Chopper Bernet


Chopper Bernet


Local Haunts
In hopes of hiding in plain sight, three vampiric ladies have made the eerie beach community of Lost Cove their home. As they attempt to reckon with the ever present struggle of immortality, old flames reappear and budding romances arise, all while the rift between the spirit world and ours collides.
Sins of the Father: The Green River Killer
The documentary explores what it’s like to grow up the child of one of the most prolific serial killers in American history, Gary Ridgway, the infamous Green River Killer. This special unpacks Ridgway’s horrific crimes, the double life he led, the twenty-year police investigation that brought him down, and the long-lasting effects of a father’s unspeakable sins on his son and family.
I Am Normal
Dr. Larsen
A sane woman fakes the symptoms of a mentally unstable patient in order to be admitted into a mental institution for a secret psychiatric experiment.
Gloria Bell
60 Year Old Gentleman
Una divorciada de espíritu libre pasa los días trabajando en una oficina. Por la noche se desata bailando en las diferentes discotecas de Los Ángeles. Cuando encuentra a Arnold, su vida cambia radicalmente al verse inmersa en un inesperado romance.
Analysis Paralysis
Peter Revere
The story begins when Tyler O'Conner, a young gay author, visits a therapist and discovers that he suffers from an anxiety disorder commonly called "Analysis Paralysis" - an inability to take action without imagining the ways that each possible choice could go wrong. The problem is that, unchecked, the condition will lead Tyler into a state of complete inaction. To confront the disorder, Tyler decides to fight through his anxiety and ask his cute neighbor, Shane, out for coffee. Despite a flurry of imagined disasters, the date goes well, and Shane and Tyler ultimately become involved. Against all odds, the relationship moves forward, but not without every step of the way - sex, moving in together, and meeting Shane's parents - preceded by an avalanche of negative, albeit hilarious, fantasies.
Cutting Room
Detective Masters
An inexperienced moviemaker attempts to complete a horror film. The production gets complicated when a real serial killer begins to take out members of the cast and crew.
Terminator 3: La rebelión de las máquinas
Chief Engineer
Ha pasado una década desde que John Connor salvara a la humanidad de la destrucción. En la actualidad John tiene 25 años y vive en la clandestinidad: no hay ninguna prueba documental de su existencia. Así evita ser rastreado por Skynet, la sofisticada corporación de máquinas que una vez intentó acabar con su vida. Pero, ahora, desde el futuro, ha sido enviado el T-X, la máquina destructora cyborg más desarrollada de Skynet. Su misión es completar el trabajo que no pudo terminar su predecesor, el T-1000. El T-X es una máquina tan implacable como bello su aspecto humano. Ahora la única esperanza de sobrevivir para Connnor es Terminator.
Una bomba poderosa explota en una oficina de abogados del centro de Los Ángeles y el terrorismo internacional es sospechoso del acto. El antiguo agente de la brigada de investigación criminal (ahora oficial para la oficina de investigación postal) Randall Batkinkoff cree que este caso es solo competencia de investigación de su departamento. Pero la política interfiere en sus averiguaciones.
Spirit: El corcel indomable
Sgt. Adams (voice)
Sigue las aventuras de un corcel mustang salvaje e ingobernable que recorre la indómita frontera norteamericana. Cuando encuentra a un hombre por primera vez, un joven de la tribu de los Lakota llamado Little Creek, Spirit se niega a dejarse domar por él pero sí se hace amigo suyo. El valiente corcel también encuentra el amor con una hermosa yegua llamada Rain. Spirit se conviertirá en uno de los grandes héroes anónimos del Viejo Oeste.
Coffee and Language
A man falls deeply in love with a novelist that he's never met. He finds her at a coffeehouse and, despite her resistance, tells a mysterious and passionate story.
The Spirits of Jupiter
The planet Jupiter has moved closer to the Earth causing an increased gravitation pull which affects the human brain, and people with certain blood types in higher elevations. The result is that the citizens in a town in the Rocky Mountains have become blood-hungry, flesh-eating, and insane.
Everything's Fine
Suffering from trauma induced memory loss after a mass shooting, Hannah finds herself spiraling dangerously out of control as the anniversary of the event nears, threatening to destroy her carefully crafted veneer of normalcy, her relationship with her wife and even her life.