In Donald Duck’s Christmas Favorites you’ll be treated to some of the best and most hilarious cartoon shorts from the days when Walt Disney himself added his magical touch to each film. The full effect of his presence can be felt in these sparkling gems that for generations have brought joy and laughter to kids and families everywhere. Want to find out how a real snow ball fight is done? Discover how to replace snow with popcorn? Learn how an alpine expedition should not be done? You’ll get all the answers you need in this collection of Donald Duck’s Christmas Favorites – a delightful winter collection from all of us to all of you. Features: Hockey Champ (1939), Snow fight (1942), Rescue dog (1947), Chip an' Dale (1947), Winter storage (1949), Toy Tinkers (1949), Corn Chips (1951), On ice (1935), Alpine climbers (1936), The art of skiing (1941)
Get ready to cheer, sports fans, as Mickey and his friends team up to bring you the funniest and most entertaining sports moments in animated film! The laughs fly out of the park when Goofy attempts to demonstrate "How To Play Baseball" in the hit classic short that feature everyone's favorite dog in every passion. Then Mickey heads out for a leisurely day on the links, but hilarity is par for the course when his faithful "Canine Caddy" Pluto battles a pesky gopher and does his best to clear the way for a hole in one. The fun never stops in this collection of eight wild and wacky sports stories the whole family will love. Canine Caddy (1941) How to Play Baseball (1942) The Hockey Champ (1939) Double Dribble (1946) How to Play Football (1944) Mickey's Polo Team (1936) Tennis Racquet (1949) Goofy Gymnastics (1949)
Dos cortos de animación clásicos de los estudios de Disney. En 'El Dragón Chiflado' (1941), un jovencito y un famoso luchador de dragones se unen para enseñar a un dragón dócil el arte de ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta. En 'Mickey y las Judías Mágicas' (1947), Mickey Mouse, Goofy y Donald Duck enfrentan al temible Willie the Giant para intentar recuperar el arpa de canto mágico a Happy Valley.
Riete sin parar con el regreso de Goofy, el sabueso mas loco del mundo, en esta coleccion de sus mejores caricaturas. Toda la familia disfrutara divirtiendose mientras Goofy pasa de u problema a otro en estas hilarantes caricaturas de uno de los clasicos animados mas queridos de Disney. Aqui Goofy demuestra su "habilidad atletica" en El Arte de Esquiar y El Arte de la Pesca. Despues en Goofy y Wilbur, Goofy y un pequeño y valiente saltamontes aprenden el verdadero significado de la amistad en un divertido....
Dos fábulas animadas de los estudios Disney. En 'La Leyenda de Sleepy Hollow' Ichabod Crane está enamorado de la encantadora Katrina, pero tiene que lidiar con Brom Bones, el matón de la ciudad. Su rivalidad lleva a Crane a la leyenda de Sleepy Hollow y el jinete sin cabeza. En 'El Príncipe y el Mendigo', Mickey, Goofy, Donald y Pluto protagonizan la versión de Disney del clásico de Mark Twain.
This generous collection includes 46 of the 48 shorts that starred Goofy between 1939 and 1961 (but none of the great Mickey-Donald-Goofy films from the mid-'30s). The "How to Ride a Horse" sequence in The Reluctant Dragon (1941) set the pattern for many of these cartoons. An elegant narrator (artist John Ployardt) explains a sport that Goofy attempts to demonstrate. The character that animator Art Babbitt described in a 1935 lecture (quoted in the DVD bonus material) as an easygoing dimbulb gave way to an enthusiastic but spectacularly maladroit figure. One of the funniest entries in the series, "Hockey Homicide," contains several studio in-jokes: dueling stars Icebox Bertino and Fearless Ferguson, and referee Clean-Game Kinney are named for artists Al Bertino, Norm Ferguson, and director Jack Kinney.
Meet the doers and dreamers who made America great -- including John Henry, the railroad builder who proved the value of believing in oneself. Journey with giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan as he clears the land for American settlers. Follow the trail of the beloved American Icon Johnny Appleseed, who planted apple trees which blossomed along the new frontier. Then, take an unforgettable ride with Casey Jones, The Brave Engineer who never failed to deliver the matter how difficult the route!
El álbum familiar de Mickey es una película de 1998. Una recopilación de los cortos de Mickey Mouse y sus amigos. Fue lanzada como conmemoración de los 70 años de vida de Mickey Mouse.
