Marc Warren

Marc Warren

Nacimiento : 1967-03-20, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, UK


Marc Warren (born 20 March 1967) is an English actor.


Marc Warren
Marc Warren


Fungus The Bogeyman
Raymond Briggs' classic family story about smelly monsters, dangerous humans and what happens when the things that go bump in the night move in next door comes to life on Sky 1. Timothy Spall, Victoria Wood and Keeley Hawes star
Do Elephants Pray?
Frustrated by the soulless routine world he is shackled to and dogged by a need to find meaning in everything, the life of advertising executive Callum Cutter is thrown into poetic chaos when he meets the free-spirited French seductress Malika who promises to change his life forever...providing he keeps her identity a secret.
Wild Bill
Tras 8 años en prisión, el ex convicto Bill Ward debe hacerse cargo de sus dos hijos a los que apenas conoce. Hace todo lo posible por ser un buen padre para ellos pero, cuando el más joven de los hijos se mezcla con su vieja banda de violentos criminales, Bill ha de demostrar a los chicos qué clase de padre y de persona es en realidad. Debut en la dirección del actor Dexter Fletcher (Caravaggio, Lock & Stock). (FILMAFFINITY)
Worried About the Boy
Steve Strange
R.U. /// En 1980 un joven George O'Dowd desconcierta a sus padres con su amor a los vestidos y el maquillaje.
Do It Yourself: The Story of Rough Trade
The Rough Trade story begins more than thirty years ago on 20th February 1976. Britain was in the grip of an IRA bombing campaign; a future prime minister was beginning to make her mark on a middle England in which punk was yet to run amok; and a young Cambridge graduate called Geoff Travis opened a new shop at 202 Kensington Park Road, just off Ladbroke Grove in west London. The Rough Trade shop sold obscure and challenging records by bands like American art-rockers Pere Ubu, offering an alternative to the middle-of-the-road rock music that dominated the music business.
Ballet Shoes
Mr. Simpson
Londres, 1930. Tres niñas huérfanas, Pauline, Petrova y Posy Fossil, son adoptadas por un excéntrico explorador, el profesor Gum. Las niñas ven ahora una oportunidad de cumplir sus sueños: Pauline quiere ser actriz, Petrova aviadora y Posy bailarina. Todo cambia cuando Gum desaparece, abandonando a las jóvenes a su suerte y dejándolas sin dinero para sobrevivir.
Wanted (Se busca)
The Repairman
Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) tiene 25 años y es el zángano más desencantado y aburrido que habita en el planeta. Su jefe se mete con él sin parar, su novia no le hace caso y su vida carece de alicientes. Todos los que le conocen están convencidos de que este vago nato nunca llegará a nada. A Wes sólo le queda esperar que el tiempo pase hasta que muera de forma rutinaria. Pero todo cambia cuando conoce a una mujer llamada Fox (Angelina Jolie). Después del asesinato del padre de Wes, al que veía muy poco, la letal y sexy Fox recluta al joven para la Fraternity (Fraternidad), una sociedad secreta que enseña al joven a desarrollar sus poderes adormecidos para vengar la muerte de su padre.
Papá puerco
Miniserie de TV de 2 episodios. Hogfather fue la primera producción cinematográfica con actores reales del Mundodisco. Basada en la novela homónima (el título de cuya traducción al castellano es Papá Puerco), Hogfather narra los sucesos que se desencadenan cuando, de pronto, el viejo gordo barbudo que lleva regalos a los niños a finales de cada año deja de estar disponible. El canal británico Sky One emitió este cuento de navidad del Mundodisco en dos partes, los días 17 y 18 de diciembre de 2006. Las dos partes se convirtieron instantáneamente en los programas no deportivos más vistos de la historia de la emisora.
Lives of the Saints
Father Daniel
Mr Karva runs a shady little empire in North London. We don't know exactly how he makes his money but we know it's probably not very nice. Mr Karva's stepson, Othello, has ambitions to take the old man's place; and Othello's fainthearted friend, Emilio, has ambitions of his own. This delicate balance of power is upset when Roadrunner finds a strange, sickly-looking 10 year old boy in the park. All his life, Roadrunner has been on the move - but when he looks into the child's eyes, he finds he can finally stop running. It becomes clear that the child can grant each character their own taste of heaven - the 'perfect, rosy future of your dreams'. The child never talks but transforms the world around him, working on the desire in each character's heart, whatever it may be.
Un joven aristócrata, con el mundo a sus pies, está a punto de casarse con el amor de su vida cuando descubre que ha heredado una temible enfermedad: la sífilis. Su desesperación por burlar la muerte le impulsa a invocar a un monstruo de llevará la destrucción a su entorno: el Conde Drácula. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tierra de sangre
En un tiempo y lugar indeterminado, un idealista soldado llamado Joe (Ralph Fiennes) entabla -una prohibida- amistad con un prisionero político de nombre Thorne (Donald Sutherland)... (FILMAFFINITY)
Colour Me Kubrick
Ésta es la verdadera historia de un hombre que, durante el rodaje de "Eyes Wide Shut", se hizo pasar ante la sociedad londinense por el famoso y atrabiliario director de cine Stanley Kubrick. De este modo consiguió las mejores mesas en los restaurantes, acceso a las fiestas más exclusivas y los mayores elogios de multitud de personas que desconocían el verdadero aspecto del realizador.
