Christian Crahay

Christian Crahay


Christian Crahay


La verdad
Fabienne Dangeville es una aclamada actriz del cine francés, amada y alabada por todos los hombres que llegaron a formar parte de su vida. Cuando publica sus memorias, su hija Lumir regresa de Nueva York, donde vive con su familia, para la presentación. El reencuentro entre madre e hija no tardará en convertirse en un enfrentamiento: se revelarán verdades, se ajustarán cuentas, se hablará de amor y de resentimiento.
La mujer más asesinada del mundo
En el París de los años 30, una actriz famosa por sus sangrientas escenas en el Grand Guignol se enfrenta a un misterioso acosador y a los fantasmas de su pasado.
Man Overboard
Mathieu is a marine biologist. He spends his time on his microscope, cutting tiny marine organisms corpses. He’s unhappy. His true wish would have been being on the sea. But an event will abruptly change his life : Christine, his mother in law, runs away. Attracted by this impulsion, and curious to understand her, Mathieu starts looking for her. He’s going to find her in a house by the sea and will share the same desire of regaining control of his life.
Les Survivants
Jean-Claude Verhasselt
An ex-communist terrorist tries to fit in in today's society after getting out of jail. He meets with a group of young anti-Wall Street anarchists and falls in love with a mysterious young woman.
The Conquerors
Del Sarto
Half-brothers Galaad and Noé first meet at their father's funeral. They have little in common, apart from an equal share of personal failures. Convinced that the evil eye has been dogging them ever since their father stole a sacred relic, Galaad convinces Noé to act. Suddenly adventurers, the two men set out in search of the stolen object, and in search of the chance that has shunned them until now.
Living Afterwards
Henri has just lost his wife after 40 years of life together. They used to run a family hotel in the belgian countryside. Dominique, Ludovic and Louis, his 3 children, are keen to sell the hotel and start new lives, far away from the memory of their mother. Without facing up to or sharing their father’s grief, they take matters in hand. But the arrival of Alice, a young woman who’s 8 months’ pregnant, turns their plans upside down. Henri reopens the hotel for her and, as he can’t seem to talk to his children, makes her his confidante.
Sans rancune !
Henri Dejase
1955, un internat en Belgique. Laurent Matagne, 17 ans, croit discerner sous l'identité de son professeur de français surnommé "Vapeur", son père disparu lors d'un raid aérien pendant la guerre 40. Vapeur est excentrique, mystérieux, inquiétant, brillant, et il communique vite à Laurent sa passion pour la littérature, au point de susciter chez lui une vocation d'écrivain. Matagne et son ami Boulette décident de mener l'enquête. Alors qu'ils échafaudent un plan pour confondre Vapeur, Matagne s'attèle à son premier roman.
E finita la commedia
The father
Family Pack
Oscar Kessler
A young woman tries to ease herself out of the closet without terrifying her parents in the process in this comedy-drama. The year is 1969, and Sacha (Marie Bunel) is a young Belgian woman living in Canada. Sacha's family sent her to Canada to attend medical school, but she hasn't had the heart to tell them that she's dropped out of college to devote herself to her new interest in photography. Sacha also hasn't told her parents that she's a lesbian -- and that she has a new girlfriend, Odile (Macha Grenon). Odile is tired of being kept a secret, and insists that Sacha tell her parents the truth before American astronauts land on the moon in a few months -- or else. Sacha flies home to Belgium for a visit, planning to come clean to her folks, but she discovers they've arranged a huge welcome home party for the entire neighborhood. With everyone so excited that the soon-to-be-doctor is paying them a visit, Sacha wonders when the time will be right to give her family the news.
Breakin' Out
Bernard Delmas
A police chase cause 13-year-old Nicolas' dad to crash his car and, tragically, got killed in the process while his mother was sent to jail. Upon learning of her 5-year imprisonment sentence, Nicolas and his friend Tanker decide to find some way of getting her out.
The Third Eye
In an apparently empty airport, a Jewish family has gathered to greet one of its members who has come there to be with them. However, the airport is actually the ante-room of Death, and the family member is a recently deceased American survivor of the Holocaust. Although the party begins by greeting the man with warmth and affection, the gathering soon degenerates into a squabble about why most of those assembled failed to heed the warnings about the Holocaust and flee Germany.