Art Direction
¿Qué sucede cuando todos los personajes populares de Disney se reúnen en una gran y maravillosa colección de dibujos animados? ¡Todos pueden reírse a carcajadas y divertirse mucho! Solo tienes que ver cómo Mickey, Pluto y sus amigos hacen muchas bromas. Una nueva gran película para toda la familia. Con los dibujos animados: «La gran ópera de Mickey», «La gallinita sabia», «Mickey se va de viaje», «Dos semanas de vacaciones», «El perro mágico», «Morris, el alce enano» y «Dragón mecánico».
Una maravillosa colección de obras maestras animadas que constituyen el gran legado de Disney. Cada volumen de esta fabulosa nueva serie contiene un tesoro de alegrías y risas que puedes tener y disfrutar ahora y siempre... He aquí las locas diabluras de Goofy que se amontonan en este grupo de enloquecidos dibujos, ¡haciéndonos destornillar de risa!
Este DVD contiene: «El león acostado», «Los toros trabajadores», «El planeador de Goofy», «Métodos para pescar», «Caballero por un día», «La partida».
A clip-show music video for the album of the same name and vintage. Includes 5 songs from the album ("Mousetrap", "Disco Mickey Mouse", "Watch Out For Goofy", "Macho Duck", "Welcome To Rio").
An assortment of classic Disney cartoons blended into a complete movie featurette. Features "Two Chips and a Miss," "Chicken in the Rough," "Donald Applecore," "Chips Ahoy," "Up a Tree," and "The Lone Chipmunk"
Popeye at the horse race track.
Popeye's bungling attempts to fix Olive's faucet lead to an escalating series of disasters that culminate in flooding all of New York City.
Jiminy Cricket is all set to give a testimonial to Donald Duck. But alas, Donald is relaxing at home, with no plans to leave any time soon. Literally dragged to the Disney Studio by his nephews, an outraged Donald relaxes a bit when he realizes that he's the guest of honor. Donald's life is recounted by such colleagues as Daisy Duck (who explains why she and Donald never married), Chip 'n' Dale, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, and even a few guest stars who never made a picture with the duck, including the Three Little Pigs, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Lady and the Tramp.
Popeye tells Swee'Pea the story of how Eugene the Jeep got his special powers. He tells a fairy tale about a mama jeep and her four children- three good girls and a mischievous boy named Jeepers. One day, they go to eat spinach in the good farmer's garden. Jeepers goes into the bad farmer's garden and eats weeds. The farmer catches Jeepers and locks him up, but mama rescues him that night. The next day, the bad farmer tries to chop down the jeep tree, but mama jeep foils him completely. Afterward, the good farmer invites them over for more spinach.
Popeye runs a pizza restaurant. Wimpy wants to pay him Tuesday for some hamburger pizzas, but Popeye says "No money, no pizzas! Cash on the line!" Wimpy would pay Brutus Tuesday if he gave him money for pizzas, but Popeye yells "No money, no pizzas!" Brutus tells Popeye to fix Wimpy some pizzas. Popeye makes a pizza making machine, and asks Brutus what kind of pizzas he wants. Brutus wants a tamale pizza, but Popeye says he never serves tamale pizzas. Brutus then rolls Popeye into some pizza dough, but Popeye eats some spinach pizza and turns Brutus into a pizza-bread man, then kicks him out. Popeye sees Wimpy eating pizza, and has him pay for it.
Popeye runs a pizza restaurant. Wimpy wants to pay him Tuesday for some hamburger pizzas, but Popeye says "No money, no pizzas! Cash on the line!" Wimpy would pay Brutus Tuesday if he gave him money for pizzas, but Popeye yells "No money, no pizzas!" Brutus tells Popeye to fix Wimpy some pizzas. Popeye makes a pizza making machine, and asks Brutus what kind of pizzas he wants. Brutus wants a tamale pizza, but Popeye says he never serves tamale pizzas. Brutus then rolls Popeye into some pizza dough, but Popeye eats some spinach pizza and turns Brutus into a pizza-bread man, then kicks him out. Popeye sees Wimpy eating pizza, and has him pay for it.
