In Marseille, Rosa, 60, dedicated her life to family and politics with the same sense of duty. Everyone considers her unwavering, until the day she falls in love with Henri. For the first time, Rosa is afraid to commit. Between the pressure of his family, politics and a desire to indulge in her feelings, the conflict is difficult to sustain.
Marie and Simon, a couple with two children, are deeply in love despite constant fights in their paired life. To save their marriage, they come up with a chart of Ten Rules to seek love and peace.
Early 20th century, in the Ughetto family's home village, Ughettera, Northern Italy. Life in the region had become very difficult and the Ughettos dreamed of a better life abroad. Legend has it that Luigi Ughetto crossed the Alps and started a new life in France, thus changing his beloved family's destiny forever. His grandson retraces their story.
The heroine of this film is immortal. She is over 2600 years old. This is the self-portrait of the oldest city in France. A city whose landscapes bear the scars of a destiny that has spared it no trials. Gateway to the Orient, crossroads of trade and immigration, Marseille is a mosaic with 111 districts and 200 nationalities. Rebellious, chaotic, in turn desired, torn apart, transformed, it is reborn each time from its ashes. Marseille tells us more about the history of France and sheds light on what France is today.
Michel is an eternal kid who dreams only of motorcycles and hangs out with his big son Léo and his friends. At fifty, he has to deal with the baby he just had with his ex, and fights not to make the same mistakes and be a good guy.
Narrator (voice)
Sylvie Benar
Una familia se reúne en Marsella para celebrar el nacimiento de la pequeña Gloria. A pesar de que todos se alegran, la vida es dura y viven tiempos difíciles. Pero al ambicioso tío de Gloria se le ocurre una idea para un negocio que podría sacarles del mal momento.
Mme Malec, la prof de danse
Odette is a 8-yr-old girl who loves to dance and draw. Once she has become an adult, Odette realizes she was abused, and immerses herself body and soul in her career as a dancer while trying to deal with her past.
Angèle Barberini
Josep y Armand vuelven a casa de su padre situada en una pequeña cala de Marsella. Armand es el encargado del restaurante que fundó su padre hace años y Joseph se fue a Paris, donde se acaba de enamorar de una joven. Una vuelta a casa llena de los recuerdos que les hicieron ser como son. Unos valores y una personalidad inculcada por su progenitor que ahora se pondrá en duda tras la llegada de una patera a la playa de al lado.
Mélanie, 16 años, vive con su madre. Le gusta ir a la escuela, a sus amigas, tocar el violonchelo y quiere cambiar el mundo. Pero cuando conoce a un chico en Internet y se enamora de él, su mundo cambia a medida que Daesh la recluta gradualmente. Sonia tiene 17 años y casi hizo algo irrevocable para "garantizarle" a su familia un lugar en el paraíso. Estas adolescentes podrían llamarse Anaïs, Manon o Leila, y un día todas podrían ir un poco por el proceso de reclutamiento. Pero, ¿pueden volver alguna vez?
Anouch Alexandrian
Aram, un jóven de origen armenio explota el coche del embajador de Turquía en París. En ese momento, un ciclista que pasaba por allí fue herido de gravedad. La madre del jóven armenio se siente culpable y siente la necesidad de ir a la habitación del hospital del herido para pedirle perdón, algo que este no entiende. Por otra parte, Aram en contra de la opinión de sus compañeros decide ir a conocer a su víctima.
A woman, a man, two cultures and years separating them: will Adriana and Mohamed overcome the prejudices of the world around them? A sincere love story in the heart of Southern Italy.
Anne Gueguen
Anne Gueguen es una profesora de Historia de instituto que además se preocupa por los problemas de sus alumnos. Este año, como siempre, Anne tiene un grupo difícil. Frustrada por su materialismo y falta de ambición, Anne desafía a sus alumnos a participar en un concurso nacional sobre lo que significa ser adolescente en un campo de concentración nazi. Anne usa toda su energía y creatividad para captar la atención de sus alumnos y motivarlos. A medida que el plazo se acerca, los jóvenes comienzan a abrirse a los demás y a creer en sí mismos. Un proyecto que cambiará sus vidas.
En el cumpleaños de Ariane, todos sus invitados se han disculpado por no poder asistir, con lo que Ariane coge el coche y deja su zona residencial para perderse en la ciudad.
The South of France. Internationally famous pianist Aurore collapses one night during a performance, over-exhausted from too many concerts. Tired of music, she believes she no longer has anything to offer her public. Then she meets Jean, an electrician who installs residential security systems. Despite their differences, they immediately fall in love and plan a new life together. Jean intends to leave his long-time partner, Dolorès, but she will stop at nothing to keep him.
