Manuel Cortez

Nacimiento : 1979-05-24,


Un verano en Salamanca
Rike y Nicola son dos hermanas que una vez al año hacen un viaje juntas. En esta ocasión eligen Salamanca, España. Permanecerán dos semanas en posadas para ayudar a restaurar una ruta tradicional.
Los cinco y el valle de los dinosaurios
Pedro Mendes
Durante las vacaciones de verano, Los cinco conocen a Marty Bach, un joven de aspecto extraño que afirma que su difunto padre descubrió un esqueleto de dinosaurio completamente intacto, pero le han robado el código que revela las coordenadas del legendario 'Valle de los dinosaurios'. Los cinco deben encontrar ese esqueleto de dinosaurio, de lo contrario, los huesos se perderán para siempre.
Emma y el matrimonio
Schlimmer geht immer
Stefan Zweig, adiós a Europa
Stefan Zweig fue un escritor, biógrafo y activista social austríaco judío que se vio obligado a huir de su país debido al régimen nazi. De esta manera, se refugia en París y más tarde en Londres. Aun así, Zweig acabará huyendo junto con su esposa a Sudamérica, instalándose finalmente en Brasil, donde acabará suicidándose en 1942 debido a su miedo a que el nazismo se extendiera por todo el mundo.
Inocencia Robada
Una adolescente rebelde se enfrenta a una elección imposible. Perder al hombre que ama o subastar su virginidad para salvarlo de una deuda mortal.
Men Do what Men Can
Confirmed bachelor Paul falls for Iris, who’s unfortunately as good as married. Although his friends have women problems of their own, and all end up moving into Paul’s apartment, they concoct a daring plan to help Paul save Iris from marrying the wrong man.
Dating Lanzelot
Achtung Arzt
Bild von ihr
Headhunter: The Assessment Weekend
A motley group of business students in Berlin, Germany sign up for Takahashi Corp.'s assessment weekend, hoping to land one of the coveted spots with the consulting company. Under the watchful eye of a company psychologist, the team-working and improvisational skills of the aspirants will be put to the test in a survival-type situation. But nothing goes according to plan - the group arrives to find the base camp completely destroyed. Trapped in the woods with no food, no shelter and no way to communicate with the outside world, the real characters of the students come to light, as one by one, they start to lose their heads...
Mein Flaschengeist und ich
König Drosselbart
A king has a daughter, Princess Isabella of Geranium, who is so beautiful that kings and princes come from miles around in hopes of winning her hand in marriage. But although she is beautiful, she is also proud and arrogant, and constantly insults and rejects her suitors. She even rejects noble Prince Richard of Begonia, and mocks him as "King Thrushbeard," even though she secretly likes him. Finally, her father loses patience with his rude daughter and declares that since she has rejected every man who has come to court her, she will be married to the first beggar who comes to the gate.
Griechische Küsse
Vanessa is a youth of 30 years that is euphoric with the preparations of his marriage. When his fiancé Tim travels for the Greece to work, he looks to be more and more discouraged with the fact of become a married man and finds a beautiful motive for feel of that form. Then Vanessa does his suitcases and goes to the meeting of its big love. In the flight she knows an attractive one and tempting youth called Janis that help-her it get ready with her own fiancé, putting him in an extremely embarrassing situation, to which she same save-him. Tim recognizes all the love and effort of his fiancée and begs for the its pardon, it asking once again in marriage. But it will be that she is going to accept?
Amenaza terrorista
Eric Simon
Berlín es el objetivo de un grupo terrorista que amenaza con un atentado un día antes de las elecciones. La vida de un músico cambia radicalmente cuando la policía empieza a sospechar de él.
Gonger, el mal viene del pasado
Eike Oswald
El gonger es el fantasma de un niño asesinado y que hace 40 años que se aparece a los descendientes de sus asesinos, que ahora es un grupo de jóvenes que viven en el pueblo y que cada vez tienen más miedo. Cuando uno de ellos decide poner a la venta la casa de sus abuelos se da cuenta que la leyenda del gonger tiene que ver con la muerte de sus padres cuando era pequeño, hecho que le ha marcado para siempre.
Küsse à la carte
My Friend from Faro
Melanie conoce a Jenny y se enamora. Pero Jenny piensa que ella piensa en Miguel.
