Commander-in-Chief Sean Lee
Tras la caída de un meteorito que alberga una planta destructiva, un escuadrón suicida trabaja contra reloj para salvar su ciudad posapocalíptica del colapso total.
Xu Li Sheng
The film centers around a juror on a high-profile case who is blackmailed into fixing the verdict after his daughter is kidnapped.
Nick Chan
En mitad de la noche, unos intrusos armados irrumpen en una morgue buscando un cadáver relacionado con un crimen reciente.
Ching To
Una organización criminal del sudeste asiático secuestra niños para criarlos como agentes enemigos que más tarde infiltrarán en las fuerzas de seguridad de Hong Kong. El hallazgo, por parte de unos hackers, de información confidencial relacionada con esta organización, pondrá en marcha a los cuerpos especiales, siguiendo una pista que les llevará hasta España.
Hui Chik Yiu
The chief investigator of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is banking on a key witness, the corporate accountant Jack (Nick Cheung Ka-fai), to testify in court against a high-level customs officer and a tobacco trading company CEO accused of bribery and smuggling. When neither Jack nor the CEO show up on the day of the hearing, King is given seven days to save the prosecution’s case.
La identidad de un oficial de policía encubierto queda expuesta cuando se enfrenta a un caso de secuestro de niños.
La identidad de un oficial de policía encubierto queda expuesta cuando se enfrenta a un caso de secuestro de niños.
Yu Chau
La identidad de un oficial de policía encubierto queda expuesta cuando se enfrenta a un caso de secuestro de niños.
Debido a la destrucción de un archivo informático, las identidades de un numeroso grupo de policías infiltrados desaparece de las bases de datos policiales. Uno de ellos puede estar infiltrado en una peligrosa organización mafiosa.
Inteligente exorcista Fatt tiene un método único de tratar con espíritus vengativos: Negocia con ellos y les convence para dejar de lado sus rencores. Después de grabaciones de sus exorcismos en virales, Fatt atrae las atenciones de un espíritu asesino que ha dirigido los medios, así como un reportero molesto que toma gran interés en Fatt y su estrecha relación con un espíritu femenino.
Inteligente exorcista Fatt tiene un método único de tratar con espíritus vengativos: Negocia con ellos y les convence para dejar de lado sus rencores. Después de grabaciones de sus exorcismos en virales, Fatt atrae las atenciones de un espíritu asesino que ha dirigido los medios, así como un reportero molesto que toma gran interés en Fatt y su estrecha relación con un espíritu femenino.
Agentes surcoreanos han de trabajar junto a la policía de Hong Kong para intentar detener la venta a un grupo organizado de un devastador explosivo sustraido de un accidente aereo.
Una mujer controla una organización delictiva cuyos cuarteles centrales están dentro de un enorme avión en pleno vuelo. Mark, un contable de dicha organización, escapa llevándose consigo la información de una importante suma de dinero oculto. Buscado por la interpol y las triadas, terminará formando equipo con Ken.
Hong Siu Long
Lung, a hardworking property agent, is facing a serious situation in life. His girlfriend won't marry him unless he can buy her a 1000-sq ft. apartment in one year’s time; whilst Charlotte desperately needs a place to stay after her divorce. Along with Lung’s intern Very, a mainland rich, they become co-owners of the office girl Hak’s small flat that was left to Hak by her estranged mother.
After incurring debts from his failed business venture in China, Zong Hua (Cheung) returns to Malaysia after a decade's hiatus. The demoralised Zong Hua faces problems finding a job and tries hard to get used to things at home, including his estranged relationship with his step-father, Xiaotian, who runs a Cantonese opera troupe, and half-sister, Jing Jing (Cathryn Lee). Jing Jing is hostile towards Zong Hua as she always has the impression that the death of their mother was caused by the excessive fights between Zong Hua and his step-father.
Zong Hua
After incurring debts from his failed business venture in China, Zong Hua (Cheung) returns to Malaysia after a decade's hiatus. The demoralised Zong Hua faces problems finding a job and tries hard to get used to things at home, including his estranged relationship with his step-father, Xiaotian, who runs a Cantonese opera troupe, and half-sister, Jing Jing (Cathryn Lee). Jing Jing is hostile towards Zong Hua as she always has the impression that the death of their mother was caused by the excessive fights between Zong Hua and his step-father.
Hon Kong
Cuenta la historia de Dave (Daniel Wu), un policía que salva sin querer la vida de un líder de una banda famosa en Hong Kong a través de una donación de sangre. Esto simboliza que esencialmente están hechos de la misma materia. Cuando el líder de la banda vuelve a sus formas delictivas, Dave hace suya la misión de enfrentar a los elementos en el mundo criminal de la ciudad contra la otra, con consecuencias nefastas. (FILMAFFINITY)
A través de los ojos de una prostituta fea que tiene que echar mano de su talento para sobrevivir veremos como cambian la sociedad y el cine de Hong Kong.
Tres policías son los mejores amigos: Tim, ambicioso inspector jefe de la sección de narcóticos; Chao, agente encubierto y Wai, fiel subordinado de Tim. Una nueva misión, atrapar al "señor de la droga" Eight-Faced Buddha, pondrá en peligro su vínculo fraternal. Mientras Tim está convencido de que puede dar un giro a su carrera, para Chao es su última misión decidido a abandonar Hong Kong, y para Wai su ocasión para recuperar la confianza en si mismo tras un amor fallido.
Chin Fai
Cuenta la historia de Fai, antiguo campeón del mundo de boxeo que se topa de forma inesperada con Qi, un jóven muchacho decidido a ganar un combate de boxeo. Fai se convertirá a partir de ese momento en su mentor, y redescubrirá de ese modo su pasión por la lucha, no únicamente dentro del ring.
Zheng fong-Hei / Zheng Bo-Hao
Chen Tan, a private detective in Thailand, travels to Malaysia following a series of clues found in a photo. There he searches for a man called Chai, who might help reveal the truths behind the murder of his parents 30 years ago. Chen finds Zheng, a Malaysian detective born in China. Together they meet Chai's daughter, Zi-Wei who could hold the key to cracking the case.
Meet Leonard, a man who will help you die with a smile on your face. A young attorney meets his client for the first time, a serial killer known as the "Smiley Face Killer", whose victims all died with a smile on their faces.
Wong Yuen-yeung
Inspector Lam investigates the brutal murder of Tsui, a famous musician. Wong, the designated suspect, just spent 20 years in jail for the murder of Tsui's daughter but has always claimed his innocence.
Liang Qichao
A chronicle of the events that led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
Chen Yungren/Brad/Lao Ba
Master Kung and Lo Pa are two police officers of White Horse City, who have high skills but are underused. A robbery happened at he city's richest man Ho Pak Man's home where his whole family was killed and their family treasure the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" was stolen and the "Police God" Tit Mo Ching investigates the case. Kung and Lo Pa cannot participate because of their low status. Coincidentally, Master Kung and Lo Pa arrest a pair of twin sisters, Water Dragon Girl and Fire Dragon Girl, who always pretend to catch wanted criminals to get monetary rewards. The twin sisters know that the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" would be brought to the "Treasure Inn" for an auction. Wanting to hit big, Master Kung and Lo Pa go to the "Treasure Inn" with the twin sisters to investigate the truth. During that time, Master Kung and Water Dragon Girl become lovers from a kiss.
Himself [archive footage]
Johnnie got his gun is a mix of interview snippets with To, these are taken from various sources and are cobbled together with clips from including Breaking news, P.T.U and The Mission amongst others. It seems Montmayeur did do an interview but it's so chopped up and mixed in it feels insignificant. Prominent members of casts and crew also feature in interview form but again from many different times and sources.
Inspector Don Lee
Viviendo en la culpa de sacrificar a su informador en una operación anterior, el inspector de Inteligencia Criminal Don Lee tiene cuidado cuando su superior ordena que él envíe a otro informador para espiar a las operaciones criminales del Bárbaro, un gángster vicioso que traza un atraco de la joyería. Busca al Fantasma del expresidiario, que consiente en trabajar para Don a pesar de jurar de seguir derecho ya que desesperadamente necesita el dinero para reembolsar una deuda y salvar a su hermana. Las habilidades de conducción del fantasma le ayudan a infiltrarse en la cuadrilla del Bárbaro y ganar su confianza, pero alimentando la información a Don y conectando con la novia del Bárbaro Dee, el Fantasma se empuja en una esquina apretada y mortal...
Set within Mongkok, Hong Kong, an area known as the most crowded in the world, a schizophrenic ex-con views his Mongkok surroundings as a prison he can't get out of after he is released from a 30 years jail sentence.
A Xia
A haunting, tragic love story about the aftermath of the American War in Vietnam, and the long-term effect it had on ordinary people's lives. Set in a border town between China and Vietnam, it is a universal story that could be about any war, in any country.
Hung King
Yee una niña pequeña es asesinada por accidente por Fei (Nicholas Tse) un valiente policía el cual ahora intenta salvar a la hermana gemela de esta de la misma banda.
Detective Fai
En esta nueva versión de Celular: llamada desesperada, un cobrador de deudas se pierde en una red de intriga tras responder la llamada de una mujer que pide ayuda.
Jay Chou
Jay Chou is a soft hearted, mellow young man that is often fooled and used by women who only want his money. One night, he saved a young and sexy Kung Fu master, Ying Ying and she helped Jay recoup many of his bad debts and kicked his lousy girlfriends away. Surprisingly, Ying Ying is a maestro in gambling - mahjong, football betting and horse racing. However, Ying Ying suffered from amnesia, and could not remember who she was. Nevertheless, Jay plucked up courage to ask her to marry him and she agreed. On the night before their wedding, Ying Ying disappeared! Later, Jay finally found her and she is contending in the Asian God of Gamblers Competition and also had a fiancé named Henry. What was Jay to do?
Kwan Ping-Man
A darkly comic tale of a world in which the female population are slowly, and methodically doing away with their male counterparts.
Cheung Siu-chun
A chance meeting with one of her brother's former schoolmates causes a terminally ill young woman to begin digging into her family's tragic past.
After being framed for embezzlement, Nick is sent to prison where he meets professional conman Teddy who teaches him everything he needs to know to be a wise guy. After being released from jail, he agress to work with Teddy to get revenge against Dragon, his mentor's old adversary.
Dos asesinos a sueldo, llegados a Macau para ejecutar a un colega que pretende empezar una nueva vida, se enfrentarán a un dilema cuando otros dos antiguos socios intenten trastocar su misión. Abierta la negociación, aparecerá un quinto asesino que pondrá en peligro la incipiente tregua. Secuela de su celebrada The Mission.
Harry Sin
Harry es un policía infiltrado que termina una misión tras capturar a Dark, el líder de una tríada. A su vuelta al cuerpo forma equipo con Lung, un duro veterano que habitualmente abusa de los gangsters, es decir, de los antiguos amigos de Harry. Estos no quieren saber nada de él, como su compañero Mini B, o su novia Cat, que no quiere volver a verle porque es un policía. Mientras, sus colegas del cuerpo también lo rechazan, sospechando que siga trabajando para el otro lado. Enfrentado a la hostilidad de ambas partes, Harry está punto de sobrepasar su límite.
Election 2 se desarrolla dos años después de la original. El mandato de Lok, como presidente de la Wo Shing, está a punto de concluir y los principales aspirantes a reemplazarle se disputan el liderazgo. Wo Sing es la Tríada más antigua de Hong Kong. Bajo el mando de Lok, ha crecido hasta convertirse en la organización criminal más temida de la ciudad. Jimmy, un gángster culto, quiere levantar un imperio que tenga como base un negocio limpio y legítimo. Los suculentos beneficios de sus empresas sitúan a Jimmy como el favorito para convertirse en el nuevo líder de la Triada. Su popularidad también llama la atención de las autoridades chinas, quienes le ven como el candidato perfecto para limar asperezas entre las triadas y el gobierno central y que ambos órganos convivan en paz. Las autoridades permiten a Jimmy la entrada en el centro de negocios más importante.
Ha llegado la hora, como sucede cada dos años, para los miembros más veteranos de la tríada más antigua de Hong Kong –la Wo Shing Society– de elegir a su nuevo líder. Las rivalidades feroces emergen entre los dos candidatos a hacerse con el cargo. Lok (Simon Yam) es el favorito para ganar, pero su rival, Big D (Tony Leung Ka-Fai), no se detendrá ante nada para que eso cambie, incluyendo ir en contra de años de tradición e influenciar el voto con el dinero y la violencia. Una lucha por el poder que amenaza con partir a la tríada en dos. ¿Podrá la Wo Shing Society mantener el equilibrio entre sus métodos tradicionales de fraternidad y el mundo de los negocios del siglo XXI?
Inspector Cheung
Una unidad móvil de televisión deja en evidencia al cuerpo de policía al grabar la vergonzosa actuación de unos agentes en una escaramuza con una organizada banda de ladrones. Para recuperar la credibilidad perdida, la policía realiza un despliegue de efectivos sin precedentes: la comandante Rebeca Fong se marca el objetivo de capturar a los criminales, parapetados en un laberíntico bloque de pisos. Además de, mediante una hábil operación de manipulación mediática, ofrecer un espectáculo sin precedentes a los 6 millones de habitantes de la ex colonia británica. Lo que Fong no sabe es que en el mismo edificio se esconde una banda de asesinos que carga también contra sus hombres. La operación se complica. Para colmo, entre las varias unidades policiales desplegadas surge un inevitable conflicto de intereses y la prensa, ávida de noticias, se impacienta... El show ha de continuar por encima de todo.
