Lars Mikkelsen

Lars Mikkelsen

Nacimiento : 1964-05-06, Gladsaxe, Copenhagen, Denmark


Lars Dittmann Mikkelsen is a Danish actor.


Lars Mikkelsen
Lars Mikkelsen


The Boy Who Stole the World
A sci-fi fantasy adventure of a young boy whose life changes forever when a mysterious visitor lands from nowhere into his backyard to warn him of an impending invasion.
Dark Suns
Grand Admiral Thrawn (voice)
Galaxies yield to the evil emperor. Moments after Order 66 began, they arrived to the Jedi Temple. They arrived for one thing. To destroy the Jedi. The Jedi fought against their former friend, Anakin Skywalker, newly Darth Vader. Scared and in-hiding, Colos goes throughout the Jedi Temple, trying to avoid Clone Troopers at every turn. He does not know of the impending doom upon him.
Creation of the Kingdom of Exodus
Self / Pontopidan
Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creative challenges Lars von Trier presents his cast and crew to bring his vision to life from script to shoot and to the screen at home.
La Impaciencia del corazón
La historia sigue a Anton, cuya máxima prioridad es completar su formación como oficial de caballería. Durante el entrenamiento, ordena a su pelotón que ayude a Baron y conoce a la hija de Baron, Edith, que ha tenido un accidente.
The Venus Effect
A romantic comedy about Liv, who is at the beginning of her 20s. She is very close to her parents and working in the family greengrocer business when, against all expectation, she falls in love with a spirited and somewhat older rainbow girl, Andrea. Andrea claims to be suffering from stress. But in reality, she is heartbroken and has sought refuge at her uncle’s apple plantation. Liv’s encounter with Andrea becomes the catalyst for a divorce, the loss of a friendship and an identity crisis that ultimately shatters their love. But in a rebellion against her parents, Liv realises that love is mutable and that a family may assume many forms.
Ditte & Louise
Lars Mikkelsen
Ditte and Louise are two middle-aged actresses who realize that the only thing the industry has left to offer them are roles like mothers or as elderly prostitutes. That is why Ditte makes a radical decision: She dresses up like a man.
Winter Brothers
Sigue a dos hermanos trabajando durante un frío invierno: sus rutinas, hábitos, rituales y una violenta enemistad que surge entre ellos y otra familia.
Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow
Grand Admiral Thrawn (voice)
Ezra, having grown in power, leads a mission to break the crew's old friend Hondo Ohnaka out of prison. Meanwhile, Grand Admiral Thrawn -- a master Imperial strategist -- has vowed to dismantle and destroy the growing rebellion.
The Day Will Come
Forstander Frederik Heck
Basado en la historia real de un orfanato donde la violencia, los abusos a los niños, las humillaciones y los experimentos médicos con los pequeños eran algo cotidiano.
Far Thøger
1864 es una serie dramático-histórica danesa. Cuenta la historia de dos hermanos, Peter y Laust Jensen, de origen humilde que se enamoran de la misma mujer, Inge, una joven adinerada de la misma zona. La trama está ambientada durante la guerra entre Dinamarca y la Confederación Germánica, formada por Prusia y Austria, en el siglo XIX. Peter y Laust se ven obligados a luchar en una de las guerras más cruentas de la historia de Europa, la Guerra de los Ducados.
April 9th
Oberstløjtnant Hintz
En la madrugada del 09 de abril 1940 se alertó al ejército danés que los alemanes habían cruzado la frontera; Dinamarca está en guerra contra el ejército más poderoso de Europa. Una pequeña unidad de infantería danesa tratará de contener en Jutlandia Sur las fuerzas enemigas hasta que se pueden movilizar los refuerzos daneses. La película sigue al subteniente Sekondløjtnant Sand (Pilou Asbæk) y los primeros soldados daneses frente al enemigo en combate el 09 de abril 1940.
En las calles de East End en Londres un ex-comando serbio y un chico de 14 años de edad traman venganza contra un poderoso señor del crimen y sus despiadados lugartenientes. A medida que nuestros héroes se preparan para atacar a sus enemigos el niño es adiestrado en las obscuras artes del asesinato y aprende el verdadero significado de la amistad, el honor y el respeto.
