Ivan Barnev

Ivan Barnev

Nacimiento : 1973-07-15, Dobrich, Bulgaria


Ivan Barnev


Blaga's Lessons
Blaga is a seventy-year-old recently widowed former teacher and a woman of firm morals. When telephone scammers con her out of the money that she had saved for her husband’s grave, her moral compass slowly begins to lose its bearings…
Vasil es inteligente, carismático y un número uno jugando al bridge y al ajedrez, pero duerme en la calle desde que llegó de Bulgaria. Alfredo, un arquitecto jubilado, lo acoge en su casa durante un tiempo ante la mirada atónita de su hija Luisa. Los dos hombres no tienen nada en común, excepto su pasión por el ajedrez. A pesar de sus diferencias, poco a poco Vasil conseguirá romper las barreras construidas por Alfredo. Y es que Vasil tiene un don: transformar para siempre a aquellas personas con las que se relaciona.
Blessed Are the Meek
After his mother's death, Ivo, a 13 year old boy, develops super sensitivity along with his big imagination and difficult character. He runs away from his home and forms a friendship with the unemployed Ivan, who turns into his guardian angel.
The Father
Vasil acaba de perder a su pareja de toda la vida, su esposa Valentina. Cuando una mujer en su funeral proclama que la mujer muerta llamó a su celular, Vasil busca la ayuda de un conocido psíquico para contactar a su esposa. Su hijo Pavel trata de hacer que entre en razón, pero Vasil insiste obstinadamente en hacer las cosas a su manera. "El Padre" es un drama familiar íntimo sobre las dificultades de conectar con aquellos que nos rodean. A medida que la imagen va cobrando impulso, su historia se desarrolla en muchas situaciones absurdas o cómicas cuidadosamente organizadas.
One night – seemingly just like any other. Two police officers find the body of the well-known drug addict Lazar near the railroad tracks in Sofia. This is how the night of 9 November, 2019 begins – 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the regime change in Bulgaria. Three teams of police officers are patrolling the streets of Sofia, doing their job as they believe is right, while facing the challenges posed by contemporary Bulgarian reality.
A group of Bulgarian soldiers go on a mission during the Balkan War.
8' 19
8 minutes and 19 seconds – that’s all the time we have until the news about the death of the sun reaches us. That's what it takes for the light to travel from there to here. And then the darkness comes… But the theme of this Apocalypse is not necessarily going to be expressed through a global cataclysm, horsemen of the apocalypse, angels of death, fire and destruction. It will rather be shown as something very personal, intimate and almost silent.
En una reunión con su banquero, el dueño de un pequeño negocio, que se gana la vida conduciendo un taxi, descubre que tiene que pagar un soborno para obtener un préstamo. El comité que revisó su queja de extorsión ahora quiere cobrárselo. Fuera de sus casillas, dispara al banquero y se dispara a sí mismo. El incidente causa revuelo a nivel nacional, cuestionando el desencanto de la sociedad. Mientras tanto, seis taxistas y sus pasajeros se desplazan en la noche, cada uno de ellos con la esperanza de encontrar un futuro mejor.
Plamen Stoichkov
Lilly steals the keys of her new teacher and in an act of revenge trashes his home. She is surprised by his blind and ill-tempered mother and Lilly lies that she is in fact his fiancée. This makes the mother very happy and eventually, Lilly finds herself bound to visit her regularly.
The mini bus driver
A couple and their teenage son eke out a living on a hilltop, doing the laundry for local hotels, despite the intermittent water supply. Their simple life is overturned by the arrival of a father-and-daughter team of diviner and well-digger, who promise to bring an end to this precarious existence by finding a source on their arid hill. But ultimately, these newcomers quench a thirst far greater than than the simple need for water.
La lección
En un pequeño pueblo de Bulgaria, Nadezhda, una joven profesora, trata de descubrir al alumno que roba en su clase, de manera que pueda enseñarle una lección acerca de lo que está bien y lo que está mal. Pero cuando se endeuda con prestamistas, ¿puede ella saber cuál es el camino correcto? ¿Qué hace que una persona decente se convierta en delincuente?
The story of a Summer shared by six young people. It all begins with their escapes from the bleak and dreary City. Each one of them escapes East of Hell... to the point farthest away, the sea coast, a clean and pristine beach. The clean beach brings them together and reopens the prospective of hope to them all. But is such an escape at all possible? Written by Anonymous (IMDb.com)
Footsteps in the Sand
At the airport, Slavi tells his life's story to a young customs officer. As children, Nelly promises Slavi to marry him. The two teenagers are passionately in love with each other but after some time Nelly falls in love with another guy. Slavi takes up drinking and gets into trouble with the Bulgarian militia (police) because of his family background. This is when he decides to defect to the West. After staying at a refugee camp in Austria and another desperate love, he sets out to the United States. There Slavi makes some new friends who help him buy a truck. He hits the roads of America, where he comes across an Indian who sells him an arrow. The vender tells him this amulet will bring his love back. Eventually, Slavi comes back to Bulgaria, where communism has collapsed. His beloved Nelly lives alone with her daughter. One day Slavi meets her again...
The Goat
The trumpet player, Jonah, moves into the remains of his grandfather's house near where the treasure is hidden. In a tunnel under the house he finds a stone with a bird engraved on it and a map with an inscription in Arabic: "To have a house of gold, fall onto the sky and find the twin!" A copy of the same map brings Rumba and Emma to the same place. Rumba is Bulgarian and a passionate treasure-hunter. His wife is American and studies Bulgarian folklore as a way to fight globalization. Rumba wants to buy Jonah's property so he can find the treasure.
Yo serví al rey de Inglaterra
Jan Dítě
Praga, Checoeslovaquia, durante el período de entreguerras. Jan Dítě, un joven y avispado camarero que quiere hacerse millonario, llega a la conclusión de que para alcanzar su ambicioso objetivo debe ser diligente, escuchar y observar todo lo que pueda, ser siempe discreto y usar lo aprendido en su propio beneficio; pero las turbulentas mareas de la historia se interpondrán continuamente en su camino.
Lady Zee
Nayden Petkov
A tragic comedy about an orphan girl who knows nothing better than the animal way but at the end comes to realize her only chance - to be human.
La caza del tiburón
Dirt Worker #2
El tiburón prehistórico Charcharodon Megalodon, que se creía extinguido, es encontrado de nuevo en las costas de Monterrey y reaparece incluso más hambriento que nunca. Dado la gravedad del caso, las autoridades deciden llamar al prestigioso biólogo Spencer Northcutt para que encuentre al escualo que está aterrorizando las costas de California. (FILMAFFINITY)
Leaf, torn away
Vesa, a 16-year old Bulgarian girl, cannot speak. A fortune-teller predicts that the girl will convalesce if somebody sacrifices their life for her. The fortune-teller's mentally challenged nephew, who comes to hear the prophecy, follows the girl.
Oxymoron of Eternity
The film is dedicated to Jorge Luis Borges, one of the giants of the written word of the 20th century. Borrowed and altered from the work of Borges and others, from world history and literature - Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, the (anti)utopian new world, the "civilization of the spectacle.", they intertwine with Borges's theories of the cyclicality of time and the infinity of the universe.