Fridtjov Såheim

Fridtjov Såheim

Nacimiento : 1968-07-02, Norway


Fridtjov Såheim is a Norwegian actor.


Fridtjov Såheim


The 3rd Cattle Hill film
The genius inventor pig Albert Einswein has with his super seed the solution for Cattle Hill, which is struggling with supplies. The seed is mysteriously stolen when it is transported on the new hyper-modern railway - but by whom? On the train, Klara and Gaute meet master detective Agatha Christensen and together they must solve the mystery to save Cattle Hill.
Klara y la Navidad en la granja
Klara, una joven vaca de la ciudad, está muy emocionada por pasar sus primeras Navidades en la granja de su padre, pero también está decepcionada porque él no suele celebrar las vacaciones. Cuando avisan, inesperadamente, a su padre para que ayude a un vecino, Klara lo ve como la única oportunidad para llevar un ambiente navideño a la granja, con el apoyo de un elfo descarado. ¿Descubrirá Klara que lo realmente importante de la Navidad es estar juntos con los seres queridos?
The Sunlit Night
Between New York City and the far north of Norway, an American painter and a Russian émigré find each other in the Arctic circle. Together under a sun that never sets, they discover a future and family that they didn’t know they had.
The Birds
Based on the award winning novel by Tarjei Vesaas, The Birds tells the tale of Mattis, a mentally disabled man cared for by his lonely older sister, Hege. Their everyday routine and isolated existence is interrupted when a lumberjack arrives at their lakeside cottage and falls in love with Hege, leaving Mattis fearful that he will lose his sister.
Klara y el ladrón de manzanas
Mosk (voice)
Klara, una joven becerra de la ciudad, sueña con convertirse en una gran estrella. Un día recibe una carta de su padre, Mosk, que quiere que visite su granja. Su madre dice que Mosk es una estrella de rock, pero cuando llega Clara, descubre que su padre solo es un granjero de tarta de manzana.
Amundsen: La Gran Expedición
Hjalmar Johansen
Narra la vida del legendario explorador noruego Roald Amundsen (1872-1928), un hombre que estuvo obsesionado con conquistar las zonas polares. Dirigió la expedición a la Antártida que por primera vez alcanzó el Polo Sur.
The Downfall of Santa Claus
Eirik - The Father
Christmas is supposed to be a magical time, but instead it’s dire times for Santa Claus. His whole existence is fading, because the children have stopped believing in him. But there is one little boy called Vetle, that still believes, but for how long?
Solan & Eri: Misión a la Luna
Ollvar O. Kleppvold (voice)
50 años después de la mítica llegada del hombre a la Luna, Solan y Eri se embarcan en una aventura espacial para dar el segundo paso sobre la Luna. Con la ayuda de su amigo inventor y de ingeniosas herramientas, ¿conseguirán construir su nave y llegar al espacio?
Barcos. ¡Al rescate!
Håkon (voice)
Elías es un joven barco de salvamento que un recibe de la la ciudad vecina Big Harbor una llamada de emergencia. Se acerca una tormenta y necesitan su ayuda para rescatar a uno de los barcos que ha encallado en la Cueva del Agujero Negro. En recompensa a su valentía, le ofrecen la oportunidad de convertirse en un barco de rescate del lugar, por lo que Elías tendrá que dejar a sus amigos y mudarse a la metrópolis.
Welcome to Norway!
Metal Kjell
A couple decide to open a home for refuges in the remote cold mountains of Norway.
El último rey
Año 1206. Noruega ha sido arrasada por una guerra civil. El Rey está muriendo, y mientras su hijo no reconocido nace en secreto. La mitad del reino quiere acabar con el bebé, pero dos hombres, Torstein Skevla y Skjervald Skrukka, lo defenderán hasta la muerte en una huida que cambiará para siempre la historia del país. El niño se llamaba Håkon Håkonsen y sería rey de Noruega.
Louis & Luca: The Big Cheese Race
Ollvar O. Kleppvold (voice)
Two rival villages, Flåklypa and Slidre, decide to re-launch their traditional Cheese Race after years of inactivity. The boastful bird Nolan, the anxious hedgehog Louis and the kind-hearted inventor Reodor are sure they’ll come out on top in this adventurous showdown, but their opponents are not to be taken lightly, and there’s much more than honour at stake here.
La ola
Arvid Øvrebø
Nadie estaba realmente preparado para la caída del paso de montaña de Åkneset sobre el estrecho fiordo noruego Geiranger, que genera una violenta ola de 85 metros que amenaza con arrasarlo todo a su paso. Un geólogo se encuentra en medio de ese peligroso tsunami atrapado en un pueblo al pie de la montaña y tendrá que ayudar a escapar a los habitantes. Pero solo tienen diez minutos si quieren evitar ser engullidos.
Capitán Diente de Sable y el tesoro de Lama Rama
