Daniel Olbrychski

Daniel Olbrychski

Nacimiento : 1945-02-27, Lowicz, Lódzkie, Poland


Daniel Olbrychski (n. 27 de febrero de 1945, Łowicz) es un actor de cine polaco que ha desarrollado una extensa carrera artística. Es conocido principalmente por sus papeles protagónicos en películas dirigidas por Andrzej Wajda. Ingresó en la Escuela Nacional de Teatro pero nunca completó sus estudios. En 1963 ya comenzó a actuar en cine al que arribó con su aureola de misterio, su estampa atlética y su rara fuerza interior bajo un rostro adolescente. Bajo la dirección de Wajda interpretó el papel del también actor polaco Zbigniew Cybulski – protagonista del filme Cenizas y diamantes que dirigiera Wajda- que había muerto en un accidente, en la película que narra la historia del mismo. Sus personalidades diferían: Cybulski era visceral y expansivo en tanto a Olbrychski se lo ve austero y enigmático. Otras actuaciones a destacar se produjeron en el filme El tambor de hojalata, película de Volker Schlöndorff basada en el libro homónimo del ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura 1999, el alemán Günther Grass, y también su pequeño papel en La insoportable levedad del ser. Cabe recordar asimismo su participación en Caza de moscas, Las señoritas de Wilko, El bosque de los abedules, La boda'' (todas dirigidas por Wajda); Vida familiar (dirigido por Krzysztof Zanussi, Los unos y los otros (encarnando el director de orquesta, en el exitoso filme de Claude Lelouch), Rosa Luxemburgo (dirigido por Margarethe von Trotta), El barbero de Siberia (dirigido por Nikita Mijalkov) y en un episodio del Decálogo, de Krzysztof Kieślowski. Olbrychski es conocido por su habilidad para cabalgar y en el manejo del sable, y protagoniza personalmente la mayoría de las escenas de acción que correspondan a su papel. Actualmente, prefiere no alejarse demasiado de casa para trabajar y además asume papeles episódicos que invariablemente confirman su condición de actor notable. De su pareja Monika Dzienisiewicz-Olbrychska nació el actor Rafal Olbrychski y otro de la actriz alemana Barbara Sukowa.


Daniel Olbrychski
Daniel Olbrychski


Dominik (Piotr Adamczyk), a PhD student at the University of Wrocław, specializing in the history of art, is sent to Porto Ercole by order of a professor (Torsten Voges) to collect material about the most mysterious period of Caravaggio's life. When he meets Silvia (Alessandra Mastronardi) and the local priest Paolo (Luca Calvani), he unexpectedly becomes part of a criminal intrigue, step by step discovering the carefully hidden secret of an inconspicuous town. It turns out that the world of art that Dominik has known so far is not what it might seem...
Talking Heads 2021
The film was inspired by one of the most important documentaries shot by Krzysztof Kieślowski, Talking Heads (1980). The director asked his interlocutors seemingly simple questions, such as “Who are you?” and “What do you want?”.
The New Order
Oryst Grabowsky
A Ukranian flight engineer must infiltrate a highly secretive cult in order to save his abducted son who some believe to be the chosen one that will allow their religion to rule all mankind.
Mátalo y abandona esta ciudad
Old Man on the Train – Behemot (voice)
El personaje principal, que perdió a los que más le importaban, trata de escapar de la desesperación escondiéndose en un lugar seguro lleno de recuerdos. Con los años, una gran ciudad se forma en su imaginación. Héroes de la literatura y dibujos animados de su infancia llegan a poblarla sin ser invitados. Cuando el protagonista descubre que todos se han vuelto viejos y que la eterna juventud no existe, decide volver a la realidad.
Raz, jeszcze raz
The movie is an attractive comedy of mistakes with large dose of humor and action. At the same time it is a sentimental story about group of friends who grew up in the same town in the 90s, taking their first steps into adulthood together. The story is about boys form Sopot who 20 years ago were a best friends for life. They had a band, they graduated from Hight school together. As a result of a various circumstances the group of friends fell apart and each of the boys went their own way. We meet the characters when they are 40 years old. They live in different cities, have different professions and lives. Theirs everyday life is interrupted by an unexpected visitor - a women who turns out to be the fiancée of the member of the former group. She invites them to a bachelor party - a surprise for her future husband. Despite their doubts the men come to their hometown to learn that old friend is dead.
Bird Talk
Based on a script by Andrzej Żuławski, this is a fascinating on-screen dialogue between father and son that combines nostalgia and fury, the sublime with humor, and old-school style with a sharp, penetrating look at Polish reality. The eponymous bird talk is the language used by those excluded from the aggressive majority: a history teacher tormented by children, a teacher of Polish studies fired from his job, a girl who cleans a banker’s villa, a florist with a club foot and a student with a fascination for cinema. Pushed to the margins by the extreme right, they defend themselves with irony, songs and quotes from the classics.
Portraying the events that have taken place in Polish politics in recent years.
