the birth of his first grandchild, son Jimmy impersonates his father in order to investigate a murder aboard a freighter in the harbor.
Director of Photography
The Jones family patriarch, also mayor (Prouty), is swindled into thinking the town swamp is a rich mineral deposit.
Director of Photography
Un tímido contable (Leslie Howard) trata de salvar de la bancarrota a un estudio de Hollywood con la ayuda de una sexy mujer (Joan Blondell) y un cínico productor de buen corazón (Humphrey Bogart).
The Green Bay Packers teach football tips.
Director of Photography
A phony psychic tries to solve a murder that took place during her seance.
Director of Photography
A detective (Edmund Lowe) trails a professor (Henry Daniell) who stole credit for his wife's research, then killed her.
Director of Photography
Edna's grandfather is a conductor of a small orchestra that gives concerts in the park every Sunday. Because of lack of audience the city officials want to cancel these concerts. To stop this from happening, Judy and Edna gather a crowd the following Sunday; and to keep its attention, they themselves perform with the orchestra. Edna sings an aria and Judy sings 'Americana'.
Director of Photography
In late 18th century Scotland, Annie Laurie and William Douglas love each other, but their clans are on opposite sides of the country's civil war. Their love is made immortal through the title song of this film.
Director of Photography
A decadent prince unhappy over an impending arranged marriage, looking for a good time in London discovers the existence of a secret society called The Suicide Club, and so he seeks to become a member.
Director of Photography
An escaped lunatic, a mysterious swami, and various lovers all have designs on a famous opera singer.
Director of Photography
Detective Philo Vance is in charge of the investigation of several mysterious murders. Things take a turn when he gathers evidence against Major Fenwicke-Ralston.
"Mitch" Mitchell is an aviator who has been hired to take a child in a guardianship suit out of California into Mexico. He is accompanied by Maxine Rush, the secretary of the head of a private-detective agency who has been hired to care for the kid until the suit is over. (Overview written by Les Adams )
Director of Photography
Ann Grey, condenada por un asesinato que no cometió, escapa cuando un accidente de tráfico le concede la oportunidad. Recibe la ayuda de un joven abogado, que la esconde de la policía con la ayuda de su mayordomo. A la chica también la buscan los mafiosos que cometieron el crimen, pues creen que conoce el paradero de 250.000 dólares en bonos. Cuando los gangsters la secuestran, el abogado pide la ayuda del fiscal del distrito y de la policía.
Director of Photography
A barber tries to find the winning lottery ticket he hid from his moralistic wife.
Director of Photography
Evelyn, esposa de un prestigioso abogado, mantiene un romance con un mujeriego sin escrúpulos. Éste intentará chantajear a Evelyn, para sacar el máximo provecho económico.
Director of Photography
In this fictionalized biography, young Pancho Villa takes to the hills after killing an overseer in revenge for his father's death.
Director of Photography
Harry Holt, un antiguo novio de Jane, se encuentra en África formando parte de una expedición que busca marfil en el mítico cementerio de los elefantes. Él y su amigo Marlin Arlington esperan convencer a Jane para que vuelva con ellos a Londres. Pero Tarzán desaprueba su proyecto de saquear el cementerio.
Director of Photography
A romance between a struggling composer and an American singer.
Director of Photography
In this comedy, a pair of ex-Marines team up and get involved in a nightclub. Trouble ensues when they both fall in love with a feisty woman and begin fighting over her.
Director of Photography
A hobo searches the countryside for the daughter he lost when his wife left him...
Director of Photography
Marilyn Parker (Linda Watkins, a young unsophisticated wife, who while her husband, Rex Parker (Alan Dinehart), is in Europe on "business" but took his mistress, Peggy Burns (Greta Nissen), with him, sub-leases his former "love nest" and becomes friendly with the gold-digging blondes and their 'daddys' that Rex and Peggy formerly entertained. She meets Boyce Cameron (John Boles), a wealthy bachelor and they fall in love with each other.
Director of Photography
After only 11 hours of marriage, Annabelle and her husband separate-not knowing what each other truly looks like. Annabelle is given stocks by her husband and told not to part with them. However she is an extravagant spender and is forced to give the stocks to her husband's millionaire rival.....
