Michael Böhme


El año del sol tranquilo
Executive Producer
Territorio alemán, que ha pasado a Polonia tras la II Guerra Mundial. Emilia vive con su madre en condiciones penosas, aguardando el improbable regreso de su esposo, en paradero desconocido desde que servía en el ejército. Un destacamento de soldados estadounidenses investiga crímenes de guerra en la zona. Uno de ellos, Norman, ayuda a las dos mujeres, y enseguida se ve atraído por Emilia, que duda acerca de aventurarse en un romance con él.
Kamikaze 1989
Executive Producer
In a totalitarian society of the future, in which the government controls all facets of the media, a homicide detective investigates a string of bombings, and finds out more than he bargained for.
After Midnight
Executive Producer
The Political drama shows the denunciation and persecution of the 19-year-old Sanne in the Nazi state. After she falls in love with her cousin, Sanne is betrayed by her jealous aunt to the Gestapo.
Line Producer
Two life stories. That of Malou, a French woman, married to a German Jew, a refugee stranded in South America: a picture of the pre-war generation reflected in the unusual destiny of an individual woman. And that of Hannah, an alert, independent, modern woman, seeking after freedom and her own identity, and trying in present-day Berlin to save her shaky marriage.