Claudine Foulon
En esta segunda parte de la "Trilogía marsellesa", Fanny enamorada y abandonada descubre que espera un hijo de Marius. Aconsejada por su madre y por el padre de Marius, César, acepta casarse con un rico comerciante del Vieux-Port, Honoré Panisse, 30 años mayor que ella, que acepta reconocer a su hijo.
Nathalie's mother
Nathalie pierde en un accidente al hombre del que está perdidamente enamorada. Después de una etapa de duelo, no puede creerse que el amor llame de nuevo a su puerta de la mano de Markus, un compañero de trabajo que nunca ha tenido éxito con las mujeres, pero que rebosa bondad y ternura. Un hombre que para ella supone la vuelta a la vida.
En el momento en el que nos enamoramos, empieza a sonar para nosotros una música particular. Cinco historias sobre la búsqueda del amor y del ser amado.
A pesar de haber perdido su trabajo, Michel vive feliz con Marie-Claire desde hace treinta años. Sus hijos y sus nietos los llenan de alegría. Tienen amigos muy cercanos. Están orgullosos de sus actividades sindicales y políticas. Sus conciencias son tan transparentes como sus miradas. Pero ese bienestar salta por los aires cuando dos hombres armados y enmascarados los golpean, los atan y se fugan con sus tarjetas de crédito.
They stick to our skin and soul, our clothes. We believe we buy them, they own us. Warning ! these rags are traitors: far from dressing us they expose our complexes, our moods ... Clinging to their hangers, to our memories too, they exercise an underhand dictatorship. Snuggled up, huddled together, they build a bulwark against oblivion in our closets. Often stained for eternity with ink or redcurrant, impregnated with perfume, tears sometimes, piled up or messed up on our shelves, they remain forever linked to the happy or unhappy chapters of our life. It is through the evocation of their wardrobe that Gigi, Eve, Marie, Nora, Françoise, Amanda, Lisa and the others evoke the past, missed appointments and those that changed their lives, the joys and childhood revolts, giggles, disappointments, dramas, parties and hopes too…
Dora's Mother / la mère de Dora
The story of the relationship between Dora Maar and Pablo Picasso
Le médecin
A young couple marry in France in the 1940s and the film follows the arc of their marriage over the next decade. As France recovers from the trauma of the war, the wife finds herself increasingly caught up in acquiring material possessions while the husband prefers a more traditional lifestyle.
George Sands
Writer George Sand (played by Ariane Ascaride) takes a young peasant girl under her wing.
Madame Elek
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En París, el poeta obrero Missak Manouchian encabeza un heterogéneo grupo de partisanos (22 hombres y una mujer) que luchan clandestinamente contra la ocupación nazi con la esperanza de recuperar la libertad. La información sobre sus osadas acciones, que incluyen el asesinato de un general de las SS, termina por llegar a Berlín. Siguiendo órdenes de la Gestapo, la policía francesa y los colaboracionistas asediarán a Manouchian y a sus compañeros de la Resistencia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Manuela Lopez
Relato del encuentro inesperado entre algunos de los habitantes del número 2 de la calle Eugène Manuel, en París: Paloma Josse, una niña de once años tremendamente inteligente y con un plan secreto; Renée Michel, portera discreta y solitaria que bajo su apariencia de inculta y arisca oculta en realidad una personalidad inteligente y cultivada, y el enigmático señor Kakuro Ozu, un japonés que acaba de mudarse al edificio...
Centers on three childhood friends: Muriel, Francois and Rene. Partners in crime (burglaries, to be precise), the three end their "criminal" activities after one of their attempted burglaries fails. They vow never to see each other again until, however, Muriel's son is kidnapped, which leads the three to join forces again to get the ransom money.
Emmanuelle lives in the suburbs near a shopping mall. Since her father's death, she feels increasingly out of sync with the world around her. Her mother is distracted, high school bores her. She has just turned 17 and, this particular year, her life will take an entirely different turn.
Al enterarse de que está gravemente enfermo, Barsam decide volver a su tierra natal. Antes de irse a Armenia, le deja a su hija Anna numerosas pistas para que pueda encontrarlo. Anna emprende entonces la clase de viaje que su padre quería que hiciera: un viaje iniciático, una forma de educación sentimental, un regreso a la adolescencia. Anna encontrará a su padre en un pueblo perdido del Cáucaso, sentado bajo un árbol frutal en flor.