Lauf der Dinge
They're young. They're hungry for life. And they've left the cold, gray North behind for fun and adventure on a Mediterranean island. Elisa: rich, spoiled, fleeing from daddy and his stifling upper-class morals. Richie: the sexy drifter for whom every woman is a potential meal ticket; Florian: sensitive, gentle, the type not only girls gravitate to; Daniel: stuck between adolescence and small-mindedness. But even in paradise there are some dark corners that never get any sun. It's where you can lose your way, or your bearings... where you can discover love or refuse to see it... where you realize that you haven't really left the cold, gray North behind – but that it's inside you - and that this is real life...
Love on Loan
Meine Mutter tanzend
The reverse writing of "Medusa" indicates a surreal story of a woman (Yangzom Brauen) in the woods, where she meets Satan experiencing a heavenly vision after consuming hallucinating mushrooms.
Bei hübschen Frauen sind alle Tricks erlaubt
La noche de los pirados vivientes
Philip, Wurst y Konrad son los tres típicos adolescentes, más preocupados por las fiestas y las chicas que por cualquier otra cosa. Cuando Philip se enamora de Uschi, el bombón de la clase, se pone a pensar métodos que le permitan conseguir su atención. Con la ayuda de la vecina de Philip, Rebecca, intentan realizar un ritual vudú, pero, en vez de conquistar a la chica, acaban convertidos en zombies. Lo bueno es que ahora tienen vida ilimitada y gran fuerza, lo malo es que pueden acabar comiéndose a alguien...
A2 Racer - Gas A Fondo
Un grupo de jóvenes con los más sofisticados y estrafalarios automóviles, organizan carreras en una autopista. La policía no se mete en estas extrañas competiciones, pero cuando otro grupo (Los Ladrones de Coches) comienzan a robar los caros deportivos que pasan por el lugar, inician una vigilancia intensiva. Al no tener resultados positivos, la policía decide dar el caso al joven novato Carl. Pero éste muy pronto queda atrapado por ese ambiente de adrenalina pura, chicas guapas y vida al límite.
Cruel Friends
Bingo! Lukas, a twenty-five-year-old law student, is among the chosen few accepted to study under the distinguished Professor Arndt. At the start of the summer semester he switches to Munich University. Lukas is determined to head his class and win the 25,000 valedictorian scholarship – the first step toward a great international career. Among Lukas’s classmates are smart Alexander and his friends Marco, Anton and lovely Evelyn. Fascinated by their charisma, Lukas dreams of joining the clique. Although Alexander is his major rival in the seminar, Lukas courts his friendship. To complicate matters, he falls head over heels in love with Evelyn, the most desirable woman he’s ever seen. Finally a dream comes true: The clique accepts him. But the glamorous lure proves treacherous. Unable to keep up with his new friends’ high-society lifestyle, Lukas gets into ever deeper trouble. Concealing his financial problems, he becomes entangled in a web of lies…
Girl's Life, Boy's World
At seventeen, girls are all about looking good, dressing right and making out with the cutest boys. Or they're like Luka, who's an ace in boxing and couldn't care less about her looks or her appeal to boys. When she breaks a schoolmate's nose, her parents send her off to boarding school to acquire some ladylike manners. There she's mistaken for Frankie, a boy who hasn't shown up, and takes on his identity. With her boxing skills, she instantly wins over her three roommates Chico, Toby and Jo, and strikes up a particularly close friendship with Chico. Her uncompromising honesty and loyalty to her new friends, however, soon get her into trouble with the headmistress and her nephew, the school bully.
Do Fish Do It?
16-year old Jan is absent-mindedly strolling through the streets when he's run over by roller-skating Nina. As fast as she has stormed into his life, however, she rushes off again. Nina is 15 years old and full of crazy ideas. She lives together with her brother, her father and his new girlfriend. Her mother isn't in touch much. That's why there is the unconventional Angel whose own daughter disappeared years ago and who is Nina's best friend and substitute mother.
Und die Braut wusste von nichts
A movie about some people one the love parade 2000.
Seven Days in Paradise
When going to the business meeting to Majorca the architect is forced by his wife to take his three kids with him.
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