Franciszek Pieczka

Franciszek Pieczka

Nacimiento : 1928-01-18, Godów, śląskie, Polska

Muerte : 2022-09-23


Franciszek Pieczka


Aktor Pana Boga
Son of the Snow Queen
The Deluge Redivivus
stary Kiemlicz
The Deluge Redivivus is a new remastered cut of the original Polish “The Deluge” from 1974 that was released for the film's 40th anniversary in 2014.
The Heart and Sweetheart
A story, warm and full of humor, about Maszenka, an 11-year-old girl from an orphanage in the Bieszczady Mountains who loves ballet. The first stage on her road to fulfilling her dream is the entrance exam to the ballet school in Gdansk. To make it there in time, she escapes from the orphanage, taking newly hired educator Kordula with her. They travel all the way across Poland, hiding from the police and meeting people who help them in need.
Ranczo Wilkowyje
Stacho Japycz
The Eighth Day of the Week
After her husband's death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, portrayed by Maya Komorowska is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.
święty Roch
The peaceful world of a monastery, in a small town Jasmine, is destroyed by the arrival of monument restorers, Natasha, along with her daughter Eugenia. The legend associated with the monastery bode revelation in him a saint in the near future. Despite initial reluctance, Natasha starts the maintenance of the image stored there. The secrets of the monastery are unraveled: the unhappy lovers bodies placed in the catacombs, the secret elixir of love, created with the smell of the monks.
Miracle in Cracow
Rabin Lewi
Bartłomiej, community elder and orator, must choose an appropriate successor, but finds difficulty in the aftermath of a local girl's tragic hit-and-run death. A community's pain reverberates through fractured relationships and the burden of funereal responsibility.
Quo Vadis
Apostle Peter
Siglo I d.C.. El oficial romano Marco Vinicio regresa de la guerra en Asia Menor y visita a su tío Petronio, amigo del emperador Nerón. Vinicio le confiesa que se ha enamorado de una joven misteriosa, Ligia, a quien ha conocido en la casa del general Aulus Plaucius. En una fiesta, Vinicio trata de aprovecharse de Ligia, pero su protector, el gigantesco Ursus, la saca de palacio y la lleva al lugar donde se reúnen los cristianos. Cuando Ligia es acusada de haber asesinado a la hija de Nerón, Vinicio la busca en las catacumbas. Pero la vida de los cristianos peligra al ser acusados de haber provocado el incendio de Roma, ordenado en realidad por el emperador.
Syzyfowe prace
Józef, servant
History of Cinema in Popielawy
Wujo Janek
The story is narrated by ten-year old Staszek, who writes in his diary about his school-friend Jozef. Jozef comes from a family of blacksmiths, all of whom bear the name Jozef. Since he is the sixth consecutive son to be called Jozef, he is nicknamed Szustek (meaning "sixth one").
Szabla od komendanta
The Story About Master Twardowski
pustelnik Albertus
The Man Who Reads Music From The Plates
Thanks for Every New Morning
Olga's Father
This film is about life of a family, which lived in Prague since since 1968 to 1980. Father of the family comes from Ukraine and so every year someone from Ukraine to visit this family and to buy something more better than is in Ukraine. As the times go by, the friens of family live in Austria. And now for change the family visit "a better life" in west Europe and they found out how it is to be something second-rate.
Johnnie Waterman
Jancio Wodnik
On the road wandering minstrel finds a mare, which, upholstered and sickly, is dying. He buries mare and casts a curse in the village where the animal was tortured. In the village lives Jańcio, a philosopher, a man loving life and his young wife, Weronka. Jańcio lives in harmony with God and is not expecting that he will be put to the test by him. He is convinced he has the power to make miracles. He leaves his pregnant wife, and goes to see the world, promising to return before the due date.
Miraculous Place
Two Moons
Panoramic view of a resort town in the summer of 1930. In seventeen episodes we get a glimpse at the microcosm of its colourful inhabitants and visitors, Poles and Jews, the high society and the desperately poor.
The Case of Bronek Pekosinski
ksiądz Michalski
Bronek Pekosinski lives in Zamosc, Poland. He is probably 83 years old. He has no family and does not really know who he is. Everything about his life is fictitious: symbolic is the date of birth - the day World War II broke out, as well as his surname - after PKOS, an abbreviation of a charitable institution, and the place of birth - the Nazi concentration camp, from where his mother threw him over a barbed wire fence. Even his friends and guardians turned out to be false. Only his loneliness and his hump seem to be authentic. Two great powers have vied for young Bronek's soul: Roman-Catholic church and a totalitarian state. He fell into alcoholism. Partially paralyzed as the effect of cerebral hemorrhage, he is fired with an ambition of acquiring a mastery in a game of chess.
