Gigio Morra

Gigio Morra

Nacimiento : 1945-08-26, Napoli (Italy)


Gigio Morra


Gli attassati
Filumena Marturano
Filumena has lived for years with a wealthy pastry chef. She forces him to marry her, but he soon asks to annul the marriage. She then reveals that one of her children is his, making him obsessed to know which one.
Breaking Up in Rome
Aspiring writer Tommaso makes a living by penning the self-help column of a women's magazine. One day he receives a letter from a woman asking for advice on how to break up with her boyfriend: it is none other than Zoe, his girlfriend of ten years—unaware of his pseudonymous side job. Tommaso can't believe his eyes and answers her in private under his alias to learn more, discovering cracks in their relationship he didn't thought existed.
Aquí me río yo (Qui rido io)
president of the Court
El querido actor y dramaturgo napolitano Eduardo Scarpetta, padre de Eduardo De Filippo, dedicó toda su vida al teatro, logrando el éxito con obras atemporales como “Miseria e nobiltà”. Sin embargo, todo por lo que trabajó parece perdido en 1904, cuando se ve envuelto en una desagradable batalla legal que podría comprometer su libertad de expresión.
My Body Will Bury You
Don Masino
1860, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. While Garibaldi's troops are invading this lawless territory, four female bandits nicknamed the "Drudes" are looking for their own personal revenge.
7 horas para enamorarte
¿Cuánto tiempo se necesita para enamorar a alguien? Y una vez conquistada a la mujer de tus sueños, ¿Cómo hacer para que siga a tu lado? ¿Y podría una espectacular mujer caer a los pies de un torpe y tímido?
5 es el número perfecto
Don Lava
Peppino, un sicario retirado de la Camorra, ahora ha transmitido completamente su trabajo y conocimientos a su hijo soltero, Nino. Pero cuando Nino es brutalmente asesinado, el anciano vuelve al negocio para vengarse. Aparte de su amor eterno Rita y su secuaz Totò desde hace mucho tiempo, Peppino hará todo lo posible, incluso si eso significa derribar la Camorra.
Welcome Back Mr. President
Peppino, a provincial librarian who became the accidental President of Italy, is now a father and has returned to a peaceful, happy life as a woodsman. That is, until his wife Janis decides to return to politics. Peppino is forced to abandon his home in the mountains and return to Rome to win back his love and help her defeat a speculative plot intended to damage Italy. Together, they must fight against social media attacks of the opposition and get the country back on its feet.
Omicidio all'italiana
Commissario Fiutozzi
To save his small town from being left by the last inhabitants, the Mayor organizes a false case of murder to attract media attention. His plan initially succeeds, but soon the situation will go out of control.
Pericle il nero
Don Luigi
Un matón que sodomiza a sus víctimas por encargo, deberá escapar de la mafia tras una misión fallida.
Enemigas íntimas
Lucia (Margherita Buy) es psicóloga de animales, mientras que Fabiola (Claudia Gerini) vende casas de lujo en su agencia inmobiliaria. Las dos se odian profundamente, pero tienen algo en común: su amor por Paolo. Las dos estuvieron casadas con él; Lucia durante doce años, tras los cuales conservan buena amistad, y Fabiola durante ocho. La muerte de Paolo las obliga a encontrarse de nuevo, y descubrir un secreto de su exmarido: un hijo.
¡Bienvenido, Sr. Presidente!
Cuando unos políticos hastiados nombran presidente a cierto personaje histórico, un humilde bibliotecario con el mismo nombre acaba convertido en líder de Italia.
Dormant Beauty
Il persuasore
El drama de una estrella de cine que cuida de su hija, que se encuentra en estado vegetativo, sirve para abordar el caso de Eluana Englaro, una italiana que pasó 17 años en coma antes de que por decisión de su padre se desconectara la máquina que la mantenía con vida.
Eroi per caso
Bets & Wedding Dresses
Fort Apache Napoli
Il boss Carmine Alfieri
The story of Giancarlo Siani, a journalist killed by the Neapolitan Mafia in 1985.
Basado en el libro de Roberto Saviano, lanza una mirada al interior de las familias del crimen de la Italia de hoy en día: la Camorra en Nápoles y Caserta. Poder, dinero y sangre: estos son los "valores" a los que se tienen que enfrentar cada día los residentes de la provincia de Nápoles y Caserta. Casi nunca tienen opción, y se ven obligados a obedecer las reglas de la Camorra. Sólo un pocos afortunados pueden pensar en llevar una vida normal.
Saturday, Sunday & Monday
Antonio Piscopo
Although this sounds like a weekend like many others, in the Prior house the atmosphere is rather tense because of some nervousness on the part of individual members of the family, especially the father, Peppino, who gets angry with anyone who happens to shoot: with their children, Juliana and Roberto, and his sister, aunt Meme. Meanwhile, his wife Rosa is dedicated to the preparation of the sauce, which she will serve for Sunday's lunch, to which she invited the neighbors, the accountant Ianniello and his wife.
The Theft of St. Peter's Treasure
Rome is on the thresh-hold of the Holy year 1925, the city wishes to present itself as 'spotless' to the outside world. The appearance of a child's corpse puts an end to these aspirations. The police arrest a small time crook who has committed a robbery but has nothing to do with the murder of the child.
Polvere di Napoli
Ciao, Professore!
Un maestro de la escuela elemental es trasladado por error de la Liguria a la Campania. Allí tendrá que vérselas con una clase muy variada.
Sueños dorados (Sueños de oro)
Gigio Cimino
Michele criticizes the film industry and its inhabitants, and is particularly embattled with a Neapolitan director making a musical about the 1968 student demonstrations. At the same time, Michele has a creative block and struggles to finish his film titled "Freud’s Mother." Nanni Moretti’s self-inquiry into filmmaking, political ennui, and men’s relations with their mothers.
Off Season
A couple arrive in an off-season Cesenatico but they quickly split up after a bad argument. The girl then settles in an uninhabited flat with a photographer she met before and with whom she has an affair. His ex gets kidnapped by three amateur robbers. Both stories end with a dramatic and grotesque epilogue.
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