Dan Blaine (Glenn Ford), un antiguo pistolero convertido en sheriff, intenta mantener la paz en una ciudad en la que el joven pistolero Lot McGuire (Chad Everett) está causando problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dan Blaine (Glenn Ford), un antiguo pistolero convertido en sheriff, intenta mantener la paz en una ciudad en la que el joven pistolero Lot McGuire (Chad Everett) está causando problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
A spy thriller involving an American who is enlisted by British intelligence to replace one of its recently murdered agents and smash a ring of blackmailers -- James Bond style -- headed by a nefarious figure known as Scorpio.
A spy thriller involving an American who is enlisted by British intelligence to replace one of its recently murdered agents and smash a ring of blackmailers -- James Bond style -- headed by a nefarious figure known as Scorpio.
Una joven (Sandra Dee) que se gana la vida limpiando apartamentos, conoce a un guapo decorador de interiores (Bobby Darin), pero, como se avergüenza de enseñarle el modesto apartamento en el que vive con una compañera, decide llevarlo a uno de los bonitos apartamentos que limpia, dando por supuesto que el dueño estará fuera durante la semana.
Tommy es un marinero que surca el Caribe en compañía de su hija, Spring, un poco marimacho. Cuando Tommy decide embarcarse en la búsqueda de un tesoro enterrado, incorpora a la tripulación al hábil abogado William Ashton, que se revela como francamente útil a la hora de afrontar adversidades. Mas la mayor adversidad de Tommy es emparejar a Spring con William, tarea que parece la más ardua de todas.
Stevenson, the famous English criminal expert visits Hungary with his family. While he is chairing a conference on criminology, infamous art treasure robbers steal the golden herm of Saint László. Suspicion is cast on the Stevenson children.
Bonnie, Toni, Michele y Liz son cuatro mujeres que pasan unos días en la Riviera francesa. Allí serán seducidas por unos marineros. Cuando el buque de guerra en el que estos viajaban será desviado desde Cannes hacia Santa Margarita las jóvenes irán tras ellos. La búsqueda y el posterior encuentro con los muchachos provocará multitud de situaciones cómicas. Secuela de 'Where The Boys Are', film que dirigió en 1960 Henry Levin y que también contaba como protagonistas con las actrices Connie Francis y Paula Prentiss.
Mickey es un extrapecista que tiene terror a las alturas después de que un compañero suyo muriera en un trágico accidente. Huyendo de todo, Mickey encuentra trabajo en un hotel de Acapulco como cantante.
Director Richard Thorpe's 1962 military comedy stars Jim Hutton, Paula Prentiss, Miyoshi Umeki, Jim Backus, Jack Carter, Marty Ingels, Charles McGraw and Argentina Brunetti.
Un ejército de bárbaros ataca asentamientos vikingos por toda la estepa rusa.
Un teniente de la Marina, que forma parte de la tripulación de un barco americano anclado frente a Venecia, proyecta hacer saltar la banca del casino de la ciudad, sirviéndose del ordenador del barco.
Un hombre misterioso le ofrece una gran suma de dinero al dueño de un pequeño barco para que lo lleve a un puerto holandés. Cuando el capitán de la embarcación va a despertar al pasajero, descubre que ha muerto y que tiene en su poder el plano de un tesoro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un ingeniero norteamericano llega a Mombasa para acabar las obras de un ferrocarril africano y para encontrar a su predecesor, que ha desaparecido misteriosamente. Mientras prosigue las obras, tendra que hacer frente a diversos obstáculos, especialmente a las violentas tribus locales, a los árabes traficantes de esclavos y a los animales salvajes.
Vince Everett es un joven encarcelado por matar accidentalmente a un hombre en una pelea de cantina. En prisión se dedica a cantar y, cuando es puesto en libertad condicional y una bella mujer le da una oportunidad en el mundo discográfico, aprovechará todo su talento para darle un vuelco a su vida. Vince iniciará así un duro camino intentando alcanzar el éxito musical y cinematográfico.
Lloyd Tredman, un militar que luchó en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), vive atormentado recordando las numerosas muertes que produjo la contienda. El sentimiento de culpa perturba la tranquila vida que debería llevar en España, donde reside. Para colmo se arruina después de haber apostado por un caballo. Finalmente, tratando de conseguir dinero, se ve envuelto en un turbio asunto.
