Yoshitaka Asama

Nacimiento : 1940-06-29, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan


La espada oculta
Japón, siglo XIX. El declive de la casta guerrera de los Samurai y de los Shogun ha hecho mella en el pequeño feudo de Unasaka, situado en la costa del noroeste del país. El samurai Yaichiro Hazama se marcha a la lejana ciudad de Edo para hacerse cargo de un puesto muy importante de la organización del clan, mientras sus amigos samuráis, Munezo y Samon, vuelven al lugar en el que Munezo nació y creció. A pesar de su modesto sueldo consiguen vivir una vida placentera en la casa de la madre de Munezo junto con la hermana pequeña de éste y la hija de un vecino que es granjero, llamada Kie, que trabaja en la casa como empleada doméstica y espera poder conseguir marido. Durante los tres años siguientes fallece la madre de Munezo, Samon se casa con la hermana de Munezo, y Kie se casa con el hijo de una familia acomodada de mercaderes, los Iseya.
Free and Easy 14
Hama-chan's supervisor is promoted after many frustrating years with his wayward, fishing-obsessed underling, and Hama-chan's new boss naively tries to retrain him. Later, Su-san and Hama-chan go on a business trip, where they meet a beautiful, warm-hearted truck driver.
El ocaso del Samurái
Japón, mediados del siglo XIX. Seibei Iguchi es un samurái de bajo rango que trabaja como burócrata. Viudo, vive con sus dos hijas, a las que adora, y con una madre ya senil, por lo que se ve obligado a hacer otros trabajos para poder sacarlas adelante. Una nueva oportunidad se presenta en su vida cuando se entera de que Tomoe, su amor de siempre, se ha divorciado de su cruel marido. Sin embargo, el rígido código de honor de los samuráis lo atará de pies y manos.
Free and Easy 13
When unexpected trouble arises with an account Hama-chan brought in, he's sent to Toyama with his beautiful colleague to fix the problem.
Free and Easy 12: Big Holiday Bonus Project
Mr. Takano, a company employee, announces plans to take an early retirement so he can return to his home town and spend his days fishing. Su-san and Hama-chan envy his decision, and Hama-chan conspires to visit Takano, even though he has no vacation time left.
Free and Easy 11
Hama-chan accompanies Su-san on a business trip to Okinawa in the middle of the recession, but Su-san remains in low spirits over business matters.
Free and Easy: Samurai Edition
A traveling ronin perceived as a fool impresses a samurai leader with his fishing skills and gains employment.
A Class to Remember III: The New Voyage
A widow who has single-handedly raised her autistic son loses her job and begins attending a technical college to gain new qualifications. She meets others looking for a new start in life, including a former salaryman with whom she begins a furtive romance...
The Rainbow Seeker 2
Tora-san's Tropical Fever Special Version
Carrying a bag full of samples, Mitsuo makes rounds to shoe stores in remote cities. While staying at budget hotels, his thoughts turn to Tora-san.
A Class to Remember
A cantankerous but loveable high school teacher teaches a night school in a poor neighborhood for adult students on the fringes of Japanese society.
My Sons
Tetsuo is a young man living in Tokyo, who falls in love with a deaf-mute factory girl. He has always felt jealous of his college-educated brother, but ultimately wins both the girl and his father's acceptance and support in a touching and refreshing way.
Tora-san, My Uncle
Tora-san's nephew Mitsuo is exchanging letters with Izumi, a former classmate whose parents divorced and took her out of Tokyo.
Tora-san's Salad-Day Memorial
In his travels through Japan, Tora-san meets and falls in love with a female doctor, however he is afraid of committing to a relationship.
Hope and Pain
The adventures and tribulations of a group of students during the years following the II World War.
Tora-san Plays Daddy
A playboy-gambler friend of Tora-san’s dies and, abandoned by his mother, his little boy suddenly turns up in Shibamata. Searching for the boy’s mother, Tora-san meets a cosmetics saleslady and the three become a surrogate family, with Tora-san as “daddy”.
Tora-san Goes North
When his travels take him to rural Hokkaido, Tora-san helps a cantankerous old veterinarian (Mifune) in his relationships with his estranged daughter, and a woman in whom he is secretly interested.
Children on the Island
The story of a teacher who comes to a village on the Inland Sea and the relationship that develops between her and her 12 pupils.
Tora-san's Bluebird Fantasy
During his travels, Tora-san comes across a traditional theater he used to visit, and discovers that one of his old friends has died. Tora-san and his family help the friend's daughter, who becomes romantically involved with an aspiring artist.