Pograbek is a village philosopher with an unconventional way of looking at things. He is planning on buying a child since he cannot have one due to his infertility. However, the woman that promised him one has changed her mind, and now the provincial gigolo is trying to make his wife pregnant.
A young Russian aristocrat, Baron Fyodor Jeremin, volunteers to serve with a Dragon squadron to impress the girl who rejected his love. Just at this time the 1863 insurrection explodes in Poland. He enlists to serve in the army being sent to suppress the revolt. He believes that now it's enough to defeat the Poles, become an officer and hero, get a bunch of medals, and then return and lay all of this at the feet of her beloved. However, the "little Polish war" looks completely different to the way that young Jeremin imagined it to be. In course of time, he learns to be on the wrong side. But there is no escape - he must kill or he will be killed. What's more, he falls in love with a beautiful Polish girl...
The Land beyond the Rainbow
A surrealist tale set in the East German village of Stalina.
Maximilian Kolbe
En 1941, el sacerdote polaco Maximilian Kolbe fue arrestado por los nazis. Sería recluido en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz. Con motivo de la fuga de un prisionero, los nazis escogieron a varios hombres al azar, para ser ejecutados y desalentar nuevas escapadas. Cuando uno de los prisioneros elegidos, padre de familia, suplicó por su vida pensando en los suyos, Kolbe se ofreció voluntario para sustituir a ese hombre. Juan Pablo II canonizó a Kolbe en 1982, proponiéndolo como mártir de la caridad.
Kein Wort von Einsamkeit
Georg Tresser
Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg
Swedish account of Raoul Wallenberg, the man responsible for the largest rescue of Jews during World War II.
Memories of a River
Ansel Vogel
In the 19th century Austro-Hungarian Empire, David Hersko, a Jewish shepherd, witnesses the attack of a young girl. His home is burned down and he finds shelter with the family of a Jewish logger. The loggers find the body of a young woman which they bury, going against local laws. They are charged with her murder and it is believed that they killed her as a ritual murder.
Burial of a Potato
Set in 1946, the film tells a story of a Polish villager returning home after years in a concentration camp. Mateusz is an old-timer, a saddler, who finds nothing but hostility when he makes it home after years away. He is not a Jew, though the villagers brand him one and give him a hard time. They feel guilty about the death of his son at the end of the war, and don't want the father around. In the background: beginnings of the Communist regime in Poland.
A father and his sons want to catch a man who steals their apples.
Jadup and Boel
In a small town, everyone has tried to forget what happened shortly after WWII. That is, until a stranger finds a book that Jadup (Kurt Böwe) gave to the young refugee Boel (Katrin Knappe), who resettled in the town over 30 years ago. Painful memories about Boel and the post-war period begin to surface and shake up the whole town. Boel vanished back then and nobody knew why. Word spread about a rape and some tried to blame a Russian soldier. Jadup, the town's respected and popular mayor, remembers, though, how he mistrusted Boel and did not help her through this difficult time; HE didn't even notice THAT Boel loved him. Jadup's confrontation with the past gives him a new, critical view of his current situation and surroundings.
Powrót po śmierć
The 1930s. An investigetion after founding a dead body on the street of Cracow.
stary Szałaj, ojciec Wiktora
Friend of the Jolly Devil
A woodsman find and abandoned child in the forest and raises him as his son. When the child reaches 10, the woodsman suddenly goes blind. The kid is determined to help his "father" and answers a mysterious call. He must seek the Spirit of Darkness and defeat him if the woodsman is to see again. During his search for the Spirit he encounters a friendly monster who helps the boy in his quest. They are able to survive every dangerous test on their way and the final confrontation.
The Mother of the Kings
Made in 1982, shelved for five years. Story opens with Lucja Krol's husband under the tram. She gives birth to her fourth son on the floor of their new apartment. Neighbor Wiktor, a communist intellectual, befriends the poverty-stricken family but is soon arrested and sent to jail. During the war Lucja narrowly escapes a Nazi roundup at the black market. Her sons hold ardent Communist meetings in their apartment, with her blessing. Lucja works hard, but without complaint. After the war, Klemens is inexplicably arrested, accused by the new regime of being a collaborator. Wiktor, now a high-ranking party member, trying to defend him, himself falls into disgrace. Klemens is tortured to "confess" and dies in jail, a Communist to the end. Lucja is never told about his fate.