Ko Chun
Sammi (Athena Chu) and her husband Chan (Francis Ng) try to find ways to salvage their dying marriage after Sammi is injured during a robbery. The second chance at resolving their marital issues is embraced, but it also creates a dangerous situation for Sammi as she begins to have terrifying premonitions of brutal murders. Her intuitions are helpful to Chan, who's a detective, but they also put the couple at the top of the murderer's list.
Two brothers, Yat and Leung, with different mothers have different fates. After Leung and his mother being expelled from the family, they are housed by a feng shui master. Leung is a lucky guy and brings a good fortune to his mother. On the other side, Yat's presence poses a tragic threat to his family. Eventually, Yat's parents die and Leung's mother decides to raise Yat and the two boys exchange their names. However, their lives will turn upside down when they reach the age of thirty. The only way Yat can retain his luck is to overtake all the good luck from Leung.
Lee Ka Sing / Dommer
Ka-shing has lived his entire life as a luckless guy, until one day he is offered a job by Spring, a gang brother. Spring is a gambler, and turns Ka-shing's bad luck into a Philosopher's Stone. Kau, Spring's enemy, suffers a huge loss at his casino, and vows to get rid of both of them. Kau orders his men to twist Ka-shing's luck by destroying his Feng Shui. But is it all just a gimmick to win the gambling competition, or will Ka-shing surely lose his gambling abilities?
Small Han Sang
A deep pool of family secrets overruns its banks as two young lovers decide to tie the knot. But, sorting truth from deception leaves everyone gasping for breath.
Yuen Kai-Chi
Based on the life of screenwriter Yuen Kai-Chi, the movie tells the story of an acclaimed film writer who's got the World on a string. Tragically, his life changes when he gets in a car accident and loses a leg. However, every cloud has a silver lining and he ends up falling in love with his nurse Cindy. Using love as the binding tie, the two face life's obstacles as if it were a three-legged race: two people working together with three legs.
A dog has its soul swapped with a human and falls in love with its beautiful owner.
Dan and King are small-time Triad members in Hong Kong. After an incident in which their practical joke ends up losing their Boss a huge sum of money, AND in which they steal hundreds of thousands of HK dollars from a rival boss, the two are forced to flee to Phuket, Thailand (because the alternate hideout, China, would be "too boring"). They live the high life in Thailand with their stolen money, partying and falling for two local girls. Soon, the two comically inept Triad bosses come after them, the two girls turn out to be a mute assassin and the girlfriend of one of the Bosses, they escape from organ-harvesting Thais, in typical HK screwball fashion.
Day Off is a crime movie starring Nick Cheung
Fred Cheung
When a headless body is found in the trunk of his car, an undercover cop teams up with a coroner in order to clear his name.
Anson Cheung
Love Correction is a romantic comedy starring Nick Cheung.
Cheung Ying
A class with a bunch of mischievous students has a new teacher coming to educate them. Nevertheless, the new teacher educates the class with much highly praised innovative methods and entirely accepted by the students. Soon after, the school has a new strategy in reformation...
Jersey is a popular gambler in Mongkok. One day, he takes a trip to Japan with her girlfriend, Nancy, they come to Chinese resaurant. Suddenly, a gang of Japanese triads comes in and starts a fight. Just at the moment when he is in danger, the restaurant owner uses a special card - casting skill to save him. Jersey recognize it is the skill of Cool, the Gambling King, but the owner refuses to admit that Cool is still alive. Cool finally admit his true identity and tells Jersey that Ho Yan was orginally his girlfriend but now she is the wife of Yeung. Cool treated Yeung like his brother, but he is jealous of Cool's beautiful grilfriend and wealth. Yeung conspired to take away Cool's everthing. With Jersey's help, Cool decides to get Ho Yan back, but he does not realizes that Yeung is setting another trap for him.
Dragon 9
The sword saint requests a duel with god of sword at the apex of the forbidden city to determine the worlds best. As the date of the duel nears troubles befall the imperial town until everything is revealed at the climactic fight.
