Jerzy Zelnik

Jerzy Zelnik

Nacimiento : 1945-09-14, Kraków, Malopolskie, Poland


Jerzy Zelnik


San Agustín
Miniserie de TV de dos episodios. Los vándalos están asediando Hipona, en el norte de África, y el Papa teme por la vida de su obispo, Agustín. Por eso envía un barco para rescatarlo y traerlo a Roma sano y salvo. Una tropa del ejército romano atraviesa las líneas enemigas y llega hasta Hipona, consiguiendo reavivar la esperanza de un pueblo subyugado por el poder vándalo.
Chopin: Desire for Love
Mikołaj Chopin, ojciec Fryderyka
The biography of world famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
Józef Magneto
Kuba Burstein
In a small Polish town in the summer of 1939, a married painter and a young Jewish woman begin an affair. Based on the novel by Marek Sołtysik.
Psy 2: Ostatnia krew
Sarzyński, były minister spraw wewnętrznych
Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
Victor Moritz
The year is 1750. Europe is in a ravaged state following a plague. Victor Moritz and Rufolf de Sevre are gamblers, frequenters of elegant casinos and fashionable brothels. Rudolf is a young aristocrat, charming and charismatic. His degenerate behavior has an animal intensity. Victor, though leading the life of libertine, remains to one side. He is a man of a refined taste despite his low birth and buys his noble title thanks to his gambling skills. Victor and Rudolf have been inseparable friends for years. Then two young, beautiful and innocent people - a brother and sister - enter their life...
Przeklęta Ameryka
Zbyszek Butryn returns to Poland from exile to help win the Solidarity elections. His children, staying in orphanages, who intend to find him, learn about his father's return.
Powrót wilczycy
Kamil Orzelski
Głód serca
Janusz Boreczny
Write and Fight
A young journalist is arrested for freethinking ideas. Goes into the cell with the famous safe-breaker and religious Szpicbródką Sixtus, a murderer husband of his mistress.
Andrzej Gaszewski
Story of four people in Sopot in 1933, mysteriously brought together to an old villa to reenact a murder that took place 36 years earlier
An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill
Zygmunt II August
Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.
De un país lejano
La película cuenta la historia biográfica de Karol Wojtyla, comenzando en 1926 en Polonia: muestra la invasión nazi a ese país, y la vida de Wojtyla como sacerdote, obispo y cardenal, hasta que finalmente es nombrado papa con el nombre de Juan Pablo II.
The Dancing Hawk
"The Dancing Hawk" refers to the son of a peasant who senses he can climb to the job in troubled times by playing his cards right. His slavery to work match his ambitions, and gradually he reaches the social position he desires. But the costs have included a dehumanized soul and a loss of a moral conscience. People have had to pay for his advancement, including those nearest to him. The downfall is equally painful: either imprisonment or the easy wasy out are offered as the alternatives.
Nido de viudas
Dolores, Elvira y Carmen son tres hermanas viudas que viven en encerradas en una decadente mansión. Junto a ellas su criada Lupe, una bruja tuerta que practica ritos vudú. Las tres llevan 20 años sin salir a la calle, rezando atormentadas en un recoveco de la casa donde tienen una capilla con las tumbas de sus maridos. La vida de las tres hermanas se ve agitada por la llegada de una cuñada, mujer de un hermano muerto.
The Shadow-Line
Andrzej Wajda's English-language film of a novella by Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, aka Joseph Conrad, about a young man in his first command as a sea captain. A series of crises prove incredibly difficult for his new authority, for the sea is curiously becalmed and the crew is weakened by feverish malaria. When the first mate's fear convinces many that the ship is haunted and cursed by the malevolent spirit of the previous captain, the young man must cope with their superstition as well as the conspicuous absence of much-needed medicine.
Znikąd donikąd
Historia de un pecado
Łukasz Niepołomski, miłość Ewy
A principios del siglo XX, en la católica Varsovia, una joven se enamora de uno de los huéspedes que sus padres tienen en casa. El hombre está casado aunque en trámites de separación, pero el idilio en una sociedad tan estricta es casi imposible...
La tierra de la gran promesa
A finales del siglo XIX, la ciudad de Lodz se ha convertido en el epicentro de la industria textil, con la consiguiente necesidad de mano de obra inmigrante. Tres jóvenes estudiantes de Riga: un polaco católico, hijo de nobles terratenientes, un ambicioso judío y un alemán luterano deciden abrir una fábrica en esa ciudad para hacer fortuna y, sin escrúpulos ni prejuicios, se lanzan a acumular dinero y poder. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jej powrót
Professor N.
Short Drama
Scorpio, Virgo and Sagittarius
Jan 'Kapucyn'
Poetically shown story of love, passion, loyalty, betrayal of trust, and death. Three young friends travel round Poland and do the living acting out religious scenes and selling holy photo images at church fairs. Problems appear right after the theft of their camera.
Droga w świetle księżyca
Julian Starzeński
The story is set in 1830s, shortly after the November Uprising in Poland. Julian, a young man with artistic interests, comes back home from abroad, where he studied history of art and anatomy. He wants to visit his father and meet his new wife, Katarzyna. Julian's mother died 6 years ago and although her husband promised her that he will never get married again, he broke this oath. The woman's ghost has not abandoned the house and is waiting for the punishment for her unfaithful spouse. It also influences Julian, who falls for his attractive stepmother. The doomed events constantly lead to a tragedy, which is about to happen…
Pilate and Others
Juda z Kiriatu
The trial of Yeshua Ha-Notsri is led by prosecutor Pontius Pilate who believes in the innocence of the accused but is forced to sentence him to death. This biblical story is set in present-day Germany.
Anna tries to prevent her husband suffering from tuberculosis.
Pogoń za Adamem
aktor grający w filmie Zawady "Adama"
Paisaje después de la batalla
American Commander
La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha terminado, pero los supervivientes de un campo nazi descubren que, en esencia, nada ha cambiado: el totalitarismo nazi ha sido simplemente sustituido por otro totalitarismo de distinto signo.
Shifting Sands
A 12-year-old boy (Gregorz Zuchowicz) and his father embark on a fishing trip where the boy hopes to get to know his father better. When a young woman leaves her boyfriend after a quarrel, the father invites her along on the trip. The boy's hopes of a father-and-son retreat are shattered when it becomes obvious dad is after more than fish. The girl's boyfriend finally returns for the girl as the son watches the two men face off from his position above on a sand dune. Sadly, the boy goes off by himself to fish while his father is busy with other things in this drama of a boy's realization of the harsh realities of the adult world.
Roly Poly
Dr. Burton
Based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem (Solaris). The main character, race car driver Ryszard Fox, is involved in many car accidents. After each car crash he gets a transplant for one or another internal organ. After a while there is a question: Who really is Ryszard Fox?
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
Ramses XIII /Lycon
Imperio Nuevo. Egipto se encuentra en una difícil coyuntura. Por una parte, los asirios amenazan con invadir el país y, por otra, el empobrecimiento del pueblo es cada vez mayor. Una vez proclamado faraón, el joven Ramsés XIII (faraón inexistente) decide poner remedio a esta situación sirviéndose de las riquezas de la casta sacerdotal, que concentra en sus manos el poder económico, religioso y, de hecho, también el político. Prueba de ello es que el faraón fue derrotado y sus reformas nunca se llevaron a cabo.
A young teenager from the provinces comes to Warsaw to find her relations. But she has many adventures instead.