Gerald I. Wolff


1st Born
Additional Casting
Tucker and Hamid are going to be grandfathers for the first time, but only if they can come together long enough to save their first-born grandchild.
Flores de guerra
Durante la Guerra de Secesión, Sarabeth espera junto a su hija a que su marido regrese del frente. Un día encuentran a un yanki malherido y mientras lo curan van descubriendo que bajo el uniforme enemigo hay un buen hombre.
Repo Chick
As a repo chick, wealthy bad-girl Pixxi and her entourage get mixed up in a devious kidnapping plot that threatens to wipe out the city of Los Angeles. Sequel to Alex Cox's 1984 cult film 'Repo Man.'
Contract Killers
Una mujer, asesina a sueldo, tendrá problemas cuando su último encargo no sale tal y como esperaba. De pronto se verá perseguida por numerosos cazarecompensas que no tendrán reparo en acabar con su vida.
Ghosts of Goldfield
A group of five led by Julie set up their filming equipment in the hotel of the derelict town of Goldfield, hoping to capture footage of the ghost of Elisabeth Walker, a maid tortured and killed in room 109. Troubled by visions, Julie discovers that a necklace, handed down to her from her grandmother, is somehow connecting her to this tragedy.
En este thriller con tintes terroríficos y estética retro, Sam es un aspirante a escritor que acepta un trabajo como administrativo en un mercado del centro de Los Ángeles. El dueño, el siniestro Dr. Muñoz, es un antiguo científico que dice tener una extraña enfermedad de la piel que le obliga a vivir en unas temperaturas muy bajas.
Jayne Ferre necesita salir rápidamente de Los Ángeles. Huye con un millón de dólares en la maleta que ha robado al capo Frank Bianci.Kerry, de dieciséis años, también huye de un traficante de drogas en busca de venganza. Su madre, Emily, decide llevárselo de Los Ángeles. Sus destinos se encontrarán marcándoles para siempre...
Fred tiene el plan perfecto para volverse rico: secuestrar a una famosa actriz de Hollywood y obligarla a rodar una película porno que será transmitida en vivo a través de Internet a millones de cibernautas. Las ganancias recaudadas irán a unas cuentas seguras fuera del país, lejos de la policía y para cuando los descubran estarán a salvo de cualquier sospecha. Para ello recurre a un antiguo compañero de prisión y aun tímido experto en computadoras que requiere dinero para pagar la operación de su pequeño hijo. Juntos forman el equipo perfecto, sin embargo el destino les tiene preparada una sorpresa mortal.
La comedia familiar de William Byron Hillman, Quigley, tiene como protagonista a Gary Busey como un frío multimillonario. Al principio de la película muere. Después de morir, aprende que sólo llegará al cielo si aprende lecciones sobre la compasión y el desinterés. Para tener una oportunidad, se reencarna en la Tierra como Pomerania. Como perro, busca deshacer gran parte del daño que infligió a los que le rodeaban cuando era humano.
Fiebre Blanca
A group of young tourist couples comes across a drug deal gone bad while on vacation.
Instinct to Kill
Escaped serial killer James Becket, who killed his own father whose expectations he never fulfilled, but now especially targets his wife Theresa 'Tess' and her family, is too good at disguising himself and other deceit for detective Diffs task force. Only one man proves able to fight back in his league: former cop J.T. Dillon, who was already training Tess in self-defense and becomes her lover. Becket decides to find hiding place by kidnapping Diffs wife, and thus enforce a final show-down.
Stolen Kisses
Executive Producer
Max and Karen seem like a normal happily married couple, but in reality are undercover agents working for different governments. Their sexual relationship develops with new neighbors Melinda and Phil.
Coartada Criminal
Una ex-policía (Rebecca De Mornay), que se dedica a la investigación privada, recibe el encargo de una bella y rica mujer (Dana Delany) para hacer un seguimiento de todos los movimientos que haga su marido (Keifer Sutherland), un importante hombre de negocios.
A serial killer turns the life of a family on vacation into a nightmare.
El silencio del miedo
Kerry Johnson, un joven atractivo, está desestabilizado por terribles pesadillas que pueblan sus visiones en las actividades diarias. Mientras que un analista de investigación en su infancia trató sus problemas, su profesor de biología le ofreció un remedio mucho mejor: el descubrimiento de clase en el corazón de la selva. Por desgracia, el viaje se convierte en unacarnicería, cuando una misteriosa criatura que está pasando por el pequeño grupo va matando a uno por uno.
The Newcomers
A 12-year-old boy and his family start life over in a new town.
Kiss Toledo Goodbye
After learning his biological father was a crime lord, an Ohio investment adviser must secretly try to prevent a gang war.
Kiss Toledo Goodbye
After learning his biological father was a crime lord, an Ohio investment adviser must secretly try to prevent a gang war.
Acceso ilegal
Parece que la mala suerte abandona a Charlie Cook el día en el que entra a trabajar para Silicon Towers, una importante empresa de seguridad. Por fin ha encontrado un trabajo a la altura de sus capacidades. Todo parece ir estupendamente hasta que recibe un e-mail anónimo informándole de que la compañía juega sucio: Silicon Towers está vendiendo unos chips capaces de burlar cualquier tipo de sistema de seguridad informático, incluso el de los bancos. Charlie comprueba la veracidad de la información en su propia cuenta bancaria. No es fácil tomar duna decisión, pero él es, ante todo, una persona honrada: ha decidido informar de todo lo que sabe a la policía sin sospechar que está apunto de vivir la experiencia más angustiosa que jamás hubiera podido imaginar... Escapando de la Ley y de la Corporación, Charlie deberá demostrar la verdad para seguir viviendo.
