Eva Löbau

Eva Löbau

Nacimiento : 1972-04-26, Waiblingen,Germany


Eva Löbau is an Austrian actress. She is perhaps best known for her playing the protagonist in acclaimed director's Maren Ade's feature film debut, 'The Forest for the Trees', for which Löbau won the Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema 2005 prize for best main actor. Since 2017, she also plays one of the commissars in Germany's longest running crime series, 'The Scene of the Crime'.


Eva Löbau


Familie Bundschuh – Bundschuh gegen Bundschuh
Rose Schultze
The Diaries of Adam and Eve
Eve and Adam meet in Eden. It soon becomes apparent that they don’t find each other particularly attractive. But do they have a choice? Writing helps. They each start keeping a diary about this first encounter between two human beings — from very different perspectives, as one might imagine. And as they get on each other’s nerves and recount terrible things about each other, they discover an unexpected new emotion: love.
The Teachers’ Lounge
Friederike Kuhn
When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.
Familie Bundschuh - Unter Verschluss
Rose Schultze
The Bundschuh family - it's not quieter anywhere else either
Rose Schultze
The Bundschuhs buy an old manor house, which of course is very popular with all family members. So Hadi and Rose, Ilse and Susanne nest there, but don't even think about helping Gundula with the necessary renovation work. To make matters worse, the monument conservationist von Sternberg gets in the way, who is closely monitoring the renovation work in the listed property.
Fredda Meyer
Familie Bundschuh im Weihnachtschaos
Rose Schultze
The Bundschuh family gets new neighbours, but there the trouble starts for Gundula and Gerald. Brother-in-law Hadi and his wife Rose are the new neighbors and from that moment on everything goes wrong for the Bundschuhs.
Freaks: 3 superhéroes
Special Guest
Tras mantener un encuentro fortuito con un misterioso personaje, Wendy, una joven madre de clase trabajadora, descubre que tiene superpoderes.
Los Bundschuh: Levantamos el telón
Rose Schultze
Aburrida de su vida familiar, Gundula decide ofrecerse voluntaria como supervisora de la clase de teatro de su hija Ricarda. Pero no le será nada fácil, su familia se entrometerá en ello.
Whatever Happens Next
Annett (Mutter)
A road movie about a dropout who leaves himself completely to chance. A parable about freedom, self-determination and the poetry of an undefined life.
Reise nach Jerusalem
39 years old Alice get's into a lot of absurd situations, while trying to keep up appearences as a successful freelancer...
Ihr seid natürlich eingeladen
Rose Schultze
Blind & Ugly
Ferdi thinks he's ugly – but likes the fact Jona is interested in him. Maybe because she's blind. What Ferdi doesn't suspect: She's just pretending to be blind to be able to live cheaply in subsidized housing. How long can she maintain her charade? Can love, which is supposed to make you blind, even work out that way? Director Tom Lass takes a closer look, shooting with blind actors and old Berlin buddies, acting the lead himself – paying tribute to a way of life beyond our way of seeing the world.
Tiger Milk
Frau Struck
Best friends Nini and Jameelah are both 14 years old and live in the same housing complex in Berlin. Jameelah's family is from Iraq and might be deported if their application for citizenship isn't approved, but right now, the girls try not to worry about these existential problems. They look forward to the Berlin summer and the school holidays.
Quien dijo descanso
Rose Schultze
Gundula Bundschuh anhela unas vacaciones tranquilas bajo el sol de Mallorca. Sin embargo, la decisión de su suegra de invitar a toda la familia frustra sus planes.
Sex, Pity and Loneliness
Julia König
A shoe theft in the ICE is the prelude to a wild kaleidoscope of relationships and dependencies between different urban people who relish as in a cobweb fidget.
Las flores de antaño
Anita Koldewey
Un importante historiador alemán del Holocausto, nieto de un criminal de guerra nazi, lucha contra la historia de su familia, su carrera y su odio hacia la gente en general. En el punto álgido de su crisis personal se encuentra una apasionada e histérica judía francesa con complejo teutónico. Su actitud poco convencional pone patas arriba su vida personal y profesional y lo ayuda a finalmente romper las barreras que se ha construido alrededor de su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Familie Lotzmann auf den Barrikaden
Bille Lotzmann
In a single afternoon, the early retiree Hubert Lotzmann manages to dupe his sisters-in-law, to betray his autonomous daughter Bille to the police and to forget his wife Annemarie’s birthday. And when she finds out that he has sucked her beloved budgie into the vacuum cleaner and in the process ruined her longstanding Fuzzbuster 500 vacuum cleaner, Annemarie’s patience runs out and she kicks him out: she gives him exactly two hours till dinner – if he doesn’t return with the repaired appliance, he doesn’t need to bother returning at all!
Morris from America
Katrin's Mother
La historia de Morris Gentry, un joven de 13 años que acaba de llegar con su padre Curtis a Heidelberg, Alemania. Morris, que se ve a sí mismo como el próximo Notorious B.I.G., es un completo pez fuera del agua y a la vez, estrella de hip-hop en ciernes en el mundo EDM. Para complicar más su mundo, Morris se enamora perdidamente de la fresca y rebelde Katrin, una compañera de clase de 15 años. Morris decide contra todo pronóstico tomar el mundo del hip-hop y conseguir a la chica de sus sueños.