Bjørn Barsk
Capitán diente de sable es una película infantil de aventuras cuyo personaje protagonista es muy famoso entre los niños en Noruega. Navegando y adentrándose en el mar, junto al capitán está Pinky, un huérfano con el que vive cientos de aventuras en busca de un ansiado tesoro. La aventura les lleva hasta el reino de Lama Rama donde Pinky podrá saber quién es su verdadero padre.
A Swan Lake
The Producer
The Artist proposes to the distrustful and skeptical Producer the staging of a new ballet starring… swans? What is the story? That of Prince Siegfried and his love for the beautiful Odette, victim of the spell cast by the evil sorcerer Rothbart, an enchantment that turns her and her friends into swans when the light of day tears the dark shadows of night. (The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, April 26th, 2014.)
Cowboy Dream
Bill Benson was the toughest and hardest hitting hero in the wild west. But one day it happens. He gets stuck in a moment he can't get out of.
Victoria's Father
Una trágica historia de amor entre Victoria y Johannes. Ella es hija de un rico propietario y él es el hijo del pobre molinero.
I Belong
Lises mann
A nurse gets into a dispute at work because she switches to speaking English when she gets nervous. A translator compromises her integrity when persuaded to translate a book she doesn't believe in. An elderly woman and her daughter are humiliated when offered a present of one million kroner from a relative. A warm and nuanced film about people who all mean well, but end up hurting one another.
Into the Dark
An eight-year-old boy is hit by a car, and a deep rift develops between the two neighbouring couples involved, which will prove hard to repair.
Terrified and bloody, Oscar Svendsen awakes clinched to a shotgun in a strippers joint. Around him 8 dead men, and police aiming at him. To Oscar it's clear that he is innocent. It all started when four chaps won 1,7 million on the pools.
Cupid's Balls
Swedish Lucas moves from Stockholm to a small Norwegian town, and immediately falls in love with Susanne, the goal keeper of the local girls' soccer team. He becomes axquanted with the overweight, sex-fixated son of the coach. With him as a sparring partner, Lukas hatches a plan for winning Susanne's heart. But Susanne has a boyfriend, and Lucas soon comes to realize that the road to love may be paved with lies and animosity. Cupid's Balls is packed with humour, romantic summer nights and fervent conflicts both off an on the soccer field.
A casa por navidad
En la pequeña ciudad noruega de Skogli, varios personajes que representan una amplia gama de edades y clases sociales se entrecruzan, mezclando el humor con la tragedia, la ternura con la desesperación, abiertos al perdón y a la esperanza. Las diferentes historias tocan todos los aspectos de la convivencia y exploran el amor a cualquier edad y en todas sus fases, desde el nacimiento a la muerte. Este moderno villancico está basado en una selección de historias cortas de la colección “Bare mjuke pakker under treet (Dejad regalos suaves debajo del árbol)”, del autor noruego Levi Henriksen.
It's the summer of 1951 in Oslo. Lillian and Amund Wang are blessed with their first and only child. Adrian Wang - a boy or a girl?
The Liverpool Goalie
Jo (13) is a smart thinker with a vivid imagination, but is bothered by classmates, and is a rather hopeless soccer goalie. He does what he has to survive this difficult time in life whilst every kid in the street is trying to get hold of a football-card with the goalie of Liverpool.
Tor Lindblom
A thriller based on true events in Norway during the WWII. Tor Lindblom makes a fortune supplying the Nazis with everything from liquor and cigarettes to cement and steel. He also owns the Club Havana, a nightclub in Oslo frequented by the industrial elite of occupied Norway, Officers of the Wehrmacht and opportunistic hustle...
Fredrik Sagen
Stavanger is no longer a small fishing town on the West Coast of Norway. People are wealthier, the cars more expensive and the houses more luxurious. In the middle of this materialistic everyday reality is Jonny Kristiansen, an up and coming 25 year old broker. Hungry for money and success, he is pulled into an unscrupulous financial world. Jonny takes off and aims at becoming the richest and most powerful at whatever cost.
De andre
A man is driving through the winter. Suddenly his car hits someone, and he flees the scene in panic. He attempts to conceal all trace of the accident. But when something unexpected turns up in the car, it becomes harder to run.
A family of a father, a mother and their son is looking forward to go on vacation. On the way they experience an accident, and their lives are suddenly and unexpectedly turned upside down.
