Piotr Fronczewski

Piotr Fronczewski

Nacimiento : 1946-06-08, Łódź, Poland


Piotr Fronczewski
Piotr Fronczewski
Piotr Fronczewski
Piotr Fronczewski
Piotr Fronczewski
Piotr Fronczewski
Piotr Fronczewski
Piotr Fronczewski


Kleks Academy
doctor Paj-Chi-Wo
A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, professor Ambroży Kleks, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...
Mr Blot: War and Love
A film in the experimental convention of a documentary fairy tale, in which reality merges with the world of the imagination of a poet in love.
The Contract
It is the winter of 1837. The fates of two men become intertwined by their affection for the same woman. One of them, Alexander, is a poet. The other is a French Baron named George d'Anthes. The choices they make are complicated by the appearance of a sinister and mysterious stranger. "We are wandering in a maze where the only exit has been bricked up" - in a dark court corridor a silent whisper can be heard. Trapped in court intrigues, the men are forced into a duel of honor.
Piotr and his girlfriend Weronika plan their future together. They don't expect one evening to change everything. Not only in their lives.
Dark, Almost Night
Marian Waszkiewicz
A reporter, Alicja Tabor, after many years returns to her hometown of Wałbrzych to write a report about kidnapped children and also to face her own dark family history.
Wesele w Kurnej Chacie
Karol, który został świętym
Grandpa Stefan
A children's movie about John Paul Pope the second. It combines animations, archived material and amature film. It tells the story about his childhood.
The Vulture
Imagine that you have the power to decide on people's lives. Who would you condemned, and whom he saved? In the center of Europe suddenly, without a trace, people begin to disappear. The investigation goes into the hands of Vulture (Michal Zebrowski) - a police officer who appears to be devoid of feelings. Tough, incorruptible, no obligations and favors to others. Until he meets Natasha (Anna Przybylska) - a woman other than those that he met so far. Vulture begins a dangerous game with the enemy ahead of him is still a step. Discovers a world in which people are leading a double life. For the first time, logical thinking will drive him into a trap with no way out. Suddenly, the hunter turned into animals. Balancing on the border between passion and reason, the world of logic and clever manipulation, you will have to answer the question: is there anything more important than life?
Black Thursday
Zenon Kliszko
Antoni Krauze reminds one of the darkest history of the cards with PRL. Spectacular reconstruction of the dramatic events in Gdynia, ended a brutal pacification of demonstrators by troops and militia in 1970.
The Last Action
Mecenas Szaro
When his grandson is beaten by gangsters, a Warsaw veteran gathers his war buddies to take them on.
Gwiazda Kopernika
Wojciech z Brudzewa (głos)
Po-lin. Shards of memory
Unique archives show a world that no longer exists: pre-war Poland in which two cultures: Jewish and Polish, coexisted wall-in-wall; cottage in a cottage; town next to town. "Po-lin" - meaning "we will stop here" in Yiddish - does not deny the painful past. It only shows that there was something more next to them. Worth remembering and - perhaps - reconstruction.
Rozmowy z katem
Jurgen Stroop
Miss Wet T-Shirt
"Miss Wet T-Shirt" is a humorous and thought-provoking story of a widowed man in his fifties who rebels against the degradation of the world around him, full of corruption and moral ambiguity. Władysław did not always act honestly in life, so his wife left him. Soon she was gone forever and only after her death did he understand his mistake. He tries to redeem guilt, adhering to the principle that no one can escape from responsibility for committed sins, for existence in the world of evil. The hero heads a group of so-called defenders of morals, actively participates in combating the progressive demoralization of society.
Day of the Wacko
lekarz w tv
It is a bitter story about a middle-aged man, who hates his life and other people, including himself. Adam Miauczynski, the character known from director Marek Koterski's previous films, is a 44 year-old teacher, who reads poetry during school lessons and later goes home swearing and calling his neighbours' names. The worst pain for him is the next 5 minutes of living. He doesn't accept himself and even everyday contacts with others cause his aggression. Though constantly dreaming of a romantic love, he is not bold enough to make his dreams come true. The desperate Miauczynski personalizes our own fears and obsessions, which have become so visible recently.