Popeye is walking across the street, while Wimpy is practicing his hamburger-mooching talk. Brutus notices him and puts growth pills on a hamburger. Wimpy then eats it, and it causes him to grow very big. Brutus takes the towering moocher to the circus, but they refuse to hire him. Wimpy seeks help from the Sea Hag, who puts him in a baby carriage. Popeye sees his friend's large size and tries to shrink him down by feeding him spinach, but it only makes him grow bigger. He gives Wimpy a hamburger, which turns him back to normal. Wimpy thanks Popeye and promises to pay him Tuesday for today's hamburger.
El más simpático cegatón que ha dado el mundo de los dibujos animados, se traslada al Oriente Medio para hacernos desternillarnos de risa con sus increíbles aventuras. A bordo de una alfombra voladora se reúne con su sobrino Aladdin, que está enamorado de la bella princesa Yasmina. Mr. Magoo prestará su colaboración en la empresa de conquistar tal belleza. La magia de oriente, genios, alfombras voladoras, tesoros y faquires se mezclan con nuestro héroe urbano, cuya ceguera lo convierte en una auténtica catástrofe con patas.
J.J. Fate again shows us how accidents aren't his fault, but instead are the result of carelessness. Donald is Mr. Careful at home, but at work, he starts right off by falling down the stairs. He has run-ins with a punch press, flammable paint, a conveyor belt, loose clothing, a monkey wrench, and other problems.
It's a peaceful day in a local city when suddenly, duck J.J. Fate appears to lecture us on how "fate" isn't to blame for accidents, people are! He uses Donald Duck as an example. Donald is extremely accident prone. He lights his pipe in a room with a gas leak, slips on a throw rug while carrying a fish bowl, overloads electrical outlets, and continually falls down the stairs. Finally, Donald has had enough and fixes his house guaranteeing no more accidents. That's good for Donald but the rest of the accident prone city still has to learn "not to blame fate for your carelessness".
Chip and Dale are starving in their tree home when they notice a plentiful supply of acorns on an island in a lake. To get to the island, they borrow a miniature model ship of Donald's to sail on. The irate Donald, however, doesn't appreciate them stealing his ship and makes several attempts to get it back and thwart their scheme to get to their acorn paradise. Chip and Dale are, of course, always one step ahead of Donald.
Walt Disney animation animated cartoon musical compilation ("The BIG Parade of MIRTH and MELODY"; "Offering hits re-released from 'Make Mine Music' and 'Melody Time'"; featuring cartoons from the 1946 musical, "Make Mine Music," and the 1948 musical "Melody Time") featuring Donald Duck, Joe Carioca, and other Disney cartoon characters, and also songs by Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Frances Langford, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Andrews Sisters (Laverne, Maxene, and Patty Andrews), Freddy Martin and his orchestra, Sons of the Pioneers, Jerry Colonna, and Ethel Smith
An animated segment from the film Melody Time which includes the two shorts "Bumble Boogie" and "Trees".
The lion is trapped by the safari and brought to New York, where he's accidentally set free, but nobody is intimidated by him.
Casey is upset about having struck out his last chance at bat but his wife suggests they have a son to follow in their dad's footsteps. Eventually, a child is born but, to Casey's dismay, it's a girl, not a boy. His wife suggests they try again several more times but each time, it's still another girl. Casey is depressed but his pals tell him that in spite of everything, they still make a powerful baseball team. Casey likes the idea and accepts. However, the day of the big game, he is nervous that one of them will strike out and attempts to make the last home run himself disguised as one of his own daughters.
Flannery, a railway agent does everything by the book. He gets into a scrape with a customer, McMorehouse, who wants to pay 44 cents freight for two guinea pigs which he considers pets. Flannery, however, considers them pigs (freight 48 cents), a decision he begins to regret when the animals begin to reproduce.
Animated sequences are set to two Benny Goodman numbers.
In this Lone-Ranger spoof,a cleaned-up version of Pegleg Pete robs a western bank and makes his getaway, and decides to hide his loot in a tree inhabited by two chipmunks, the chattering-and-clattering Chip 'n' Dale. They resent the intrusion but really begin to give Pete a hard time when they discover a reward if posted for his capture. The cavalry arrives but Chip 'n' Dale have the situation well in hand.
Donald is writing in his diary and narrating (in a rather sophisticated voice) about his romance with Daisy. She was able to snare him into a relationship in which they got to know each other better and Donald got to meet Daisy's family. Finally, Donald decides to marry Daisy but when waiting for her to arrive so he can pop the question, he falls asleep and has a nightmarish vision of what married life would be like (among other things that he'll be forced to do all the housework and be served a burnt T bone for dinner). Needless to say, the marriage is called off when he awakens.
