Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney

Nacimiento : 1941-01-30, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA


Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney (born January 30, 1941) served as the 46th Vice President of the United States (2001-2009), under George W. Bush. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, but was primarily raised in Sumner, Nebraska and Casper, Wyoming. He began his political career as an intern for Congressman William A. Steiger, eventually working his way into the White House during the Nixon and Ford administrations, where he served the latter as White House Chief of Staff. In 1978, Cheney was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Wyoming; he was reelected five times, eventually becoming House Minority Whip. Cheney was selected to be the Secretary of Defense during the presidency of George H. W. Bush, holding the position for the majority of Bush's term. During this time, Cheney oversaw the 1991 Operation Desert Storm, among other actions. Out of office during the Clinton presidency, Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company from 1995 to 2000. Description above from the Wikipedia article Dick Cheney, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Dick Cheney


11-S: así se vivió en la Casa Blanca
Experimente los eventos del 11 de septiembre de 2001 a través de los ojos del presidente Bush y sus asesores más cercanos mientras detallan personalmente las horas cruciales y las decisiones clave de ese día histórico.
Surviving 9/11
Self (Archival Photos)
9/11 was perhaps the defining historical event of the postwar era. Broadcast live around the world like horrifying theatre, it was a moment in history imprinted onto people's memories. But what was it like to actually live through, and how easy is it to move on from a day that society wants to go on remembering? Twenty years on, this film brings together 13 ordinary people who were caught in an event they weren't able to fully comprehend at the time and which they are still working through.
President in Waiting
A remarkable living history of the Vice Presidency. For the first time together on film, President's Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter along with Vice President's Mike Pence, Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, Al Gore, Dan Quayle and Walter Mondale help uncover the path of a once ceremonial office to that of significance. This is the story of how the Vice President evolved into one of the most powerful offices in the land told by only those who have served.
11S: dentro del Air Force One
Este documental de dos horas de duración cuenta la historia del 11S desde un punto de vista único: dentro del Air Force One. Aquel viaje en el avión presidencial atravesando Estados Unidos duró nueve horas, con inicio en Florida y destino final Washington. El especial incluye entrevistas con el presidente George W. Bush, el vicepresidente Dick Cheney, el jefe de Gabinete Andy Card, el piloto del Air Force One, miembros del Servicio Secreto y asesores militares.
Una verdad muy incómoda: Ahora o nunca
Documental sobre la lucha del ex vicepresidente de Estados Unidos Al Gore contra el cambio climático. En esta ocasión, el largometraje se centra en los avances realizados en los últimos años para abordar el problema y en los esfuerzos de Gore en persuadir a diferentes líderes para que inviertan en energías renovables. El documental culmina con la firma del Acuerdo de París en 2016.
The Words That Built America
Reader - The Constitution
En este especial del 4 de julio, los políticos, las celebridades y los jóvenes prestan su voz a la lectura de la Declaración de la Independencia, la Constitución y la Carta de Derechos.
Todos los gobiernos mienten
Self (archive footage)
odos los gobiernos mienten habla de los nuevos periodistas, aquellos que dejan a un lado los intereses gubernamentales y vuelven al origen: a contar la verdad por encima de todo. Poner cara y voz a aquellos periodistas de investigación que destaparon temas como el caso Snowen (Glenn Greenwald), las fosas comunes en la frontera de México (John Carlos Frey), el escándalo del Watergate (Carl Bernstein), entre otros.
Shadow World
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Una investigación detallada sobre los intereses políticos y económicos que, desde principios del siglo XX, han manejado en la sombra y a su antojo los hilos del comercio de armas, alimentado la vergonzosa corrupción de políticos y funcionarios gubernamentales y promovido un estado de guerra permanente a lo largo de todo el mundo, al tiempo que cínicamente predicaban a favor de una paz durarera y universal.
15 Septembers Later
Featuring interviews with key political figures including President George W Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Rudolph Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, and media heavy hitters Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Matthew Broderick, this documentary event examines 9/11 through the lens of the last 15 years. Brought to life by photos declassified in 2016, recently released documents from the 9/11 commission, and never before heard stories from photographers and first responders, a new perspective will arise to provide an unrivaled viewpoint of the historic attack.
Imminent Threat
Self (archive footage)
A look at the War on Terror and the threat it's causing to our civil liberties and political discourse. Academy Award nominee James Cromwell presents Janek Ambros' directorial debut. The feature doc tackles the War on Terror's impact on civil liberties and the strange coalition it's creating between the progressive left and libertarian right. The doc examines the NSA, drones, the war on journalism and other encroachments on civil liberties started by the Bush era and expanded by the Democratic establishment.
Unwarranted Influence
A brief look at the military industry in the United States.
The World According to Dick Cheney
How did a college dropout who was arrested for a DUI twice in the same year become the single-most-powerful nonpresidential political figure in American history? Filmmakers R. J. Cutler and Greg Finton answer that question and others in what is sure to be the definitive film about the fascinating life and legacy of Dick Cheney.
Top Priority: The Terror Within
Self - Former U.S. Vice President (archive footage)
