Maria Osiecka-Kuminek

Maria Osiecka-Kuminek

Nacimiento : 1925-12-07, Dobrucowa k. Tarnowca, Polska

Muerte : 2011-08-05


From Wikipedia Maria Osiecka-Kuminek (b. December 7, 1925 in Dobrucowa, d. August 5, 2011 in Warsaw) - Was a Polish film production designer and interior decorator. Laureate Award for his production design for the film Maids of Wilko at the Polish Film Festival in Gdansk in 1979.


Maria Osiecka-Kuminek


El director de orquesta
Set Decoration
Después de cincuenta años de exilio, un viejo y célebre director de orquesta decide regresar a su patria. Durante los ensayos tiene un enfrentamiento con el director local, hombre ambicioso y marido posesivo de una violinista, hija de la mujer de la que el exiliado estuvo enamorado en su juventud. El film presenta el enfrentamiento entre dos éticas, la del anciano enamorado del arte, y la del inescrupuloso advenedizo, capaz de utilizar cualquier medio para lograr sus fines. Entre ambos, la mujer que, inevitablemente reconoce la realidad, y actúa como desencadenante del conflicto.
Young Girls of Wilko
Set Decoration
Set in the late '20s. A thirtyish young man, who heads a small factory, faints at the funeral of a close friend. He decides to go home to his aunt and uncle for a while, but gets involved with a family of five women who had been in love with him at one time though he had apparently loved only one, who, unknown to him, has died since his departure. The women are mainly disillusioned with life or estranged from husbands while the youngest has a crush on him.
The Gorgon Case
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
El hombre de mármol
Set Decoration
En 1976, una joven de Cracovia que está realizando su diplomatura en cine, investiga la vida de un obrero, llamado Birkut, quien en los 50 fue, de manera fugaz, un héroe proletario. Su objetivo es investigar como se originó esa leyenda y que efectos provocó en él.
The Shadow-Line
Set Decoration
Andrzej Wajda's English-language film of a novella by Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, aka Joseph Conrad, about a young man in his first command as a sea captain. A series of crises prove incredibly difficult for his new authority, for the sea is curiously becalmed and the crew is weakened by feverish malaria. When the first mate's fear convinces many that the ship is haunted and cursed by the malevolent spirit of the previous captain, the young man must cope with their superstition as well as the conspicuous absence of much-needed medicine.
La tierra de la gran promesa
Set Decoration
A finales del siglo XIX, la ciudad de Lodz se ha convertido en el epicentro de la industria textil, con la consiguiente necesidad de mano de obra inmigrante. Tres jóvenes estudiantes de Riga: un polaco católico, hijo de nobles terratenientes, un ambicioso judío y un alemán luterano deciden abrir una fábrica en esa ciudad para hacer fortuna y, sin escrúpulos ni prejuicios, se lanzan a acumular dinero y poder. (FILMAFFINITY)
Set Decoration
Siglo XVII. Mientras la guerra hace estragos por toda Europa, un valeroso guerrero lucha por el amor de una doncella llamada Olenka...