Marilyne Canto

Marilyne Canto

Nacimiento : 1963-11-18, Oran, Algeria


Marilyne Canto


Anne-Marie Arthaud
Neneh Superstar
Rmmanuelle Braque
Nacida para la danza, Neneh es una niña negra de 12 años que sueña con ingresar en la Escuela de Ballet de Opera de París. A pesar de su entusiasmo, tendrá que redoblar sus esfuerzos para ser aceptada por la directora de la escuela, Marianne Bellage, la garante de las tradiciones y portadora de un secreto que la vincula con la pequeña bailarina.
Un escándalo de estado
La juge au procès en diffamation
Octubre de 2015. Los agentes de aduanas franceses se incautan de siete toneladas de cannabis en el corazón de la capital. El mismo día, Hubert Antonie, un antiguo topo con un pasado nebuloso, contacta con Stéphane Vilner, periodista de Libération. Asegura que puede demostrar la existencia de un narcotráfico de Estado liderado por Jacques Billard, figura mediática y policía francés de alto rango. Aunque al principio se muestra suspicaz, el joven periodista finalmente se sumerge en la investigación, que le lleva a los rincones más oscuros de la República.
Mentes maravillosas
Louis dirige una funeraria. Soltero empedernido, vive dedicado a su trabajo. Por una casualidad de la vida, un día se cruza con Igor, un espíritu agudo en un cuerpo minusválido a causa de una parálisis cerebral. Igor reparte verduras ecológicas mientras pasa su tiempo libre leyendo a Sócrates, Nietzsche y Spinoza. Juntos emprenderán un viaje en el coche fúnebre de Louis para transportar el cuerpo de la difunta Madeleine al lugar donde debe ser enterrada. En este recorrido salpicado de encuentros, Louis e Igor irán conquistando la libertad sobre la mirada de los demás y aprendiendo a amar la vida tal y como llega, liberándose de uno mismo.
Le Show de Noël Must Go On
Hosted by French comedian Manu Payet, here to cheer you up for Christmas in such hard times.
No More God in Doctor
Emergency medicine intern Margaux can no longer stand it. During another very hectic and patient-filled shift, she forgets a homeless woman on a stretcher who then dies. Shocked Margaux has no choice but to continue working. But suddenly, her body starts sweating blood uncontrollably.
César Wagner
Joséphine Stern
Since his sensational arrival at the head of the 20 Hours, Cédric Saint Guérande, known as "CSG" is THE favorite presenter of the French. His insolent audiences stoke the jealousy even within La Grande Chaîne which he is the undisputed star. His thirst for power is limitless, which displeases the new president of the chain. The war is declared between the two men for the great pleasure of CSG. Power games, networking, manipulations and low shots: the fight will be merciless, and the outcome necessarily spectacular. Welcome to the media circus games.
Une vie après
Marion does not love her husband anymore. She decides to leave him to live fully, not to be locked in the reassuring comfort of a family life. Dominique lives with his wife an identical situation but he can not take the plunge.
The Starry Sky Above Me
En 1996, Bruno publicó una primera novela con gran éxito. La prensa publicaba en los titulares: "Existe un antes y un después de El cielo estrellado sobre mi cabeza". Veinte años más tarde, Bruno es un cincuentón, soltero y sin hijos. Comparte piso con una joven Femen, se levanta a las dos de la tarde y se pasa el día en pijama, esperando a que le llegue la inspiración. Para Bruno, todo va estupendamente pero sus amigos empiezan a preocuparse.
After the War
Bologna, 2002. Amidst protests against the labor reform, the assassination of a lawyer opens old wounds between Italy and France. Former far-left terrorist Marco, convicted of murder during the Years of Lead and living in Paris since then thanks to the Mitterrand Doctrine, is suspected of being its instigator. When the Italian government asks for extradition, Marco goes into hiding with his daughter Viola, precipitating also the life of his family back in Italy.