Federal officer with the Department of Homeland Security discovers a national security breach related to the entry of 23 aliens from terrorist countries into the United States. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, former head of the DEA Robert Bonner can't afford any more media scrutiny, since his incompetence was already exposed in the NASA 'Challenger' disaster. To avoid the scandal, the full might of the government is unleashed against Julia Davis, her family and witnesses. This retaliation reaches an unprecedented magnitude, including four unexplained deaths, Hollywood and the Mafia, false imprisonments and the use of Blackhawk helicopters and airplanes for warrantless surveillance. Amidst many shocking revelations, this documentary provides a new insight into the deaths of well-known Hollywood figures unwittingly dragged into this scandal. The truth is no longer a secret.
El día que cambió el mundo
Diez años más tarde, los acontecimientos del 11 de septiembre de 2001, todavía resuenan - especialmente para las personas que estaban en posiciones de liderazgo importantes en ese día fatídico. Escucha cuentas íntimas de alcalde de Nueva York Rudy Giuliani y los jefes de la policía de Nueva York y el Departamento de Bomberos, el Secretario de Defensa Donald Rumsfeld, el vicepresidente Dick Cheney y muchos otros que se encontraban en el centro de la acción. Decisiones sin precedentes. Tragedia inimaginable. Esta es la historia definitiva, desde las 6 am hasta la medianoche, de un día que cambió el mundo.
Self (archive footage)
Un día, el director de cine estadounidense Josh Fox recibió una carta en la que una compañía energética le ofrecía arrendar parte de un terreno de su propiedad en el que se encontraba un importante yacimiento de gas natural, que la compañía en cuestión quería perforar y explotar. Inseguro acerca de la decisión que debía tomar, Fox inició un viaje a través de 24 estados de Estados Unidos para averiguar las consecuencias de la explotación de gas natural. Desde Pennsylvania hasta Utah, de un extremo al otro de Estados Unidos, Fox fue descubriendo que en aquellas zonas en las que el gas natural es explotado el los habitantes no podían encender un mechero cerca del grifo sin que el agua corriente se prendiese en fuego debido a la contaminación por gas. De ese viaje nació GasLand.
Blood and Oil
The notion that oil motivates America's military engagements in the Middle East is often disregarded as nonsense or mere conspiracy theory. In Blood and Oil, bestselling author and Nation magazine defense correspondent Michael T. Klare challenges this conventional wisdom and corrects the historical record. The film unearths declassified documents and highlights forgotten passages in prominent presidential doctrines to show how concerns about oil have been at the core of American foreign policy for more than 60 years -- rendering our contemporary energy and military policies virtually indistinguishable. In the end, Blood and Oil calls for a radical re-thinking of US energy policy, warning that unless we change direction, we stand to be drawn into one oil war after another as the global hunt for diminishing world petroleum supplies accelerates.
Bigger Stronger Faster*
Self (archive footage)
Documental sobre el uso de las drogas ilegales y el consumo de esteroides para conseguir una mayor musculación.
Being W
Self (archive footage)
Being W is an unauthorized autobiography of the 43rd President of the United States of America.
Leading to War
Leading to War is a 2008 American documentary film composed entirely of archival news footage of the declarations of the United States President George W. Bush and his administration explaining their reasons to attack Iraq in 2003. The film is presented as a historical record and highlights the rhetorical devices and techniques employed by a government to wage war against another nation. Presented chronologically from President Bush's State of the Union Address in January 2002 (the Axis of evil speech), and continuing up to the announcement of formal U.S. military action in Iraq on March 19, 2003, the film presents selected interviews, speeches, and press conferences given by Bush and his administration, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. Non-U.S. sources include British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
...So Goes the Nation
Self (archive footage)
A look at the role of the Buckeye State in the 2004 Presidential Election.
9/11: Press For Truth
Out of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In '9/11 Press For Truth', six of them (including three of the famous "Jersey Girls") tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the powers in Washington and won! compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State
Self (archive footage)
Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.
Enron, los tipos que estafaron a América
Este documental presenta el lado oculto de uno de los mayores escándalos financieros de la historia, en el que varios altos ejecutivos de la séptima empresa más importante de los Estados Unidos se embolsaron más de mil millones de dólares mientras sus accionistas y empleados lo perdían todo. Basada en el best-seller 'The Smartest Guys in the Room' (algo así como 'Los tipos más listos del lugar') de los periodistas de la revista Fortune Bethany McLean y Peter Elkind, la cinta utiliza declaraciones personales y cintas de audio y vídeo de la empresa para mostrar los increíbles excesos cometidos por la cúpula directiva de Enron y el profundo vacío moral que ocultaba la supuesta filosofía corporativa.
Why We Fight
Himself (archive footage)
Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.
WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception
Hubo dos guerras en Irak: un asalto militar y una guerra mediática. El primero estaba bien cubierto; este último no. Hasta ahora ... Danny Schechter, cineasta independiente, periodista de televisión ganador del premio Emmy, autor y crítico de los medios, pone las cámaras sobre el papel de los medios. Su nueva película, WMD, es una evaluación abierta de cómo la propaganda del Pentágono y la complicidad de los medios engañaron al pueblo estadounidense...
National Geographic: Inside the U.S. Secret Service
Self (archive footage)
Even though they are frequently seen flanking presidential convoys in their trademark dark suits and sunglasses, little is truly known about the insulated world of the United States Secret Service. National Geographic's Inside series delves deep into the inner workings of the secretive organization for an unprecedented behind-the-scenes look at the upper echelons of national security.
LSD a Go Go
Self (archive footage)
Unconstitutional: The War On Our Civil Liberties
Self (archive footage)
A documentary that investigates the ways in which the civil liberties of American citizens and immigrants have been rolled back since September 11 and the passing of the Patriot Act.
El mundo según Bush
El 20 de enero de 2001, entre una gran polémica, sin una mayoría clara, y ocho años después que su padre, George W. Bush se muda a la Casa Blanca. Asesorado por el mismo grupo de consejeros, los Bush, padre e hijo, rigen los destinos del país más poderoso del planeta…