Un magnate norteamericano se prenda de una joven italiana cuando compra un hotel en Roma. Para casarse, ha de casar previamente a sus tres hermanas mayores.
Bajo el marco del siglo XV, el joven escocés Quentin Durward actua como emisario de su tío para enviar sus respetos a la joven Isabel, Condesa de Macroy, con la cual se casará próximamente. Pero la opinón de la muchacha es distinta, reacia a contraer matrimonio, decide huir a Borgoña para dirigirse a la ciudad de Tours.
Uno de los herederos de un patriarca bíblico solicita le anticipen su parte de la herencia y se marcha de la granja familiar a gozar de una vida de orgía y desenfreno en una capital extranjera. Una vez ha dilapidado el dinero, regresa al hogar paterno.
A seminary student (Steve Forrest) helps a nightclub singer (Anne Baxter) sought by Paris police for killing her married lover.
Un fiscal y un cantante se enamoran de dos hermanas, pero la convivencia con su extravagante familia no será del todo agradable.
A prince has a romance with a barmaid before he must give up personal happiness for duty.
Después de una dura guerra, el rey Arturo, con la ayuda de Lanzarote, su caballero más fiel, consigue unificar toda Inglaterra bajo su mando. Después de ser derrotado por Arturo, Sir Mordred descubre la relación entre Ginebra, la esposa del rey, y Lanzarote, y se servirá de este hecho para acabar con el reinado de Arturo.
Joel Shore, que pertenece a una familia de larga tradición marinera, se hace cargo de un barco ballenero, sustituyendo a su hermano Mark, que desapareció en el último viaje en sospechosas y turbias circunstancias. Antes de embarcar, se casa con Priscilla y la lleva consigo. Durante el viaje, sondea a la tripulación para averiguar qué le sucedió a su hermano, pero no consigue aclarar si la causa de su extraño comportamiento eran las fiebres que padecía o el alcoholismo. Tras una accidentada jornada de pesca, llegan a una isla en la que, inesperadamente, aparece Mark, que explica su versión de los hechos. La existencia de un tesoro de perlas en una remota isla y la rivalidad a causa de Priscilla hará que los hermanos se enfrenten.
Attorney's daughter falls for one of his gangster clients.
En un imaginario país, la víspera de su coronación, el rey es secuestrado por su ambicioso hermano, que desea arrebatarle el trono. Los hombres de confianza del monarca intentan ganar tiempo y convencen a un turista para que suplante temporalmente al rey. El parecido entre ambos es tan extraordinario que nadie nota la diferencia. A continuación, se prepara una expedición para rescatar al verdadero rey, que ha sido encerrado en el Castillo de Zenda. El turista, que participa heroicamente en la lucha, conseguirá el amor de una dama de la que se había enamorado.
A su vuelta de las Cruzadas, el Rey Ricardo Corazón de León es apresado en Austria. Su hermano Juan se niega a pagar la elevada suma de dinero que exigen a cambio de su libertad, ya que así puede seguir usurpando el trono de Inglaterra. El caballero Ivanhoe, uno de los partidarios de Ricardo, intentará por todos los medios conseguir el dinero del rescate.
Biopic de David Marshall 'Marsh' Williams, el inventor de un arma automática utilizada en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La excusa para contar su vida la proporcionan las quejas de su hijo, que le explica que en el colegio se meten con él porque corre el rumor de que su padre estuvo en la cárcel por matar a un hombre. Así que el progenitor y su retoño van a la cárcel, donde va a escuchar la auténtica historia.
Esta pelicula dividida en ocho episodios trata sobre diferentes facetas del espíritu americano, desde la tolerancia racial y religiosa hasta los peligros del pensamiento egoísta.
A scrupulously honest lawyer discovers that the client he's gotten off was really guilty.
Biografía del famoso tenor italiano Enrico Caruso, que pasó de ser un cantante callejero a obtener un enorme prestigio internacional en el mundo de la ópera.
Lee siempre ha dependido de su hermanastro Owen para salir de cualquier aprieto. Pero su cobardía llega demasiado lejos cuando permite que atribuyan a Owen la paternidad de un hijo ilegítimo que, en realidad, es suyo.
Nueva York, mediados de la década de 1910. Bert Kalmar ha alcanzado la cumbre de su carrera como artista de vodevil con su pareja de baile y novia, Jessie Brown. Bert propone matrimonio a Jessie pero ella insiste en que esperen. Un día, Bert se lesiona la rodilla y la lesión le impedirá bailar durante al menos un año.