Donald and his nephews are visiting the carnival. After Donald makes a relatively high score on a weight testing machine, he is thought to be a veritable strong man and takes on an offer from a little boy to fight his uncle in a boxing match. Unfortunately for Donald, that "little boy" is actually a con man in cahoots with boxer Peewee Pete who is anything but what his name implies. His nephews notice and try to warn Donald but he finds himself in the ring with Pete anyway.
Goofy has insomnia, and is desperate for some restful sleep.
An old-timer tells his grandson that old-time football players could take a modern team, so we see a game with just that match-up: Bygone U. vs. Present State. More specifically, the Bygone U. team of 11 vs. Present State's dozens of special squads and support personnel. Even the stadium, fans, and press are modern vs. old-time. The game is close, and fiercely fought.
Goofy learns the basics of ballroom dancing.
Goofy plays everyman again. He's an average working joe who demonstrates "the up on time/work on time/bed on time" routine while going from work to home every weekday. On Saturday night, however, he parties it up and attempts to get some rest the next Sunday but with his son around, it's impossible. He insists Dad take him to the beach and, although Goofy refuses, he ends up going anyway where he gets into all sorts of trouble mainly as the result of chasing his son all over the place. Worse yet, when he leaves, he falls victim to the world's biggest traffic jam. As a result of all this, he is relieved to go back to work the following week!
Goofy, driving through Mexico, deals with a stubborn bull on the road who eventually charges, and Goofy unwittingly subdues the bull. Mexicans who are watching the scene believe that Goofy is "the great Matador" and the minute Goofy arrives in Mexico City, they dress him like a matador and make him do battle with another bull. The reluctant Goofy tries to escape the enormous bull although after a while, once again, he triumphs over the bull by accident.
Mrs. Goofy leaves for the day leaving the house in the hands of her husband, Goofy. Goofy is confident that he can handle the day's household chores but he keeps making typical goof-ups while attempting them. His first mistake is sending Junior to school on a Saturday. At first, he just makes small blunders but, of course, they keep escalating to the point where his house is flooded, scribbled on, set on fire, invaded by firemen and policemen alike, and, basically, an utter disaster area when the wife returns.
Goofy is hired to solve a mystery of a missing "Al." He searches the city for clues, but constantly runs into a city sheriff (who is portrayed by Pete) who tells him to let the police handle it. A car chase occurs and the drivers ram into a haystack.
After several long days at work, Goofy finally takes a much needed vacation. However, his trip never quite gets off the ground mainly because he spends most of it stuck behind a slow moving trailer. When he gets a flat tire, the mechanic inspects every part of his car except the tire. The only motel he can find is a little shack too close to a railroad track. On the road once more, he gets stuck behind said trailer again only to pass it and discover no one is driving it.
As the narrator explains, educating children is one of the most important things today and the heroic man who takes on this role is "the school teacher" (Goofy, naturally). After taking role call, Goofy tries to teach the class but keeps having to deal with a mischievous trouble-maker named George who enjoys sneaking out of class to go fishing, eating the teacher's apple, squeaking chalk, making faces while teacher gives a geography lesson, and terrorizing the other students with his water pistol. In the end, George's mischief goes too far when he destroys the school with an exploding bomb and is forced to write "I will not bomb the school again" 100 times!
Bandit Pistol Pete enters a lawless western town and robs a bank. The town is in desperate need of a sheriff. Enter wandering cowboy Goofy who notices a pretty girl being held up in a stagecoach robbery by Pete. Lovestruck and completely oblivious to Pete, he foils the robbery while getting to know the girl better. This earns him a reputation as a great gunslinger and he is challenged to apprehend Pete. Pete tries to get his revenge on Goofy but every attempt backfires due to Goofy's clumsiness usually directed unintentionally at Pete.
Goofy buys a pet dog (Bowser) and has trouble training it. As Bowser gets bigger, he becomes a larger problem, angering the neighbors. Goofy goes out for the night, and Bowser proves not to be much of a guard dog until Goofy comes home and tries to get in.