Van Goghs
Mark Ginzburg is a talented artist who is always depressed. He's 52, but personal and professional success has escaped him. Many years ago, Mark moved from his native Riga to Tel Aviv to get away from his oppressive father, Viktor, who still supports him financially. Victor Ginzburg is a famous conductor. His work is his life. He never cared about Mark's feelings and tried to mold his son in his own image. Their highs and lows turned long ago into a love-hate relationship. More hate than love. Father calls his son by his childhood nickname Birdie, which infuriates the son. Son calls his father Your Majesty, which infuriates the father. After Viktor is diagnosed with a fatal illness, the father and son set off on a difficult journey that leads from hate to love.
Passenger from San Francisco
Our film portrays the precarious destiny of a former employee of the Soviet customs service. Sent into 'forced' immigration on an assignment in the 1980s, he is forgotten after the regime changes that take place in Russia in the early 1990s. Supported by neither Russian nor American governments, he is forced into a struggle against the international drug mafia. Alone, he will have to find a way out of a labyrinth of highly complex and unforeseen difficulties.
What a Country!
Predsjednik RH
A story about suicidal general, a minister in the Croatian government who voluntarily locks himself inside a prison cell, and 4 pensioners, who steal the coffin with the remains of the late Croatian president.
The Butler
Leo von Trettow
The love between Mateusz Krol, a Kashubian boy, and Marita von Krauss, a Prussian aristocrat in whose family home he is taken in when his mother dies, grows and matures thorough the years, while Kashubia, the northern Polish region where they live, suffers the consequences of the tragedies that will ravage Europe from the beginning of the 20th century until the end of the World War II.
Close to bankruptcy, Irena, the owner of a struggling pig farm in a tiny post-Communist town, finds a surprising benefactor in a handsome American man who appears to be the answer to all her prayers.
The desire for perfection, crossing boundaries can lead directly to obsession with own ego. What happens when music is more important than relationships? Who we become without love? Is having talent enough to climb to the top?
Marie Curie
Emile Amagat
Biopic sobre la científica polaca Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, más conocida como Marie Curie, que recibió dos premios Nobel y fue una de las pioneras en el campo de la radiactividad. Además, como primera mujer profesora en la Universidad de París, tuvo que soportar el antagonismo del establishment académico francés. La película narra la historia de los descubrimientos, desamores y triunfos de Curie.
Titanium White
Dominik, a PhD student of the History of Art, goes to Porto Ercole, to survey the last works of great Michelangelo Caravaggio. Unexpectedly, Dominik deepens into mysterious series of criminal events.
Hidden Reserves
Wladimir Sokulow
Vincent Baumann, un descorazonado vendedor de seguros dedicado a su carrera, y alcohólico de un sistema sin piedad, se convierte en la víctima de las mismas empresas que representan. Relegado a ser matón, lucha amargamente por volver a entrar al mercado laboral. Pelea para trepar los escalofones sociales. En el proceso, se da cuenta de que hay valores distintos al ingreso y el éxito. Decido contra anterior ideología, y a favor de otra persona, de Lisa Sokulowa. No tienen futuro, pero celebran un pequeño triunfo contra el dominio del sistema imperante.
After her mother’s death, 15-year-old Roma falls ill with a strange disease. Previously distant and emotionally cold towards the teenager, now driven by fear for his daughter’s life, her father tries to rebuild their relationship.
The Deluge Redivivus
Andrzej Kmicic
The Deluge Redivivus is a new remastered cut of the original Polish “The Deluge” from 1974 that was released for the film's 40th anniversary in 2014.
Legend No. 17
Janusz Petelicki
Biopic of Russian ice hockey legend Valeri Kharlamov from early childhood, rising to the pinnacle of the sport and his untimely death
The Vulture
Imagine that you have the power to decide on people's lives. Who would you condemned, and whom he saved? In the center of Europe suddenly, without a trace, people begin to disappear. The investigation goes into the hands of Vulture (Michal Zebrowski) - a police officer who appears to be devoid of feelings. Tough, incorruptible, no obligations and favors to others. Until he meets Natasha (Anna Przybylska) - a woman other than those that he met so far. Vulture begins a dangerous game with the enemy ahead of him is still a step. Discovers a world in which people are leading a double life. For the first time, logical thinking will drive him into a trap with no way out. Suddenly, the hunter turned into animals. Balancing on the border between passion and reason, the world of logic and clever manipulation, you will have to answer the question: is there anything more important than life?
11 settembre 1683
Marcin Kazimierz Katski
Storyline: In the summer of 1683, 300 000 Ottoman Empire's warriors begin the siege of Vienna. City's fall, will open way to conquer the Europe. The Sept 11 is the day of main battle between Polish cavalry under the King Jan III Sobieski and Turks.
Hans Kloss. Stawka większa niż śmierć
The cinema war-action movie takes place partly during WWII and partly in 1975 in Spain. The main characters: agent Capt. Hans Kloss and Herman Bruner, want to find the stolen treasure, putting their lives at stake.