Vivi is exhausted. Actually, she is about to become an attorney and to move in together with her boyfriend Adam, but somehow, she is stuck. She tries to flee back to her Moms couch, only to find that there is no more space for her. Vivi's father assumes that she needs some rest and sends her to an island...
Die Geschlechtskriegerinnen
Lena Mahler
The ensemble film THE GENITAL WARRIORS takes a look at the common past of the three main characters as their memories meet and overlap. The 70-year-old Frank sits in a geronto-psychiatric ward and types a screenplay about his relationship with Lena and Barbara. These two embittered women come together with a magic wand and a shotgun to travel to the past and commit an act of revenge on him.
Tief durchatmen, die Familie kommt
Like every year, Gerald and Gundula celebrate Christmas with the whole family. But Christmas Eve turns into a disaster in which Gundula loses his nerve. It was not to be expected that her mother and mother-in-law would warm up the old stories and that her husband Gerald would not even be able to put up the Christmas tree. Gerald didn't want to have Christmas with the family from the start. Gundula's religious brother Hadi and wife Rose are notoriously annoying.
Twinfruit – Die Dose muss menschlich werden
La mafia de las madres
Conny tiene 37 años y hasta el momento siempre ha antepuesto sus necesidades para satisfacer los deseos de su familia. Se llevará una sorpresa cuando su marido le pida el divorcio.
Der Kotzbrocken
Frau Marold
Sophie Brand is overwhelmed: as a single mother with two jobs no wonder. A mountain of unpaid traffic tickets takes her to the judge, who buzzes her 300 social hours in a home for the disabled. In addition, he puts her on his own brother: Georg, a dreaded patient in the home, who sits in a wheelchair since an accident and only bitterness for his environment left. But Sophie can not rausekeln. So it happens that something special develops out of initial antipathy: trust, friendship, love. The emotional tragicomedy knows how to implement a supposed taboo subject sensitively.
Coming In
El famoso peluquero berlinés Tom Herzner se enamora de la propietaria del salón de belleza Heidi, volcando sus dos mundos. Hasta ahora tan bueno. Solo un problema: Tom es gay.
Ein Geschenk der Götter
Frau Schnallenberger
Worst Case Scenario
An upstarting film production is abruptly cancelled by the financiers. But the director tries anyway to realize his movie.
La mafia de las madres
Conny, a sus 37 años, siempre ha dado la vida por su familia, pero ahora se siente especialmente traicionada cuando su marido le pide el divorcio. (FILMAFINITY)
The Wagner-Clan
Eva Wagner
After the death of genius Richard Wagner his wife Cosima fights for his legacy even against the will of her children Sigmund and Sieglinde.
Anita Weber
Der Mann auf dem Baum
Sin identidad
Nurse Gretchen Erfurt
El Dr. Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) tiene un accidente de coche en Berlín. Al despertar descubre que, de repente, su mujer (January Jones) no le reconoce y que otro hombre (Aidan Quinn) ha adquirido su identidad. Las autoridades le ignoran porque no le creen y unos asesinos le persiguen. Martin se encuentra solo y cansado y se ve obligado a huir. Sin nadie a quien acudir, en un país desconocido, Martin le pide ayuda a una reticente desconocida (Diana Kruger) al sumergirse en un terrible misterio que le hará dudar de su cordura y de su identidad. ¿Hasta dónde estará dispuesto a llegar para descubrir la verdad?.
At Ellen's Age
La vida de una azafata alemana se tuerce hacia abajo después de dejar a su marido, renunciar a su trabajo y unirse a un grupo radical de activistas por los derechos de los animales.
The Albanian
Handsome Albanian villager Arben wants to marry Etleva, daughter of a neighboring clan, but her father has promised her to another man who is offering a 10,000€ bride price. But when it turns out Etleva is carrying Arben's child, the pressure is on for him to come up with the dowry before the baby is born -- and before her brothers take revenge for the dishonor he has brought their family. Fleeing to Berlin without papers, experience or knowledge of the language, Arben soon learns the ways of survival.
Mein Leben im Off
My Words, My Lies - My Love
David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Das Glück ist eine ernste Sache
Olivia Hofman
Heroes from the Neigborhood
Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. Attila the fireman can eat glass – but this doesn’t help his love life. His girlfriend, Sabine, breaks up with him. She wants more from life. It’s her dream to be a talk show host – and there’s no place for Attila in her career plan. Despite being a talk show host, Erika is unhappy. She can no longer connect with her husband Ulf, who is reliving his youth and making use of his psychological prowess to conquer female hearts. Their pubescent son Niko avoids both parents as he makes his own way through life, propelled by his sex drive. When the next guest on Erika’s show – a TV junkie and shy bakerwoman called Rosine – cancels at short notice, Erika has to find a new candidate. She discovers Attila in the house next door.
Malditos bastardos
Miriam Dreyfus