In the city, Goofy finds his daily job much too stressful so he decides to leave this hustle and bustle for a more peaceful life in the tropics. He finds life there most enjoyable collecting shells from the beach, making a hut in which to live, getting back to nature, and even joining in the big luau feast (with meals such as shark fin soup). Yes, Goofy thinks nothing can go wrong in this paradise...until the natives need to sacrifice someone to their volcano.
George Geef takes his son camping. His son thinks he sees lions everywhere; George can't see them even when they are right next to him. Lucky for George, his son's got his trusty pop-gun.
Goofy (again playing George Geef) is a nicotine addict to the extreme. He smokes while doing income tax, before going to bed, after waking up in the morning, and at work. Finally, he decides to quit. He soon learns it's not as easy as that and everywhere he looks, he is tempted to start again until he finally cracks. He runs everywhere yelling, "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!" but with no luck. Finally, he asks a man for a cigar and the man gladly gives him exploding cigar which finally has Goofy vowing, "I quit!".
George Geef rushes to the office to inform his fellow employees, "Hey, fellas! I'm a father!". Unfortunately, Geef later learns that, with fatherhood, comes responsibility and lots of it. He must discipline his son when he starts fighting with neighboring kids, filling his pipe with bubble water, and pestering him while he tries to read the newspaper. But most difficult of all is getting him to pick up his toys which is no easy task. Finally, he gets ready to apply hair brush to child's behind but is talked out of it when he sees his son sleeping peacefully. "Kids, they're wonderful," he concludes.
Goofy is portrayed as George Geef, a typical common man who makes a perfect prey for all kinds of swindlers, bookmakers and the like, eager to be a 'good looser' after they 'won' all his money; never mind the name of the game nor the venue, from alley to casino and 'friendly' poker nights. Alas, even when lady luck smiles at him, the poor player doesn't stand a chance against the worst gold-digger of all: the wife, who 'manually' blames his irresponsible behavior when he looses but otherwise cheerfully claims all his occasional hard-earned winnings for her own fashionable waste.
Indeed, man craves to eat and George Geef (Goofy) is no exception. He eats like it's going out of style. Finally, his reflection in the mirror tells him he's getting too fat. Goofy starts showing all the signs of being overweight. When he gets into a taxi, the back tires deflate. When he gets into an elevator, the elevator remains grounded. Goofy's reflection "helps" him lose weight by refusing to let him eat. Geef thinks he can resist but is soon upset by all manner of temptations. He goes to bed but sleepwalks to the refrigerator only to discover it is empty. It turns out his reflection ate all the food telling him, "Eat, drink, and be merry, and tomorrow we diet!"
George Geef gets sent home from work to tend to his cold.
Goofy's building a house, and struggling with the blueprints, the window glass, the paint, and finally the house-warming guests.
An egret, frozen by the winter weather, moves into Pluto's doghouse. Pluto, cold and tired, takes a while to realize his doghouse is moving around without him. Even when he does realize, though, he has a hard time dislodging the interloper.
Goofy is about to set up a hammock in the backyard of his penthouse apartment but is minus one tree. He immediately decides to get another one but he shows poor judgement in regards that the one he picks is unkowingly the home of a mountain lion. The lion returns to Goofy's penthouse to reclaim his tree, notices the hammock, and decides this is a much better source of relaxation than laying on a tree branch. Thus, he tries to remove Goofy from the hammock so he can relax himself and eventually a battle ensues.
Goofy is tired and bored. He needs a hobby and decides to pursue photography. Wildlife is an excellent choice for photography so Goofy decides to take a grizzly bear's picture. Unfortunately, when Goofy's flash powder explodes, the bear becomes infuriated and chases Goofy through an amusement park and back to his apartment. Fortunately for Goofy, the bear is pleased with the resulting pictures and ultimately sets up a stand giving his "autographed photo" for $10.
Mild-mannered average guy Mr. Walker (Goofy) turns into violent Mr. Wheeler when he starts driving. Back on his feet, Mr. Walker finds it nearly impossible to cross the street.
El legendario ingeniero Casey Jones está decidido a mantener su horario de trenes y nada va a detenerlo.
Adaptación del conocido cuento de Washington Irving. Icabod Crane llega a la pequeña localidad de Sleepy Hollow, donde, según la leyenda, habita un fantasma de un jinete sin cabeza...
