El icónico snowboarder Travis Rice y sus amigos se embarcan en una misión de varios años para seguir el flujo del Gyre del Pacífico Norte. A medida que Rice y la tripulación experimentan los altos y bajos de un viaje diferente a cualquier intento anterior, la cinematografía de vanguardia capta algunos de los ambientes más remotos del mundo, trayendo un paisaje impresionante y emocionante acción a los espectadores de todo el mundo.
Know the past, see the future. With TransWorld SNOWboarding's fifth feature film Origins, we set out to find the roots of freestyle snowboarding at five locations around the globe
Eric Jackson
Winter of 2005 was legendary and Standard Films was there to capture every moment. Filmed on epic snow conditions and unique terrain features, Paradox is a perfect blend of freestyle and big mountain snowboarding. Witness Jeremy Jones' craziest line ever. Check out the most insane helicopter kicker footage ever caught on film. Mads Jonsson breaks the world record for the biggest air in Norway. Explore Russia's untracked big mountain first descents. Paradox isn't a dime a dozen jib flick shot on video. Paradox is snowboarding!