Chopin: Desire for Love
Nikołaj Nowosilcow
The biography of world famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
prezes Jędrzej Koniecpolski
An independent film critic is commissioned to write a blockbuster screenplay in which the girlfriend of an influential gangster is to play. Criticising is easier than creating. The critic tries to save his skin with the help of a girl, a proofreader from the editorial office.
Piotr Korolewski
The film is based on the well-known, translated into many languages novel of writer Pawel Huelle. It is imbued with nostalgia and the atmosphere of mystery story of a group of children, fascinated by the figure of a man named David Weiser.
Musisz żyć
Adam Hyńczak, ojciec Jacka
O dwóch takich, co nic nie ukradli
Last Mission
Józef Muran
Andre, an assassin working on behalf of French government goes to Poland to kill Polish businessman Muran.
Kuba is an employee of an ad agency. Everything begins with the disappearance of a Russian model who appeared on one of their billboard advertising. Kuba is drawn into the brutal murder case, and becomes the target of an organized gang.
głos Edwarda Wilka, pracodawcy Maćka (uncredited)
An actor returns to Poland after 12 very unsuccessful years in the United States only to find himself entangled in a noirish situation reminiscent of California in the 1940s.
Cudze szczęście
Jerzy, lekarz, przyjaciel Kowalskich
The Story About Master Twardowski
Obcy musi fruwać
Two Suns in the Sky
"4th century AD and a brilliant craftsman of Dionysus, Timothy, organizes a performance of Euripides' Bacchae, rousing the people against the emperor. Lazarus, the Cappadocian, is sent to suppress the rebellion and arrest the heretic. We are in the years of the total establishment of Christianity, in a climate full of sects, conspiracies, conflicts of power and personal ambitions, in the city of Antioch, which was the last cradle of the Greek education of the Gentiles."
Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema
sekretarz KW
In the cinema "Liberty" there takes place a screening of the film " Daybreak". The screening is interrupted by an unusual event. Actors come to life on the screen, start conversations among themselves, draw the audience into them. Crowds gather around the cinema, the relevant authorities and services wonder what to do in this complicated situation. Also arriving is the censor, a man reaching his fifties, a one-time literary critic and journalist. The line between fiction and reality begins to blur...
A Tale of Adam Mickiewicz's 'Forefathers' Eve'
In the eve of the Day of the Dead, among mysterious old rituals of the Vilnius region, ghosts of the past and present start to appear.
Czeslaw Wisniak / Jacek Ben Silberstein
After a con-man is released from prison, he gradually gets back to his old tricks, but his cons grow ever more elaborate and travel steadily up the ladder of society until he has local politicians and important government ministers involved in his schemes.
Polish film directed by Wieslaw Saniewski.
Mr. Blot in Space
Pan Kleks
It's Christmas, and children at an orphanage in Maliszewo receive a computer that was given to them by another orphan who used to live there many years ago. During the night, the computer awakes itself and tells the children a story that will happen in 25 years...
Zamknąć za sobą drzwi
Porucznik Paweł Kopiński
During his vacation in Poland, a retired American policeman cracks down on drug dealers.
The well-known actor, Michael Barczewski, returns after a long break to the stage. He tells reporter the story of Jack Burda, a young promising actor who took his profession a bit too serious and played his own death...
Kill Me, Cop
A Polish thriller. Central story is a duel between criminal-on- the-run (Linda) and the cop (Machalica) who put him behind the bars the first time around.
Bolek and Lolek in the Wild West
Jimmy Pif-Paf (voice)
The dangerous thug Pif-Paf escapes from prison. Bolek and Lolek bravely chase after him through the prairie, canyons and rocky mountains.
Travels of Mr. Blot
Pan Kleks
The second part of adventures of Mr. Blot and the students of his magic school.