Friends, fellow artists and members of anti-communist underground remember "the Polish bard" Jacek Kaczmarski.
Z miłości
Z miłości
Winter's Daughter
Waldeks Opa
For 11-year-old Kattaka it's an escape: she's looking for her biological father, a Russian sailor whose ship is currently moored in Gdansk and whose existence her parents have kept secret until now. For 70-year-old Lena it's a journey back: back to her home in Masuren, from which she fled in the Second World War. And back to her suppressed pain of having lost both parents. Only together can the mismatched couple regain the ground beneath their feet, and themselves.
La batalla de Varsovia
Józef Piłsudski
Superproducción polaca sobre una de las batallas más importantes del primer cuarto de siglo XX, en la que el ejército polaco se enfrentó a las tropas rusas en el río Vistula, en 1920, segando los planes de Lenin de expandir la revolución comunista por toda Europa.
Tolko ne seychas
Elka's Uncle
1953. A Russian soldier stationed in Poland falls in love with a local girl. Their forbidden romance turns them into traitors to their countries.
War of Love
Klara and Aniela are two young girls who decide not to get married. This decision makes bachelors even more eager to conquer them. Adaptation of the classic comedy by Aleksander Fredro.
Oleg Vasilyevich Orlov
Como agente de la CIA, Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) hizo un juramento de deber y honor a su país. Su lealtad es puesta a prueba cuando un desertor le acusa de ser una espía rusa. Salt se da a la fuga y se ve obligada a utilizar todas sus habilidades y años de experiencia como espía encubierta para evitar que la capturen. Los esfuerzos de Salt para demostrar su inocencia sólo sirven para levantar aún más las sospechas acerca de sus motivos. Mientras continúa la caza para descubrir la verdad que se oculta tras su identidad, una pregunta sigue latente: "¿Quién es Salt?"
So Much for Justice!
Kinizsi 2.
Concerning the Mátyás era in Hungarian history, during the reign of Matthias Corvinus (1443–1490), the film focuses on three eras of the king's life: the young Mátyás fights for the throne, the older Mátyás as king, and the fate of the royal crown and the royal heir after his death.
Lesser Evil
akowiec, kolega ojca
There is a writer who in the late 1970s managed to publish a poem in the monthly "Nowy Wyraz". It was enough to become a self-confessed writer whose name began to appear in the state media. The writer takes full advantage of his privileges - he flirts with power, sympathizes with the opposition, and collapses his studies at the same time. He is saved from going to the army by an exalted essayist whose sister is the head of the psychiatric hospital in Tworki. In a psychiatric institution, a writer meets a schizophrenic who writes a novel. After his suicide, the protagonist takes over the draft, which he publishes outside of censorship under his name, thanks to which he gains fame, fame and money. August '80 breaks out....
Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba
Durante miles de años, arios y otros pueblos han luchado por la hegemonía en la región de Ucrania. En el siglo XVI, son el polaco y el turco los dos ejércitos que luchan por el poder en la zona. Finalmente la victoria se decanta del lado eslavo, gracias a la ayuda de los cosacos, comandados por Taras Bulba. El jefe de los polacos invita a los jefes aliados a brindar por la victoria. Sin embargo, sus agasajos son despreciados por Bulba, incapaz de subordinarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
In this mixture of fiction and documentary Krzysztof Zanussi invites a number of Poland’s great actors—Maja Komorowowska, Daniel Olbrychski, and Jan Nowicki—to "revisit" characters they played in the director's earlier works.
The Perfect Guy for My Girlfriend
Dr. Gebauer
Kostek se enamora perdidamente de Luna, una instructora de Krav Maga, un arte marcial muy violento, que está fascinada por el feminismo. Tras una turbulenta relación con un presentador de televisión casado, la chica entabla una relación muy íntima con la líder de las feministas polacas. Kostek, un compositor de música sacra con ideas muy conservadoras, se ha hundido tras el fracaso de una relación sentimental. Aunque Kostek y Luna parecen personas antagónicas, sus destinos acaban cruzándose.
Nietzsche in Russia
Friedrich Nietzsche
"Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche never went to Russia – yet he was always fascinated by this mysterious country and wanted to visit it. This film gives him the possibility to do so after all. However, Nietzsche doesn’t arrive in 19th century Russia, but in a modern country which has been trying for years to create the civilization described by Nietzsche 150 years ago." (official)
El secreto de Anthony Zimmer
Anthony Zimmer es un consumado estafador que está en el punto de mira de todas las policías del mundo. Nadie conoce su aspecto. Sin embargo, en la carrera que enfrenta a todos los que quieren darle caza, hay alguien que juega con ventaja. Se trata de Akerman, un policía bastante peculiar: él sabe que Zimmer arriesgaría hasta su vida por ver de nuevo a Chiara. Un buen día, la joven se cita con el inaccesible delincuente, pero sólo recibe un mensaje de su parte. Con el fin de confundir a sus perseguidores, Zimmer le pide a Chiara que aborde a un desconocido para que todos crean que es la persona que andan buscando. Chiara le echa el ojo a François, un hombre normal y corriente que en seguida queda fascinado por la joven...