Not on My Watch
Una madre soltera, recientemente despedida, oculta la pérdida de su trabajo a sus dos hijos. Crea a su alrededor un engranaje de mentiras. (FILMAFFINITY)
Axèle es fotógrafa, Camille, escritora. Las dos se van un año a una estancia en la Villa Medici de Roma. A Camille la acompaña su marido, el reputado escritor Marc Landré. Mientras que una extraña rivalidad se establece entre las dos, Camille se acerca a Axèle. ¿Pero quién es en realidad Axèle? ¿Una artista completa, sin límites, que se confunde con su obra? ¿O el mismo fantasma del lugar? De este año en la Villa Medici, en donde los cuerpos y las almas se liberarán, nadie saldrá indemne...
La ley de Pauline
Tras su divorcio, Pauline ejerce como abogado en un pueblo y se enfrenta a su primer caso. Debe defender a un acusado por incendiar intencionadamente su granja, provocando la muerte de su hermano.
Fool Moon
Ondine and Paul have loved each other. When she leaves him, he swears not to love again. To prove this to himself, he pursues the beautiful Camille, whom he intends to seduce and abandon. But Camille puts a spell on Paul whom she desires for herself alone. And, while falling under Camille’s charms, Paul has to deal with the memory of his past love.
Le sens de l'humour
Élise lives with her 10-year-old son Léo, whose father is deceased. She has a chaotic relationship with Paul her lover. They go from happy moments to intense feuds. Élise introduces him to Léo and in time, they get to know and appreciate each other.
Le sens de l'humour
Élise lives with her 10-year-old son Léo, whose father is deceased. She has a chaotic relationship with Paul her lover. They go from happy moments to intense feuds. Élise introduces him to Léo and in time, they get to know and appreciate each other.
Le sens de l'humour
Élise lives with her 10-year-old son Léo, whose father is deceased. She has a chaotic relationship with Paul her lover. They go from happy moments to intense feuds. Élise introduces him to Léo and in time, they get to know and appreciate each other.
Le Prochain film
At fifty Louis Gravet, a serious actor, would like to become a comedian. His brother Peter, a film director, has the idea of hiring him for the lead role of a comedy. Family circumstances, their wives, their children, niece, lead him to make another film, new and unexpected.
La tendresse
Una pareja que llevaba 15 años separada se reencuentra para ver a su hijo, hospitalizado en el extranjero tras un grave accidente de ski. ¿Qué sentimientos guardará el uno con el otro; indiferencia, rencor, celos? ¿O por el contrario simpatía, amistad e incluso amor? (FILMAFFINITY)
Daniel’s glory days as a singer are over and he has sunk into anomymity. He spends his days shut up in his apartement. Stuck there, he has become bitter and confused. Will he ever taste success again ? His obsesion borders on madness.
A Mano Armada
Lucas and his team are after a gang of Serbian criminals using NATO-issued weapons. As the investigation leads him to Paris, Lucas attempts to reconnect with his estranged daughter, a young narc officer.
Les Papas du dimanche
Las nieves del Kilimanjaro
A pesar de haber perdido su trabajo, Michel vive feliz con Marie-Claire desde hace treinta años. Sus hijos y sus nietos los llenan de alegría. Tienen amigos muy cercanos. Están orgullosos de sus actividades sindicales y políticas. Sus conciencias son tan transparentes como sus miradas. Pero ese bienestar salta por los aires cuando dos hombres armados y enmascarados los golpean, los atan y se fugan con sus tarjetas de crédito.
Iris in Bloom
La mère d'Alexandre
An 18-year-old beauty develops an attraction to an older photographer.
Camping 2
Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...
La Sainte Victoire
Géraldine Wood
Xavier Alvarez es un joven arquitecto lleno de ideas cuyos ambiciosos proyectos podrían beneficiar a Aix-en-Provence, la ciudad en la que vive. Vincent Cluzel es un honrado pero poco conocido político que se presenta a la alcaldía frente al actual alcalde, todo un corrupto. Xavier decide apoyar a Cluzel con todo su empeño, con todo su dinero (que en realidad no tiene) y con toda su astucia (que hasta le sobra). Lo que era una quimera poco a poco toma forma hasta que Cluzel sale alcalde electo. Ahora Cluzel está en deuda con Xavier...