El undécimo clásico Disney fue el último de los llamados filmes-paquete, aquellos que produjo Disney durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los primeros años de la posguerra. La película narra dos historias míticas de la literatura británica y estadounidense. El primer relato es 'El viento en los sauces', escrito por Kenneth Grahame y que narra la ostentosa vida del señorito J. Thaddeus Toad, un joven multimillonario pendenciero, que derrocha su fortuna por sus obsesiones. El segundo relato es 'La leyenda de Sleepy Hollow', escrito por Washington Irving. En un agradable pueblo de Sleepy Hollow, situado a las afueras del estado de Nueva York, llega el singular profesor Ichabod Crane, que se enamorará perdidamente de la bella Katrina van Tassel. La aparición del fantasma del llamado Jinete sin Cabeza durante la noche de la víspera del día de Todos los Santos convertirá la estancia de Ichabod Crane en una tortura .
Inspired by a magazine ad, Goofy sends for a mail order body building course. First is weight lifting; after Goofy finally gets the weights up, a fly lands and sends him crashing through several floors in the apartment building. Chinups: the bar itself goes up and down. Then a rubber-band stretch device, which Goofy quickly tangles up in, sending him crashing through the building and several other pieces of equipment.
Dos Goofys juegan un partido de tenis al estilo propio del personaje, con un narrador con ciertos problemas para seguir el partido, y un jardinero haciendo acto de presencia para mantener la pista de hierba en condiciones mientras se está disputando el partido.
A bumblebee (to a boogie-woogie version of Flight of the Bumblebee) is being attacked by flowers made of piano keys, flowers made of trumpets, snakes made of piano keys, the piano hammers hitting the "strings" of the sheet music, and so forth.
En la más pura tradición de Walt Disney llega este clásico, que hace el número 10, con historias llenas de simpáticos personajes y música muy pegadiza. Únete al Pato Donald en ”Échale la culpa a la samba” y no podrás dejar de mover el cuerpo. En la siguiente historia descubrirás que la música es una verdadera aventura para una abeja muy ocupada en ”El abejorro”. También conocerás a un pequeño personaje, en tamaño, pero de enorme corazón, ”Silbatín”, y con Juanito Manzanas descubrirás cómo el trabajo puede resultar muy gratificante.
En la más pura tradición de Walt Disney llega este clásico, que hace el número 10, con historias llenas de simpáticos personajes y música muy pegadiza. Únete al Pato Donald en ”Échale la culpa a la samba” y no podrás dejar de mover el cuerpo. En la siguiente historia descubrirás que la música es una verdadera aventura para una abeja muy ocupada en ”El abejorro”. También conocerás a un pequeño personaje, en tamaño, pero de enorme corazón, ”Silbatín”, y con Juanito Manzanas descubrirás cómo el trabajo puede resultar muy gratificante.
Bongo, the performing bear, escapes from the circus and tries to adapt to life in the wild.
El noveno clásico Disney está lleno de magia, aventura y divertidas canciones. Es el único en el que participan tus personajes favoritos: Mickey Mouse, el Pato Donald, Goofy y Pepito Grillo.
Cortometraje educacional creado por Walt Disney por petición del International Cello-Cotton Company (ahora conocida como Kimberly-Clark) con el objetivo de enseñarse en escuelas de todo América, habiendo sido mostrado a 105 millones de estudiantes. No posee créditos de inicio ni finales, por lo que se desconoce quienes fueron sus responsables, acreditándose al ginecólogo Mason Hohn como única persona vinculada al proyecto. Como indica su título, se centra en explicar qué es la menstruación y cómo se origina. Como resultado de la no renovación de su copyright por parte de Walt Disney Production, "The Story of Menstruation" pasó a ser de dominio público.
The Martins and the Coys are two feuding clans. One day, Grandpa Coy gets caught in the Martin henhouse, and a massive battle erupts, leaving only a Martin girl and a Coy boy. Love conquers all for a while, anyhow.
The over-confident Casey comes to the plate for Mudville in this animated version of the classic 1888 baseball poem by Ernest Thayer
Antología musical animada compuesta por 10 fragmentos: "Los Guerrero y los de León", "Tarde Azul", "Cuando los gatos se juntan", "Tres palabras", "El gran valente", "Un sueño en silueta", "Pedro y el lobo", "Después que te fuiste", "Historia de un idilio" y "El ballenato que quiso cantar en la ópera".