Historia de un hombre que intenta vengar la muerte de su padre, a manos de una organización criminal conocida como "La Mano Negra".
El idealista John Roger es reclutado para conseguir el caucho que los Estados Unidos necesitan para afrontar la guerra. Para ello, tendrá que ponerse en contacto con Carnahan, un contrabandista encarcelado en Alcatraz. Liberado Carnahan, ambos irán a la península de Malaca, que está ocupada por los japoneses.
En Edimburgo, un pastor de ovejas encuentra a un cachorro de perro, y lo acoge hasta convertirlo en el mejor perro ovejero. El animal demostrará gran fidelidad hacia su amo tras su muerte, pues velará su tumba día y noche.
Melodrama en el que una madre viuda, cantante de ópera, pierde a su hijo, atropellado por un camión mientras intentaba salvar a Lassie. Tiempo después, gracias a Lassie, encontrará a un huérfano desvalido... (FILMAFFINITY)
Wallace Beery, in his final film, plays a bandit in this period drama set in Colonial America.
Best friends Judy and Carol compete for the affection of an older man during their high school dance. As Carol tries to rekindle Judy's relationship with Carol's bumbling brother, Oogie, Judy suspects that her father is having an affair with a beautiful dance instructor. The two girls team up to expose Judy's father -- who is only taking innocent dance lessons.
Un equipo de cine llega a Hawai para rodar un musical romántico. Entre los actores hay un teniente de aviación que está enamorado de la actriz principal, Rosalind Reynolds (ESTHER WILLIAMS). Ella ya está prometida, pero hará todo lo posible para conseguir su amor.
Un soldado regresa de la guerra. Ya nada es como antes, la experiencia le ha cambiado, por lo que le resulta muy cuesta arriba volver a trabajar en la compañía operística de su padre, o retomar su noviazgo.
En los años 20, un grupo de jóvenes norteamericanos se exilian a París huyendo de los horrores de la guerra y de sus problemas personales. Allí llevan una vida bohemia de desenfreno. Entre ellos se encuentran Jake y Lady Brett, una pareja que puso fin a su relación después de que él se quedara impotente por las heridas recibidas en combate. A pesar de la indiferencia que él pretende demostrar hacia ella, la mujer sigue enamorada de él.
An Army corporal and his con-man sidekick take a shortcut to heroism in World War II France.
En un país europeo sin determinar, una princesa conoce a un apuesto periodista americano del que se enamora. La princesa viaja a Nueva York, donde a su vez despierta el interés de un botones que la confunde con una camarera.
Cynthia se casa con un rico hombre de negocios al que acompaña el éxito. Pero durante la luna de miel le abandona la suerte, y se arruina. Cynthia está triste, pero conoce a un encantador soldado, héroe de guerra, por el que se siente atraída. No sabe si quedarse con él o con su marido...
Las personas fuera de la ley vienen y van en las vidas de Nick y Nora. Ahora es el momento de conocerlos como parientes. Los elegantes detectives dejan al pequeño Nick Jr. en la escuela, cogen a Asta y se van a Sycamore Springs, lugar de la infancia de Nick.
Un marinero ayuda a dos hermanas a que abran un bar. Con el tiempo se enamorará de Jean, una de las hermanas, inconsciente de que su hermano Patsy también siente algo por la joven.
II Guerra Mundial, Filipinas. Un grupo de enfermeras del ejército estadounidense necesita refuerzos urgentemente. La teniente Mary “Smitty” recibe a un equipo de voluntarias que carecen completamente de experiencia y deberá formarlas en unas circunstancias cada vez más complicadas: los conflictos entre ellas, el avance del ejército japonés y la malaria.
En 1939, Richard Myles (Fred MacMurray), un profesor estadounidense que enseña en Oxford, y su nueva esposa Frances (Joan Crawford) se encuentran de luna de miel por Europa. Antes de salir de viaje, el servicio secreto británico le encarga a Myles que lleve a cabo una misión en Alemania. Al principio, tanto a Myles como a su esposa les divierte su papel de espías; pero poco a poco las cosas se irán complicando.
When his wife threatens him with divorce, a reporter courts her again.
