Gianfelice Imparato

Gianfelice Imparato

Nacimiento : 1956-08-09, Castellammare di Stabia, Napoli


Gianfelice Imparato


The Hidden Child
Renato Santoro
Gabriele Santoro is a Professor of Pianoforte at the Music Conservatory San Pietro a Majella who lives in a working-class area of the city. One morning, while shaving his beard, the postman buzzes at the intercom to tell him he has a package. Gabriele opens the door and, before greeting him, runs to rinse his face. In that short space of time, a ten-year-old child slips into his apartment and hides away. “The maestro” – as he’s called in his neighbourhood – only notices the stowaway late at night. And when he sees him, he recognises the intruder as Ciro, a child who lives with his parents and siblings on the top floor of his building. When asked why he has fled his home, Ciro refuses to speak. Nevertheless, the maestro instinctively decides to hide him in his home, setting Ciro’s enemies a uniquely difficult challenge.
Aquí me río yo (Qui rido io)
Gennaro Pantalena
El querido actor y dramaturgo napolitano Eduardo Scarpetta, padre de Eduardo De Filippo, dedicó toda su vida al teatro, logrando el éxito con obras atemporales como “Miseria e nobiltà”. Sin embargo, todo por lo que trabajó parece perdido en 1904, cuando se ve envuelto en una desagradable batalla legal que podría comprometer su libertad de expresión.
Blessed Boys
Don Gennaro
En un soleado barrio de Nápoles donde todos se conocen, Mario y Lino, dos amigos inseparables, viven día a día en la monotonía de la vida de barrio hasta que se pone a prueba su fraternal amistad.
Il caso Pantani - L'omicidio di un campione
Candido Cannavò
The Pantani case, a film directed by Domenico Ciolfi, tells the story of the last five years in the life of the cyclist from Romagna, in particular from 5 June 1999, when he was suspended from racing, to 14 February 2004, the day of his death. His untimely death in unclear circumstances, which have opened several judicial inquiries, was a shock to the world of cycling, which lost its Pirate on Valentine's Day. The film is a tribute to this Italian sporting hero, remembering him as a young man who, riding his bike, reached several milestones but was defeated in a fatal match.
Il prete
Sara y Nicola esperan su segundo hijo. A través de la mirada aguda del difunto Mattia Torre, todas las alegrías y tristezas de ser padre en la Italia moderna se desvelan de una manera absolutamente brillante e ingeniosa.
Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente
Marchese Venanzio dal Verme
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
Il grande salto
Nello and Rufetto are life long friends, and also a team of criminals who dream to make the big shot and set themselves for live, being punished with bad luck.
Little Tito and the Aliens
Fratello del professore
Professor Biondi is a depressed scientist. After his wife's death, he lives isolated from the world in the Nevada desert, near Area 51. He supposedly works on a top-secret project for the US government, but in actuality, he spends his days on the couch, listening to the sound of the Universe. His only contact with the outside world is Stella, who organizes alien-themed weddings for tourists on the prowl for extra-terrestrials. One day the Professor receives a message from Naples: his dying brother is entrusting him with his two children, so that they may live with him in America.
En casa todo está bien
Todos los miembros de una gran familia se reencuentran para celebrar las bodas de oro de los abuelos en la isla donde éstos se han trasladado a vivir. Una tormenta repentina hace imposible la llegada de los transbordadores, obligando a todos a quedar atrapados en la isla. Juntos deberán enfrentarse con un pasado no silenciado por los celos, la ansiedad, la traición, el miedo e incluso los repentinos e inesperados rayos.
Vieni a vivere a Napoli!
7 Days
Ivan and Chiara meet on a Sicilian island to prepare the wedding for Ivan’s brother and Chiara’s best friend. Despite the fact that Ivan is determined not to repeat the failure of his last relationship and Chiara does not want to jeopardise her marriage, the two fall in love with each other. They resolve to live their relationship for only a few days and then break it off when the wedding guests arrive on the island. But can love be controlled? Or is it love that controls us?
Natale col boss
informatore ceco
Good for Nothing
Easygoing Gianni looks forward to retirement - until he is informed that a change in the law obliges him to work three more years. Faced with the outrageous possibility of having to do a full day's work, he sets about finding a way to achieve a quiet life
Tra cinque minuti in scena
Lorenzo / Antonio
Gianna is a theater actress who tries to stage a show, but meanwhile she has to take care of her elderly mother.