Persona non grata
A Polish ambassador (Zbigniew Zapasiewicz) finds his life falling into ruin following the death of his wife.
The Turkish Gambit
The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.
Jim and Elise are bound to each other by an uncompromising love, excessive passion and romance, which they like to experience up to life-threatening situations. But when film director Frank Morris gets stranded in the solitude of their east-German village, things start changing for all three of them.
Break Point
A touching love story of two pupils of the famous European tennis school - the Russian girl Asya and the Croatian Duchamp - who unexpectedly find themselves with a difficult choice: a sports career in the name of fame and international recognition or high, bright feelings ...
Lord de Winter
Milady De Winter, a beautiful femme fatale without scruples, plays with the feelings of her suitors. And sometimes very dangerously.
Army of Valhalla
Película basada en la novela de Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. Polonia, siglo noveno precristiano. Los nativos han vivido en paz durante siglos, tendiendo su tierra y adorando al Dios del sol. Pero cuando el príncipe Popiel, un hombre hambriento de poder, trae su ejército vikingo para establecer un régimen bárbaro y sanguinario de terror, el arquero afamado Ziemowit (Michal Zebrowski), lidera un levantamiento campesino e intenta poner fin a derramamiento de sangre.
The Revenge
Dyndalski, sługa Cześnika
A winter day at a Polish castle, half owned by a fatalistic notary and half by a volcanic old soldier's niece. The old soldier, Cupbearer, and the notary are sworn enemies, which may doom the love between the niece, Klara, and the notary's son, Waclaw. On this day, the tongue-tied Cupbearer asks a braggart courtier, Papkin, to sue on his behalf for the hand of the widow Hanna. Papkin succeeds and
Konrad Sachs
A holocaust survivor now living as a respected writer in Manhattan is the only person who can identify a suspected Nazi back in his native Austria. When a beautiful reporter eager for a scoop tries to lure him back, Geburtig must decide whether to confront his past.
The Witcher
Filavandrel, król elfów
Adapted from a series of fantasy novels by the polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher tells the tale of Geralt, one of a few remaining "witchers" — traveling monster hunters for hire, gifted with unnatural powers.
Szymon Gajowiec, opiekun Baryki
It's Me, the Thief
kompozytor Seweryn
Jajo to zaniedbany chłopak z rozbitej rodziny. Wzorem życiowego sukcesu jest dla niego "profesja" złodzieja samochodów w elitarnym gangu Maksa. Przed złodziejską karierą przestrzega bohatera właściciel warsztatu samochodowego, w którym on pracuje. Jajo, chcąc zdobyć respekt Maksa, kradnie wspaniałego jaguara, czym jednak niechcący naraża się gangsterowi.
Pan Tadeusz
Lituania, 1812. Polonia está tachada del mapa de Europa. Dos grandes familias se enfrentan entre sí: los Soplica, aliados de los rusos, y los Horeszko, defensores de la independencia polaca. Tras veinte años de conflicto, Jacek Soplica ha matado al último señor de la casa de los Horeszko, que le había negado la mano de su hija. Para reparar su terrible falta, Jacek adopta la identidad de un monje bernardino y se encarga de la educación de Sophie, descendiente de los Horeszko. Su objetivo es desposarla con su hijo Tadeusz, quien acaba de regresar tras finalizar sus estudios. Pero en junio de 1812, Napoleón Bonaparte, en su avance hacia Moscú, franquea el Niemen. Entonces Tadeusz decide unirse al ejército, frustrando así los planes matrimoniales que su padre tenía para él.
Con sangre y fuego
Siglo XVII. Guerra civil entre Polonia y Ucrania. En medio de la sublevación de los cosacos, un coronel se enamora de una chica prometida... Un film épico de corte romántico-aventurero publicitado como la película que, en Polonia, superó a "Titanic" en recaudación
El barbero de Siberia
Rusia, 1885. Jane Callaghan (J. Ormond), una joven aventurera americana, llega a Rusia para ayudar a Douglas, un excéntrico ingeniero que necesita el apoyo del Gran Duque para poner en práctica su más querido y ambicioso invento: una máquina diseñada para talar los bosques de Siberia. Durante el viaje, Jane conoce a dos hombres que cambiarán su vida: Andrei Tolstoi (O. Menshikov), un joven cadete que se enamora locamente de ella y que comparte su pasión por la vida y por la música; y el poderoso General Radlov (A. Petrenko), fascinado por su encanto, y que puede llevarla hasta el Gran Duque.
Weekend Stories: The Last Circle
An aging ballet legend who defected to France years before returns home to Poland for the first time to appear in a charity performance, and he immediately clashes with his ex-wife, who stayed behind when he defected.