Tora-san's Island Encounter
Tora-san's family's neighbor, Akemi, who had been married in Marriage Counselor Tora-san (1984), runs away from her husband, who is only interested in work. Tora-san follows her to Shikinejima, and attempts to bring her back to her home. In doing so he encounters a school-reunion group who are traveling to meet their elementary school teacher, which is a reference to the film Twenty-Four Eyes by Keisuke Kinoshita. Tora-san joins them and falls in love with the teacher.
Tora-san, the Go-Between
In Nagasaki, Tora-san and an acquaintance help an old woman who has fallen and injured herself. She invites them to her home where the three share a night of eating and drinking. The old woman's health deteriorates and she dies. At her funeral, Tora-san falls in love with the old woman's daughter, but winds up acting as a go-between for her and a young law student.
Tora-san's Forbidden Love
Tora-san spends several days at the home of a hard-working salaryman ("salaried worker"), who abruptly disappears. When the man's wife asks Tora-san to help find him, he falls in love with her, and secretly hopes the husband will not be found.
Marriage Counselor Tora-san
In Shibamata, Tokyo, Tora-san's family prepares for a wedding. Meanwhile, the traveling Tora-san meets an old acqaintance in Iwate Province. Tora-san refuses to drink with him, afraid that the acquaintance, now settled and married, will again become attracted to Tora-san's wandering existence. Tora-san becomes attracted to a female barber, but must break off their relationship so that she too can live a secure life. She instead gets into an abusive relationship with a motorcyclist.
Tokimeki Kaigan Monogatari
Tokimeki Kaigan Monogatari
Tora-san Goes Religious?
Tora-san visits brother-in-law Hiroshi's hometown to attend a memorial service for his late father. When the local temple priest becomes intoxicated, Tora-san wearing the priest's robe delivers the memorial speech, much to his family's surprise. Thinking he's found his true calling, Tora-san decides to join the order, and falls for the priest's divorced daughter.
Tora-san's Song of Love
Tora-san returns to his family home to learn that his brother-in-law cannot go to Mitsuo's (Tora-san's nephew) athletic event. Tora-san volunteers to take his place, but gets into an argument with his brother-in-law's boss and returns to the road. He meets a young woman in Niigata who, unbeknownst to him, is a popular enka singer.
Tora-san, the Expert
Tora-san gets into an argument with his uncle and sets out on the road again. In Kyushu he meets a young woman named Keiko and the shy zoologist Saburō, and attempts to play matchmaker between the two when they all return to Tokyo.
Hearts and Flowers for Tora-san
During his travels, Tora-san gets drunk with an old man in Kyoto. Though Tora-san never fully comprehends his importance, the old man is a Living National Treasure ceramist. At his home, Tora-san makes a good impression on the old man's maid, who apparently falls in love with Tora-san.
Tora-san's Promise
Tora-san returns to his family's home to attend an elementary school class reunion. After he embarrasses himself by getting drunk and insulting all his ex-classmates, he resumes his travels. In Kyushu he meets an outspoken 18-year-old girl who becomes enamored of Tora-san and follows him around. One of Tora-san's old friends is terminally ill and makes Tora-san promise him to marry his wife once he is gone.
Tora-san's Love in Osaka
When his travels bring him to Osaka, Tora-san falls in love with a local geisha. He helps her to track down her estranged brother, and informs his family that he plans to marry her. His plans are foiled when the geisha informs Tora-san that she is engaged.
Foster Daddy, Tora!
After a friend and business colleague dies, Tora-san visits the man's daughter, then takes her to Tokyo so she can study for a night school exam.
Tora-san's Tropical Fever
When cabaret singer Lily writes Toraya about her illness, Tora-san rushes to Okinawa to be by her side.
The Long Way 'Round
1980 Japanese film.
The Long Way 'Round
1980 Japanese film.
Llanto de Primavera
Un extraño busca trabajo en la granja donde vive una viuda con su hijo pequeño. La atractiva madre trabaja duro y aprecia que su nuevo empleado sea de la misma condición. A medida que pasa el tiempo se empiezan a crear lazos afectivos entre ellos.
Tora-san's Dream of Spring
Tora-san's opinions about Americans get challenged when another wandering peddler Michael Jordan stops by Shibamata.
Tora-san, the Matchmaker
Tora-san helps out a runaway bride.
Talk of the Town Tora-san
After a chance encounter with Hiroshi's father on a bus, Tora decides to get serious and reflect on the mortality of man. His plans are derailed when a beautiful lady starts working at Toraya.
Stage-Struck Tora-san
Tora-san leaves Shibamata once again after an argument with his family and finds himself at an inn where he meets Tomekichi, a young man who looks up to Tora-san.
