Miss Ramsden
Academy Award® nominee Ralph Fiennes (The English Patient, Schindler’s List, Oedipus at the National Theatre) plays Jack Tanner in this exhilarating reinvention of Shaw’s witty, provocative classic. Jack Tanner, celebrated radical thinker and rich bachelor, seems an unlikely choice as guardian to the alluring heiress, Ann. But she takes it in her assured stride and, despite the love of a poet, she decides to marry and tame this dazzling revolutionary. Tanner, appalled by the whiff of domesticity, is tipped off by his chauffeur and flees to Spain, where he is captured by bandits and meets The Devil. An extraordinary dream-debate, heaven versus hell, ensues. Following in hot pursuit, Ann is there when Tanner awakes, as fierce in her certainty as he is in his. A romantic comedy, an epic fairytale, a fiery philosophical debate, Man and Superman asks fundamental questions about how we live.
Miss Guinevere Pettigrew, una institutriz londinense de mediana edad, es despedida injustamente de su trabajo. Su nuevo empleo la catapulta dentro del glamouroso mundo de la alta sociedad y de la vertiginosa vida social de la actriz y cantante Delysia Lafosse.
Mrs. Haddon-Bell
Beatrix Potter fue una mujer inteligente y carismática que se vio obligada a luchar contra los convencionalismos de su época para poder dedicarse a su pasión: los libros infantiles. Potter se enamoró de Norman Warne, su editor, quién le ayudó a alcanzar la fama con sus creaciones para niños del personaje Peter Rabbit.
A thriller with a bit of romance and touches of black humor along the way. Greg is discovered with the dead body of his wife's lover by Marcey, a public servant moonlighting as a waitress at a party thrown by Greg for he and his wife's wedding anniversary. Marcey sets about organizing the slightly neurotic Greg in his attempts to cover up the accident.
Detective Cooper investigates the bizarre circumstances surrounding the murder of Matilda who was found dead in her bath wearing the Scold's Bridle.
Fergie's Secretary
Biopic purporting to tell the real story behind the marriage of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson from their initial courtship through their eventual separation.
Mrs. Parfitt
Lynda es una coqueta joven de 17 años que vive en una aburrida y pequeña ciudad costera británica a principios de los años cincuenta. Vive con su padre y su hermana menor, pero la falta de afecto por la muerte de su madre la ha convertido en una rebelde y sexy adolescente que busca llamar la atención de los hombres con su comportamiento provocativo. La promiscuidad y comportamiento de Lynda será objeto de comentarios de la gente que la rodea.
Christine Painter es una madre soltera que trabaja como camarera, se saca un dinero extra alquilando dos pisos que tiene en su poder. Como nunca puede pagar a su casero porque sus inquilinos nunca le pagan a ella, Christine acaba por dejar que su casero se cobre en especies. Cuando una de sus inquilinas se marcha, ella decide incorporarse al negocio, hasta que gracias a un par de locas aventuras abre un burdel en las afueras de la ciudad.
A Polynesian street-kid and a much older middle-class housewife are both incarcerated in the same mental hospital - she for attempted suicide and he for habitual crime. A friendship grows between them such that she offers him a place to stay upon his release. However, difficulties arise with his continued criminal activities and dependence on her for support - then his gang moves in with them. The film is based upon Sue McCauley's award winning autobiographical novel.
The Doctor and his companions must prevent the Cybermen from bombing the Earth in the 26th century. It is a battle not everyone will survive...