Harry Witzel administra una plantación de caucho perdida en una selva africana. Recibe con poco entusiasmo a su nuevo ayudante, Mr Langford, con la certeza de que éste no soportará la vida en la plantación. A pesar de las advertencias de Witzel, el recién llegado sucumbirá a los encantos de Tondelayo, una hermosa, a la par que mezquina, nativa.
The brother of a notorious outlaw is put in a charge of a stagecoach line way station in dangerous Apache territory. A stagecoach arrives at the station with a valuable box of cargo, and the outlaw brother soon shows up, though denying that he's planning to take the cargo box. Soon, however, rampaging Apaches attack the station, and the station manager, his brother and a disparate group of passengers and employees must fight them off.
Boy, el hijo de Tarzán y Jane, que cree que sus padres han muerto, es raptado por unos hombres que quieren llevarlo a los Estados Unidos para que actúe en un espectáculo con un elefante. Sus padres no dudarán en viajar a la "Gran Manzana" para rescatar a su hijo. Una de las más populares películas del mítico Tarzán, que cambia esta vez la jungla africana por la selva de cemento neoyorquina.
Joe Smith es el típico americano medio. Trabaja para una fábrica de aviones donde se está construyendo un nuevo bombardero. Este proyecto provoca que Joe sea secuestrado por agentes enemigos. Pero Joe Smith resulta ser todo un héroe americano, pues no sólo no dice nada de lo que sabe, sino que posteriormente ayuda a la policía en su investigación para detener a los secuestradores.
Una expedición científica descubre oro en el territorio de Tarzán. Los malvados Medford y Vandermeer secuestran a Jane y a Boy para conseguir que el rey de la selva les indique el emplazamiento exacto del dorado metal...
A fishing boat captain searches for romance in hopes of improving his financial picture.
Lopez is a bandit who has stolen the herd at Gil's ranch, so Hardy is about to foreclose. But Lucia has come back from New York and Gil is happy until he meets her husband, Morgan.
With the army after him and his partner deserting, Reb decides that a change of scenery would be nice so he heads for Wyoming with Dave.
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Un avión se estrella en medio de la jungla y el único superviviente es un niño pequeño. Tarzán y Jane lo encuentran y lo acogen como un hijo. Años después, una expedición organizada por la familia del chico se adentra en la jungla intentando encontrar al pequeño.
Adaptación de novela homónima de Mark Twain. Amante de la libertad sin ataduras de ningún tipo -¡ni siquiera la de los zapatos!-, el joven Huckleberry Finn (Mickey Rooney), aprovecha la circunstancia de que, su irresponsable padre, quiere chantajear al par de hermanas con las que ahora vive, decide escapar de casa y en el camino se encuentra a Jim (Rex Ingram), el sirviente de casa que también ha escapado, pues, ansía la libertad para reencontrarse con su familia. Como un par de fugitivos, juntos van a vivir una serie de aventuras, donde el resto de la sociedad parecerá estar contra ellos.
A small-town country homebody goes to New York to find her missing fiancé and gets romantically involved with two sophisticated men.
Un joven boxeador se ve atrapado entre un mafioso y un mal padre cuando empieza a salir con la hija del jefe, aunque ella no sabe cómo su padre se gana la vida.
A Southern belle finds herself torn between two suitors.
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
Charlotte, más conocida como Charlie, es una actriz de teatro cuya última obra ha sido un fracaso. No le ayuda mucho la columna semanal de Peter, amigo de la infancia que estuvo enamorada de ella (y todavía lo está), donde resaltaba los aspectos negativos de su trabajo. En tal tesitura, Peter, conmovido por la muerte del tipo que limpiaba las ventanas de su estudio, que deja dos huérfanos, lanza una campaña apoyando su adopción. El agente de Charlie se entera, y decide que la adopción será una magnífica promoción para la carrera de su actriz.
Triángulo amoroso que surge cuando planea sobre el matrimonio constituido por Walter Pidgeon y Rosalind Russell la sombra del divorcio, y aparece en escena otra mujer, Myrna Loy.
Un escritor acepta realizar una obra para una actriz con el objetivo de enamorar a la hermana de ésta.
A tribute to Will Rogers.