Al enterarse de que está gravemente enfermo, Barsam decide volver a su tierra natal. Antes de irse a Armenia, le deja a su hija Anna numerosas pistas para que pueda encontrarlo. Anna emprende entonces la clase de viaje que su padre quería que hiciera: un viaje iniciático, una forma de educación sentimental, un regreso a la adolescencia. Anna encontrará a su padre en un pueblo perdido del Cáucaso, sentado bajo un árbol frutal en flor.
Julia's mother
In Paris, the emotional and professional tribulations of a musician and his roommate. Freshly installed in Paris, David, a shy and clumsy musician, falls madly in love with his student, Julia. He tries everything to seduce her. His roommate, Anne, encourages, advises, and consoles... passionately!
A literary professor who suffers from writer's block decides to kidnap one of his female students in order to promote her brilliant essay that reminds him of his own work as his own.
Mehdi is an algérien writer that fundamentalist violence has transformed into a potential target. How to live with fear when everything is fear. But also life. Facing Mehdi is Ania, an algerian-born Frenchwoman, the woman next door. She often appears at her window on the court. A disturbing vis-à-vis. Ania will unceasingly try to convert this man to the culture of life, to burning passion. By bringing him tea regularly, risking to often find the door closed...
Natacha / Marie
Natacha y Jérémie crecieron juntos. Eran inseparables. Eran amantes. Ambos estudiaron Medicina, pero un día sus vidas siguieron senderos distintos. Jérémie se convirió en un personaje importante que viajaba mucho y se codeaba con ministros; Natacha siguió trabajando en su barrio y viviendo en casa de sus padres. Pero, de repente, Jérémie vuelve y recuerda la época de la adolescencia, cuando estudiaban ruso y él era incapaz de pronunciar bien la frase “Mi padre es ingeniero”. Ha vuelto para averiguar qué ha sido de Natacha. Empieza a relacionarse con sus amigos y a curar a sus pacientes. A pesar de todos los obstáculos, Natacha y Jérémie deciden olvidar la realidad y el destino para permanecer juntos para siempre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Durante más de 20 años, Robert Guédiguian ha producido películas que ocupan un lugar esencial y único en el cine francés. Evoca, película tras película, la crónica social del mundo de la clase trabajadora desde su infancia. Su cine quiere resistir, con las armas de la ternura, la hermandad, el amor y la sensualidad, el colapso de los temores de solidaridad que fueron la base de la cohesión social del mundo laboral. Todavía no existía un retrato filmado de Robert Guédigian.
Mme. Mélikian
French drama, the debut film from writer-director Eléonore Faucher. Teenager Claire (Lola Naymark) discovers she is pregnant and decides to keep it a secret. Abandoning her dead-end supermarket job, she is taken on as an apprentice by couturiere Madame Mélikian (Ariane Ascaride), who is grieving over the death of her own child. As the two women work together, they soon develop a supportive and fam
Etienne is crazy about ice skating and videoing his daily life with a digital camera. He records his mother, friends, and geography teacher. Initially his intention is to setup a date between his mother and his teacher, however, he starts to realize that he is infatuated with the teacher himself.
Marie-Brigitte Poradjawski
Juliette es demasiado joven para quedarse embarazada pero eso es, precisamente, lo que sucede. Ahora quiere tener al niño ya que lo siente cantando en su vientre. La joven tiene nueve meses para volver a la realidad y poner en orden su vida, la cual incluye a su amante Mathias, temeroso ante su próxima paternidad, su histérica hermana mayor y su propio padre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Marie-Jo ama profundamente a Daniel, su marido, pero también ama a Marco, su amante. Cuando Marie-Jo deja su hogar y se va a vivir con Marco, Daniel espera angustiado su regreso. Son dos amores incompatibles, pero hay que seguir adelante.
A dark tale of working-class life in Marseilles, a city in crisis. Interesting characters include a hard-bitten but compassionate fish market worker with a drug addicted daughter and a moody bartender with a shocking secret life.
Félix es un jóven francés, de origen argelino, homosexual y enfermo de sida que vive en Normandía junto a su novio Daniel. Su madre ha fallecido recientemente y al revisar unos papeles de ella, encuentra unas cartas escritas por su padre, a quien no pudo conocer porque se separaron antes de su nacimiento. Decide hacer un viaje hasta Marsella para conocer a su padre; se compra una cometa con los colores del arco iris porque le recuerda la bandera gay y se marcha caminado por carreteras secundarias haciendo autostop. A lo largo del camino, Félix irá conociendo a un grupo de personas con las que llegará a conectar...