Sny i marzenia
Dziennikarz prowadzący rozmowy w Studio "Alfa"
Wedle wyroków twoich...
niemiecki urzędnik w klasztorze
As the Germans invade Poland Jewish Ruth and her mother are trapped by the oncoming Nazis. When they are loaded onto a truck for transportation to a ghetto, Ruth is told by her mother to jump from the truck at the first chance and to make her way to relatives in Warsaw. While the war progresses Ruth tries to survive and grow up.
In 2059 scientists manage to revive two people after 80 years of suspended animation - a boy Marek Torlewski and a dictator Muanty, who quickly becomes a serious threat to humanity. Synteza is an adaptation of a novel by Maciej Wojtyszko.
It's Only Rock
Polish musical film with leading Polish rock bands from the '80
The Twenties, the Thirties
On the way to Warsaw after a crude oil fraud in southern Poland, conman Adam Deren meets singer Liza. He decides to invest his money in a venture deemed to be a failure - a small cabaret where Liza could perform.
Mister Blot's Academy
Pan Kleks
Thanks to the powers of magic, Adaś Niezgódka is transported to the fairy tale land of Mr. Blot – the protagonist of Jan Brzechwa’s classic book. Mr. Blot is a teacher and a magician in one. His lessons cannot be boring. Especially when bIotology is the subject. Adaś learns about the miracles of the enchanted land, but also gets to know its dark secrets.
psychiatra Andrzej Domański, były mąż Ewy
The Quack
A famous surgeon is beaten by drunken bullies, loses his memory and cannot recollect who he was before. He gets to a village, lives in a not so well to do family and becomes the Quack - he slowly regains his talent for medicine and saves the lives of several village patients.
Miłość ci wszystko wybaczy
Fryderyk (Fryderyk Jarossy)
De un país lejano
La película cuenta la historia biográfica de Karol Wojtyla, comenzando en 1926 en Polonia: muestra la invasión nazi a ese país, y la vida de Wojtyla como sacerdote, obispo y cardenal, hasta que finalmente es nombrado papa con el nombre de Juan Pablo II.
The Moth
This is psychological drama by Tomasz Zygadlo begins as a straightforward story. Jan (Roman Wilhelmi) is the host of a nightly talk show in which he counsels people who call in with their problems. He is dedicated to helping these lonely souls but becomes increasingly disturbed when his co-workers and supervisors at the radio station do not appreciate his program; they seem unable to grasp the importance of what he is doing. Aside from that, Jan's private life is frayed around the edges. His wife is a heavy drinker and his mistress has no comprehension about who he is or what he is doing. Jan's frustration over this lack of recognition builds to an explosive level, threatening to upset the balance of his daily life.
Witek Markowski
A well-regarded engineer in a big enterprise is hounded by trumped up attacks on his integrity when he delves too deeply into how bonuses are handled by the management. He gets into an argument with the guard, is arrested and subsequently fired. An old friend, a journalist, tries to sort things out but the victim's stubbornness and past problems with his wife lead to lossess by both.
The Trial
An adaptation of Franz Kafka's "The Trial"
Umarli rzucają cień
Hauptsturmführer Hafer
Sensational psychological drama, concerning the activities of the People's Guard in Silesia, presents from the human characters and attitudes perspective story of provocation of Gestapo agents, penetrating the ranks of the Resistance.
Sekret Enigmy
Jerzy Rózycki
Tres matemáticos polacos son los primeros en descifrar el sofisticado código Enigma utilizado por los alemanes justo antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Construyen réplicas de las máquinas Enigma y logran llevar dos de las máquinas a los descifradores de códigos británicos y franceses antes de la invasión alemana de Polonia en 1939; piden que se reconozca su trabajo al final de la guerra. Después de la invasión, la oficina de cifrado polaca escapa y continúa su decodificación en Argelia y Francia desocupada.
Hello, Fred the Beard
Fred Kampinos / Szpicbródka
A Room with a View on the Sea
Dr. Krzysztof Kucharski
Two psychiatrists attempt to save a suicidal man.