Danny (Robert Montgomery) es un joven apuesto que entabla amistad con la enferma anciana Mrs. Bramson, sintiéndose enseguida atraído por su sobrina Olivia (Rosalind Russell). Las cosas cambian cuando las noticias anuncian el terrible asesinato de una persona a manos de un homicida; y Olivia comienza a sospechar de Danny. ¿Será el chico el brutal asesino que está aterrorizando a toda la ciudad?
Hank Medhill, artificial silk manufacturer, has returned to the U.S. from Japan to learn that his former girlfriend, Eleanor Breen is about to marry. Hank convinces Eleanor to leave the groom-to-be and marry him. Shortly after the marriage, they discover that they have nothing in common. They separate. Hank decides to pick any name from the phone book and date them. That date results in a wild and frightful night for Hank, thanks to Eleanor's clever plan.
El capitán Fry, un famoso cazador blanco, quiere capturar a Tarzán para exhibirlo enjaulado como un animal por todo el mundo. Llega a la selva para cumplir su propósito junto con los primos de Jane, Eric y Rita...
Sprinfield Davis es un experto cazador de zorros en los Ozarks, y cuenta con un fiel socio: el leal perro llamado Bugle Ann. Pero las cosas empiezan a cambiar en esa zona campestre cuando un pastor casquivano decide levantar una valla alrededor de sus rebaños de ovejas, anunciando además que le pegará un tiro al primer perro que se acerque...
Two South Sea Islanders fall in love, followed by a hurricane.
Murder results when a group of houseguests converge on a chateau, each plotting to steal a valuable Gutenberg Bible.
The Palmers, an apparently wealthy family, move into the house next door to the Lazarres. However, the Palmers are actually a gang of thieves plotting to rob the Lazarres.
The owner of a large mansion in the country throws a costume party for some of his friends. However, the party turns sour when he is found stabbed to death in a closet. The police and a guest try to discover who committed the murder.
The old men meet a young girl, broke, hungry and discouraged, in the park. Colonel Henry Randolph Ransome (Henry B. Walthall) bluffs his way into obtaining enough money to support the welfare of the girl,Rose Wentworth (Sally Blane), and his two cronies. He sends for the girl's former sweetheart, who turns out to be a crook.
Wealthy but unhappy Patricia Belmont meets fun-loving insurance salesman Bill Smith (and his fun-loving friends Sam Ragland and Betty Harkness)on a ship cruise and falls in love, much to the annoyance of her high-society, fortune-hunting fiance Barrington Thorne.
When her husband, who founded the town's crusading local newspaper, doesn't come back from the French battlefields of World War I, a woman struggles to raise her two sons and keep the newspaper going. Matters are complicated by the fact that, several years later, one of the sons wants to turn the paper from its position as a hard-fighting champion of the working-class into an upscale society paper catering to the rich and powerful. Matters are complicated even further by rumors that their father was in fact NOT killed in France during the war but took another man's identity and is still living there.
A popular young student finds herself accused of a series of murders that have occurred on the college campus. Her boyfriend, a reporter for the local newspaper, knows she didn't do it, and and sets out to prove her innocence and catch the real killer.
Ex-vaudeville performer Trixie makes a come-back, and threatens to thwart the ambitions of her song-writing step-children, Bob and Judy.
A man and woman fall in love at first sight, but everyone in their universe tries to keep them apart except one old fool with a sentimental heart.
A lover selflessly steps aside to let her guy go so he can hook up with a rich dame. Sadly, the goodie good girl ends up marrying some scum bag gambler. When the scum bag is shot and killed, the little goodie good is the prime suspect. Can her old beau come to the rescue and save her from the death penalty? Hell, its the least he can do, or is he a scum bag too!
All 12 jury members who sent an innocent man to the gallows are gathered together for a demonstration of how convictions can be made on circumstantial evidence. During the proceedings, a phony murder is quickly revealed as the real thing.
A girl with a shady past is picked by a playwright to be the star of his newest play.
Papa Strauss, a widower, is being shifted around from one married-son's home to the other, and is unwelcome at all because his daughter-in-laws' object to his smelly pipe smoking. Finally the family tucks him 'out of sight and out of mind' into a nursing home, with very little 'honor thy father' thought given to it. However, unmarried daughter, Lena, who loves her father dearly, has a bright fiancée, who makes a lot of money off of a patent, and they make a home for him.
A murder mystery about the smuggling of illegal Chinese aliens into America through Chinatown.
A homeless woman living at the city dump hears of the death of a wealthy industrialist and puts in a claim on his estate for her daughter, who is actually the rightful heir.