Memoirs of a Sinner
Logan, mąż Rabiny
Based on an 18th Century novel by James Hogg. Tells the story of a young man whose memories, recounted after death, are supposed to be a series of wrong moral choices ending up with him killing himself.
A young, idealistic poet, turns his back on civilization and goes to small, backwood village, rents a bed in the house of an old woman, and decides to make his living as a lumberjack. Soon he realizes that the world around him is far from perfect.
Big Bang
Stasiek Skrzypek
A UFO lands at night in a typical Masovian village. The villagers feel honored and want to be as hospitable as possible for the unexpected alien guests.
Strzykalski, ojciec chrzestny Purowskiego
The film depicts three days in the life of a state farm director, during which he celebrates his 40th birthday. He was adopted by four godfathers who have helped him throughout his life and have reached positions of prominence themselves. He makes a mistake at work turning away some foreigh investors and is required to cover the losses, but even his godfathers are unable to help him. He regains affection of his son instead.
Sprawa się rypła
Ludwik Placek
During the USSR's rule over Poland, highlander Józef Placek and his family have to convince the government that his late mother is, in fact, alive. If successful, they will be able to pocket the gifts that have been issued to her for reaching the ripe old age of 100, thus inspiring his neighbor's, Kadela's, jealousy.
The Girls of Nowolipki
Coming of age story of four girls living in the same poor district of Warsaw just before the outbreak of World War One.
Sebastian Fußberg
The Faithful River
Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit of insurgents have been wiped out and only one survived, but badly wounded. He eventually finds shelter and care from a landsteward's daughter, hiding in a burned-out manor with an old servant.
La acción se desarrolla en una localidad al este del Imperio Austro-Húngaro en los primeros días de la I Guerra Mundial. En la austera (taberna) del viejo judío Tag se esconden judíos de varias capas sociales amenazados por las tropas cosacas...
An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill
Piotr Boratynski
Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.
The Linnet
Dziad / Pan Bóg we śnie Kaziuka
Kaziuk, a stubborn peasant and his pregnant wife live in a backwood village, unaffected by the civilization. The village is once visited by a couple of wanderers, and strange things start to happen afterward. A new schoolteacher is sent to the area. She stirs erotic fantasies in Kaziuk. In a stir of frustration Kaziuk cuts down a family tree - a sacrilegious act in the eyes of his family. Going a step further and using a scythe for cutting the rye instead of a sickle brings the whole village against him.
The Lynx
Stelmach Alojz
Set during the German occupation of Poland during WWII. A priest in a small village meets a revolutionary who is on an assignment to kill a supposed Nazi collaborator.
Wäre die Erde nicht rund...
While studying in Moscow, the GDR resident Christiane falls in love with Hatem, a fellow student from Syria. The two become a couple and even have a child together. When their study draws to an end, Christiane and Hatem have to decide if they want to share their future together. After Hatem explains to Christiane that as a woman she will not be able to work in Syria, Christiane suggests moving to the GDR together. For Hatem, however, this is out of the question, since he considers it a betrayal of his country. Thus, the two young people are forced to go separate ways.
Racławice. 1794
prezentujący polityczny teatrzyk kukiełkowy
The document describes the preparations and organizational problems related to the outbreak of the Kościuszko Insurrection and the initial phase of the fighting to the Battle of Racławice. He also devotes a lot of space to the peasant question.
The Beads of One Rosary
Jerzy Habryk
The crusty hero, Habryka, is an old miner who has won many worker medals and is now retired with his youngest son and latter's family living with him. To build new apartment buildings, the old houses are being bought out, the residents given apartments in the new houses, and being cleared away. But Habryka refuses to sell.
The Beads of One Rosary
Jerzy Habryka
The crusty hero, Habryka, is an old miner who has won many worker medals and is now retired with his youngest son and latter's family living with him. To build new apartment buildings, the old houses are being bought out, the residents given apartments in the new houses, and being cleared away. But Habryka refuses to sell.