Danny's Doomsday
Due to climate change a new race of flesh eating predators arise, who invade and eat everything living on earth. In a residential neighbourhood in a Danish suburb nightmare like scenes are being experienced first hand through the eyes of two teenage brothers, who can't stand each other, but are now suddenly forced to barricade themselves in the basement together, to avoid getting eaten. From one day to another, without parents and without electricity, food, water and contact to other people, the brothers have to learn to live together in their vital protection bunker, while monsters move past the basement windows and heavy, sharp claws can be heard moving around upstairs on the wooden floors.
Cuando despierta la bestia
Marie es una joven repudiada por la pequeña y cerrada comunidad costera en la que vive. Su madre está postrada en una silla de ruedas, víctima de una rara enfermedad, y su padre trata de mantener a las dos alejadas de las miradas del pueblo. Un día, Marie descubre que su cuerpo está empezando a transformarse y decide profundizar en los oscuros secretos de su familia.
Agnes, a teacher from the Hessian provinces, has come to Berlin to identify a dead girl who might be Lydia, her runaway daughter. It turns out not to be Lydia, but Agnes stays in the city anyway. Still frantically looking, she comes a young stray called Ines who no longer leaves her side...
The Dam Keeper
Narrator (voice)
En un desolador futuro, un pequeño pueblo ha sobrevivido por un gran molino que actúa como ventilador para mantener alejadas las nubes tóxicas. El operador de la presa, Cerdo, trabaja incansablemente por mantener las velas girando y proteger el pueblo, a pesar del bullying de sus compañeros y la indiferencia del público. Cuando un nuevo estudiante, Zorro, se une a Cerdo, todo comienza a cambiar.
Max Embarrassment at Roskilde
Max has finished school and is becoming an adult. He is on his way to find a life outside his mother's overprotective wings. When he meets Kaya, she gives him the final push to become independent and finally to move out. He moves over to his father but ends up as a lodger at the neighbour Steen Kold. Max would like to go to the Roskilde Festival with Kaya and gets help with the tickets from Steen Kold who is also coming along. Mom is afraid of what will happen to Max, so she decides to follow him and Steen Kold. This leads to many poignant and incredibly embarrassing episodes deeply rooted in her great love for her son, but also in her desire to still be in the centre of his attention.
What Richard Did
Peter Karlsen
Una historia ambientada en la Dublín actual y gira en torno a un grupo de privilegiados adolescentes en el verano tras terminar los estudios. Entre ellos está el deportista Richard, cuya vida cambia irremediablemente tras un episodio violento. La historia se basa libremente en la premiada novela del irlandés Kevin Power "Bad Day at Blackrock" (2008).
A Caretaker's Tale
Un relato poético, aunque perturbador y controvertido, que cuenta la historia de Per, un portero amargado y cascarrabias que un día descubre una chica desnuda en un apartamento vacío. Parece feliz, muda y sencilla, como un regalo del cielo. Per la traslada a su propio apartamento y su inocencia despierta algo nuevo en él y sus amigos: ¿el amor quizás? Segunda película de Katrine Wiedemann, prestigiosa directora teatral danesa que debutó en el cine en 2000 con Fruen på Hamre / The Lady of Hamre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Those Who Kill - Shadow of the Past
Magnus Bisgaard
Detective Katrine Ries Jensen and legal psychiatrist Thomas Schaeffer form a special unit at the Copenhagen Police investigating serial killings. A case from Schaeffer’s past crops up. As a young psychologist, he held back from sending a patient, who was manically drawing the details of a traffic accident, to a secure hospital. Now these bloody scenes resurface, enacted as real killings.
Ronal el bárbaro
Volcazar (voice)
Ronal es un joven bárbaro con la autoestima por los suelos, y al contrario que sus musculados compañeros del pueblo, es un completo gallina. Sin embargo, el destino querrá que la supervivencia de toda su tribu caiga sobre sus hombros cuando el malvado señor Volcazar invada su pueblo y secuestre a todos los bárbaros. A todos menos a Ronal, que se verá forzado a buscar a sus compañeros y frustrar los planes de Volcazar de dominar el mundo.
Those Who Kill 5 - Solitaire of death
Magnus Bisgaard
Those Who Kill 4 - An eye for an eye
Magnus Bisgaard
What looks like a reckoning in the Eastern Eeropean drug world, according to Thomas, is in reality something completely different.
