Christian Friedel

Christian Friedel

Nacimiento : 1979-03-09, Magdeburg, Germany


Christian Friedel
Christian Friedel


Zona de Interés
Rudolf Höss
El comandante de Auschwitz Rudolf Höss y su esposa Hedwig se esfuerzan en construir una vida de ensueño para su familia en una casa con jardín cerca del campo.
Robert Wilson: The Beauty of the Mysterious
ARTE documentary about a stage director Robert Wilson.
Tatort: Murot und das Prinzip Hoffnung
Jürgen von Mierendorff
Confesiones del estafador Félix Krull
King of Portugal
Adaptación literaria: un apuesto joven de origen humilde asciende en la sociedad a través de sus conexiones hechas como ascensorista en un hotel de lujo.
In early 18th century an African slave boy is chosen by a European Comtesse to be baptized and educated. Reaching adulthood, Angelo achieves prominence and soon becomes the Viennese court mascot until he decides to secretly marry a white woman.
Happiness Sucks
Dr. Wolfgang Teuter
Stefan Gabriel is an active father always looking at life positively. While he tries to give back to society, his daughters Jessica (12) and Sabrina (15) struggle with their own problems. Jessica is often mistaken for a boy and has to deal with her many ticks. She would happily swap places with Sabrina, who, despite her illness, appears to have her life completely under control. But the more Sabrina’s health worsens, the worse Jessica’s ticks become. The girls need a plan and fast. They come across a special ritual in an old book, which could be their rescue. But the girls first have to find a boy to sleep with Sabrina. They don’t have much time left and Jessica puts all she has got into implementing the life-saving plan, no matter how crazy it may be.
Sugar Sand
Günter Ernst
End of the 1970s in East Germany: Fred and Jonas are close friends. The 10-year-olds live near at the German-German frontier. After the mother from Jonas has made an exit application, the boys have to recognize that they are soon separated from each other. But they want to dig a tunnel to Australia to meet there themselves again. When Jonas should leave the country with his mother this night changes everything.
13 minutos para matar a Hitler
Georg Elser
Es la impresionante historia sobre George Elser, el carpintero de la resistencia que intentó asesinar a Hitler en Munich el 8 de noviembre de 1939. Por solo 13 minutos de diferencia, si el Führer no hubiese abandonado su podio antes de lo previsto, podría haber cambiado la historia.
The Chosen Ones
Manfred Wolf
In the late 70s, young Petra Grust begins teaching at the progressive Odenwald School. She is flattered by the trust placed in her by its widely respected headmaster Simon Pistorius. But gradually certain incidents at the boarding school begin to unsettle her. Petra then realizes that Pistorius is abusing Frank, a 13-year-old. When Frank is told that he has to spend school holidays with Pistorius, he tries to commit suicide. Petra tells Frank's father (the chairman of the school's governing body) but he believes Pistorius instead of his own son. Petra fails to convince people of the man's true nature. 30 years later, Frank goes to Petra, who has long since left the school and has stopped teaching altogether. He has never been able to speak about what happened but now, after the suicide of another pupil, he is no longer willing to remain silent. He wants Petra to bear witness at the school's forthcoming anniversary celebrations.
Amour Fou
Berlín, siglo XIX, Romanticismo. El joven poeta trágico Heinrich aspira a vencer el carácter ineluctable de la muerte gracias al amor. Por esta razón intenta convencer a su prima Marie de que si se suicidan juntos conseguirán eludir el destino. El escepticismo y la falta de sensibilidad de Marie deprime a Heinrich. Sin embargo, Henriette, una joven casada, cuando se entera de que padece una enfermedad incurable, se muestra dispuesta a aceptar la propuesta del poeta. Relato libremente inspirado en el suicidio de Heinrich von Kleist, en 1811.
Closed Season
1942 - Fritz and Emma are hiding Albert, a Jewish refugee, at their remote farm. Since their marriage has remained childless, Fritz asks Albert to sleep with Emma and conceive a child on his behalf.
Max is on the road with his pregnant girlfriend Lina. He suddenly gets a call from his grandfather who wants to meet him shortly before he will be taken away.
Three young Russian friends, who move from Moscow to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after the fall of the Berlin wall. They take their chance looking for a better life and find themselves involved in the tales of everyday lunacy on the streets of Berlin and its spirit of the early nineties.
La cinta blanca
The School Teacher
En 1913, en vísperas de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918), extraños acontecimientos, que poco a poco toman carácter de castigo ritual, se dan cita en un pequeño pueblo protestante del norte de Alemania. Los niños y adolescentes del coro del colegio y de la iglesia dirigido por el maestro, sus familias, el barón, el encargado, el médico, la comadrona, y los granjeros conforman una historia que reflexiona sobre los orígenes del nazismo en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial.