Jacques Desagneaux

Nacimiento : 1905-02-18, Vincennes, France

Muerte : 1989-03-10


Dead Run
A thief gets hold of some top secret papers and is chased around Europe by the sinister Organisation.
The Saint Lies in Wait
Oscar Chartier plays a dangerous double game by selling secret plans to the German and American secret services, to ensure a comfortable future for his daughter, Sophie. But the plans are fake and Chartier decides to get help from his good friend Simon Templar.
Le Saint prend l'affût
La cena de los cobardes
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En la Francia ocupada por las tropas alemanas, un matrimonio que colabora con la Resistencia tiene que tomar una terrible decisión: cuál de sus vecinos será ejecutado por los nazis en represalia por la muerte de un oficial alemán. (FILMAFFINITY)
El tulipán negro
En la Francia de 1789, un enmascarado apodado “el tulipán negro”, ataca y saquea a la nobleza en favor de los pobres. El jefe de la policía del Rosellón, convencido de que el terrible bandido no es otro que el conde Guillaume de Saint Preux, le tiende una trampa y consigue herirle una mejilla. Ahora resultará muy fácil reconocerlo. Pero, en una fiesta a la que acude toda la nobleza, el supuesto culpable aparece con el rostro incólume. Mientras tanto, las clases altas siguen siendo despojadas de sus riquezas.
Don't Tempt the Devil
A lovely young nurse finds herself framed for the murder of a hospital patient who died after she administered an injection.
Babette se va a la guerra
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Tras la ocupación de Francia por las tropas alemanas (1940), Babette (Bardot), una joven y hermosa francesa, se refugia en Inglaterra y es reclutada para participar en un plan de la inteligencia militar británica que pretende evitar la invasión del país por los alemanes. Babette tendrá que servirse de su belleza y encanto para ganarse la confianza de los oficiales alemanes y obtener así valiosa información. Sin embargo, la ineptitud de la chica está muy por encima de entusiasmo, lo que la convierte a veces en una auténtica amenaza para las fuerzas aliadas.
La ley es la ley
Ferdinand es un estricto agente francés que vigila la aduana de Assola, población en parte francesa y en parte italiana, porque la frontera que separa ambos países atraviesa el pueblo. Don Giuseppe es un contrabandista italiano que intenta sacar partido de esta circunstancia, pero sus esfuerzos siempre se ve truncados por culpa del implacable Ferdinand. Pero un buen día Don Giuseppe descubre algo muy interesante: la casa en la que nació Ferdinand ocupa la línea que divide el pueblo, de modo que si hubiera nacido en la cocina, entonces sería italiano y quedaría inhabilitado como agente aduanero francés.
Sénéchal the Magnificent
Sénéchal, an actor touring the provinces with the "Tournées Carlini" does not meet the success he thinks he deserves. One night in Dreux, he finds himself without his luggage and dressed up as a Foreign Legion officer, he is invited to a party thrown by a colonel. He creates a sensation there and does not leave the colonel's wife ... indifferent! Back in Paris, Sénéchal goes through a similar experience. This time around, wearing tuxedo and top hat, he gets mistaken for a diplomat and charms the guests of a wedding party. Arrested by the police, he chooses to do without an attorney at his trial and his brilliant eloquence has him acquitted. A question remains unanswered though : will all those people who give an ovation in real life ever go to see him on stage ?
If All the Guys in the World...
Tres destinos de mujer
Tres episodios: un hombre al que nunca vemos presenta a las tres protagonistas del film. Elizabeth, una víctima de la II Guerra Mundial; Juana, que hizo la guerra, y Lisístrata, que luchó contra la guerra.
Fanfan la Tulipe
Fanfan es un apuesto joven campesino. Se une al ejército para escapar del matrimonio y porque una gitana predijo que obtendría la gloria y la hija del rey como esposa. Pero la gitana en realidad era Adeline, la hija del oficial de reclutamiento. Una vez que ha descubierto la estratagema, Fanfan se niega a olvidar este sueño y decide cumplir el destino de la predicción falsa. Fantásticas aventuras de capa y espada en un entorno del siglo XVIII, con una ligera crítica de la guerra y los poderosos.
Adorables criaturas
André (Daniel Gélin) es un simpático Don Juan, que ha caído enamorado de la preciosa Catherine. Sin embargo, eso no le impide remememorar las gracias y favores de sus antiguas conquistas femeninas, como Christine, Minouche, Denise, etc. Pero eso no será fácil de compaginar con el amor de Catherine.
The Wind Is My Lover
Set in medieval times about the cursed Moonshield family. The young knight Erland Moonshield fall in love with a gypsy enchantress, Singoalla, he meet in the forest.
All Roads Lead to Rome
A young geometrician goes to Rome with his sister. During the trip, they meet Laura, an actress who offers them many surprises.
Man to Men
The story of the Swiss soldier, Henri Dunant, who was responsible for the founding of the Red Cross, and who was offered the first Nobel Peace Prize.
The Charterhouse of Parma
This adaptation of Stendhal's timeless masterpiece of French literature tells the tale of Fabrice Del Dongo (Grard Philipe) a young archibishop who gives his heart and soul to romance rather than to the Church creating upheaval in the lives of evergone around him the Countess of Sanseverine (Maria Casares) is but one of the may women who love him. In turn she incurs jealous retributions from those in high places who desire her. For his crimes Fabrice is thrown in Prison where from Crimes Fabrice is thrown in prison where form his lonely window he falls in love with his jailer s daughter and plans a daring escape she however calls his plan insane and takes a vow to the Virgin Mary to never see him again ever if his escape succeeds the Charterhouse of Parma explodes with conflicting desires man s desire form God vs. his desire for romance.
A Lover's Return
1946, a man walks in Lyon. He makes a pilgrimage to the places of his childhood. Another man, Edmond Gonin, recognizes him. It was Jean-Jacques Sauvage, whom he had ousted in a "radical" way with a young heiress. Only Savage is not dead, and here he is on the scene of his first love.
The Battle of the Rails
Esta película narra la historia de los trabajadores franceses que construían las vías de los trenes. Los valientes hombres fueron parte de una resistencia organizada durante la ocupación de los alemanes en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El nominado al BAFTA René Clement (Juegos prohibidos, A pleno sol) escribe y dirige este drama bélico protagonizado por Marcel Barnault (I.F.1. no contesta), Jean Clarieux (La Vía Láctea, París, bajos fondos) y Jean Daurand (Alerta en el Mediterráneo, En legítima defensa), entre otros.
The Battle of the Rails
Athos (as Desagneaux)
Esta película narra la historia de los trabajadores franceses que construían las vías de los trenes. Los valientes hombres fueron parte de una resistencia organizada durante la ocupación de los alemanes en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El nominado al BAFTA René Clement (Juegos prohibidos, A pleno sol) escribe y dirige este drama bélico protagonizado por Marcel Barnault (I.F.1. no contesta), Jean Clarieux (La Vía Láctea, París, bajos fondos) y Jean Daurand (Alerta en el Mediterráneo, En legítima defensa), entre otros.
The Bellman
The bell ringer at a way station in the French Alps, murders a passing horse trader with a thrown rock and relieves him of his bankroll, in order to bribe the daughter of his only friend, a head injury victim considered the village simpleton, into marrying him, despite her love for a lowly woodsman who is, in turn, being cajoled into marriage by the daughter of the wealthy innkeeper.
Angel and Sinner
During the stagecoach trip of a frightened group of inhabitants of Rouen, Elisabeth Rousset, known as "Boule de Suif", renders these people a signal service, but comes up against their stupidity and their sufficiency. A little later, Boule de Suif assassinates the formidable Prussian lieutenant whom his friends had nicknamed Fifi and who shamelessly displayed his taste for pillage and his sadistic tendencies.
Voyage Without Hope
Gohelle, escaped from prison, seeks to flee occupied France for Argentina. The captain of a cargo ship is willing to smuggle him out out France for a price but Gohelle has no money. His mistress, Marie-Angel tries to charm the money out of wealthy Alain Ginestier who seems the ideal pigeon but Marie-Angel falls in love with Ginestier.
La Symphonie fantastique
The film is biographical, telling the story of the life and artistic struggles of the French composer Hector Berlioz. Berlioz is shown as a recalcitrant medical student in an anatomy class dreaming of becoming a composer; at a demonstration during a performance at the Paris Opéra conducted by Habeneck; at supper with other young artists (Hugo, Janin, Dumas, Mérimée, Delacroix); and chasing after his future wife Harriet Smithson, after a performance of Hamlet. Also depicted are his life in a garret, while suffering from an illness due to an abscess in the throat; a visit from his mother who curses him; and the composition of the Symphonie fantastique. The film then shows his marital breakdown, the premiere of his opera Benvenuto Cellini, his travels throughout Europe, his second marriage to Marie Recio (called "Marie Martin" in the film), public acceptance in old age and reconciliation with his son.
Ne bougez plus!
Are these two tramps who come to pose for an advertising agency at Patrice Farfadou, the fashionable photographer, the Prince Andromache of Miremir and his faithful secretary Palmer? Who will find the key to the Enigma: The melancholic Hector, the youthful Geneviève, or the feverish Elyane?
A young man is hired by an industrialist, while a secret hangs over his birth. His boss's wife turns out to be his mother, who hides the truth from him.
La Goualeuse
French stage favorite Lya Gauty made her screen debut in 1938's La Goualeuse (The Street Singer). The story concerns a poverty-stricken vagabond (Jean Martinelli) who supports himself by singing for pennies in a rough section of town. Only the local barkeeper knows that the vagabond is actually the illegitimate son of a prosperous and highly respected banker (Constant Remy). One would think that the film's dramatic climax would consist of a tearful reunion between father and son. Instead, this scene occurs in the middle of the picture; the rest of the film is a melodramatic melange of high emotionalism and low melodrama, culminating in the boy's suicide. Though billed first, Lya Gauty has an almost peripheral role as the hero's long-suffering sweetheart who sings at the drop of a hat and frequently brings her own hat.
The Open Road
A tramp, a vagrant, returns twenty years later to the village where he had seduced a young girl. He forces her father to marry her off.