Steve Dunham
Después de ser expulsado injustamente de la Universidad de Harvard, el estadounidense Matt Buckner huye a la casa de su hermana en Inglaterra. Una vez allí, se hace amigo del encantador y peligroso cuñado de ella, Pete Dunham, y lo introduce en el inframundo del vandalismo del fútbol británico. Matt aprende a mantenerse firme a través de una amistad que se desarrolla en el contexto de este mundo secreto y, a menudo, violento. 'Green Street Hooligans' es una historia de lealtad, confianza y las consecuencias a veces brutales de vivir cerca del límite.
Hellraiser VII: Deader
Una periodista se introduce en unas extrañas sectas que viven bajo la ciudad y que se dedican a resucitar muertos con la intención de derrotar a los cenobitas.
Dr. Chris Singleton
Young medical professional couple set out to prove that gender is not a factor in the ability to do a job well. Hilarity ensues as they swap jobs, clothes, and gender, in order to see what life is like from a different perspective.
The Principles of Lust
Crippled by his writer's block, Paul enters into a new, exciting relationship with risk-taking Billy and super-sexy Juliette. As it becomes increasingly tangled, however, he must choose one of them over the other.
Los niños de San Judas
Brother Mac
Irlanda, 1939. Al reformatorio católico de San Judas llega un nuevo profesor (Aidan Quinn) cuyos métodos chocan frontalmente con los del resto del profesorado, encabezado por el hermano John (Iain Glen), que no duda en tratar violentamente a los alumnos. Es la historia de un hombre que no duda en rebelarse y luchar contra el férreo régimen del reformatorio. Su vida es un dramático viaje, desde las destruidas calles del Madrid de la Guerra civil al limitado mundo de un reformatorio. Basada en hechos reales.
A thriller/love story set in a perfect world. The film opens a brief window into the relationship between two lovers. Tension builds and their dark secret is exposed but, however twisted or shocking, 'Perfect' uncovers the very human drama of what it is to love and be loved.
Ninguna noche dura lo suficiente
Dr Ivo Steadman
Tim es un chico que vive su vida saltando de relaciones de chica en chica hasta que un día a través de una ventana divisa a un hombre, el Dr. Ivo Steadman, por quien siente una atracción inmediata, lo cual lo llevará a intentar un acercamiento y posterior relación de pareja. Pasado un tiempo Tim deja de sentir interés debido a que Ivo es un tipo excesivamente celoso...
Revengers Tragedy
A film adaptation of the 1606 satirical tragedy by Thomas Middleton, relocated to a post-apocalyptic Liverpool. Christopher Eccleston plays the revenge-obsessed Vindice, who has sworn to kill the evil Duke (Derek Jacobi) who murdered his one true love.
Chicago Streets
1927. Tres jóvenes de Liverpool viajan a bordo del Mauritania con el objetivo de llegar a los Estados Unidos y comenzar una nueva vida. Sin darse cuenta se ven inmersos en un turbio mundo de crimen organizado y corrupción del que tendrán que salir airosos con sus puños e ingenio como únicos medios. ¿Tendrán una oportunidad de sobrevivir a la ira del hombre más poderoso de la ciudad?
Pretending to Be Judith
James, a jewellery store operator, spots Maria in a bit part in a play and asks her to impersonate his mistress, Judith, who died in an accident, so that he can reenact significant scenes from their relationship. 23-year-old Maria, long the victim of various sorts of abuse, agrees, attracted by what she sees as the love between these people. She lives with an emotionally disturbed gambler, Hugo, who is her boyfriend and occasionally her pimp; he sees through this odd role-playing game and tries to save Maria from what he perceives as danger, while she increasingly loses herself in Judith's identity.
Men Only
Men Only is a provocative two-part drama about the dark side of modern masculinity. What do men want, what do women want from them, and can the two ever be reconciled? Our men are a five-a-side football team from South London. Only they're too old, too slow, too under the thumb at home to waste their precious Tuesday nights kicking a ball around and losing every time. So the football stops and the excitement starts. They begin in lap-dancing bars, but soon they want more. Porn. Violence. Sex. Class A's. What happens on Tuesday nights should never go home. But one night they finally go too far, and the two worlds look set to collide
The Bombmaker
Expert IRA bomb-maker turned police informant Andrea Hayes retires and starts a new life after four school-children are killed by one of her bombs. Ten years later, her blissful home life shattered when her daughter, Katie, is abducted from her bedroom in the dead of night. Andrea later discovers a ransom note, instructing her to leave her husband Martin and fly to London by herself. It also states that if the police are contacted, she and Martin will never see Katie again. In the hope of being reunited with Katie, Andrea obeys orders and follows instructions to meet with the kidnappers. Back in Dublin, Martin is powerless to help and becomes frantic with worry when he learns from Andrea that no ransom demand has been made, and that the kidnappers' request is something much more dangerous.
Free Spirits
