Zaklina Stojcevska


La Boda de Diana
Supervising Editor
Es el 29 de julio de 1981. En la majestuosa Catedral de San Pablo en Londres, Lady Diana Spencer se casa con el Príncipe Carlos. El mismo día, se lleva a cabo otra celebración en el comedor de una fábrica de un pequeño pueblo noruego. Es la fiesta de bodas de los recién casados LIV y TERJE. En el cochecito yace su hija recién nacida, DIANA, quien, al igual que su famosa tocaya, se enfrentará a mucho caos en los próximos años gracias a sus padres. La boda y los años siguientes son menos glamurosos que los de la realeza, pero indiscutiblemente mucho más divertidos. A través de los ojos de Diana, somos testigos de la montaña rusa del matrimonio de sus padres. Para ella, son los peores padres del mundo. A millas de distancia de hacer un trabajo decente, luchando constantemente pero todavía enamorada cuando Diana se prepara para su propio matrimonio 30 años después.
A young woman invites her literature teacher to a discussion on a story about a man who wants to freeze the moment. She suggests that he is writing to disguise his own inner desires. They fall in love, and life takes an unexpected turn.
Framing Mom
En medio de su banquete de boda, Unn Tove encuentra un bebé abandonado en el baño del hotel y lo entrega a los servicios sociales. Dieciséis años después, una energética jóven aparece en la puerta de su casa. Es Rosemari, el bebé que encontró en su boda. Juntas comienzan a investigar las circunstancias que condujeron al nacimiento de Rosemari. Una conmovedora y divertida historia sobre cómo el sexo, las mentiras y la biología crearon una hermosa flor, Rosemari.
Beyond the Pale
Normal intrusive thoughts are a common psychological phenomenon, even the most trusted members of our society have got them. The judge jumps the bench, the nurse hurts her patient and the priest throws his children off the cliff. This short, humorous film points out how fragile our society is and questions our liability as citizens.
Arctic Superstar
The indigenous, Samí rapper SlinCraze is trying to earn a living from his music, the problem is that less than 20.000 people speak his endangered language.
When mom gets ill, Maria becomes the family's caretaker. But when she can't cope any more, her father seems to have given up.
Staying Alive
Marianne (34) discovers that her boyfriend Håkon is having an affair. Supported by her best friend's revenge tips, Marianne stumbles into her new life where she discovers that coziness is overrated and having fun is what matters.
The Veil of Twilight
The investigation of a mysterious serial-killer in a mountain village, set in Norway in the mid 1300s.
Detective Downs
Detective Robert has his own office, a trench coat, a Bogart hat and Downs syndrome. The only thing he is missing is a case. Then a lady comes to his rescue.
All That Matters Is Past
Dos hermanos de 40 años se encuentran muertos en el bosque. A su lado se encuentra una mujer, muy débil, pero todavía con vida. "Lo único que importa es el pasado" es la historia de cómo Janne conoce a William después de muchos años de separación. Ella deja a su familia y se va a vivir con él a una cabaña junto al río. Recrean el sentimiento de amor y lujuria que tenían cuando eran niños, siendo novios jugando en el bosque. Pero un día una niña china se encuentra flotando en el río, y se dan cuenta de que están siendo perseguidos por el hermano de William. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dear Lisa
In this humorous, yet bitter-sweet, short film Dear Lisa, we start out with the speeches Lisa have received through life - from her father's confirmation speech to her friend's birthday speech, her husband's words for her on their wedding day, and during her funeral. The last speech, however, is given by Lisa.
¡Ponme a tono, joder!
Alma es una joven adolescente con imaginación activa y una líbido aún más desarrollada. Todo cambiará tras un encuentro con un rompecorazones, Arthur, que la convierte en una persona poco popular.
Two nine-year-old girls report a flasher to the police even though they never saw him. Three filmmakers meet the only residents of a deserted village - an elderly brother and sister who have not spoken to each other in 16 years. Retired cleaning women are found raped and strangled in a small town. The fiction slowly turns into a documentary.
As young children, half-siblings Axel and Yanne are adopted to Norway. They are separated on arrival, him to material wealth on Oslo's west side, her to an average family on the east side. In contrast to her younger brother, Yanne remembers their journey to Norway, but she has no idea where he might be now.
Nord es una road movie en tono de comedia situada en románticos decorados naturales. Es la historia de Jomar, un atleta que se ha aislado en una triste existencia solitaria después de pasar por una crisis psicológica. Montado en una moto de nieve con cinco litros de alcohol casero como toda provisión, Jomar se embarca en un extraño y dramático viaje hacia el lejano norte, donde vive su ex novia, cuando se entera de que ha tenido un hijo suyo.
5 grøss fra Vestlandet
5 directors were invited to direct their own short film - a horror story. The idea was to let the directors tell their own worst nightmare. 5 short films were produced and edited together as one movie for the cinema with the duration of 33 minutes. An unusual cinema project, but then again, more exciting!
The Art of Negative Thinking
The local disability support group visits an involuntary member, not realizing that it will bring them to a critical mass.
Kissed by Winter
Following her son's death, Victoria moves to a small community to work as a doctor at the local clinic. She attempts to forget and move on with her life but finds it impossible when a local boy is found dead in the snow and Victoria must tell the boy's parents. Police quickly explains it as an accident but Victoria finds that there is something strange about the whole affair.