Just for Sex
In fifteen minutes, Olivier receives a “quickie”. But is it as simple as that?
Yuki & Nina
Yuki, una niña de nueve años, se entera de que sus padres se van a separar. Su padre es francés; su madre, japonesa. La idea es que Yuki se vaya a vivir a Japón con la madre, dejando atrás toda su vida en París, incluida a su mejor amiga, Nina. Juntas, Yuki y Nina, urdirán planes para conseguir que los padres de Yuki vuelvan a estar juntos. Sin embargo, la huida parece ser la única solución. Se esconderán en el bosque.
Un soir au club
Simon Nardis was once an internationally renowned jazz pianist but for the past ten years he has led a more orderly life as a husband and father. But all that changes when he walks into a jazz club by chance one evening. He comes face-to-face with the demons he thought he had tamed: music, alcohol and doubts about himself. He wonders if he really is happy...
One for the Road
Herve, the head of a press agency, is traveling fast down a road headed in only one direction: self-destruction. He is an alcoholic, and his drinking is wrecking his marriage, family and career. In desperation and still in denial, he checks into a detox clinic in Geneva, his last-chance saloon. There he meets a group of fellow sufferers and one person in particular, a young woman named Magali, who help him to see life other than through the bottom of an empty bottle.
El baile de las actrices
Réalisatrice Marina Foïs
Una realizadora quiere rodar una película documental que sirva como homenaje a actrices de todo tipo. Le da igual si se trata de artistas populares, estrellas, cómicas, intelectuales, desconocidas o, incluso, olvidadas. La directora lo filmará todo de cada una de ellas, con o sin su permiso, hasta que ella misma se deja atrapar por estas mujeres que acaban resultando tan quebradizas como manipuladoras.
French Courvoisier
It is the end of a meal. Eight people are gathered around a big table. They evoke the memory of a lost friend. Through the stories of each about the absentee, the character traits, the haabits or the expressions, a portrait in hollow is outlined.
Like a Star Shining in the Night
Dr. Camille Bamberger
A young couple finds out what love truly means when one of them has a brush with death. When Anne and Marc met, it was love at first sight, and the longer they were together, the more they realized they never wanted to be apart. But not long after they married, Marc's doctor discoveres some unexpected symptoms...
Born in 68
En el marco de las revueltas estudiantiles de 1968, tres amigos; la guapa e impetuosa Catherine, el minucioso Yves y el obstinado Hervé, inspirados por un compañero de clase que ha vuelto de Berkeley, se deciden a montar una comuna en una antigua granja y a vivir siguiendo su utópico dogma: "Igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, sin tabúes y sin ninguna otra regla". Cuando se aventuran al mundo exterior se enfrentan a una serie de cambiantes gobiernos de derechas a menudo hostiles y, a veces, a la prisión. Los partos naturales en la comuna dan lugar a una segunda generación en la que hay dos hijos gays que se convierten en miembros de la nueva revolución sexual.
Minor Revelations
"The choice of each period is intimate, as each period awakens a particular emotion in me. This emotion reflects what is around me, not everyone is able to recognise it -- that is the risk I take. I think that this is good enough reason to make a film that will make visible small yet revealing things in differeent ways. I believe in tropisms and that is what interests me in this film." -- Marie Vermillard [taken from London Film Festival 2006 catalogue]
Vous êtes de la police?
Monique Laval
A former policeman resentfully enters a retirement home. To deceive his boredom, he will investigate the murder of another resident.