Director of Photography
Peter Brooks is a hard-working, hard-up college student whose dislike of women attending college weakens under the amorous advances of spoiled socialite coed Joan Madison.
Director of Photography
Disenchanted opera star Carlotta Manson falls for ruffian cat burglar Barney McGann and gives up her career to marry him. But Barney grows disenchanted himself at being known as the husband of a diva and itches to get back to his life of crime and manliness.
Director of Photography
Hiram Draper is an all-American self-made man who profoundly distastes everything British. Yet he must travel to London with his family. When Junior falls in love with an aristocratic girl, whose father despises Americans with equal intensity, fireworks are just about to start.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Phil y Pete compiten por el amor de Mary, y también por escribir la mejor canción de un concurso de estudiantes.
Director of Photography
Pearl a vaudeville dancer is stranded somewhere in Alaska. With no official place to stay in the vicinity, Pearl is obliged to accept the hospitality of a wealthy family which has itself been stranded in the Great White North. An ill-tempered fur trader and a looney Eskimo both lust after Pearl, but she is rescued by Peter Van Dykeman her hosts' male secretary….
Director of Photography
Tasia (Dolores del Río), a beautiful dancer lower class of Russia, falls heir to the throne Prince, Grand Duke Eugene (Charles Farrell), but only admired from a distance. At the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, the Duke falls in captivity and this allows Tasia be near him.
Director of Photography
Riley es el típico policía irlandés, buena gente y bonachón, más dado a la buena vida que a detener a nadie.
Director of Photography
Tres hijos de una viuda de Baviera luchan en la Primera Guerra Mundial en el bando alemán, mientras que un cuarto lucha por los Estados Unidos, enemigo de Alemania... En 1940 el director Archie Mayo adaptaría nuevamente esta historia de I.A.R. Wylie, en esa ocasión ambientada en la II Guerra Mundial.
Director of Photography
Fifi, a dusky, sultry Senegalese spy, uses her wiles to get information out of two American army soldiers, Ham and Eggs, in France during World War I.
Director of Photography
Dance-hall girl Dolly Wall invests her life savings in an oil well. A gusher comes in, enriching not only Dolly but her ne'er-do-well socialite sweetheart Royce Wingate. While Wingate hobnobs with the Upper Crust, poor Dolly is left home alone, stigmatized by her "scandalous" past.
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"Upstream" es una comedia ligera puesta en el ambiente teatral que muestra a la gente en los peldaños más bajos del entretenimiento. Centrada en un triángulo amoroso.
Director of Photography
A young women is part a jewel theft ring, but opts out of a robbery because guns will be used. A man gets killed in that operation and the district attorney convicts an innocent man.
Director of Photography
About Dick Heldar, an aspiring artist. Although he is devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Maisie Wells, his ambition drives him to faraway places. He meets Torpenhow, a war correspondent, at Port Said, and accompanies him into battle.
Assistant Camera
Edith sets out to prove that a wife can never be fooled by her husband - but will she succeed?
Director of Photography
Delmar Spavinaw, an educated "half-breed," loves Evelyn Huntington, daughter of a racist judge. Evelyn's other suitor is Ross Kennion, a widower with one child, and owner of a vast tract of land which Spavinaw insists belongs to his Indian mother. Spavinaw seeks revenge when Judge Huntington decides to evict the squaw. Assisted by Juan Del Rey, a cattle rustler, Spavinaw steals the title to the land, wounds Kennion, stages a raid on the judge's cattle, and attempts to kidnap Kennion's son and Evelyn. The arrival of the sheriff forces him into flight across the border without his hostages. En route he meets Doll Pardeau, a school friend of Evelyn's, and together they ride for the Mexican border. Caught between a cattle stampede and a sheriff's posse, the couple catch a passing freight train, leaving calamity behind as the train slowly passes.
Arab Slave Trader
Tarzan's son Jack is kidnapped from England by his old enemy Paulovich. Jack escapes into the African jungle where he meets Meriem, a European girl held captive. Freeing her, he falls in love but she's sought by Paulovich. Then Tarzan arrives with Jane to save the day!