Felix Wong

Felix Wong

Nacimiento : 1961-09-04, Folingcun, Huizhou, China


Felix Wong
Felix Wong


Chui lung
El año es 1963, un inmigrante ilegal llamado Ho (Donnie Yen) se cuela en Hong Kong, gobernado por los británicos. Equipado con agallas y habilidades de combate, se sumerge en el mundo subterráneo entrando en constante conflicto con sus rivales. Después de muchos adversarios, por bonachón queda físicamente lisiado en un fatal encuentro con su ex-jefe de la mafia . Y se convierte en un monstruo más atroz que todos los policías más corruptos y despiadados traficantes de drogas.
Onda expansiva: Shock Wave
Officer Chow
Cuando un terrorista especializado en explosivos se apodera de un túnel subterráneo, amenaza con matar rehenes si no se cumplen sus demandas.
Good Take, Too!
An omnibus of 4 short stories, each of them occurring in different corners of our society, but all of which encompass the same themes: courage, determination, pursuance and hope.
7 Assassins
Tie Yun
When social unrest plagues a Kingdom in ancient China, the Imperial Court collects stockpiles of gold from local governments to expand the royal army. However, the gold is robbed while in transport. In a desperate move to retrieve the stolen treasure, elite royal guards are sent on a mission to go after the gold but soon find out they are not the only ones in pursuit of it.
Life Without Principle
En una gran compañía de banca tiene su pequeño despacho Teresa, que se dedica a la consultoría para todo tipo de clientes. El insaciable ansia de beneficios de la empresa la obliga a recomendar a los poseedores de pequeñas fortunas que depositen sus ahorros en inversiones de riesgo a sabiendas de que no es lo más adecuado para sus intereses. Buzzard es un delincuente de poca monta, aunque capaz de ejecutar actos de violencia, relacionado con las tríadas. Con el objetivo de ayudar a un amigo envuelto en problemas con la justicia, planeará robar a uno de los clientes de Teresa. Cheung Jin Fong, por su parte, es un honrado inspector de policía de clase media cuya pareja le conmina a adquirir una lujosa vivienda para compartirla con él. Además, su padre, moribundo, desea que se haga cargo de una hermanastra a la que ni siquiera conoce. Un botín de cinco millones de dólares limpios irrumpirá en sus vidas y los situará frente a complejos dilemas morales.
Cuando Costello, un antiguo asesino francés reconvertido en chef, se entera de que su hija y la familia han sido asesinadas, promete solemnemente vengar sus muertes. La búsqueda de los asesinos le lleva hasta Hong Kong, donde consigue a unos matones a sueldo locales para que le ayuden. Sin embargo, el mayor reto al que se enfrenta Costello es la lucha contra su progresiva pérdida de memoria, provocada por una bala alojada en su cabeza. ¿Será capaz de llevar a cabo su misión antes de que sea demasiado tarde?
An intense drama on the portrayal of brotherhood, BROTHERS depicts the mistrust and feud between two brothers through the eyes of an investigating police officer. Despite their close relationship, Yiu and Shun were separated at a young age due to a decision made by their father. Years later they meet again when the family runs into crisis where Yiu, inspired by his father's last words, manipulates a series of setups which endangers Shun's life, so as to achieve his goal. The crisis brings the two brothers back together again. However, a series of setups arranged by Yiu causes Shun to flee to Thailand, accompanied by confidantes Ching (Crystal Huang) and Ghostie (Wong Yat-wah). As Shun is caught between life and death, the trust between the brothers is put to a serious test. When Shun finally realizes the true intention of his brother, things are already beyond repair.
Wait 'Til You're Older
Chan Man
Kong, un niño de doce años, no ha sido feliz desde el suicidio de su madre y la relación que guarda con su progenitor y su madrastra, a quienes culpa del suceso, hace insoportable la vida familiar. En una de sus habituales escapadas conocerá a un anciano que ha creado una extraña pócima que acelera el crecimiento. Por accidente, los sueños de Kong se harán realidad esa misma noche y nada volverá a ser igual.
Golden Chicken 2
The year is 2046 and 82 year old Golden Chicken Kum, spots a heartbroken man planning to take memory loss-pills. Claiming that Hong Kong people have a way of forgetting, she begins to recap part of her life story, starting in 2003 during a time where she was desperately looking for a husband and the SARS outbreak happened.
City of SARS
Hospital superintendant
Three tales about a morally-questionable doctor, a quarantined relationship, and a rich businessman sent spiraling into debt due to the SARS outbreak. Each person is "affected" by SARS in their own unique way.
Golden Chicken
Richard Wu
After his attempted robbery runs aground, a thief takes a shine to his would-be victim, a charming prostitute, who begins to tell him her life story.
La leyenda del luchador borracho
Cuando el gobierno británico es descubierto traficando con obras de arte chinas fuera del país, el héroe Wong Fei Hung (Chan) utiliza sus extravagantes artes marciales para luchar contra los conspiradores y salvar las obras, antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Cuanto más bebe Hung, más ágil se vuelve, siendo capaz de defenderse de numerosos ataques, con increíbles movimientos. Hung consigue, de esta manera, afrontar todo tipo de desafíos.
The Twilight of the Forbidden City
Hong Kong action star Max Mok stars in this period drama as Lau, a eunuch living at the end of the Ching Dynasty. Lau finds himself absorbed in the past along with another eunuch named Siu, and the two fall in love as they share their passion for Peking Opera. Unfortunately, they're unaware that their relationship serves as the catalyst for a series of events that end in disaster. Twilight indeed!
The Tigers
Cops find their careers and their lives in jeopardy when they spend a gangster's bribe money after releasing him from custody during a drug bust.
The Innocent Interloper
Ah Wah [cameo]
A goofy schoolteacher stumbles headlong into a counterfeiting ring after he accidentally picks up one of the gang's bill proofs, hidden in a library book. As the heat comes down, it's going to take more than an apology for him to escape.
Who's the Crook
Ah Wah
Ah Wah is an easygoing young man has three good friends. He works in an office, and his manager is the suspicious Shum, who one day asks Wah to carry eight million dollars cash for a business transaction. Wah gives in to temptation and hatches a plot to divert the cash. But his boss Shum is playing a much more tricky game.
New Tales of the Flying Fox
Woo Fei/Wu Fei
In the great tradition of Hsu Tseng Hung's The Silver Fox and Chang cheh's Lengend of the Fox comes this exciting adventure, where the only thing between all the clan leaders and certain death is one young woman.