Different Strokes
A Los Angeles fashion model falls in love with a female art director during a photo shoot which puts their newfound romance at odds with the model's photographer boyfriend.
Dead by Dawn
Manipulation and seduction lead to blackmail, deception, and before long, a brutal murder.
The Hostage
The Hostage is about a gang of high-end thieves who plan to break into a really rich businessman's house, hack into his computer, and download all his money. Ted Prior plays a down-on-his-luck former special forces soldier who signs on with this crew so he can make some quick cash for him and his daughter. Things go wrong, though, and the guys are holed up in the mansion, holding the businessman hostage, while the feds have them under siege outside, led by agent Cynthia Rothrock. Will the thieves get away with the cash?
Cold Night Into Dawn
FBI Agent Parr is going through a bad spell: his partner and best friend has just retired, and his wife has just left him. While investigating a robbery at a gun shop by a paramilitary gang, Parr and his new partner, Sinclaire, find clues to a plot to level the entire city of Chicago. Their main suspect is a recent Vietnamese immigrant with experience as a weapons researcher and a burning grudge against the U.S. Is he the man they're looking for? And if so, can they track him down before it's too late?
Delphine necesita con urgencia un trasplante de médula ósea. El único donante compatible es Rudy Salazar, un peligroso asesino que espera en el corredor de la muerte, a que se le aplique la pena máxima. Cuando es traslado al hospital para practicar la operación, Salazar logra escapar. El sargento Quin, encargado del caso, quiere eliminar a toda costa al asesino y a su banda, pues ellos mataron a dos de sus compañeros. La agente Lydia, responsable de la pequeña desde la muerte de su madre, tendrá que convencerlo de que no lo haga hasta que el trasplante haya sido realizado (FILMAFFINITY).
Proyecto Equinox
The mob and the government race to be the first to recover a stolen alien artifact with unparalleled powers.
Mirror, Mirror III: The Voyeur
Un joven descubre un espejo misterioso y comienza a tener visiones inquietantes de pasión prohibida y asesinatos brutales. Pero cuando también encuentra a una hermosa mujer que regresó de entre los muertos y un detective con sed de venganza, el verdadero terror acaba de comenzar. El espejo lo ve todo ... pero ¿qué secretos impactantes revelará?
Portrait in Red
An artist with a rather unusual art-style literally uses all the men she likes for her artworks. Bodies begin to pile up in abandoned alleyways and the case is handed out to a homicide detective to bring in the artistic serial killer.
Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000
In the future, corporations have taken over the world and banned sex. A group of rebellious high school students devise a way to go back in time to the present day and try change history to prevent that from happening.
Beach Babes from Beyond
An intergalactic babe borrows her dad's T-bird ship to do a little planet hopping with her two friends, but they run out of fuel unexpectedly, and must land on earth. They land on the California coast and run into some guys, where they have fun and a few close encounters at the beach. One of the guys' Uncle Bud, who just wants to meditate and hang out, is being threatened with condemnation of his beach house unless he puts some money into repairs. The alien babes offer to enter the bikini contest with their way-out designs to try and win the money he needs, but they are hampered by the garment designer who will stop at nothing to win.
Hasta la muerte
Un hombre vende su alma al Diablo para conseguir fama y fortuna. Con el tiempo se dará cuenta del alto precio que tendrá que pagar por ello, cuando tenga que matar gente para poderse alimentar y sobrevivir.
Furia enjaulada
Associate Producer
Kat arrives in Los Angeles to audition for movies. However, after meeting a sleazy producer, she and her new friend find themselves in a women's prison run by sadistic guards and a lesbian warden.
A madman is holding the world hostage for a billion dollars. Chaos and violence rule the streets. Enter Robo C.H.I.C.… a Computerized, Humanoid, Intelligence Clone… an unstoppable killing machine packed into one of the hottest bodies around! The ultimate crime fighter, she's faster than a laser beam, more powerful than an atom bomb and able to wipe out ten men with a single blast from her ion shooting orbs. The challenge: can this bodacious bombshell wipe out the bad guys, save the world, fall in love and get her hair done all in the same day? Or, will the vicious scum take over the earth and get all of the great looking babes?
Night of the Wilding
Joseph Gainer is a high priced attorney, notorious for getting guilty criminals off the hook. But Gainer is forced to take another look at the price you pay for defending the guilty when he takes on a case of three young men accused of a heinous crime. And when he discovers that his ex-wife is the prosecuting attorney, Gainer finds he suddenly has more on the line than he ever imagined.
Justicia implacable
In the Los Angeles of the future, police are forbidden to carry weapons and must use stun guns instead. A maverick detective ignores those restrictions in his pursuit of "The Bullseye Murderer," a psychotic rapist who takes a new drug called "Umbra" that gives him superhuman strength and intelligence.
A young woman discovers that she is the focus of an evil nazi experiment involving selective breeding and summoned elves, an attempt to create a race of supermen. She and two of her friends are trapped in a department store with an elf, and only Dan Haggerty, as the renegade loose-cannon Santa Claus, can save them.
Sueños tortuosos
Dos años después de que Matthew muriese en un extraño accidente, un grupo de amigos que le atormentaron antes de su muerte son invitados misteriosamente a volver a Camp Paraside. La muerte de Matthew ocurrió en extrañas e inexplicables circunstancias, cuando alguna fuerza mística lo convirtió en una resplandeciente antorcha humana. Y hasta ahora , su cuerpo no ha sido encontrado. Pero ahora el grupo está de nuevo junto, se producen una serie de brutales asesinatos (uno tras otro), todos empiezan a morir a manos de una perturbada criatura...
The true story of Medusa.
The true story of Medusa.