This comedy, 'about being who you want to be and doing what you want to do', centres on a bar in Peckham whose customers are struggling through the hottest day of the summer. The proprietor Bandana Bob is fighting off a takeover bid from a ruthless developer, while looking out for the dilemmas of his regulars. Matty, Bob's best mate, is under pressure from Carla, his terrifyingly maternal girlfriend. Jimmy, a boxer struggling to make his comeback but thwarted by his sneaky manager, is worried about how to support his family. And Kelly, an aspiring actress with a crush on Bob, must take the plunge with a role of 'epic proportions' to overcome her shyness and show the busy landlord how she feels.
Alicia y el Espejo Mágico
Alicia está mirándose en el espejo de su dormitorio cuando, repentinamente, lo atraviesa y entra en un mundo de fantasía. El País del Espejo es un gigantesco tablero de ajedrez, donde la vida se ha convertido en un juego; Alicia, ahora un peón blanco, ha de cruzar el tablero y así transformarse en Reina. Bajo las enseñanzas de la malhumorada Reina Roja, Alicia emprende el fantástico viaje y conoce los personajes más divertidos y estrafalarios, viviendo extraordinarias aventuras.
B. Monkey
Beatrice, más conocida como B. Monkey, es una profesional del robo a mano armada y, aunque es una mujer de espíritu violento, desea desesperadamente controlar su vida para llevar una existencia anclada en la estabilidad y la serenidad domésticas. Harta de sus colegas y de su mundo, se aferra a Alan con la esperanza de empezar una nueva vida. Y, aunque al principio todo parece ir bien, su pasado seguirá acosándola vaya donde vaya.
Dad Savage
A wealthy, successful, East-Anglian tulip grower, Dad Savage is also something of a godfather in the local criminal fraternity but doesn't trust banks to take care of his money. On recommendation from his son, Sav, Dad hires two of Sav's unemployed school friends, Bob and Vic, to help with the business and the crime. After some careless talk from Harold, just known as 'H', about Dad's pension fund, Vic and Bob decide to steal the money from Dad if they can find it. The plans to liberate the money go awry and Sav is killed requiring Bob to call upon his sister Chris to rescue them. Dad intercepts their escape and forces a showdown to try to determine exactly the events of the night in order to identify his son's killer.
Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis
Marla Darland is blessed with the voice of an angel, a singing legend. But when her agent, Marty Starr, finds his agency in trouble, he concocts a sinister plot to bring up her record sales. Amazed at the posthumous record sales of Elvis and Jimi Hendrix, Marty becomes determined to arrange a similar fate for Marla, staging the perfect tragic demise. But he didn't count on Marla not being quite ready to go.
Boston Kickout
School leaver Phil moves with his father from inner-city London to the satellite Hertfordshire New Town of Stevenage, where they are promised a brighter future...but all Phil finds there is a bleak, cultural wilderness; a world of unemployment, violence, alcoholism and drug abuse in 90s Britain
Shine. El resplandor de un genio
Basada en hechos reales, narra la historia de David Helfgott, un brillante y virtuoso pianista australiano cuya insoportable presión paterna le traumatizó hasta el punto de alcanzar estados de demencia y sufrir internamiento en un asilo.
Hidden in Silence
Poland 1939, shortly before invasion of the German troops. To save their belongings from the Nazis, the Jewish family Diamant transfers them to their 17-year-old catholic maid Fusia. In return Fusia provides them with food until the ghetto is dissolved, and then hides 13 people in her loft for over two years. However, as the front approaches and two German nurses take quarter in Fusias apartment everything seems to be in vain.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Attack of the Hawkmen
Baron Von Richthofen
In the twelfth film in the series, in 1917, Indiana Jones transfers from the Belgian army to the French intelligence service, where his first assignment is as a reconnaissance photographer for the 124th Squadron, a group of volunteer American pilots in the French army. When his plane is shot down, Indy encounters the infamous "Red Baron," Manfred von Richthofen. After a daring escape, Indy is parachuted back into Germany on a mission to convince aircraft designer Anthony Fokker to defect to France, and he discovers a new German superweapon - a new airplane intended to bring the war overseas.
Prime Suspect: The Scent of Darkness
DC Andy Dyson
A series of brutal sex murders disturbingly similar to the pattern of Superintendent Jane Tennison's (Dame Helen Mirren's) first major case leads to the awful suggestion that she may have caught the wrong man the first time.
La guerra de Las Malvinas
Tony Hunt
Este fil recrea las primeras 36 horas del conflicto de las malvinas en 1982 , filamdo en los lugares donde sucedieron los hechos y con la participacion de extas locales , confusion ,coraje de un pueblo poco preparado par ala contienda.
Gawain and the Green Knight
King Arthur
One Christmas, a knight garbed all in green appears in King Arthur's Court and challenges any knight to hew off his head on the proviso that he be allowed to return the axe stroke afterwards. All of King Arthur's other knights being frightened, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge and hacks off the green knight's head. The green knight then gives Gawain a year to find his home and live a little before the cut is returned.