When his son accidentally kills someone, a lawyer must defend the man wrongly charged with the murder.
Damasco, 1925. Harry Smith (Bogart), un despiadado contrabandista de armas, necesita un salvoconducto para salir de Damasco y no tiene más remedio que recurrir a su máximo rival, el coronel francés Feroud (Lee J. Cobb), que lo chantajea exigiéndole a cambio una importante información militar...
Steele, un guionista con fama de conflictivo y violento, tiene que afrontar la difícil tarea de adaptar un best-seller de nula calidad literaria. Casualmente se entera de que Mildred, la chica del guardarropa del club que frecuenta, ha leído la obra en cuestión. Decide entonces llevársela a su casa para que le cuente el argumento. Pero, a la mañana siguiente, la policía se presenta en su casa y le comunica que Mildred ha sido asesinada, y Steele se convierte en el principal sospechoso.
A recently divorced couple see things differently after learning they are going to be parents.
Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el piloto Joe Barrett vuelve a Tokio buscando las raíces de su pasado. Una enorme sorpresa le aguarda: la novia que daba por muerta está viva y casada con otro hombre, y un siniestro criminal ha decidido chantajear a Joe para que pilote un vuelo clandestino transportando a unos peligrosos fugitivos de la ley. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un prestigioso abogado liberal, surgido de los barrios bajos y la pobreza, asume la defensa de un joven delincuente acusado de asesinar a un policía.
Aircraft workers during during World War II become involved in a love triangle.
Associate Producer
Historia de un médico del ejército americano que investiga los mareos y desvanecimientos que sufren los pilotos cuando vuelan a gran altura. Basada en hechos reales, fue estrenada meses antes del ataque japonés contra Pearl Harbor.
Associate Producer
Errol Flynn es un superficial caballero de la alta sociedad. Su carácter frívolo poco hace sospechar a los que le rodean que tiene una doble vida. Compagina su faceta más exclusiva con una labor como escritor de novelas de misterio y colaborador de la policía.
Associate Producer
La fría y calculadora esposa del propietario de una plantación de caucho en Malasia asesina a un hombre, supuestamente en defensa propia. Pero, de repente, aparece una comprometedora carta cuyo contenido echa por tierra la versión de los hechos de la protagonista.
Associate Producer
Gaylord escribe una obra de teatro que triunfa en Broadway. Todo le va a las mil maravillas porque además consigue casarse con la chica a la que ama y que es quien ha protagonizado la historia. El éxito sobre los escenarios se sucede con nuevas obras pero las cosas cambian cuando decide olvidarse de las comedias e intentar escribir una buena tragedia. El nuevo reto
Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another.
Associate Producer
Londres, 1596. El conde de Essex, Robert Devreaux (Errol Flynn) llega victorioso con sus tropas después de derrotar a los españoles en Cádiz. No obstante, el recibimiento que le dispensa la reina Isabel I (Bette Davis) no será agradable debido a los altos costes de la batalla. Las relaciones entre la soberana y el conde irán de la tensión al afecto, según traten asuntos políticos o sentimentales, respectivamente.
Mezcla de biografía histórica y drama romántico que narra las relaciones de amor y odio entre la ya madura Isabel I Tudor, reina de Inglaterra e Irlanda (1558-1603) y Robert Devereux, el elegante Conde de Essex.
Associate Producer
Kansas, 1866. Wade Hatton intenta imponer el orden y la justicia en Dodge City, una próspera ciudad a la que llega el ferrocarril, pero que está dominada por un cacique y su banda de pistoleros. En su empeño le ayuda Abby Irving, la sobrina del médico local.
Associate Producer
Remake del filme bélico homónimo dirigido por Howard Hawks en 1930. Un oficial británico al mando de un escuadrón de pilotos novatos se verá obligado a ordenar a sus inexpertos hombres que se enfrenten a los veteranos aviadores alemanes.
El eminente doctor Clitterhouse (Edward G. Robinson) llega más lejos que todos sus colegas en su afán por desentrañar el misterio que hace que un hombre se convierta en un delincuente. Propulsor de un particular método y, convencido de que él es el mejor sujeto de experimentación, decide llevar a cabo una extraña prueba que le permita concluir si el hombre cae en el delito por necesidad o por la sublimación de los sentidos.
Associate Producer
When upper-class Parisian Charles Dupont and his family hire Tina and Michel as their servants, they have no idea that the domestics are in fact Tatiana, the Grand Duchess Petrovna, and her husband, Mikail, Prince Ouratieff. Recent exiles from the Russian Revolution, Tatiana and Mikail befriend the Dupont family, keeping their true identities a secret -- until one night when Soviet official Gorotchenko arrives for dinner.