Tora-san Plays Cupid
Tora-san becomes friends with Toraya's newest tenant, a pachinko-playing electrician that goes by the nickname Watt. Tora attempts to match Watt with a young waitress.
El pañuelo amarillo de la felicidad
Mientras conducen por Hokkaido sin rumbo fijo, una pareja de jóvenes -que acaban de conocerse- se encuentran con Yusaku, un tranquilo y reservado hombre de mediana edad al que aceptan como compañero de viaje. Poco a poco, irá revelándose el pasado de Yusaku, que acaba de salir de prisión tras cumplir condena por asesinato, y que intenta volver al hogar con su mujer. Si ella espera su regreso, habrá colgado un pañuelo amarillo en la puerta de la casa. De no ser así, él deberá dar media vuelta sin haberla visto...
Tora-san Meets His Lordship
Tora-san befriends the descendant of a feudal lord. The man asks Tora to locate his deceased son's wife who resides somewhere in Tokyo.
Tora-san's Pure Love
When Tora-san's infatuation with his nephew's school teacher causes family turmoil, he leaves on his travels again. When he returns, he falls in love with the teacher's mother.
Tora-san's Sunrise and Sunset
Tora-san arrives in Shibamata on Mitsuo's first day of school only to find that on his account, Mitsuo was embarrassed. After a fight with his family, he goes to a bar to drink, then brings home a surly old man with a sad story, whose identity will surprise everyone. Later, Tora meets Botan, a geisha.
The Village
This appears to be a labor of love. Its about a village which is given the opportunity to put on a musical. They would have to pay the overhead and, being that they are farmers and always busy and not rich, question the wisdom and feasibility of such an idea. A spokesperson for the acting troupe Ms. Kono lays out the whole thing and they must decide. You get little slices of rural life in Japan far, at least in sentiment, from Tokyo. The best thing about this film is that it has heart. The acting is good, but it is really about the simple storyline of outing on a show. Films rarely get made with such simplistic plots these days. Enjoy this little slice of what city people call “the simple life”.
Tora-san, the Intellectual
Tora-san is inspired to pursue an education after a visit to the grave of a woman he met years ago. When he returns to Shibamata with the intent to study, he falls for Toraya's new tenant instead.
Tora-san Meets the Songstress Again
Tora-san visits Hokkaido and is reunited with Lily. Now divorced, she plans to resume her singing career and renews her unusual relationship with Tora-san.
Tora-san's Lullaby
After Hiroshi is injured in a workplace accident, Torajiro gives Sakura the money he has saved and leaves to work as a traveling salesman once again. During his travels, Torajiro meets a father who shares a drink with him. In the morning, Torajiro is shocked to learn that the man has left his baby behind and a note asking Tora to take care of the child.
Tora-san's Lovesick
After Torajiro's latest attempt to find a bride goes awry, he starts traveling again and runs into Utako (last seen in Tora-san's Dear Old Home), now a widow.
Tora-san 12: Tora-san Loves an Artist
La hermana menor de Tora-san, Sakura, invita a su tía y tío a un viaje de spa en el derecho de Kyushu cuando Tora-san vuelve a casa! Durante su estancia solitaria en su casa, determina para el tratamiento de su familia más agradable cuando regresen. Un día, Tora-san se encuentra con uno de sus antiguos compañeros de clase, y presenta a su hermana menor Ritsuko a Tora-san. Ritsuko provenía de una familia rica, pero ella insiste en ser un pintora y tiene que sufrir de la pobreza. Tora-san se siente atraído por ella, pero ella ya está enamorada de otro hombre.
Tora-san's Forget Me Not
On the road again, Torajiro meets a kindred spirit in Lily, a lounge singer.
Tora-san's Dream-Come-True
When Tora-san returns to visit his family, he is surprised to find an arrogant professor occupying his room. The professor and Tora-san become rivals for the affection of Chiyo.
Tora-san's Dear Old Home
While Sakura and Hiroshi struggle to save funds to build a house, Torajiro befriends three young women on vacation during his travels.
Tora-san's Love Call
Taking a message from Hiroshi's father to heart, Torajiro attempts to give up his wandering ways.
Tora-san, The Good Samaritan
Tora-san regresa a su ciudad natal y se reconcilia con su madre Kiku, y comienza su vida como un errante nuevamente, hasta que conoce a Hanako, una joven inocente no muy inteligente que trabaja en una fábrica textil. Tora-san tiene la intención de ayudarla a regresar a su ciudad natal, pero Hanako termina trabajando en la tienda del tío de Tora-san.