Opération Turquoise
Laure Nadal
La vie d'artiste
la soeur d'Alice
Un novelista, una actriz y una luchadora cantante joven intentan a toda costa dejar su huella en el moderno París, en esta sátira. Bertrand es un profesor de literatura francesa cuyos estudiantes saben que él está liado con Solange, bonita profesora de matemáticas, a pesar de los esfuerzos de la pareja para mantener su relación en secreto. Aunque nadie en la escuela se preocupa mucho por la prosa de Bertrand, el estudiante Federico es la única excepción notable. Mientras Bertrand se esfuerza por entregar su segunda novela, Cora, recién llegada a la gran ciudad, descubre que su afición por los compositores de canciones pasadas de moda puede tener un efecto adverso en su trayectoria profesional. Mientras Cora se esfuerza por llegar a fin de mes, trabajando en un restaurante de una popular cadena, este intento de mantenerse a flote en última instancia, resulta desastroso.
Private Life
Out of the Blue
Marion, a 50 year old woman, suddenly ups and leaves the man with whom she has been living for the past 20 years; she has found herself, midlife, in love with her friend Claude, another woman.
Borrachera de poder
Jeanne Charmant Killman (Isabelle Huppert), juez de instrucción, es la encargada desentrañar e instruir un complejo caso de malversación de fondos en el que está implicado el presidente de un importante grupo industrial. A medida que avanza la investigación, se da cuenta de que su poder es casi omnímodo. Pero, al mismo tiempo, y por causa de su adicción al trabajo, su vida privada se tambalea.
Sweet Dreams
At night she dreams about it, during the day she believes she's dreaming. However, Élise continues, reacts, and despite her pain, chooses life.
Sweet Dreams
At night she dreams about it, during the day she believes she's dreaming. However, Élise continues, reacts, and despite her pain, chooses life.
Sweet Dreams
At night she dreams about it, during the day she believes she's dreaming. However, Élise continues, reacts, and despite her pain, chooses life.
A Wonderful Spell
Set in the summer of 1942 during WWII, the film traces the trajectory of simple people thrown into extraordinary lives, revealing the heart-warming flame of hope and humanity that endures, even in times of war and dispair. As young Julien, his family and a group of friends traverse the French countryside after fleeing the institution they called home, Julien must deal with his father's extreme violence and his mother's rosy fantasies and once again form a family that society tries to forget.
Usted primero
Antoine es maître en un restaurante de París. Una noche, al volver a su casa, interviene justo a tiempo para impedir que un hombre se suicide, pero el desconocido se enfurece. Sintiéndose extrañamente culpable de haberle salvado a ese hombre tan infeliz, hará todo lo que esté en su mano para hacer su vida más llevadera.
Eve La Rochelle
Bruno y Fréderic son los dos hermanos Saltim, de padre italiano y madre francesa. Bruno, el mayor, ocupa un cargo importante en el banco en que su hermano pequeño trabaja de director. Renuncia a postular al cargo de máximo directivo a cambio de que se le proporcione financiación para un teatro de las afueras de Paris. Justo en plenos preparativos de dos nuevos espectáculos : El tío Vania de Tchekov y Ester de Racine, la dirección del banco anuncia recortes de sueldo a sus empleados, cosa que también afecta a Bruno.
La curva de la felicidad
Tom, español, padre de familia, rondando los cuarenta, un tipo corriente y razonablemente feliz. Sin embargo, a su alrededor todo se tambalea: una compañera de trabajo se ha enamorado de él; su mejor amigo pasa por una mala racha con sus hijos adolescentes; su vecino, policía, está celoso de su esposa.... y todos ellos acuden a Tom. Pero él tiene sus propias preocupaciones. Harto de su trabajo, al llegar a casa cada noche, sus tres hijos exigen toda su atención. Además, la relación con su mujer, Sylvie, no pasa por su mejor momento. Un repentino encuentro con su antigua novia dará un vuelco a su vida: Tom es padre de una niña de 8 años de la que tendrá que hacerse cargo. Después de todo, nadie dijo que vivir fuera fácil... (FILMAFFINITY)
C'est la vie
Dimitri joins La Maison, a place where people are welcomed for whom medicine can not do anything anymore. There he meets Suzanne, a volunteer who is dedicated to supporting people at the end of their lives.