Associate Producer
Mary Donnell es una joven viuda que trabaja como secretaria del abogado Lloyd Rogers, un hombre casado pero secretamente enamorado de ella. Cuando Jack Merrick, hijo de uno de los clientes más importantes de Rogers, regresa de Europa, le declara su amor a Mary, que acepta huir con él y casarse esa misma noche.
When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.
When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.
Supervising Dialogue Editor
A Broadway show is forced to bow to the whims of a talentless, whacky, but rich, Broadway actress with a contract.
A Broadway show is forced to bow to the whims of a talentless, whacky, but rich, Broadway actress with a contract.
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
When his fiancée Valentine dumps him, prominent lawyer Geoffrey Sherwood goes on a bender and winds up married to a stranger, Miriam Brady. They decide to give their marriage a chance. Their landlady, a one-time Floradora girl, offers to help Miriam become refined. Successful again, Geoffrey is approached ("if only we were free") by Valentine. Miriam tells Valentine off in no uncertain terms. Geoffrey moves into his club where Valentine's husband tells him he is a fool to leave Miriam
Romance strikes when a vacationing millionairess and her daughter and son spend their vacation at a posh New England resort.
Johnny Ramirez (Paul Muni), un abogado formado en la escuela nocturna y excluido de la práctica legal, acepta un empleo como matón en el casino de Charlie Roark (Eugene Pallete), situado en las afueras. Allí se hace indispensable que, al poco tiempo, se convierte en socio del mismo. Marie (Bette Davis), la atractiva pero inestable esposa de Roark, muestra un romántico interés por Johnny, pero éste esquiva sus insinuaciones y centra su atención en Dale Elwell (Margaret Lindsay), una mujer de la alta sociedad que, aficionada a los barrios bajos, frecuenta los antros de las afueras de la ciudad.
A reformer's daughter wins the lead role in a scandalous Broadway show.
Supervising Producer
Hasta la fecha Bill se ha dedicado a redactar textos de anuncios, pero su esposa Nan, que confía mucho en su valía, le anima a que ponga en marcha su propia agencia de publicidad. Las cosas no son tan sencillas, pero conseguirá un cliente para el que hace un anuncio de gran éxito; lo malo es que quien le ha ayudado es una antigua novia, Patricia, que disputará con Nan por el amor de Bill.
Hasta la fecha Bill se ha dedicado a redactar textos de anuncios, pero su esposa Nan, que confía mucho en su valía, le anima a que ponga en marcha su propia agencia de publicidad. Las cosas no son tan sencillas, pero conseguirá un cliente para el que hace un anuncio de gran éxito; lo malo es que quien le ha ayudado es una antigua novia, Patricia, que disputará con Nan por el amor de Bill.
Un actor de teatro de reconocido prestigio ve como su hermana, también actriz, cambia totalmente de personalidad cuando se reencuentra ésta con su marido, al que creía muerto.
A safecracker goes straight after doing a stretch for a bum rap. He agrees to do one last job for his "pals".
A safecracker goes straight after doing a stretch for a bum rap. He agrees to do one last job for his "pals".
Production Supervisor
Val takes the assistance of a society reporter and a journalist to investigate the disappearance of her half-sister Arlene, a wealthy socialite who is involved in criminal activities.
An heiress abandons an out-of-work husband, two sons and a lovesick daughter.
Production Supervisor
Un magnate del ferrocarril es chantajeado por el novio y manager de la chica con la que comete adulterio.
Three couples raise a ruckus when they travel to Nevada for quickie divorces.
Three couples raise a ruckus when they travel to Nevada for quickie divorces.
Jimmy Corrigan (James Cagney), un tipo sin escrúpulos, tiene una agencia que se dedica a buscar en la prensa diaria gente que ha muerto dejando una herencia que nadie reclama. Su plan consiste en “fabricar” a los herederos adecuados para quedarse él con la herencia. Pero sus perfectos planes acaban torciéndose.
Durante una convención de una empresa de neumáticos, se suceden toda clase de desmanes sexuales y alcohólicos.
Ambicioso largometraje que engloba a tres generaciones de la familia Nordholm en sesenta años de historia. Una saga que arranca con cierto toque de western, al presentar una granja de Dakota del Sur, donde el joven Orin marcha en busca de mejores oportunidades de vida. Una vez instalado en Chicago alcanza un gran éxito al inventar un sistema de refrigeración para automóviles. Cuando todo parece irle sobre ruedas (nunca mejor dicho), el crack del 29 le golpea duramente.
Chester Kent está agotado y acorralado, se le han acabado las ideas y tiene solo unos días para preparar tres musicales para un productor de Hollywood. Para empeorar la situación tiene un espía que le entrega sus nuevas ideas a sus rivales. Su secretaria, Nan Prescott, está enamorada de él y junto con el resto de su leal equipo le ayudarán a salir adelante.