This segment told the romantic story of two hats who fell in love in a department store window. When Alice was sold, Johnny devoted himself to finding her again. They eventually, by pure chance, meet up again and live happily ever after together, side by side. The Andrews Sisters provided the vocals. Like the other segments, it was later released theatrically.
A cool cat teen hears a tune on the jukebox at the malt shop and calls his girl; she rounds up a crowd and soon the place is jumping. No dialogue, just the song lyrics. The pencil drawing everyone is shown throughout the first half.
A crowd gathers at the skating rink to watch the big championship hockey game of the Pelicans versus the Aardvarks. Although referee "Clean Game" Kinney does his best to supervise, the hockey game really gets out of hand eventually. Two star players, Bertino and Ferguson, are so anxious, they never get let out of the penalty box, referee Kinney is never able to drop the puck without being physically hurt somehow, and the spectators themselves are so worked into the game, they take out their aggression on the ice while the players relax in the bleachers.
Donald tiene una noche desagradable cuando un misterioso vendedor de libros llega a su puerta y luego desaparece dejando a Donald con una colección de novelas. Lee una y se involucra tan plenamente en ella que parece que los personajes en realidad están saliendo del libro y entrando en su sala.
A narrator tells the story of how the Western pioneers (all being Goofy lookalikes) are travelling in covered wagons across the frontier. They run into some Indians (who are also Goofy lookalikes) and battle breaks out between them. Suddenly a tornado comes by and sweeps up the covered wagons, dropping them into various states such as "Wash", "Organ", and "Californy."
Goofy narrates his own quest to Africa accompanied by various tour guides. He is in search of wild game. After run-ins with various animals while camping for the night and taking his morning plunge (ruined by a hippo that takes all the water with him when exiting the pool), he sets off in search of the black rhinoceros. Unfortunately for Goofy, the rhino is prepared for Goofy (thanks to a stool pigeon bird resting on his horn) and charges him. Goofy tries his gun against the rhino but the rhino is still to much for Goofy so he leaves Africa and leaves the rhino for other hunters.
Big game hunter Goofy and his trusty elephant search for a tiger to hunt.
El gallo Panchito, el loro José Carioca y el pato Donald protagonizan esta comedia musical en la que se combinan personajes reales con dibujos animados. Mucho ritmo, chicas guapas y diversión son los principales ingredientes.
A brave gaucho lad arms himself with a knife and bolo. He leaves the floor of the pampas and climbs into the mountains looking for prey. In a nest he discovers a flying burro. He captures it and, after several close calls, tames the creature, and he takes it back to town where he enters the burro, with himself on its back, in a horse race. If they win, it means a prize of 1,000 pesos. Can the burro get its act together long enough to fly in a straight line and win? It's the stuff of legends.
Goofy juega en todas las posiciones para demostrar cómo se juega al fútbol y tiene problemas con el entrenador y el portero.
Goofy shows us, in his inimitable way, the fundamentals of golf, guided as usual by the somewhat sarcastic narrator.
Goofy provides a history of ships and sailing.
El juguetón gatito Fígaro vuelve a hacer una de las suyas al caerse en la pecera, intentando pescar su aperitivo, Cleo. Spin-off de la película de Disney "Pinocho". (FILMAFFINITY)
Goofy demonstrates a number of crazy vehicles.
This is a unique film in Disney Production's history. This film is essentially a propaganda film selling Major Alexander de Seversky's theories about the practical uses of long range strategic bombing. Using a combination of animation humorously telling about the development of air warfare, the film switches to the Major illustrating his ideas could win the war for the allies.
Una banda de música nazi (donde destacan Hirohito tocando la tuba, Göring tocando la flauta travesera, Goebbels tocando el trombón y Mussolini con el bombo) empieza a tocar una canción (en la cual dicen estar orgullosos de hacer "Heil en el rostro de Hitler" y definen como un "super-hombre" a todos los de raza aria) que despierta al pato Donald, lo que da lugar a numerosas situaciones.
Goofy se prepara para un día de pesca llevando todos los utensilios necesarios para ello. Con lo que no cuenta es con su desconocimiento y su poca habilidad para pescar.
En esta ocasión Goofy nos enseña cómo nadar, aunque sus peripecias son del todo infructuosas.
Goofy hace un recorrido por la historia de los Juegos Olímpicos y sus deportes más destacados de la manera que sólo él sabría hacer.
Goofy enseña cómo se juega al béisbol. Juega todas las posiciones para ambos equipos y muestra diferentes tipos de lanzamientos.