Nagy főhadnagy
Budapest, 1948. Gyula Molnár, interpreter to the Supervisory Committee of the Allied Powers, is carried away from a party by plain-cloth police investigators. Recsk, 1950. Molnár, having attempted an escape and with a wound made by a bullet in his neck - is doggedly trying to get into the brigade of brick-layers, as escape is easiest from there.
Poznań 56
profesor w wagonie
The Story About Master Twardowski
Jan Michał Twardowski
Dzieci i ryby
Franciszek, były mąż Anny, ojciec Marysi
In this German drama a middle-aged physicist experiences a vision at a class reunion and with the help of a young female student, sets out across the Himalayas to find the lost island of Atlantis.
A wino bumps into a 25-year-old man waiting at the train station. This accidental encounter turns into an escalating conflict and eventually the young man runs and hides in a public toilet.
Korlát Gerzson
Ambrus, the canon pretender and Gerzson, the stinking rich lawyer, taking advantage of a sect and a fake hospice, are engaged in doing unsuspecting old people out of their money.
Lepiej być piękną i bogatą
Ivan & Abraham
In 1930s Poland Christian boy Ivan goes to live with a Jewish family to learn a trade. He becomes friends with Abraham, the son of the family. However, anti-Semitism is rife in their environment, and they flee to escape an upcoming conflict. Journeying together, they demonstrate their inseparability.
Sequence of Feelings
"Mistrz" Rafał Nawrot
A renowned actor, Rafal Nawrot, is invited to play the main part in a theatre production of "Romeo and Juliet" in a backwater town. Upon arriving he realizes his mistake and is packing to leave when Julia, a beautiful blonde teenager appears at his hotel room door, the starstruck emissary from a local fan club. The encounter triggers a host of erotic fantasies and dreams for Nawrot, who decides to stay in town after all. Although his dreams more or less come true when Julia becomes sexually involved with him, his growing obsession with the young woman is paralleled by her emotional growth in a simultaneous relationship with a lover her own age.
Laços de Sangue
Lina and Mariana run from an orphanage in Porto towards the south, in search of Lina's father. It is in a difficult and chauvinistic world that they end up finding Alberto who lives with Júlia on a hill somewhere in the Alentejo. Without informing that Maria is their daughter, they try little by little to know why she abandoned her. When they know the reasons, they both plan revenge ... and execute it.
Das lange Gespräch mit dem Vogel
Vnik mafiozi
In an abandoned apartment there are former spouses. Barricaded, the husband, thus, trying to escape from the criminals who hunt for compromising photos. But the ex-wife is there not by chance — she is the mistress of one of the kidnappers. But with an unusual date, the former feelings take over, the lovers decide to deceive the bandits and go on the run.
The Silence Of Elsewhere
Most of the characters in this romantic drama are waiting for something. Jeanne is waiting for her husband Francois to return; he abandoned her and their son Christophe a couple of years ago. The boy is waiting for his father, too. Meanwhile, Jeanne's current lover Marcel is waiting for her to come to her senses about the cad who went a way, and recognize the worthiness of his love for her. Finally, the absent husband is also waiting for the right time to make his belated reappearance. All this takes place near the gas station Jeanne runs in a dessicated and remote region in southern France.
L'Orchestre rouge
Karl Giering
The Last Wager
Decálogo 3
"Santificarás las fiestas": Una Nochebuena, Ewa, ex amante de Janusz, lo busca para pedirle que la ayude a encontrar a su marido que ha desaparecido. Janusz se inventa una excusa para su familia y la acompaña. Sólo, al final, descubre que Ewa le ha mentido porque, incapaz de soportar la soledad, necesitaba pasar la noche con alguien. Tercero de los diez mediometrajes que constituyen el "Decálogo" y que están inspirados en los Diez Mandamientos.
El taller del orfebre
Father Adam
Un joyero vende anillos de matrimonio a parejas jóvenes y les enseña algunas preciadas verdades sobre el significado del amor y del matrimonio. El joyero también ayuda a otras parejas a pelear para salvar sus matrimonios cuando tienen problemas, a renovar y mejorar sus relaciones. El mrenacido amor entre la segunda pareja les enseña a su hija a que tener un matrimonio lleno de amor es posible, y eventualmente acepta la propuesta de matrimonio del hijo de la primera pareja.
Love Steps
The story revolves around Elisa, a young talented ballet dancer. After an unjust accusation at her school, she has to stop her studies. The events take her away from ballet but only for a short period of time.
Martina's Father
Martina lives in the Rome's zoo, because her father is the guardian. She becomes friend with a young Slavic escaped from a gypsy camp. When the police arrives searching for the kid, they run away riding an elephant!
La insoportable levedad del ser
Interior Ministry Official
Tomás es médico y un mujeriego empedernido en la Checoslovaquia de los 60, un hombre apolítico que es herido de amor por Teresa, una chica de pueblo. Sabina, su amante más sofisticada, acaba por aceptar la relación de Tomás con Teresa, y entre las dos mujeres nace una buena amistad. Los tres se ven envueltos en la Primavera de Praga (1968), y cuando los tanques soviéticos aplastan a los rebeldes no-violentos, sus ilusiones se hacen añicos y sus vidas cambian para siempre.