Nobody (Nick Cheung) is a top gambling whiz who falls in love with blind model Candy (Shu Qi). Nobody uses his skills to fix card games in Shenzen, but when Candy's father (Hui Siu-Hung) gets involved, Nobody turns on his bosses - with devastating results. A fallen man, Nobody struggles back to reclaim his pride and reputation, but will Candy ultimately pay the price?
He Is My Enemy, Partner and Father-In-Law is a Hong Kong Action Comedy starring Danny Lee and Nick Cheung.
Leung Foon
Undercover cop Leung Foon is having trouble taking down the illegal trading operation headed by crime boss Ferrari. So to accomplish his mission, he asks for help from the renowned Master Wong, an expert in gambling tricks.
The Conmen in Vegas is a 1999 Hong Kong action comedy film produced, written and directed by Wong Jing and is a sequel to the 1998 film The Conman.
Chan Sai
A man falls in love with a woman from Shanghai, who's come to Hong Kong to look for long-lost-mother, but problems arise when her wealthy father assumes she's been kidnapped.
Smart Fai
CIA agent turned HIV positive sexual predator Daniel (Ben Ng) uses his wealth and collection of high-tech gadgets to prey on unsuspecting women. After arranging for the prison breakout of notorious rapists "Rain Killer" Chan Kok-Wan (Ankee Leung) and "Tuen Mun Rapist" Ko Sheung-wai ( Chan Chi-Fai), Daniel invites the men to ravage the two women he has chained in the basement. He next sets his sights on Kwan Shi-han (Suki Kwan), the romance novelist next door, but, first, preys on her movie star friend, Icy (Yeung Fan). Desperate for a lead, the police consult a semi-reformed deviant known as "The Human Milk Drinking Doctor" (Anthony Wong), who used to prey on lactating women and now controls his sexual urges by working as a porno theatre projectionist.
King, the Con Man, is regarded as the successor of God of Gamblers.Dragon opts for gambling and approaches King, hoping to learn gambling tricks from him. They really take to each other and become good partners. On a gambling ship, King meets Ma Kau Man, the grand gambling banker who can affect results of every soccer match and horse race and San Ken, a laughing tiger, who plots to make use of King's talent for gambling to take over Ma's casino business......
A few years in the life of Ah Kam, starting with her joining action director Master Tung's team of regulars.
The Organized Crime Bureau investigates a ring of drug dealers from Taiwan. After losing the life of an undercover cop and $5,000,000 in borrowed drug money Chow and Lee pursue the drug dealer to Taiwan. Chow is caught and pretends to be a Hong Kong drug dealer. With Chow on the inside and Lee on the outside they are lead to the big finale.
A psychopathic thief is chased by the police after he and a gang of thieves murder the owner of a gun store.
A lawyer is fascinated by an advertisement with two models, Lam and Man. He arranges a rape plan against Man. He kills her and plots to make the next a suicide. Lam realizes Man is tortured to death, she uses her body to allure him into a trap.
Yuen Tak Wah (Andy Lau) has been practicing Taekwondo since he was a kid and becomes an expert at it with his best trick being the 720 Degree Whirlwind Kick. Wah later becomes a cop and uses his good skills to contribute in cracking cases which leads to the jealousy of Officer Cheung Yeung (Roy Cheung), the leader of the rival team. Cheung is also a Taekwondo expert who has a won a championship at the Hong Kong Police Force's Taekwondo Tournament.
A pair of detectives are after a smuggling ring, and when they come to the leader, they need back-up by a navy seals team - as the traffickers possess not only drugs, but heavy military equipment.
Hong Kong Criminal Archives - Eight Drug Dealers is a Hong Kong TV crime movie starring Nick Cheung.
Steve Cheung Ka Fai
A love triangle between a singer and two men; one good, the other evil.
Chow is an undercover cop who must befriend former triad kingpin Chan Wai-Man to investigate a brutal diamond heist. It turns out that Chan is innocent of the theft, but not of the fencing of the stolen goods
A tough-as-nail-cop becomes irrate when he learns that his sister is dating the son of a powerful triad leader.
Nick Cheung
Lee Ying, who is the chief inspector of Regional Crime Unit, is newly promoted to Royal Hong Kong Police Cadet School as Deputy Commandant. He confronts a group of youngsters of different social backgrounds, turning them into self-disciplinary and self-contained young men.
Policeman at station
News Attack is a 1989 Hong Kong action thriller drama film co-written and directed by Samson Chiu and starring Andy Lau, Michael Miu and Wilson Lam.