Dos amigos de personalidades muy diferentes deciden escribir un guión para una película. Sus discusiones y enfrentamientos son constantes, pero poco a poco la historia va tomando forma en torno a una familia humilde que tiene un pequeño negocio de reparación de coches. Corren tiempos difíciles y será preciso luchar para evitar que una multinacional derribe el garaje.
Single mother Nadia is surviving on welfare while transport strikes are paralyzing France in December 1995. While watching the news, she recognizes the father of her child among the strikers and decides to go and search for him. But she has nowhere to go. The film, shot almost entirely at night, carries documentary qualities, part of which is due to the appearances of actual railroad workers in several group scenes.
Nag, a prostitute, walks the streets. One night, a violent man sends her to the hospital. There she meets Herve, a nurse obsessed with people's age and death in general. He falls madly in love with Nag and enters a world that amounts to very little.
Marianne Patché
Dos adolescentes que viven en Marsella y están profundamente enamorados. Los problemas surgen cuando el chico, que es negro, es encarcelado bajo la acusación de haber violado a una joven.
Yves Le Guen, a black man with a degree in economics, is hired as a handyman on the property of Mr. Moreau, a rich public works contractor. His arrival is going to upset the daily life of the inhabitants of the house.
Marius y Jeannette, dos cuarentones que malviven en un miserable barrio de Marsella, comparten un pesimista escepticismo ante la vida, que los ha tratado muy duramente. Él pasea su cojera por la abandonada cementera de la que es vigilante. Ella lucha por sacar adelante a sus dos hijos, de distintos padres, con su miserable trabajo de cajera de supermercado. El inesperado encuentro y romance de estos dos perdedores hará que recuperen la alegría de vivir y las ganas de luchar, que contagiarán a su singulares vecinos. (FILMAFFINITY)
This film deals with the aftermath of the Algerian war of liberation. Georges Montero, an Algerian-born Frenchman, manages an olive canning factory in Oran. He travels to Paris for a cataract operation. Marinette, his sister, and Belka, his friend and a recent immigrant, want him to return to France permanently. Friction develops between the two friends as Georges is pressured to sell his factory. Friendship developed between Georges and his surgeon, who as a French Arab has severed ties with his culture and country of origin.
À la vie, à la mort ! (1995) In Estaque, a northern suburb of Marseilles, stuck between oil refinery smokestacks and the Mediterranean sea, a handful of die-hards has taken refuge in a cabaret. There is José, the owner, a big-hearted gypsy who loves cars and women's bodies; Joséfa, his wife, the establishment's stripper despite her advanced years and Marie-Sol who climbs the hill every day to visit Notre-Dame de la Garde and beseech Virgin Mary to give her a child. There is Patrick, her husband who has been unemployed for ages but who is kind despite appearances and their friend Jaco who is having a hard time. His wife and daughters hate him for not keeping up on the mortgage repayments. Last but not least is Papa Carlossa who believes that Franco still rules Spain and fantasizes about bumping him off.
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
Simona Viali
How the mothers of a deprived suburb of Marseille will create a solidarity committee under the aegis of the parish priest. Gathered in assembly, they will invent a solution to the endemic misery of their city.
Three men and a woman from a city in the south of France made a pact as teenagers to never forget that they were children of the poor.
A group of children from the same neighborhood meet a few years later. When the day comes, they meet again and take stock of their lives.
Reduced to poverty, a young man is taken in by a rich lady who asks him for some dangerous services in exchange.
Gilbert, his brother Boule and some friends live in Estaque. Between carelessness, petty theft and social gloom, they feel like the outcasts of a society where Gilbert has no future. This is the "last summer" that he intends to spend there, dragging his idleness, nevertheless beginning a romance with Josiane, a nice worker.
Palmyre Blanchard-Lhomme
In this complex chronicle of the evolution of a provincial family's life, the story follows three generations of at least two neighboring families from the 1890s to the 1970s. In one of many related tales, a man who was engaged to the older daughter of a farmer elopes with the younger one. After many years and the birth of five children, the man leaves his wife and family for the bright lights of the city but continues turning up from time to time, until he is finally taken into the home of one of his sons when he is a quite old man. The complex interactions of the legitimate and illegitimate children of a womanizing miner give rise to yet another set of related stories.
Maria, who's not as young as she used to be and who helps people older than her, is living from hand to mouth. She can't quite accept her precarious situation and steals a few euros here and there from all those lovely people she looks after with such devotion, and who adore her for it… But after an accusation of abuse of a vulnerable person, Maria winds up in police custody.