Silke Botsch


Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors
From the 1950s onwards, Erika and Ulrich Gregor brought countless film historical milestones to Berlin and shaped cinema discourse in post-war Germany. A look at the life and work of the couple without whom Arsenal and the Forum wouldn’t exist.
The Kangaroo Chronicles
Visual Effects Editor
Un canguro comunista se muda con un artista en Berlín.
1917 - Der wahre Oktober
We are Twisted Fucking Sister!
Antes de conseguir el éxito masivo en los 80, los iconos del glam rock Twisted Sister pasaron años dando forma a sus salvajes actuaciones en la escena neoyorquina.
The Coat
A modern story of an actress that is in a theatre. In a place designed for representation, for daily reenactments of human passions, the film is focusing on the cruel awakening of the actress to her true self. More precisely to an “ancient self”. The one most people edit out of their lives: the garbage self.
Songs of Love and Hate
In an idyllic wine region at the foot of the Swiss Alps lives Rico with his two daughters and his wife Anna. The charming daughter, Lili, brings turbulence into the so far harmonious family life because of the awakening of her sexuality. Her father sees her with new eyes and starts to distance himself from her. Lili feels rejected from her father and reacts with aggression and power games.
The Berlin Wall
An old man mourning the loss of his wife starts rebuilding a piece of The Berlin Wall on a field outside his house.
I've Never Been Happier
Success is a question of confidence, particularly in times of crisis. Life would be unbearable if there weren’t beautiful things to brighten it up a little, including pretty faces. Frank Knöpfel constantly flirts with life with his beguiling bright blue eyes. He buys a complete stranger an expensive coat in a designer boutique just because he feels like it. He disguises himself as a businessman from Oslo, a Mafia boss, a stock exchange specialist and an estate agent, whatever it takes to bring in the cash. He is the type of person who enjoys looking in the mirror, and delights in what he sees there. A flirtation with a customer in a boutique leads to Frank’s undoing.
Amira, an aspiring young dancer, is cast out of her uncle's home in Tangiers when she refuses to either get married or become a housemaid. She finds refuge in the apartment of some girlfriends who earn their living as prostitutes. Pia and Tom, a young German couple, have come to Morocco seeking musical inspiration. When they meet her in a nightclub, Amira's sensual dancing inspires the thought of a potential love triangle that might help stimulate Pia's stagnant relationship with Tom. Amira, with ulterior motives, embraces the idea of an affair with Tom, hoping this might provide an opportunity to change her fate.
The House Is Burning
Un día; una noche. Un grupo de adolescentes lucha por encontrar su sitio en un mundo que les ofrece pocas oportunidades. En 24 horas, Mike se irá al ejército, siguiendo los pasos de su padre. Su último día entre su familia y amigos se convertirá en una guerra de emociones.
Frozen Angels
A scientific and social exploration of the future of human reproductive technology. In vitro fertilization, sperm banks' potential repercussions and the ethics of genetically engineering babies are among the issues examined.
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.