Kampf der Tiger 2
Pit Hoefges
Kampf der Tiger
Pit Hoefges
Conspiración Para Matar A Un Cura
Polonia, 1984. Reconstrucción del asesinato del sacerdote Jerzy Popieluszko por la policía comunista como consecuencia de su entusiasta y heroico apoyo a las actividades del sindicato obrero Solidaridad. El film constituye una denuncia del comunismo polaco.
Farewell Moscow
Mit meinen heißen Tränen
Franz von Schober
A young, idealistic poet, turns his back on civilization and goes to small, backwood village, rents a bed in the house of an old woman, and decides to make his living as a lumberjack. Soon he realizes that the world around him is far from perfect.
Ga-ga: Gloria a los héroes
El protagonista de esta historia aterriza en un mundo desconocido y teóricamente inhabitado en algún momento del siglo XXI. En este nuevo lugar es considerado por la gente como un "héroe" y tratado como si fuese de la realeza. Pronto descubre que tantas atenciones tienen un precio: debe cometer un crimen
Rosa Luxemburgo
Leo Jogiches
República de Weimar (1919-1933). Una vez terminada la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), se produjeron en Alemania movimientos populares de protesta, al frente de los cuales se hallaban Rosa Luxemburgo y Karl Liebknecht, que fundaron un partido político revolucionario de carácter comunista: los espartaquistas.
...jestem przeciw
The Cop & the Girl
A tough cop but his life in ruins. His superiors are only looking for a reason to sack him. The girl is 17 years old and lives on the street. As the cop helps her one night, she steals his gun and flees. He should report the loss of his gun to his boss, so he has to search for the girl. At the Dutch border it falls into the power of the police! Henceforth they are on the run, without a plan and without a goal ..
Casablanca, Casablanca
Daniel, l'amante di Chiara
Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara. She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards.
La diagonal del loco
Tac-Tac, l'équipe de Liebskind
La Guerra Fría reflejada en una partida de ajedrez. En la ciudad suiza de Geneva -Ginebra- se un prestigioso campeonato de ajedrez, que enfrenta al gran maestro Pavius Fromm con el actual campeón del mundo Akiva Liebskird. Ambos pertencen al otro lado del "telón de acero", pero mientras que Liebskird es leal al régimen comunista de la Unión Soviética, Fromm es un destacado disidente que vive en el exilio en Occidente.
Lieber Karl
A coming-of-age drama about an unhappy teenager who is repressed by his conservative and ambitious family
Un amor en Alemania
En mayo de 1983, un hombre de 49 años, acompañado de su hijo, viaja al pueblo de su infancia, en Baden. Su deseo es descubrir qué le sucedió en realidad a su madre. Sus recuerdos son muy borrosos y, además, por aquel entonces era demasiado pequeño para comprender lo que ocurría a su alrededor.
If I Were 1000 Years Old
A long time ago, On a french island, a bunch of villagers saved a girl from being sacrifice by the local lord. To this day the place is cursed and each years, mysterious knights comes out of the fog, while a woman disappear.
Greek drama
The Trout
Frederique (Huppert) abandona el pueblo, donde su familia tiene una granja de truchas, para emprender un viaje al Japón y a los brazos de un hombre.
De un país lejano
La película cuenta la historia biográfica de Karol Wojtyla, comenzando en 1926 en Polonia: muestra la invasión nazi a ese país, y la vida de Wojtyla como sacerdote, obispo y cardenal, hasta que finalmente es nombrado papa con el nombre de Juan Pablo II.
The Fall of Italy
En la segunda parte de su trilogía bélica, Zafranovic aborda esta vez la historia de un partisano enfrentado al dilema de anteponer la causa política a sus esperanzas y preocupaciones particulares. Película extremadamente lírica y hasta sensual por momentos (luminosa su fotografía, el sol omnipresente), pero violenta y amarga en otros (especialmente al recrear los episodios de batalla en retaguardia), se aborda en ella la guerra como una cuestión moral, sin heroísmos, así como las consecuencias de la intransigencia ideológica, con independencia de su signo.
Los unos y los otros
Karl Kremer
Cuatro familias de distinta nacionalidad (rusa, alemana, americana y francesa), apasionadas por la música, ven cómo la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) trastorna sus vidas y sus carreras musicales. (FILMAFFINITY)
We Summon You
A record of the unveiling of the monument to the victims of December '70 that took place in front of gate 2 of the Gdańsk Shipyard. Witnesses to the December events describe their experiences.
The Knight
A tale of medieval quest for a golden harp called "the Knight".
A well-regarded engineer in a big enterprise is hounded by trumped up attacks on his integrity when he delves too deeply into how bonuses are handled by the management. He gets into an argument with the guard, is arrested and subsequently fired. An old friend, a journalist, tries to sort things out but the victim's stubbornness and past problems with his wife lead to lossess by both.