Historical novel by Boleslaw Prus . The problem of the Polish population displacement from their land within the limits of the Prussian partition. Germans come to the village harassing a wealthy peasant Snail, leading to the tragedy. Slug's cottage burns, his wife dies. The peasant does not give up, defending his inheritance. He sticks on a patch of his Polish soil and protects it like a soldier his post.
Although members of the Hitler Youth chant anti-Semitic paroles in front of his house during the Purim festival, Rabbi Singer is still profoundly convinced that Germany will stay a safe country for him, his family, and his fellow believers. But several years later, his son David is banned from going to school because he is a Jew. Shortly after, Rabbi Singer and his wife are deported. Now, young David also fears for his life. In constant fear of being detected, he tries to find a way to leave Germany.
The White Mazurka
Walery Wróblewski
A film about the life and activities of the Polish revolutionary Ludwik Waryński. In his memoirs, Ludwik returns to his student years in St. Petersburg, to Warsaw, to Krakow, where he was arrested and put on trial. After the end of the process in Krakow, Waryński leaves for Geneva, where he meets with Russian revolutionaries. In 1881, he returned to his homeland and created the first party of workers in Poland...
The Woman Across the Way
Simon Schmidt
A middle-aged man's doubts about himself transform themselves into paranoia about his younger wife's behavior in this psychological thriller. The husband plants listening devices around their apartment and eventually drives the heretofore innocent woman into the arms of one of his co-workers.
Budapest Tales
"Budapest Tales" is about a group of people (consisting of Szabo regular Andras Balint along with Ildiko Bansagi and Karoly Kovacs) who find a broken down tram while trying to go to the city. The people band together and try to get the tram back on the train tracks and head towards the city. Along this journey the passengers encounter many people who join them on the tram. What started out as only a handful of people has now turned into a small village. As the people travel on to the city each person takes on certain roles and through the course of time these roles will change. Some people fall in love, others out of love, and a few even die. But life goes on. The people keep the tram going hoping to reach Budapest.
Złota kaczka
La cicatriz
Stefan Bednarz
Polonia, años setenta. El régimen comunista gobierna el país. El anti-héroe de "La cicatriz" es Bednarz, director de una empresa situada en medio de un bosque, forzado a volver a su tierra natal, vencido, víctima de sus contradicciones y de una realidad que escapa a su control. Muestra paralelamente la vida privada del empresario, el alejamiento de su mujer, el desafío de su hija y sus recuerdos personales.
A short making-of from the set of Kieslowski's feature film "Blizna", which uses a lot the word "Action!" and the slate.
Grzech Antoniego Grudy
Till Eulenspiegel
Ritter Kunz
In medieval Germany, poor and witty Till Eulenspiegel fools and cheats citizens, churchmen, and landlords. Although in most cases he uses his wit for personal well-being, he often helps the poor and weak. Eventually, he gains an influential but also dangerous position as royal fool at the court of the emperor.
La tierra de la gran promesa
A finales del siglo XIX, la ciudad de Lodz se ha convertido en el epicentro de la industria textil, con la consiguiente necesidad de mano de obra inmigrante. Tres jóvenes estudiantes de Riga: un polaco católico, hijo de nobles terratenientes, un ambicioso judío y un alemán luterano deciden abrir una fábrica en esa ciudad para hacer fortuna y, sin escrúpulos ni prejuicios, se lanzan a acumular dinero y poder. (FILMAFFINITY)
Old Kiemlicz
Siglo XVII. Mientras la guerra hace estragos por toda Europa, un valeroso guerrero lucha por el amor de una doncella llamada Olenka...
The Nest
Told in flashback as Mieszko lies feverish in his bed just before the Battle of Cedynia, Gniazdo recounts how the revered leader extended Poland's borders, formed an alliance with Emperor Otto I, and ultimately strengthened his country's autonomy by achieving victory during that crucial battle in the year 972.
Dark River
wójt Mateusz
Small Polish village straight after WWII. Young man Zenek injured and awarded with Cross of Valour during partisan fight is torn between staying loyal to his partisan comrades (continuing their fight) and his own beliefs.
Kaprysy Łazarza
The Wedding
Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division under Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a call to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
The Sun Rises Once a Day
After the war, the community of mountaineers is eager to start their own sawmill. When the communist authorities come to take over the sawmill, a rebellion starts.
Pearl in the Crown
Hubert Siersza
Film set during the Silesian Uprising in the 1920's. The German owners of a mine decide that it is unprofitable and want to close it by flooding it. The miners go on strike.