The Milk of Human Kindness
A woman, scared by motherhood and her new born baby, runs away from her home and family to find a shelter at her upstairs neighbour's place.
On appelle ça… le printemps
Fanfan leaves his friend Charles and thinks he can be accommodated by his friend, Joss. However, at the same time, Joss abandons the marital home. Fanfan and Joss have only to knock on the door of Manu, Fanfan's sister, who gathers them until Mytch, Manu's companion, throws everyone out. The three young women find themselves in the street and continue their run, while their lovers gang up to track them down. The mini-war of the sexes will flare up.
30 Years
A bittersweet drama covering 30 years in the lives of group of friends united by their devotion to the theatre, 30 Ans begins in Paris in 1974, when Aurelian, his girlfriend Barbara, and childhood friend Antoine form a theatre. Taking the plight of Pinochet's oppressed Chile as its cause, the theatre attracts the involvement of Jeanne, a young actress who immediately sparks the attentions of both Aurelian and Antoine. When Chilean dissident actor Luis is brought to the theatre by Barbara's diplomat father, Jeanne falls in love with him, and the two carry out an affair that ends when a sudden development causes Jeanne to disappear. 8 years later, Aurelian has a new girlfriend and is directing a travelling troupe, and Antoine is a high-priced image consultant who gets his old friend a gig at Dunkirk. Aurelian, deeply immersed in a mid-life crisis, still loves Jeanne, continuing to carry a picture of the enigmatic actress in his wallet and writing about her in his diary.
Nadia and the Hippos
Single mother Nadia is surviving on welfare while transport strikes are paralyzing France in December 1995. While watching the news, she recognizes the father of her child among the strikers and decides to go and search for him. But she has nowhere to go. The film, shot almost entirely at night, carries documentary qualities, part of which is due to the appearances of actual railroad workers in several group scenes.
Trois ponts sur la rivière
Sophie, Claire's friend
Arthur is a history teacher who lives alone in Paris after having broken up with Claire. He is a sensitive man, full of existential doubts and questions. He has to go to Lisbon to meet an eminent historian whose work is the subject of his thesis. Having just made up with Claire, he decides to take her along. She's an ideal travel companion and it seems their relationship has not yet exhausted its potential. But moving from Lisbon to Oporto, their fantasy of a second honeymoon clashes with the reality of a world on the verge of a nightmare.
Melody for a Hustler
French novelist Vincent Ravalec made his directorial debut with this French drama about small-time crook Gaston (Yvan Attal) who poses as a millionaire after he picks up hitchhiking 16-year-old Marie-Pierre (Virginie Lanoue). Actually living in a seedy apartment, Gaston deals in stolen goods, but he soon climbs to bigger heists, including car thefts. Concealing his illegal activities, Gaston operates his company, Extramill, out of upscale, posh offices, while he and Marie-Pierre move into a sedate upper-middle-class neighborhood. Life is sweet, but the onset of paranoia, kinky sex activities, and police probes eventually culminate in violence.
The Other Shore
This film deals with the aftermath of the Algerian war of liberation. Georges Montero, an Algerian-born Frenchman, manages an olive canning factory in Oran. He travels to Paris for a cataract operation. Marinette, his sister, and Belka, his friend and a recent immigrant, want him to return to France permanently. Friction develops between the two friends as Georges is pressured to sell his factory. Friendship developed between Georges and his surgeon, who as a French Arab has severed ties with his culture and country of origin.
Catalonian Paco is a traveling rep for a shoe manufacturer. When he stops to pick up Russian emigree hitchhiker Nino, Paco soon finds himself on the side of the road with everything stolen out from under him. Local gift shop owner Marinette gives the Spaniard a lift. Their mutual attraction manifests itself quickly, and Paco, who was fired over the stolen-car episode, hangs around. When he happens to spot Nino in the same town, he beats up the scrawny Russian, who lands in the hospital. Oddly enough, this marks the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Paco and Nino soon take the trip down the road together
Tykho Moon
La réceptionniste
Todos los hombres de la familia McBee sufren una misteriosa enfermedad y necesitan un trasplante de órganos. El donante perfecto es Tykho Moon, que probablemente ha sido asesinado, aunque según ciertos rumores sigue vivo.