Those Who Kill 3 - Bad blood
A 17 year old inmate raped and killed in one of Denmark 's prisons . For Katrine being the case a strong meeting with a past she 'd rather forget , and she goes to attack the system that made the attack possible . When another prisoner killed in the same way , it becomes clear that a serial killer is loose behind bars. The case attracted great attention in the press , and the police receive massive criticism that such a thing at all can happen in a Danish prison . Have criminals less entitled to protection than others? Katrine and Thomas are working under intense pressure to narrow down the culprits in an environment marked by hatred, violence and revenge. An environment that penetrates under the skin of them both, and provokes sides they would rather not acknowledge .
Those Who Kill 2 - Utopia
Magnus Bisgaard
​​Looking for a perfect family, a serial killer plays a deadly game in which he tightens up the rules of the game and starts to kill as ​​someone refuses to play his game. ​​
Those Who Kill  1 - Corpse in the woods
When the skeletons of four young women found buried in a forest north of Copenhagen pulled the ambitious and headstrong Deputy Superintendent Katrine Ries Jensen (Laura Bach) with the intellectual and humanly hostile legal psychiatrist Thomas Schaeffer (Jakob Cedergren) into a dangerous quest in the history of Denmark first serial killer. An offender who kills out of a pattern that is not readily explainable. Katrine and Thomas proves to be a strong, but mismatched couple whose approach and methods often differ from the conventional police investigation. Their search brings them close to the offender. So close to Katrine with his emotional and vengeful behavior unknowingly expose themselves to the offender and hence qualifies as the perfect next victim. For both Thomas and Katherine challenge will be to see the person behind the monster. For only when they understand the fantasies and traumas that operates the perpetrator, they are able to confront.
Lost in Africa
Simon, an adopted boy of a Danish couple visiting Kenya with his mother, goes missing in Kibera slum. When his mother offers a reward on TV, the kidnappers are on the run.
Truth About Men
El joven Mads (Lindhardt) tiene una buena casa, un buen trabajo y una novia (Novotny), con la que espera tener hijos. En el fondo no sabe muy bien qué es lo que realmente quiere. Un día encuentra una carta que se escribió a sí mismo a los 17 años, en la que se preguntaba si había hallado el amor verdadero. Lleno de dudas, decide tomarse un tiempo de reflexión lejos de su novia para averiguar qué es lo que realmente quiere y si alguna vez ha sido verdaderamente feliz.
Med lukkede øjne
Tom is a renowned author who is about to suffocate from the shame of not having written a new, good book for over 20 years. But then he meets Renee, a young female admirer who gives him a renewed lust for life. Soon, they move together and settle on the country, away from both Tom's ex-wife and his demanding editor. But life in the countryside does not only offer tranquility for the couple in love. Some local people begin to harass the two with a threatening behavior, and their lives are soon turned into a nightmare ...
Martin Vinge
Martin Vinge, un ex periodista considerado como el “mejor cazatalentos del país”, es contactado por un alto empleado de Sieger Co., la mayor empresa petrolera de Dinamarca. Martin ve en el horizonte una oportunidad muy lucrativa pero potencialmente problemática, particularmente cuando las luchas de poder dentro de la compañía comiencen a complicar su vida privada hasta límites inimaginables. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Escape
Thomas Jargil
Danish journalist Rikke Lyngvig is taken hostage in Afghanistan by a terror group. With help from one of the terrorists, the young Nazir, Rikke manages to escape. On her return, she is soon declared the Danish Jessica Lynch and her career is launched into the spotlight. All the while Nazir flees from Afghanistan, heading for Denmark. When he finally seeks out Rikke, she is shocked and torn. Is she willing to help the man who threatened to kill her, and to jeopardize her new-found career? Their tumultuous encounter turns into an ill-fated confrontation with their own demons and a nation driven by a hunger for sensation and political populism.
Flame y citrón
Narra la historia de dos héroes de la resistencia danesa en Copenhague, tras la ocupación alemana el 9 de abril de 1940.