Warsaw is mysteriously running out of water during the summer heat wave. This mystery can only be solved by a Polish superhero known as As.
A Hole in the Ground
An ambitious, enthusiastic young geologist is entangled in bureaucratic red tape when he tries to drill for oil. Frustrated with the situation, he torches an abandoned mill, ignores his girlfriend, and fights with his friends who do not share his exuberance about the project.
Album polski
kolejarz Franek, ojczym Anny
University student Anna and her boyfriend Tomek use a precious photograph to trace and unveil the complex wartime and post-war past of their parents.
Matthew's Days
A man who is socially inept and out of touch with the world lives with his sister in a small farmhouse. The overly sensitive man lives off his hard-working sibling, taking odd jobs as he gets them to secure his meager earnings. When he brings home a woodcutter from the forest, the sister and the newcomer fall in love. Terrified over a life without his sister, the man can't cope and decides to kill himself. This depressing tale of alienation, doubt and uncertainty was the Polish entry at the Cannes Film Festival in 1968.
Tramp or the Only and Incomparable Lenny Jacobsen
The drifter has a name - Lenny Jacobsen" - An outsider is chased to his death. The case remains uncertain, while what otherwise interests at best incidentally, the sensitivities of the victims and the perpetrators, to seemingly trivial expressions, gestures, sentences becomes the main thing.
Skinny and Others
Tomasz Waliczek "Kosa" / "Scythe"
A group of workers builds a bridge near a large dam. They get drunk with a visiting reporter, who falls into the river and disappears.
Where Is the Third King?
Marczak, konserwator obrazów
A classic criminal story set between Poland and South America.
Franek Lalik
The cook prepares the soldier's favourite dish. The soldiers learn that the products come from the Majdanek camp.
Walkover, the autobiographical second feature by Polish enfant terrible Jerzy Skolimowski echoes the French nouvelle vague in its extraordinarily stylized tale of a prizefighter who ducks a fight to romance a beautiful blonde.
Back to Life Again
Three idealists - a communist secretary, a former RAF pilot and a female political activist - need to face the hardships and accusations of postwar Stalinist years before being finally rehabilitated.
El manuscrito encontrado en Zaragoza
Durante el asedio a Zaragoza, un general francés descubre un extraño manuscrito que, al ser leído, le transporta a una España surrealista en la que los espíritus de unos bandidos ahorcados, bajo la apariencia de hermosas huríes, se dedican a seducir y atrapar en los laberintos del tiempo a todo viajero extraviado que ose adentrarse en sus dominios.
Zacne grzechy
Eustachy Topór herbu Topór
Their Everyday Life
Danysz, adorator Michaśki
After a violent quarrel, Nitka leaves her husband Andrzej. He meets a young girl with whom he is getting closer and closer.
Skąpani w ogniu
Drugi brzeg
Polish communist imprisoned in thirties suspects his friend to be a traitor. Then the war begins.
1962’s SZPITAL (HOSPITAL) is set entirely in a claustrophobic hospital room where a male patient is confined. Throughout the film the room is invaded by a variety of strange people
All Souls' Day
A pair of lovers go off to a small hotel in a little town. The memories of war, however, intrude on their idyll. The girl and boy relive certain wartime experiences in flashback. She was a communist who drove a boy loving her to give himself up.
Pvt. Anklewicz
Set at the end of the war. A hot-headed colonel tries to force his men on to heroics although the war is almost over. A war-weary lieutenant tries to muffle his efforts but he keeps on with his men and is killed fighting in the front lines, all his men decide to get his body.
Madre Juana de los Ángeles
En el siglo XVII, un alto dignatario de Roma acude al convento de una pequeña ciudad polaca para exorcizar a la directora del mismo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Kalosze szczęścia
Nurse in a mental hospital (uncredited)
Niemiec na patrolu (niewymieniony w czołówce)
Durante la ocupación nazi de Polonia, toda una generación de jóvenes tuvo que crecer a marchas forzadas a causa de la adversidad. Stach es un adolescente caprichoso que vive en las afueras de la Varsovia ocupada por los nazis. Guiado por pequeños actos de desafío y el fervor comunista, se adentra en el movimiento de resistencia, donde conoce a la valiente y bella Dorota. Pronto se ve implicado en la arriesgada lucha contra la opresión y la búsqueda de dignidad, madurando mientras asume la responsabilidad de las vidas de sus amigos y compañeros...