Love & Slaps
A comedy about generational conflict between two parents who do not want to grow old and a seventeen year old daughter who wants to become an adult. During a weekend with some friends in their country house in Tuscany, Marcello and Marina, relieved that the love affair of their teenage daughter Rose with another boy, Luke, is over, prepare to meet their daughter's new boyfriend. The problem is that the two adults, who still feel pretty young, do not know what to expect, and what they are about to discover will leave them speechless ...
Into Paradiso
Alfonso D'Onofrio
Il Divo
Vincenzo Scotti
Film sobre una de las figuras más controvertidas de la política italiana, el que fuera jefe del gobierno en siete ocasiones, Giulio Andreotti. Narra las presuntas relaciones de Andreotti con la mafia siciliana, delitos por los que fue procesado en los años 90 y absuelto por falta de pruebas.
Don Ciro
Basado en el libro de Roberto Saviano, lanza una mirada al interior de las familias del crimen de la Italia de hoy en día: la Camorra en Nápoles y Caserta. Poder, dinero y sangre: estos son los "valores" a los que se tienen que enfrentar cada día los residentes de la provincia de Nápoles y Caserta. Casi nunca tienen opción, y se ven obligados a obedecer las reglas de la Camorra. Sólo un pocos afortunados pueden pensar en llevar una vida normal.
Basta un niente
La repubblica di San Gennaro
La sonrisa de mi madre
Erminio Picciafuoco
Ernesto es un famoso pintor e ilustrador de cuentos para niños. Separado de su mujer, mantiene con su hijo una estrecha relación. Un día se entera de que a su madre la quieren beatificar. La noticia lo deja pasmado, no sólo por el hecho de que su familia se lo haya ocultado, sino también porque se trata de algo incompatible con sus ideas de artista libre y ateo. Sus familiares lo presionan para que participe en el proceso de beatificación e, inevitablemente surgen conflictos. Sin embargo, inesperadamente, el recuerdo de su madre y de su sonrisa harán que Ernesto reviva su pasado y cambie radicalmente su forma de vida.
Two Friends
Two Sicilian friends, Nunzio and Pino, share the same apartment in Turin. Nunzio works in a factory but is laid off because of his illness. Pino, on the other hand, is a mysterious man and he is always traveling because of his work. Nunzio would very much like to know what his friend is doing for a living but Pino will not tell him. Nunzio spends his free time the best he can in his friend's absences. He ends up falling in love with Maria, a commercial employee, whereas his health condition deteriorates...
Nella terra di nessuno
No Deposit, No Return
Trapos sucios
Avv. Pierattoni
"Panni sporchi" (Trapos sucios) es una comedia satírica sobre las disputas públicas y privadas de una empresa familiar. El negocio de los Razzi ha sido durante años la columna vertebral de una pequeña ciudad del norte de Italia. Pero, cuando Amedo (Paolo Bonacelli), el patriarca, encomienda a su sobrino Camillo (Francesco Guzzo) la financiación de un costoso complejo comercial en Roma, estalla la guerra dentro de la familia. Furio (Michele Placido), yerno y lugarteniente de Amedo, no aprueba el coste del terreno y la pésima campaña publicitaria de promoción del negocio. Pero, cuando Amedo muere, el inepto Camillo le entrega a otros el control de la empresa.
Looking for Paradise
The life and times of Claudia Bertelli, born in Milan in 1949 from bourgeois parents, educated in England, rebel and single mother, then feminist and married woman and again doctor in the developing countries and mystical nun who dies peacefully in 2011.
Historia de un pobre hombre
Assistente Moscati
Esta es la historia de dos hombres desgraciados: uno lo es porque no tiene dinero; el otro, porque tiene que vivir con una mujer insoportable. Ninguno de los dos encuentra solución a su problema hasta que uno propone un pacto: el primero matará a la esposa del segundo a cambio de lo que éste le pida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Henry IV
Di Nolli
Deranged after a fall from a horse, a man has lived for twenty years in a castle laboring under the delusion that he is Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. His psychiatrist concocts an elaborate scheme to shock him out of his medieval reverie.
Pioggia, Bianca's boyfriend
Michele (Nanni Moretti) es un profesor de matemáticas que acaba de conseguir un nuevo trabajo en un colegio. Tras el asesinato de una mujer en su barrio, Michele conoce a Bianca (Laura Morante), una atractiva compañera de trabajo. (FILMAFFINITY)
A Boy and a Girl
Vito Cucchiarone
Anna and Calogero are in love and living together in a low-scale apartment while going to the University of Milan. When Anna discovers she is pregnant, Calogero handles the situation like the moral coward he is.