Jonathan Beck

Jonathan Beck

Nacimiento : 1991-03-06, Munich, Germany


Jonathan Beck


Hitlerputsch 1923: Das Tagebuch der Paula Schlier
Alfred Rosenberg
Germany 1923: Inflation, starvation, unstable political conditions. During this time, 24-year-old Paula Schlier goes undercover at the “Völkischer Beobachter”, the Nazi Party’s official newspaper, and gets caught at the centre of Hitler’s attempted coup.
Zurück aufs Eis
Stephan Heissler
Europe's Deadliest Border: Czechoslovakia's Iron Curtain
During the Cold War, many of those who tried to flee westward across the dangerous and blurred line separating communist Czechoslovakia from freedom were gunned down: the story of Europe's deadliest border.
A Song for Mia
For the handsome Sebastian life goes by easily. During the day he works in a fashion shop, in the evening he flirts through the clubs of the city. Blessed with an extraordinary voice, all signs of a career for the young singer. Ironically, an accident rips him out of his carefree life: Suddenly Sebastian can not see anymore. Instead of the party girls, a young woman enters his life, for whom he had never had eyes: the inconspicuous nurse Mia (Paula Kalenberg). Through her, Sebastian begins to re-experience the world - and for the first time gets to know real feelings. Thanks to Mia he writes a song that really comes from the heart. Overnight, it makes him, the blind romantic, known on the Internet. When he regains his sight, he has to decide: Will he also return to his old life?
Se busca niñera
Amy consigue un fabuloso trabajo como niñera en casa de los Rushton, donde debe cuidar de Noah, un niño autista. Allí conoce a Ryan, hermano de Noah, con quien saltarán chispas desde el principio.
Pretty Far from Okay
Isi doesn't get the world anymore. Just a short while ago, life was wild, fun, and without obligations, but suddenly everyone around her seems to be grown-up and successful. With her diploma in one hand and a drink in the other, she is stuck between the careless days of college and real life. When her best friend Lotte gets a respectable job and becomes pregnant, Isi realizes that she needs to find a way to start living a life on her own.
Familie inklusive
Amor en familia
A sus 50 años, Johanna, una bella mujer divorciada y con dos hijos ya adultos, ha vuelto a encontrar el amor al lado de Klaus, con quien está a punto de mudarse para iniciar una nueva vida juntos. Sin embargo, inesperadamente, reaparece en su vida Walter, el apuesto profesor de Literatura con el que mantuvo un apasionado romance 20 años atrás. En aquel entonces, Johanna ya estaba casada y tenía un hijo de 5 años, pero se enamoró locamente de Walter. Cuando él se fue a los EE.UU., ella decidió quedarse con su familia, embarazada de su hija Marie. Ahora que Walter ha regresado, Johanna no sólo está confundida sobre sus sentimientos y sus deseos, sino que acaba de descubrir que Marie se ha enamorado de Tom, el hijo de Walter, y teme que los dos muchachos puedan ser medio hermanos.
Cheeky Girls 2
After Kati, Hanna and Mila first experiences with guys, it is now necessary to cultivate those relations. The jealous Mila thinks that her friend Markus, would cheat on her with Vanessa. Kati, who is actually together with Tobi, finds that Robert, whom she met during a shooting, more than just cool. Only with Hanna everything seems to work perfectly. Branko is a real gentleman and does everything for her musical career - but not entirely unselfishly, as soon turns out. Problems therefore pre-programmed with the girlfriends and their new conquests!
Summertime Blues
Danny Schmidt
The life of 15 year old Alex is turned upside down, when his parents are divorced and find new partners right away. After a fight at school, the mother takes him over to England, where Alex chaotic life continues.
Der Froschkönig
A king has many beautiful daughters, but the most beautiful is the youngest, princess Sophie, who likes to go to a forest nearby her father’s castle and play with her favorite toy, a golden orb. One day the young princess loses her golden orb in the water and a frog offers to retrieve it for her, but in return she must make many promises to him.
Enredos de chicas
Mila, Hanna y Kati son las mejores amigas del instituto, siempre se apoyan cuando tienen problemas, ya sea a causa del estrés escolar o de los chicos. Y si algo no les falta son problemasHanna es una cantante con mucho talento y quiere participar en un casting, lo que conduce a una inevitable bronca con su novio Branko.
Die andere Hälfte des Glücks
Tim Weber / Jakob Breuer
Spezialauftrag: Kindermädchen
Leon Falkenstein
Las fieras futbol club. La banda del patio
Las Fieras no es sólo un equipo de fútbol de barrio como los demás, es una pandilla de amigos que vive al límite y juega sin complejos. Chicos y chicas luchan juntos y se apoyan para conseguir sus sueños. En esta aven-tura Las Fieras a parte de enseñarnos que son los mejores en el campo, tendrán que enfrentarse a otra pandilla y defender lo que más les importa: su amistad y el lugar donde pasan juntos los días de verano. El amor entre un miembro de Las Fieras y otro de la pandilla enemiga dificultará las cosas y provocará situaciones alocadas que el grupo de amigos tendrá que resolver de la manera más imprevisible.
Am Anfang war die Eifersucht
Jonas Schrader
Mutter wider Willen
It Was Infidelity in the Beginning
Jonas Schrader / Son
Annabelle is annoyed by family life. Most of all, she bothers her health-conscious, chain-smoking, know-it-all mother, Edda who visits regularly. When mother moves in her house for three months, because their house is being renovated, She enthusiastically takes the chance to go on a "relaxing weekend". On this occasion her girlfriend Doro, who was supposed to take care of the children, starts an affair with her husband, Friedrich. When she returns, she is appalled. She packs her things and leaves Friedrich and the family. Promptly she meets a young student at a party, who awakens the passion in her. Written by lament
Verschwinde von hier
Lukas Weber (6 Jahre)
The Superwife