Robin Harsch

Robin Harsch


Robin Harsch


Under the Skin
A film about the transition of three trans teenagers, the upheaval it causes in them and their loved ones, as well as the quest for identity buried deep within them.
Under the Skin
A film about the transition of three trans teenagers, the upheaval it causes in them and their loved ones, as well as the quest for identity buried deep within them.
Under the Skin
A film about the transition of three trans teenagers, the upheaval it causes in them and their loved ones, as well as the quest for identity buried deep within them.
Another Man
Psychological drama about a young, inexperienced film reviewer who falls for the charms of a well-established female colleague. A challenging look at the essence of film critique as well as an erotic encounter between two unequals.
Stupid Boy
Narra las peripecias de Loic, un joven suizo de 20 años que trabaja en una fábrica chocolatera de día, y se prostituye de noche con hombres de diferentes edades para sacarse un sueldo extra.