Lo que nadie sabe
Marc Deleuran
Thomas Deleuran recibe la noticia de que su hermana Charlotte (Sonja Richter, 'Cecilie') ha aparecido ahogada en el mar. Días atrás el hombre había mantenido una conversación con su hermana en la que acuerdan reunirse, ya que ha descubierto datos interesantes sobre su padre. Cuando Thomas decide investigar la muerte de su hermana en extrañas circunstancias se verá envuelto en un asunto oscuro conectado con su padre, ya fallecido, el cual trabajaba para la inteligencia militar.
Lasse N. Damgaard
Cecilie experimenta una violación, pero no hay indicios encontrados. Su esposo la envía a un hospital psiquiátrico y con la ayuda de un psiquiatra ella ve una conexión entre su estado y un brutal asesinato que ha sucedido hace más de 30 años. (FILMAFFINITY)
Just Like Home
The tale of a troubled small town, and the brave few who made it their mission to keep the community together. As the citizens of a secluded Danish town gradually lose their trust in one and other, the sight of a naked man walking through town in the early hours of the morning sets off an unsettling wave of paranoia.
La isla de las almas perdidas
En un pueblecito costero vive Lulu, una chica de 14 años que acaba de mudarse con su madre y su hermano y que se aburre soberanamente, esperando que ocurra algo apasionante. De repente, el hermano de Lulu es poseído por el espíritu de un hombre que luchó contra el mal en el siglo XIX, y ella tendrá que buscar la ayuda de las dos únicas personas fiables que conoce: Oliver, un niño rico muy asustadizo, y Richard, un desilusionado estudioso de lo paranormal. Juntos se verán envueltos en una batalla contra las fuerzas del Mal, que tratarán de impedir que descubran los secretos de la Isla de las Almas Perdidas.
Angels in Fast Motion
Father of Steso
The unflinching tale of Maria, Allan and Steso, who are struggling for survival. Maria is a pusher frau, wandering restlessly among addicts, abusers and bikers in a relentless search for love. Allan has just returned from an ill-fated trip across the Pacific and must reclaim his life and stay clean, but ghosts from his past return to haunt him. Steso, the intellectual, god-forsaken and prophetic cynic, does his utmost to unite the two polar opposites that give meaning to his life: his girl and drugs. All three try desperately to make some sense of the madness, but how do you find meaning in the chaos that is life? And how do you find love if you can't recognize it?
King's Game
Peter Schou
Starting a new job as a political journalist at a leading newspaper, Ulrik Torp witnesses a brutal struggle for power in the Midparty's ranks -- a struggle that coincides with the charismatic party leader's involvement in a near fatal car accident. A flurry of lies and media speculation surrounds the incident. Gradually, Ulrik unearths a ruthless conspiracy involving the incumbent prime minister.
The Tenth Muse
Paul Vermehren
Set in Copenhagen in 1964, a personal drama evolves as a young film director tries to make a film about aging film star Asta Nielsen.
Kira's Reason: A Love Story
Kira, casada con Mads desde hace varios años, ha pasado los dos últimos en una centro de salud mental. Cuando regresa a su casa con Mads y sus dos hijos, no está totalmente recuperada y no sabe muy bien cómo comportarse. Además, la atormenta la sospecha de que Mads haya tenido una aventura durante su ausencia. La cuestión es si su amor es suficientemente fuerte como para superar todos esos problemas.
Tynde betjent
A guy catches his wife cheating on him and takes brutal revenge.
Under overfladen
A stranger comes to town. The enigmatic protagonist, Seth, gets off the bus one hot summer day at the end of August and takes rooms at the local inn. This sets off a long chain of reactions in the town. Reactions that have dramatic and fatal consequences for everyone involved.
Royal Blues
Café Hector
Café Hector is the new in-place for the chic, high-flying, articulate jet-set, where steaming cups of cappuccino accompany their trendy chit-chat. Uffe is definitely not "in." He can't get a cappuccino, but he is given permission, just this once, to use the toilet. But Uffe is prepared for the situation. He can't take any more humiliation and he is armed!
Den store kul-tur
Guillermo del Toro’s Frankenstein
A new adaptation of the classic story.
The X-Gene Project
Due to the tragic loss of his wife Karen, who died of cancer while 6 months pregnant, Dr. Simon Hamilton has dedicated his life to finding a cure for cancer, with the help of his scientists partner Dr. Paul Wilson. After many years of research, they are on the brink of a medical miracle that could change the world forever, but they are being hunted by the Pentagon and the medical industry who want control of the technology at any cost.