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Durante la ocupación de Francia por los alemanes, Shosanna Dreyfus presencia la ejecución de su familia por orden del coronel nazi Hans Landa. Ella consigue huir a París, donde adopta una nueva identidad como propietaria de un cine. En otro lugar de Europa, el teniente Aldo Raine adiestra a un grupo de soldados judíos "Los bastardos" para atacar objetivos concretos. Los hombres de Raine y una actriz alemana, que trabaja para los aliados, deben llevar a cabo una misión que hará caer a los jefes del Tercer Reich. El destino quiere que todos se encuentren bajo la marquesina de un cine donde Shosanna espera para vengarse.
Anonyma - Una mujer en Berlín
Frau Wendt
Adaptación al cine de un diario escrito por una mujer alemana. En Berlín, en los últimos meses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), una mujer vive escondida en el sótano de un edificio en ruinas. Su encierro coincide con la llegada de las tropas del Ejército Rojo, que tomaron la ciudad, la saquearon y violaron impune e indiscriminadamente a las mujeres.
Mord in aller Unschuld
Eva Garbarek
Fashion Victims
Frau Rinne
Wolfang Zenker es un vendedor ambulante de ropa femenina, de mediana edad, que está en un aprieto: su joven competidor a muerte amenaza con robarle sus mejores clientes ya que Zenker ha perdido el carnet de conducir. Agobiado ante la perspectiva de quedar rezagado, decide cancelar las vacaciones de su hijo y emplearlo en contra de su voluntad como conductor. Las cosas van de mal en peor: el banco le persigue, Hacienda da con él, su mujer le deja, su hijo le informa de su homosexualidad ¡y se enamora del adversario de su padre! La familia y el enemigo se reúnen en un clamoroso enfrentamiento final en el que volarán los malos entendidos y las balas.
Hotel Very Welcome
Five young Europeans (German, English, and Irish) try to find answers to life's questions in India and Thailand.
Fürchte dich nicht
Sabine Gürtler
Tough Enough
From the youth directed novel of the same name by Greogor Tressnow comes a film by Detlev Buck that is a realistic portrait of life in the section of Berlin called Neukölln. It’s about power and weakness, delinquents and victims, and the difficulties a 15-year-old faces in a poor and criminal environment.
Réquiem (El exorcismo de Micaela)
En los años 70, en una ciudad del sur de Alemania, vive Micaela, una muchacha que se ha criado en una familia profundamente religiosa, con un padre cariñoso pero débil y una madre fría y distante. A pesar de llevar años librando una dura batalla contra la epilepsia, Micaela desea fervientemente salir de casa para ir a la universidad. Una vez allí, saborea la libertad por primera vez. Su incipiente amor por Stefan y su amistad con Hanna hacen que se rompa el escudo de la fe y de la familia, bajo el cual siempre se había sentido segura y protegida. Basada en el mismo personaje que inspiró la historia de "El exorcismo de Emily Rose". (FILMAFFINITY)
Margarete Steiff
Based on the life of German toymaker Margarete Steiff, the movie shows her long way from a 10-year-old girl, confined to a wheelchair, to one of the first and most successful creators of toy stuffed animals.
Locked Up
In a German town, teacher Irene leads an inconspicuous, boring, lonely life. One day, a man rings at her door and slips in. It's an armed convict from the prison next door, escaped with a leg wound. He now makes her a prisoner in her own home. Almost without a word, as if she secretly enjoys the excitement or just mesmerized, she obeys Vassily, every single command, even sexual services, submissively or after a symbolic struggle. Somehow that seems to change, but can force initiate love?
Los árboles no dejan ver el bosque
Melanie Pröschle
Llena de idealismo, Melanie Pröschle, joven profesora procedente del mundo rural, estrena su primer puesto de trabajo en un instituto de la ciudad. Pronto descubre que las cosas no son como había imaginado. Quitando a uno de sus colegas, Thorsten, que se esfuerza en acogerla, tiene poco contacto con el resto del claustro, compuesto por profesores mucho mayores que ella. Al conocer a su vecina Tina, Melanie parece empezar a relacionarse con su nuevo entorno. Pero sus expectativas no se cumplirán tan fácilmente. El bosque que rodea a Melanie se va haciendo más denso, y ella, en su desesperación, empieza a correr en la dirección equivocada.
The Longing
It is set in a dreary village in the Schwabian-Frankish Forest where the seemingly reserved Lena lives with her tyrant of a husband, Johannes, in a loveless marriage. Johannes is the village's spiritual leader and Lena is his faithful, ever-ready-to-serve wife. Lena's daily life is characterized by grinding monotony, a life narrowly circumscribed by nursing, organ playing and the duties of the marriage bed. The mysterious murder of a village girl suddenly knocks this humdrum existence off its tracks. In the wake of these events Lena discovers the affection and tenderness for which she has always longed in Paul, the village mechanic. This encounter is the start of an emancipation that leads her not to reveal Paul's secret regarding the girl's murder, for fear of losing her newly won piece of happiness. In turn it means she has to remain silent, as she has always done in her many years of marriage. So it is that this love ultimately turns Lena herself into a fallen angel.
I'll Wait on You Hand and Foot