Roland "Ozzie" Smith

Nacimiento : 1938-03-03,


Ghosts of Goldfield
Director of Photography
A group of five led by Julie set up their filming equipment in the hotel of the derelict town of Goldfield, hoping to capture footage of the ghost of Elisabeth Walker, a maid tortured and killed in room 109. Troubled by visions, Julie discovers that a necklace, handed down to her from her grandmother, is somehow connecting her to this tragedy.
Director of Photography
Una cuenta momento a momento del hundimiento y rescate de la tripulación del submarino USS Squalus, que fue el primer rescate de la tripulación viva en un submarino.
Director of Photography
A mother and her two children are stuck in a mall during a power outage while police hunt for a killer.
La verdadera historia de Fanny Kemble
Director of Photography
Georgia, alrededores de 1846. Fanny Kremble, una actriz inglesa, se enamora del propietario de una plantación sureña. Aunque su amiga le avisa del tipo de hombre que puede llegar a ser, ella piensa que el amor lo puede todo y se casa.
Asesinato en el espejo
Director of Photography
Mary (Jane Seymour) es una mujer recién casada que es acusada del asesinato de su marido Paul (Robert Desiderio). Varios indicios parecen acusarla: ella era pobre antes de casarse, hay un seguro de vida con una suma de dinero muy importante, y además un testigo asegura haberla visto con él el día del crimen. Sin embargo Mary es inocente, y para salvarse debe encontrar al verdadero culpable. Para ello Mary primero convence al detective Russo (James Farentino), encargado de su caso, de que le conceda un poco de tiempo. En su -poco profesional- investigación, además de poner en peligro su vida, descubrirá aspectos sorprendentes de la vida de su marido que pondrán de manifiesto lo poco que le conocía realmente.
The Absolute Truth
Director of Photography
A TV news producer learns that a Presidential candidate sexually harassed one of her friends.
El retorno de Keaton
Director of Photography
El ex-mafioso Keaton, que ahora vive en una casa de retiro, por poco es el blanco de un golpe de la mafia.
Las nuevas aventuras de Pippi Calzaslargas
Director of Photography
Pippi es una niña de nueve años, largas coletas y espíritu libre a la que le suceden mil y una aventuras. Tiene pequeños poderes, vive con un mono y un caballo, no tiene nadie a quien dar cuentas y sus mejores amigos son Tommy y Annika, dos niños de su edad que asisten fascinados al estallido de libertad y diversión que supone estar con Pippi.
Street Justice
Director of Photography
A forgotten CIA agent escapes after 12 years and returns to his corrupt New Jersey hometown.
Uphill All the Way
Director of Photography
Two unemployed good ol' boys are mistaken for a pair of notorious bank robbers.
Love Thy Neighbor
Director of Photography
When Danny’s wife and Linda’s husband run away together, the two neighbors form an unlikely bond.
Side by Side: The True Story of the Osmond Family
Director of Photography
This is the story of the Osmond Family and is based on the book written by Olive (Mother) Osmond. This film tells of the beginnings of this family and how they got to where they were by the late '70s.
Cheaper to Keep Her
Director of Photography
A newly divorced swinger on the prowl goes to work as a detective for a neurotic feminist attorney.
Flamingo Road
Director of Photography
A carnival drifter marries into an aristocratic family and unwillingly takes on a ruthless sheriff who fancies himself a political kingmaker in this pilot film to the later series.
Letters from Frank
Director of Photography
When aging newspaper Editor Frank Miller is fired after decades of service and replaced by a computer, he cannot take this fate quietly. Frank becomes enraged and starts writing letters to his son, Richard, expressing his fury.
Institute for Revenge
Director of Photography
A sophisticated computer named IFR (the film's title is its nickname) supervises an organization dedicated to correcting wrongs against the defenseless and assigns human operatives to track down the evildoers and bring them to justice non-violently.
The Pirate
Director of Photography
An Israeli man, raised by a wealthy and powerful Arab, is put in charge of his country's vast oil fortunes. He comes into conflict with a fanatical terrorist group--headed by his daughter.
Murder at the Mardi Gras
Director of Photography
A bubble-brained Philadelphia waitress witnesses a murder during the Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans and finds herself stalked by the killer.
With This Ring
Director of Photography
A romantic comedy about various engaged couples and their families who, as wedding dates rapidly approach, are caught up in a whirlwind of emotional crises, from past loves and parental pressure to social and financial obligations.
Ski Lift to Death
Director of Photography
A sports promoter tries to matchmake for a pair of ski champions and, as a result, they end up trapped in a derailed ski-lift car along with a gangster and the hitman sent to kill him.
Having Babies
Camera Operator
The story of four couples who are about to have children using the Lamaze method.
Camera Operator
Dustin Hoffman, dos veces ganador del Oscar®, da vida al polémico cómico de los años 60 Lenny Bruce en esta emblemática película que obtuvo seis nominaciones a los Oscar®, incluido el de la mejor película. Un retrato intenso de un hombre empujado a inyectar un poco de franqueza a una cultura hipócrita, Lenny es una película ingeniosa, imaginativa y extraordinaria. Desde su primer show este cómico de Catskills, Lenny Bruce, deja claro que es una figura a tener en cuenta. Armado con un discurso escandaloso y con una bailarina de striptease como musa (Valerine Perrine), Lenny revoluciona la comedia y a todos los Estados Unidos con su áspero y, a menudo, ofensivo humor. Pero la vida de los bares del circuito de la comedia comienza a hacer mella en él. Las drogas y arrestos por el contenido de sus actuaciones pesan demasiado a este paladín poco convencional... pero no le impiden llegar a unos extremos que le conducen a su trágico final, lo que le convierte en todo un mito.