Esther, boss of the bar
After fatally shooting a stalker, Parisian bar-maid Lea must live the life of the title reptile. At the time of the killing she was living with Francis, a much older American ex-con. After committing the murder, the fleeing and frightened Lea is saved by Paris paper boys Jean and Luc. Later she tells her sad story to hard-drinking Moskowitz, a middle-aged cop who secretly desires her. His unrequited love leads to tragedy. Meanwhile, Lea continues living with Francis, but also shacks up with Luc while trying to avoid the jealous cop.
When the Cat's Away
la femme flic
When Chloe, a young Parisian, decides to take a long-overdue vacation, she has to find someone to look after Gris-Gris, her beloved cat. Everyone, including her gay male roommate, refuses to help her, but she finally makes an arrangement with the elderly Madame Renée, who often watches over other peoples' cats and dogs. However, when Chloe comes back, Madame Renée tells her that unfortunately the cat has been lost, and the unlucky owner goes on a search for her dear animal friend. While looking for the cat, she meets many colorful characters who populate the neighborhood.
El corazón fantasma
Tras su separación de Anne, con quien comparte dos hijos, el pintor Philippe conoce en la calle a Justine, una mujer más joven que él, con la que inicia una relación. A pesar de que Philippe asegura que Justine ha sido su salvación, ella siente que no puede competir con la nostalgia de su vida anterior, mostrándose cada vez más celosa de su ex mujer y sus hijos.
Blind Spot
What do you do if you are a reporter with a deadline and you are going blind? This French drama answers that question. Arnold is a crack television reporter assigned to cover an uprising in northern Sri Lanka. Recently he has suffered great headaches and his eyes have been tired. Before leaving he has a doctor check him and is appalled by the diagnosis that he is going blind. If he goes to Sri Lanka, the stress could hasten his loss of sight. If he does not go, he will lose the assignment to a rival reporter. Instead of going, he locks himself in his Paris apartment and creates the documentary from a combination of new and old video footage. He suffers through many emotional outbursts in the process. The highlight of his video is a scene in which he, using complex computer-work, "inserts" himself into Sri-Lankan street situation. Though the documentary is excellent, Arnold is crushed when his editor demands the scene be deleted from the film because it slows the film down.
L'amour en deux
Antoni Farrazzi, a seasonal worker in the maintenance of the ski lifts, is called to the resort of Nivance, run by a certain Matthias, who supports the reputation of the resort with a subterfuge. Antoni is going to meet Josefa, a beautiful and amnesiac woman who lives with Matthias and whom he once knew as a child.
Open Mic Solitaire
Julius-Amédée Laou's Open Mic Solitaire is about a Black Parisian who hijacks a radio station after his brother is murdered by racists.
Ella ve enanitos por todas partes
le chaperon rouge
Un nacimiento se produce en un castillo. Por desgracia, la reina muere y su bebé, Blancanieves es mujer. Incluso la intervención de una aprendiz de hada no sirve de nada. El contable Albert y Amélyse, la enfermera inglesa, adoptan a Blancanieves, esta perseguida por su padre. Después de muchas aventuras, Blancanieves, que escapó de los celos de la nueva esposa del rey, se casa con un apuesto príncipe, mientras que otro príncipe encantador se casa con Cosette.
The Beach Hotel
Juliette Guedel
August in Brittany at a seaside hotel. Some guests are new, some come every year and are friends. The men nearing middle age fish and plan infidelities; their wives have surprises of their own in store. Teens fall in and out of love. Kids not yet teens have their own parties and friendships. In 11 months, most but not all will be back.
La Voie royale