Lars Bredo Rahbek


Margrete, reina del norte
La producción danesa más cara de la historia es este drama histórico ambientado a principio del siglo XV, una historia de poder, intrigas y juego político con una impresionante ambientación y unas no menos espectaculares actuaciones.Aunque con algunas libertades narrativas (no se puede saber con certeza qué ocurrió tras las puertas del castillo de Kalmar hace más de 600 años), la película narra los hechos ocurridos en el año 1402, cuando la reina Margrete de Dinamarca, que había conseguido unir a las monarquías nórdicas de Noruega, Suecia y Dinamarca en un estado conocido como Unión de Kalmar, ve cómo la paz y la estabilidad de los pueblos nórdicos está amenazada por los alemanes.
Executive Producer
Vigo is a nerdy teenage boy who lives in a fictional world and simulates a virtual game called “Gooseboy,” which enables him to become free as a flying bird. One beautiful day, to the surprise of the boy, a goose accidentally bumps into his balcony. It appears that the gander can speak human language, but sadly he is not able to fly. Vigo and the goose embark on a journey to the north and try to find and catch up with the gander’s flock.
Out of Tune
Executive Producer
El célebre financiero y miembro de la alta sociedad Markus Føns ha sido detenido. Tras un ataque violento, Markus opta por el confinamiento solitario voluntario entre los reclusos más débiles.
The Man
Sigue a Simon, un artista mundialmente famoso que se muda a Copenhaghe para reunirse con su hijo Casper, un artista callejero, por primera vez en mucho tiempo. Más tarde, Simon descubrirá que Casper usa ese encuentro como proyecto de arte programado para ser mostrado en Londres, y filmado en secreto.
Heartstone, corazones de piedra
Executive Producer
Narra la historia de amistad y amor entre dos chicos, muy amigos entre sí, en una pequeña población islandesa. A medida que uno intenta ganarse el interés de una chica, el otro descubre nuevos sentimientos hacia su mejor amigo.
Satisfaction 1720
Set in the year 1720, the story is about what happens to 29-year-old Tordenskiold when the Great Northern War ends and he doesn't know what to do with the rest of his life. His trusted valet persuades him to go on a European ‘road trip’ to search for a bride.
The Hour of the Lynx
Helen, a priest, is approached by scientist Lisbeth with a desperate plea for help. A young man, who has been sent to a high security psychiatric ward after having killed an old couple, has attempted suicide while rambling about God. Having been part of an experiment attempting to humanize inmates by assigning them pets, the young man has suddenly gone ballistic. Fearing that he will attempt suicide again priest and scientist must now confront their mutual animosities while trying to grasp the truth. In a race against time the two women begin a shocking journey deeper and deeper into the sick mind of a young man's soul.
Above the Street, Below the Water
This is the day when the lives of an intertwined group of people take a new direction. Everything they have taken for granted starts to change. While Anne and Ask's relationship succumbs to 'metal fatigue', Charlotte has to realise that her husband Carl may not be right for her. At the same time Bente has to decide if she is prepared to wait for ever for her lover, while her ex-husband Bjørn must face the pain of finally letting Bente go. The characters and their children are twirled around in an ever-increasing drama which peaks during the opening night of Hamlet. Anne is on stage as Ophelia, and the question remains: to be or not be responsible for one's own happiness.
Flame y citrón
Narra la historia de dos héroes de la resistencia danesa en Copenhague, tras la ocupación alemana el 9 de abril de 1940.
A Soap
32-year-old Charlotte could have it all, but she doesn't want any of it. When she moves away from her boyfriend, she happens to become the upstairs neighbour of a trans woman Veronica. Veronica prefers to keep to herself with her little dog and a romantic soap show on TV, while Charlotte gets through the nights with one-night stands. An assault, a new bed and some white curtains bring the two of them together.
Torremolinos 73
España, años 70. Alfredo López está casado con Carmen, peluquera y esposa fiel. Cuando empieza a irle mal su trabajo de vendedor de enciclopedias a domicilio, se les presenta la oportunidad de ganar dinero haciendo películas eróticas en Super-8, que se exportarán a los países escandinavos bajo la forma de una falsa enciclopedia sobre la reproducción en el mundo.
Sweet Dreams
Skagerrak is the story of being hit by happiness when you least expect it. In their late twenties and tired of partying their way around the world, Danish Marie and Irish Sophie come ashore in Northern Scotland. After another drunken night they are soon parted from all their accumulated cash. Out of money and out of luck ambitious Sophie pressures Marie into accepting a lucrative job as surrogate mother. Months on, Marie finds herself alone, life having taken a dramatic turn. Heavily pregnant, and wanting to terminate her pregnancy, she's on the run from the future parents, searching for Sophie's old flame, Ken. In a case of mistaken identity, Marie ends up in hiding with three strange men in a seedy Glasgow garage. But then happiness strikes again.
It's All About Love (Todo es por amor)
Executive Producer
John y su mujer Elena, una mundialmente famosa patinadora sobre hielo, están a punto de firmar los papeles del divorcio, pero cuando el mundo está a punto de sufrir un colapso cósmico, ambos se dan cuenta de que quizá merece la pena luchar por su amor.