Young Girls of Wilko
Wiktor Ruben
Set in the late '20s. A thirtyish young man, who heads a small factory, faints at the funeral of a close friend. He decides to go home to his aunt and uncle for a while, but gets involved with a family of five women who had been in love with him at one time though he had apparently loved only one, who, unknown to him, has died since his departure. The women are mainly disillusioned with life or estranged from husbands while the youngest has a crush on him.
El tambor de hojalata
Jan Bronski
El día de su tercer cumpleaños es una fecha determinante en la vida de Oskar. No sólo es el día en que toma la decisión de dejar de crecer, sino que recibe su primer tambor de hojalata, objeto que habrá de convertirse en compañero inseparable para el resto de sus días... Basada en la más famosa novela del escritor y premio Nobel de literatura Günter Grass.
Screen Tests
występuje w roli samego siebie
Three-part film centered around a film being made by a group of young directors. In the first a working-class girl finishes school and has her first love affair, which ends badly. In the second a provincial boy with dreams of life in the theater has an affair with his boss' wife. They meet during the film's screen tests.
Stanislaw Przybyszewski
Dagny Juell was the doctors daughter who left Kongsvinger for Berlin to study music, and became famous painter Edvard Munchs mistress and model. Than she ran into August Strindberg. They had a brief affair but after a couple of weeks Dagny left him for Stanisław Przybyszewski.
La tierra de la gran promesa
Karol Borowiecki
A finales del siglo XIX, la ciudad de Lodz se ha convertido en el epicentro de la industria textil, con la consiguiente necesidad de mano de obra inmigrante. Tres jóvenes estudiantes de Riga: un polaco católico, hijo de nobles terratenientes, un ambicioso judío y un alemán luterano deciden abrir una fábrica en esa ciudad para hacer fortuna y, sin escrúpulos ni prejuicios, se lanzan a acumular dinero y poder. (FILMAFFINITY)
Andrzej Kmicic
Siglo XVII. Mientras la guerra hace estragos por toda Europa, un valeroso guerrero lucha por el amor de una doncella llamada Olenka...
Rome Wants Another Caesar
In this costume epic, the last days of Julius Caesar are chronicled.
The Wedding
Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division under Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a call to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
Pilate and Others
Mateusz Lewita
The trial of Yeshua Ha-Notsri is led by prosecutor Pontius Pilate who believes in the innocence of the accused but is forced to sentence him to death. This biblical story is set in present-day Germany.
Liberacion La Batalla de Berlin (Osvobozhdenie Part 4)
In this the fourth episode, “Battle of Berlin,” the Soviets start their assault on Berlin and Stalin negotiates with the other Allies.
Family Life
Wit Braun
This intense chamber drama centers on an ambitious young industrial designer who is summoned home to help his father and sister. Both the aristocratic family he fled in shame and scorn, and their dilapidated country estate, bathed in an oppressively nostalgic light, prove ultimately inescapable.
Agnus Dei
A hegedülõ
Alegory of the suppression of the 1919 revolution and the advent of fascism in Hungary; in the countryside, a unit of the revolutionary army spares the life of father Vargha, a fanatical priest. He comes back and leads massacres. A new force, represented by Feher, apparently avanges the people, but only to impose a different, more refined and effective kind of repression.
La pacifista
Italia, década de los setenta. Una joven periodista de televisión que se declara pacifista, se enamora de un chico que pertenece a un grupo extremista. El joven recibe la misión de cometer un crimen político, pero, incapaz de llevarlo a cabo, es asesinado por sus compañeros. Ella pide en vano ayuda a la policía, por lo que decide tomarse la justicia por su cuenta.
El bosque de los abedules
Drama familiar ambientado durante la posguerra. Un joven músico retorna del extranjero para pasar unos días junto a su hermano en su Polonia natal.
Paisaje después de la batalla
La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha terminado, pero los supervivientes de un campo nazi descubren que, en esencia, nada ha cambiado: el totalitarismo nazi ha sido simplemente sustituido por otro totalitarismo de distinto signo.
Różaniec z granatów
kapral Józef Łaptak
Fall 1944. A wounded Polish officer, Ryszard, was brought to the Allied field hospital. He notices another soldier on the table - also a Pole - a rosary made of pomegranate seeds. Józef, overjoyed at the arrival of his countryman, tells the story of the rosary.
Liberacion La Ruptura (Osvobozhdenie Part 2)
Epopeya bélica contada en cinco partes que, en su época, se consideró como la respuesta soviética a la película norteamericana "El día más largo" (The Longest Day, 1962), producción de la Fox que narraba el desembarco de las tropas aliadas en Normandía. "Liberation" cubre las victorias más importantes del ejército soviético en la II Guerra Mundial, incluyendo la batalla de Kursk y la batalla de Berlín, el asalto al Reichstag, y la colocación de la bandera roja sobre sus ruinas. Existe también una versión donde la historia se divide en cinco películas individuales.