Mary Smith is picked up by the police and is about to be sentenced, in night court, to jail for prostitution. But a stranger, Jimmie Martin, stands up and tells the judge that Mary was waiting for him and they were going to be married.
A beautiful blonde makes a career out of seducing and then blackmailing wealthy married men. She is found murdered after demanding a $5000 payoff from her latest victim, and the detective investigating the case finds out that she was involved in a lot more than just blackmail.
Chet Thayer returns to his family and the loving arms of his long suffering sweatheart Marcia. Not being the faithful type he soon falls under the spell of the town vamp Jill Fenwick.
Director Richard Thorpe's 1932 film follows the romantic exploits of two depression-era manicurists, one of whom is being woo'd by a true gentleman of means, the other of whom lets herself become a pawn of operators of a call-girl ring.
The hard-boiled owner of a big-city speakeasy is reunited with her daughter, who has been raised to believe that her mother is dead, then finds herself accused of murdering her daughter's no-good boyfriend.
Upon release from the penitentiary, Phillip Whitney tells his friend, Bennie, that he is going straight, and visits his lawyer brother John. Phillip looks up to John and while incarcerated maintained contact with him through a continental mailing agency. As John has no idea he was in prison, Phillip tells him that he has just returned from Japan.
Janet Holman is suspicious of her fiancé, Allen Wells, after he kisses her best friend Gwen when the lights are turned out during a party. Allen leaves early, purportedly for business reasons, but in reality, he is going to visit his secret girl friend, seventeen-year-old Ruth Jarrett. When Ruth's neighbor and landlady, Mrs. Humphries, overhears her talking to Allen on the phone, she becomes morally outraged and calls the police. Ruth is taken away to juvenile hall, and when Ruth's older brother Nick comes home to celebrate Ruth's birthday, Mrs. Humphries explains that Ruth has been seeing an older, wealthy man who has been leading her astray, and that she sent her away for her own good. Nick is saddened that he has failed to keep Ruth on the right track, and when he returns to his apartment, he becomes enraged to see Allen there. When Allen claims ignorance of Ruth's age, Nick hits him, and they engage in a brawl.
Mad scientist works on a death ray in his mountain hideaway.
Defense Atorney Gerald Waring uses great skill and ingenuity in his efforts to save the life of a young man charged with the murder of his father. Witness after witness piles up damaging evidence against the accused youth, but expert cross-examination by Waring digs out the startling truth behind the killing and subsequently reveals the identity of the real killer in a surprise-twist ending.
A mystery novelist's detective skills are put to the test when he attends a party where a murder is committed.
A mystery novelist's detective skills are put to the test when he attends a party where a murder is committed.
Acting on a tip from former stage actress Fern Madden, who is now working as a movie extra, Jimmy Burke, a Hollywood reporter, publishes an article revealing an independent film producer to have mob connections. As a result of the story, Jimmy becomes city editor.
Bill Grant is a small-time gambler who spends more time embellishing his accomplishments than actually doing anything. He has a small run of good luck when he wins a racehorse during a poker game. This enables him to enjoy the lifestyle he has been bragging about for so long. While in high society, he falls for Norma, whose father is big in racing circles.
The three Morgan brothers, Glenn, Jim and Buddy are all air mail pilots. The plane flown by Jim is shot down by Hugh Jeffries for the money it carries. Another flight is made by Buddy followed by Jeffries intending to shoot him down also...
A reporter helps the police investigate the murder of a disagreeable and philandering actor who is found strangled to death in his theater dressing room with its door and window locked from the inside.
A reporter helps the police investigate the murder of a disagreeable and philandering actor who is found strangled to death in his theater dressing room with its door and window locked from the inside.
Ben Hall offers $1000 for the wild Devil Horse which Jim Wright and Skeeter capture. While Jim is away, Gil Davis kills Skeeter and takes the horse. The Sheriff then arrests Jim for Skeeter's murder. But unknown to them, an outlaw witnessed the killing
A young couple pose as criminals in order to get the goods on their crooked bosses.
A young couple pose as criminals in order to get the goods on their crooked bosses.
Dancer June Page is charged with the murder of gangster "Honest Ed" Baker. Allan Perry, an ambitious journalist at the dawn of his career, seeks at all costs to cover the case to obtain exclusivity and impress his hierarchy. He falls in love with the young woman, but Ed Baker's former friends, determined to take revenge, have not said their last word ...