Cold Prey 2
Después de la terrible tragedia en las montañas noruegas, la joven Jannicke es encontrada en medio del frío. La muchacha ingrsa en el hospital cubierta de sangre, helada y muy débil, pero cuando poco a poco se despierta, se encuentra rodeada de silencio y oscuridad. No hay nadie en el hospital, los pasillos están vacíos y Jannicke sabe que hay algo que no ha terminado. Secuela de "Cold Prey", un popular slasher noruego estrenado en 2006.
House of Fools
At the psychiatric clinic Varden the attendants are mad and the inmates are sane.
Varg Veum Ángeles caídos
Un encuentro casual con sus ex compañeros en el campamento de rock, ofrece complicaciones para Veum. Los problemas son realmente grandes cuando se reanuda el contacto con su ex, Rebecca (ahora la esposa del amigo de Varg Jakob, líder de la banda). Una serie de asesinatos se están cometiendo en la ciudad. Varg no es el único que consigue involucrarse en el caso.
The Radio Pirates
Pappa Grannemann
Karl Jonathan and his father leave the city for the father's childhood home but soon realize that the entire village of "Skjelleruten" has been transformed into a safe society, where children are protected from behaving like children. Karl Jonathan and his new friend, Sisseline, start an uprising against the model village with the aid of a closed-down pirate radio, but the model citizens refuse to give in without a fight!
Mars & Venus
Ida and Mathias is a very "normal" couple. Her architect, he was a kind of production manager. They have two children, is still horny on each other. But life has set in: The kids interrupt the sex, she earns more than him, and the apartment is just too narrow and too unopposed. In short: It's time to dream. She wants to finish his life's prestige project. He would like to have a boat. Old sailboat even made of wood. One day, Mathias makes the fatal (or maybe the right thing :) He just buys the boat...
Andre omgang
Kajas ektemann
Andre omgang is the story of a father and his two sons trying to adjust to life's later summers; the father becomes a member of a singles' club, Sverre joins a swingers club, and Erik finds a new woman to live with. The three of them are passionate supporters of Skeid Football Club.
The Art of Negative Thinking
The local disability support group visits an involuntary member, not realizing that it will bring them to a critical mass.
Løven - Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen
We follow Henrik Ibsen throughout his life. From early shame over his father's bankruptcy, via bitterness over the then conservative public life, to his older years as a national institution that tourists gathered to watch on their way to their very punctual, daily lunch at the Grand Café in Oslo.
Camarada Pedersen
Gunnar Bøe
Se centra en la sociedad noruega de la década de 1970, una era dominada por el marxismo y el leninismo.
Panther Martin
A weekend dad goes fishing with his 8 year old son. He has been absent for much of his son's life. Now he caught in a small rowboat and confronted with the choice he has made in life.
Kissed by Winter
Following her son's death, Victoria moves to a small community to work as a doctor at the local clinic. She attempts to forget and move on with her life but finds it impossible when a local boy is found dead in the snow and Victoria must tell the boy's parents. Police quickly explains it as an accident but Victoria finds that there is something strange about the whole affair.
On his way home from work, the main character has a chance meeting, which will forever change his life.
Hawaii, Oslo
Cinco historias de amor a través cinco destinos, cada uno influenciándose entre sí. Léon se prepara a festejar sus 25 años, momento en el que encuentra a Ana, el amor de su infancia, a quien no había visto en 10 años. Segundo film de la trilogía temática de Eric Poppe, que el realizador inició con Schpaaa (1996) y finalizó con Troubled Water (2008).
Cry in the Woods
Kristoffer Skarin
An unfortunate bank robber takes an escaped mental patient, wanted for murder, as hostage.
The Woman in My Life
Jakob is an immigration legislative. He changes girlfriends like he changes socks and is less than responsible when it comes to being there for his family. But all this changes when he meets the charming doctor Nina. Now he must decide if he will give up his carefree, superficial lifestyle to be with the woman he loves.
Jonny Vang
Three friends since childhood are trying to work out their complicated relationships. Jonny tries to be best friends with Magnus, Magnus tries to be married to Tuva, and Tuva tries to have sex with Jonny.