En esta mezcla de acción real y animación, la acción se traslada a Sudamérica. Desde los Andes hasta Río de Janeiro, pasando por las pampas de Argentina, el pato Donald y Goofy corren divertidas aventuras .
American cowboy Goofy gets taken mysteriously to the Argentine pampas to learn the ways of the native gaucho.
Goofy takes a lighthearted look at self defense through the ages: cavemen, knights, the age of chivalry, and finally boxing.
Goofy, descansando en un hotel en plena montaña, demuestra los conceptos básicos del esquí. El equipamiento es el de la época, y con él se evidencia que Goofy tiene muchos problemas para esquiar. El salto de esquí final lleva a Goofy al lugar del que nunca debería haber salido.
Las cigüeñas llegan, como todos los años, hasta un pintoresco circo para repartir los bebés a sus respectivas mamás. La señora Dumbo, una elefanta, descubre que su bebé tiene unas orejas enormes; todas sus compañeras se ríen de él, pero la señora Dumbo lo defiende siempre, hasta el punto de ser encerrada por enfrentarse a todo aquel que se mofe de su retoño. El pequeño Dumbo, maltratado y ridiculizado por todos sus compañeros, sólo cuenta con la ayuda de un minúsculo ratoncito llamado Timothy, que decide hacer de él una estrella del circo.
Aided by his horse, Percy, Goofy takes horsemanship to a new level.
Goofy has to get a box belonging to a magician in time for the next train to pick the baggage. Clumsy Goofy drops the box and a lot of magician's props appear.
Goofy tiene en mente un nuevo reto, volar su propia avioneta.
Ni Donald ni los patodioses del Olimpo son capaces de aguantar más los horribles conciertos de trombón de Pete.
Ni Donald ni los patodioses del Olimpo son capaces de aguantar más los horribles conciertos de trombón de Pete.
Un anciano llamado Geppetto fabrica una marioneta de madera a la que llama Pinocho, con la esperanza de que se convierta en un niño de verdad. El Hada Azul hace realidad su deseo y da vida a Pinocho, pero conserva su cuerpo de madera. Pepito Grillo, la conciencia de Pinocho, tendrá que aconsejarlo para que se aleje de las situaciones difíciles o peligrosas hasta conseguir que el muñeco se convierta en un niño de carne y hueso.
Cuando un gigante amenaza al reino, un campesino malinterpreta la fanfarronada de Mickey de haber matado siete moscas de un soplido, interpretando que hablaba de gigantes. Ésto llega a oídos del Rey, y Mickey se ve forzado a pelar contra el gigante.
Mickey se compra una caravana último modelo, y se va de viaje en ella con Goofy, al volante, y Donald
Goofy y Donald se disfrazan de alce, para hacer de señuelo de alces para Mickey.
Donals es un fontanero que usa un imán muy potente como herramienta de trabajo. En un momento dado, el imán se le cae, y esto le provocará muchos problemas chistosos a Pluto.
Cookies, pastries, and other desserts have a parade.
Mickey, Goofy y Donald tienen 10 minutos para arreglar el coche de Pete si no quieren buscarse un buen problema.
Mickey está intentando dirigir un concierto de la 'Overtura de Guillermo Tell', pero el vendedor de helados Donald no hace más que interrumpirle
Minnie es molestada por Pete. Por suerte para ella, Mickey, un vaquero solitario, está por el lugar para ayudarla a salir del apuro.
A group of confectionary soldiers go to war against a neighboring cookie castle.
The elderly owner of a china shop leaves for the night, and the various figurines and decorated mugs come to life. A demonic figure captures an upper-class lady and does battle with her lord, damaging much of the shop. But the demon proves to have a glass jaw and, literally, a yellow streak, and the happy couple is soon reunited. No dialogue, but some signs are in English, particularly the final punch-line.
Mickey ha construido un robot para competir en el ring de boxeo contra el gorila gigante, el Kongo Killer.
Mickey deberá entregar un paquete usando su avioneta como medio de transporte.
Two birds rejoice over the hatching of their three eggs; as they grow, the hatchlings are taught to sing and fly. One falls from the nest and has adventures with a rattlesnake and a beehive before finding his way home.
Los pequeños ayudantes de Santa deben darse prisa para terminar los juguetes antes del día de Navidad.