Richard Grant, imprisoned in India for a crime he did not commit, escapes and makes his way to Africa.
The Utah Kid eludes a sheriff's posse and takes refuge in Robber's Roost, a hideout for outlaws running from the law where he meets and falls for a waylaid school teacher.
Clay gets a musical troop out af jail and helps raise money so they can put on their show. During the performance Blake and his men rob the box office. The townsmen give chase and Clay goes after Blake.
Riley and Donovan, racehorse owners and trainers who have been rivals and enemies for years, seek to befriend Tod Taylor, a jockey, and Ham, a retainer. Tod elects to work for Riley, incurring the enmity of rival jockeys. Riley's daughter, Colleen, sympathizes with Tod and cares for his bruises. Trying to befriend Donovan, Tod wins a match between Riley's colt, Reckless, and Donovan's best horse; and many more victories bolster his confidence. His head is turned by Margie, a come-on girl for Drake, a gambler. She precipitates his dissipation, and Tod is induced to throw the race to avoid a jail sentence.
Dave Kent, a commercial aviator, and his mechanic, Skeets Smith, are forced to make an emergency landing in Mexico and find themselves in the hands of La Panthera, a notorious bandit who wishes to overthrow the government and become president of a new republic. Manuel, his chief henchman, obliges them to collect the booty in a robbery, but Kent manages to meet María Valdez, a prisoner--held for marriage to the insurgent leader--who implores his aid. Kent and Skeets are arrested for the robbery and sentenced to death.
In order to prove his manliness to the girl he loves, a young urban dandy takes a job at a dude ranch. Predictable misadventure ensues in this poorly-made early talkie.
A prospector is murdered by The Cactus Kid and his gang, who hope to find the murdered man's goldmine. The miner's dog, Rin-Tin-Tin, recognizes the killers, who thereafter seek to use the dog to locate the lost mine. With the help of a government agent and a young girl, Rinty saves the mine and brings the bad guys to justice.
A Secret Service agent seeks his missing brother in Africa, and finds his mission complicated by ivory thieves, a girl with a mysterious past, and a troublesome gorilla.
In a cantina across the border, Bob Hamlin shoots a man that threatens his friend. He and his pals escape but return that night for the dance as Bob is attracted to Conchita. Running once more from the Rurales, Bob takes Conchita. They escape again only to find themselves pinned down when Buck and his gang of horse thieves attack.
The Bachelor Girl
When a bank executive disappears, he is accused of stealing a fortune from the bank. But his daughter and her criminologist friend set out to find her father and clear his name.
A stirring story of western love and action!
A stirring story of western love and action!
A boy's father is an unjustly accused fugitive, and the boy's scheming uncle plots to become the youngster's guardian and take over the family fortune.
When his father is falsely convicted and sentenced to die for a murder committed aboard ship, the man's son signs on as a crewman to discover the real killer and clear his father.
Story of revenue agent Tom Mallory, who wagers that he can catch a gang of rum runners operating from the other side of the border to Mexico. Disguised as a drifter, Mallory noisily arrives at the gang's headquarters, aggravating the villains to the point where they chase him across the border and into American jurisdiction.
Story of revenue agent Tom Mallory, who wagers that he can catch a gang of rum runners operating from the other side of the border to Mexico. Disguised as a drifter, Mallory noisily arrives at the gang's headquarters, aggravating the villains to the point where they chase him across the border and into American jurisdiction.
Bob Warner sells some cattle to two men who later drug him and rob him of the sale money. He takes a job with a medicine show as a barker, offering a reward to any spectator to last three rounds in fighting him. While in the ring, he notices in the audience the two men who stole his money. He knocks out his contestant, pursues the crooks, and recovers the money.
Bob Warner sells some cattle to two men who later drug him and rob him of the sale money. He takes a job with a medicine show as a barker, offering a reward to any spectator to last three rounds in fighting him. While in the ring, he notices in the audience the two men who stole his money. He knocks out his contestant, pursues the crooks, and recovers the money.
Chased by Detective Murray and the posse, a wounded Jim Drake heads across the border into Mexico where he recuperates with the Wolfes. When Murray arrives again, Jim heads into the desert. But in the night his guide sneaks off and leaves him without water or his horse.