Sam na sam
"Alone"- A psychological and moral drama dealing with the crisis of feelings in interpersonal relations. Young heroes, basing their relationship on a program-based resignation from emotional involvement, under the influence of a tragic accident, change the rules of past coexistence.
The Leper
Hrabia Trestka
A simple governess and a wealthy aristocrat fall madly in love with each other. However, his family are prejudiced towards her and have other plans for him.
Doctor Judym
A young doctor from the lower classes is helped in his career by a rich woman. When he comes back from study in Paris he takes a job at a watering spa. He comes up against the owners when he tries to help the poor.
Noches y días
Relata la vida de una familia de la burguesía rural polaca desde 1863 a 1914.
La tierra de la gran promesa
A finales del siglo XIX, la ciudad de Lodz se ha convertido en el epicentro de la industria textil, con la consiguiente necesidad de mano de obra inmigrante. Tres jóvenes estudiantes de Riga: un polaco católico, hijo de nobles terratenientes, un ambicioso judío y un alemán luterano deciden abrir una fábrica en esa ciudad para hacer fortuna y, sin escrúpulos ni prejuicios, se lanzan a acumular dinero y poder. (FILMAFFINITY)
Balance matrimonial
"Balance matrimonial" narra la historia de una mujer de poco más de 30 años, quien trabaja sólo unas horas como funcionaria, feliz, casada y con un hijo, que un día se siente atraída por cambiar de vida cotidiana: toma contacto fortuitamente con un antiguo compañero de gimnasio e intenta "liberarse" de sus obligaciones como madre y esposa.
On the Earth and in the Sky
Major Zygmunt Grela
Rafał is suspected of killing a turtle that fell out of the balcony.
A Slip-Up
[obsada aktorska]
The main character has quit school, makes a living by taking pictures. He seduces a nurse who treated his head wound which he earned in a fight. They witness a hit-and-run driver killing a little girl on a sled. He builds up an elaborate trap by putting a doll dressed as a child down the hill in the path of a car. The man hits it and thinking that he hit a child - runs. Marek takes pictures of him and tries to blackmail him to use his car for a week. He wants to use the car to win back the nurse, who could not cope with his humors...
A biology professor, Adam, after several dizzy spells, enters a hospital for observation. He is a loner and a serious-minded man, who dislikes any display of emotions. He spends three months in the hospital while being tested. After observing patients and hospital routines around him from a distance, he learns that he will need a kidney transplant. Meanwhile his personal and professional life is falling apart: he refuses his wife's offer to donate the kidney for him; the scientific problem he was working on has been solved elsewhere. In the end Adam cracks under the prolonged pressure, waiting for the sound of an ambulance bringing a moribund patient whose kidney may be used for the transplant.
Zabijcie czarną owcę
Tymon (voice)
Young man struggles with being rejected by society.
The world is plagued by natural disasters, but here comes a couple in love who boldly enter a different game. Their love cannot be thwarted by natural disasters.
Jacek Leman
How I Unleashed World War II, Part II: Following the Arms
Italian soldier
After escaping across Europe from Stalag camp, Dolas's ride to Cyprus is stopped when his ship in sunk by an Italian submarine. Although he and some of his fellow sailors are rescued by an Allied ship, they find themselves conscripted into the French Foreign Legion in Beirut, Dolas becoming a cook.
How I Unleashed World War II, Part I: The Escape
Italian Soldier
On the night of August 31, 1939, Dolas, from a platoon reinforcing a train station on the German border, falls asleep in a train car and unknowingly crosses into Germany. The moment he shoots a German, who he thinks is a saboteur, the German invasion of Poland begins, and Dolas is convinced it was his fault. He is taken to Stalag POW camp, the first destination in his odyssey around Europe.
Red Rowan
narrator (nie występuje w napisach)
Free City
Bogus Barcikowski
The heroic struggle of Polish post office workers in Gdansk on the first day of World War II.
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