The Taste of the Black Earth
During the 1920 Silesian uprising, seven brothers take part in the struggle with the Germans to keep the region in the Polish hands.
Scenes From The Director's Life
Shots from Hamlet's rehearsals at the National Theatre in 1970, directed by Adam Hanuszkiewicz, performed by Daniel Olbrychski. The film presents various stages of the preparations – from trying on the costumes and memorizing lines to the final staging.
Coronel Wolodyjowski
Azja Tuhaj-Bejowicz (Mellechowicz)
Situada en el siglo XVII durante la invasión turca de la Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituania, la cual fue eventualmente rechazada. El coronel Michael Wo?odyjowski, con un puñado de soldados fronterizos de la Mancomunidad de Polonia-Lituania, se enfrentó a turcos y tártaros. Después de la declaración de guerra, defendió la fortaleza en Kamieniec Podolski (1672). 1.060 polacos trataron de detener a 120.000 turcos y tártaros de Crimea. La defensa fue un ejemplo de las actitudes patrióticas en un país devastado por anteriores guerras. El héroe murió; sin embargo, al año siguiente (1673), los polacos ganaron la batalla de Chocim y en 1683 salvaron a Europa de la invasión turca en la batalla de Kahlenberg. Esta fue la última gran victoria del Reino de Polonia y de los legendarios Húsares alados polacos.
La estructura de cristal
występuje w roli samego siebie (nie występuje w napisach)
Drama que contrasta los estilos de vida divergentes de dos viejos amigos. Marek (Andrzej Zarnecki) es un famoso físco polaco que vive en la ciudad. Se dirige a la casa de su antiguo compañero de facultad Jan (Jan Myslowicz), que ha alcanzado el "equilibrio espiritual y moral" al alejarse de la vida urbana e instalarse en un pequeño pueblo. Obtuvo una amplia gama de premios internacionales, entre ellos el Premio Sirena de Varsovia y numerosos otros reconocimientos en festivales como Valladolid, Panamá, y Mar del Plata.
Hunting Flies
Rzeźbiarz porzucony przez Irenę
Wlodek is a young man stuck in a dead-end job at the local library who lives with his harridan wife and critical in-laws in a small apartment. When Wlodek draws the interest of a library patron, the beautiful young woman encourages him to strive for better things in his life and professional career. Together, the two take off for a three-day affair, but surprises could await Wlodek upon his return home.
Everything for Sale
Wajda's homage to Zbigniew Cybulski, the "Polish James Dean" who starred in the director's ASHES AND DIAMONDS and died young. The movie follows the tribulations of a director attempting to make a movie with a Cybulski-like star who never shows up.
Countess Cosel
Charles XII
The Countess Cosel is based on the true story of the beautiful Anna Constantia of Brockdorff, a German noblewoman who became a mistress of Augustus the Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony in 1704.
A student who missed his final exam because of illness arrives at his professor's house to beg to be allowed to take it.
Marek Arens
Marek is a promising athlete sharing affairs with more than one women. One day at masquerade ball his loafing eyes witnessed the most beautiful pair of eyes disguised in black veil of Turkish dress and instantly get him ensnared by her enigma. He follows her, she knows it. She meets him and introduced her as Jowita and told him to wait for her outside the gate. The wait ended in frustration for him and he gets himself obsessed in search of her. Finally at another ball, he meets her again but she said she is Agnieszka and not Jowita, who is her best friend. They became friends and lovers but still those eyes of Jowita remain a mystery. Who is Jowita? An unattainable object of desire or unsolved enigma of subconscious?
Tolek Szczepaniak
Young boxer studies with a kind, knowing manager, grooming him for the Olympics. He fights the lead boxer, has a brief fling, and gets jailed for beating up a group he feels laughed at him during the drunken spree. But he is rehabilitated and gets a crack at the Olympics where he wins.
The Marriage of Convenience
Małżeństwo z rozsądku ("Marriage of Convenience") is a Polish musical comedy from 1966 directed by Stanisław Bareja.
Potem nastąpi cisza
Rafał Olbromski
Trata sobre una legión polaca que lucha bajo la bandera de Napoleón, con la esperanza de asegurar la libertad de su país dividido.
Wounded in the Forest
kapral "Koral"
While hiding from the Germans in the forest, young Polish corporal tries hard to fulfill his order to take care of a wounded lieutenant and wait for the doctor and transportation to come.
In the early eighteenth century, foreign rule means dark times for the Hutsuls of the Carpathians. The two Dovbush brothers become opryshkos - mountain outlaws. But the two brothers become enemies - one cares only about money, the other - Oleksa - fights for his people. The Carpathians are convulsed with a wave of uprisings. The aristocracy uses its military might to try to kill Dovbush and destroy his legend. But Dovbush outwits them. The desperate lords devise a devious plan and attack the invincible outlaw's Achilles heel - his love for his childhood sweetheart, Marichka. Who will be the assassin to attack the Opryshko whose immense strength and bravery inspired folk tales? Will the lords' treacherous plan destroy the hero before he can lead his people to freedom?