Chased by Detective Murray and the posse, a wounded Jim Drake heads across the border into Mexico where he recuperates with the Wolfes. When Murray arrives again, Jim heads into the desert. But in the night his guide sneaks off and leaves him without water or his horse.
Popular B-Western hero Wally Wales (later known as Hal Taliaferro) went up against none other than Boris Karloff in this primitive silent oater from poverty row studio Action Pictures.
Buffalo is banished to the wilderness after playing a nasty practical joke on his rancher father. During his exile, Billy meets and falls in love with pretty Patricia Farris, who sadly rejects him when he tries to steal a kiss.
Buffalo is banished to the wilderness after playing a nasty practical joke on his rancher father. During his exile, Billy meets and falls in love with pretty Patricia Farris, who sadly rejects him when he tries to steal a kiss.
A young society scion is hi-jacked by a couple of bandits who force him to drive them West.
Only six months of marital bliss and Lillian Josselyn is filled with dread at the return of Pierre Marchand, her former lover, who left her to marry Ellen Latimer.
Jim Gordon, the son of a proud and loving father, enters the University of California as a student. There he meets Mary Ward, a campus coed who captures his heart on the first day. He becomes close friends with Larry Powell, his roommate, but incurs the wrath of Kenneth Slade, who is unable to take a practical joke. Jim and Larry attend a campus dance with Bessie and Phyllis, two vamps, and through a series of romantic complications Jim tries to convince Mary of his love for her.
Barely out of prison, Jim Regan is arrested once again, this time for the attempted shooting of Denver Dan Norris, the villain who framed him in the first place. With the assistance of his young friend Wally Weston Jim is released once again on the condition that he won't leave town.
A timid bank clerk has to toughen up during the search for a gang of bank robbers.
A timid bank clerk has to toughen up during the search for a gang of bank robbers.
Attracted to a girl, a cowboy takes a job on the adjoining ranch hoping to see her again and he gets his chance when her horse becomes a runaway.
A drifter befriends wounded outlaw Lafe Wells. Having promised to deliver a sack of gold to the man's family, Wales promptly falls for the daughter of the house.
A cowboy arrives to help a girl who has a note due. He plans to sell her cattle to raise the money but they are stampeded and most are killed. Knowing who stampeded them gives him another plan to get the money.
Plot unknown.
Plot unknown.
Bill, Jr. plays Bill Drake, a cowpoke who must prove himself innocent of robbing the general store. The real culprit, as our hero detects, is Tom Evans ("Slim" Whitaker), the weakling son of a local rancher (Louis Fitzroy).
Bill, Jr. plays Bill Drake, a cowpoke who must prove himself innocent of robbing the general store. The real culprit, as our hero detects, is Tom Evans ("Slim" Whitaker), the weakling son of a local rancher (Louis Fitzroy).
A cowboy sets out to help a pretty young girl who is about to lose her ranch when crooks plan to foreclose on it because she doesn't have enough money to make her mortgage payment. He puts together a cattle drive in order to sell the herd to raise the money to pay off the note, but when the crooks hear about this, they make plans to stampede the herd along the way.
Dick Langton
The drama of a girl who knew beauty's power.
Plot concerns happy-go-lucky rancher who decides to spruce up in order to win the affection of a girl. Enemies seeking to have him put out of the way, plan to rob a stagecoach with one man dressed in Bill's clothes. He hears of plot and in vigorous fight with gang he whips them and brings them to justice.
Lightning Bill Lewis sets out to capture Gómez, the leader of a ruthless gang that has been tormenting a border town. He prevents Gómez from kidnapping his girl, Mary, but Gómez escapes. With the aid of Captain Duerta, Lightning Bill pursues the gang, and when it is captured by Mexican soldiers he is free to marry.
Clayton Webster
Impulsive flapper Elizabeth Winthrop, rebels against her parents and moves to New York after breaking with her fiance, Clayton Webster. Hugo Von Strohm, a wealthy playboy, procures Elizabeth a job as a chorus dancer and secretly pays her salary. After he tries to seduce her, Elizabeth sees through his kindnesses and returns to her parents and Clayton.
Stephen Thompson
Car racer Burn 'em Up Barnes, son of a wealthy manufacturer, leaves home to make his own way in the world. After being robbed by hoodlums, Barnes joins a group of hobos who take him in and show him the carefree life.