Chester Kent está agotado y acorralado, se le han acabado las ideas y tiene solo unos días para preparar tres musicales para un productor de Hollywood. Para empeorar la situación tiene un espía que le entrega sus nuevas ideas a sus rivales. Su secretaria, Nan Prescott, está enamorada de él y junto con el resto de su leal equipo le ayudarán a salir adelante.
A woman doctor decides to have a baby without benefit of marriage.
Tom Holmes is someone guided by honesty and moral rectitude, a heroic veteran of the World War I marked by the unbearable suffering caused by his battle wounds, a traumatized but courageous man who will experience, in the years to come, the pain of misfortune but also the happiness of success and hope and love for other human beings.
En plena época de la Gran Depresión, Dick Powell es un compositor de canciones que se rebela contra sus adinerados padres para poder casarse con la corista Ruby Keeler. Musical de la Warner con espectaculares coreografías de Busby Berkeley. Obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Prohibition is ending so bootlegger Bugs Ahearn decides to crack California society. He leases a house from down-on-her-luck Ruth and hires her as social secretary. He rescues Polly Cass from a horsefall and goes home to meet her dad who sells him some phony stock certificates. When he learns about this he sends to Chicago for mob help.
Chandler, a con-man, and his helper Frank decide to create a clairvoyant act for the carny circuit, as a little research reveals Ameicans spent $125 million on mind-readers and astrology. The carny, renamed Chandra, falls for one of his marks, Sylvia, but their love is tested when he brings tragedy to other peoples' lives and she asks him to go straight.
James Cagney interpreta a un agente de prensa que se convierte en promotor de un maratón de baile.
Jenny está embarazada de un joven que muere en el terremoto de San Francisco de 1906 y, después de dar a luz, decide poner a su hijo bajo la custodia de un matrimonio rico. Años después, gracias a la protección de un político corrupto, se convierte en la principal 'madame' de San Francisco, además de participar en diversas actividades ilegales. Su hijo, ya adulto, se propone acabar con la corrupción y los negocios sucios, sin sospechar que su propia madre está implicada en ellos.
Tom Connors, un preso a quien se concede un permiso para visitar a su novia herida, se ve involucrado en una pelea con un mafioso, a quien su novia mata de un disparo. Connors huye del lugar del crimen por una ventana y, cuando regresa a prisión, es culpado del asesinato y condenado a la silla electrica.
A newlywed couple journeys west to make their fortune, and begins a banking empire.
Two men bear the name Joe Holt. One is a shipping clerk, the other a champion Canadian swimmer. When a socialite gets them confused, thinking the clerk is the inventor of an unsinkable swim suit, she enters him in a 20 mile swim race.
Dan Hardesty, un hombre sobre quien pesa una acusación de asesinato, viaja en un barco escoltado por un policía, haciendo una travesía desde Hong Kong a la prisión norteamericana de San Quintín. Durante el viaje conoce a Joan, una muchacha gravemente enferma del corazón, de la que se enamora. Dan intenta fugarse, pero regresa al ver que Joan está sufriendo un ataque. Es entonces cuando planean fugarse a México. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dan Hardesty, un hombre sobre quien pesa una acusación de asesinato, viaja en un barco escoltado por un policía, haciendo una travesía desde Hong Kong a la prisión norteamericana de San Quintín. Durante el viaje conoce a Joan, una muchacha gravemente enferma del corazón, de la que se enamora. Dan intenta fugarse, pero regresa al ver que Joan está sufriendo un ataque. Es entonces cuando planean fugarse a México. (FILMAFFINITY)
Nightclub singer Joan Gordon runs away from her gangster boyfriend to become a mail-order bride to a struggling North Dakota farmer. Their relationship has a rocky start, but just as Joan realizes she's developing feelings for her husband, her old boyfriend arrives to win her back.
Overworked boxer Jim goes to a health ranch in New Mexico to recover where he falls in love with Peggy and her sickly son. Once recovered, Jim leaves to return to the ring. Can their romance survive the distance?
A female editor of a magazine falls in love with her male secretary.
Scotty, an unwilling Navy war hero is cast into the limelight. He wants to get married and be an engineer, but is forced to fulfil the expectations of the public, his employer and his PR agent, which he hates. Although he and his long time girlfriend Janet love each other, they are pressured to marry before they are ready. The strain takes its toll on both of them.
Joe Grant is an inventor, fireman and baseball player in his small hometown. He gets an offer to play in a big team and hopes to get more money for his inventions. But Joe's invited to present his invention to a fire extinguisher company at the same time when he is supposed to play. Will he be able to show the effectiveness of his invention and win the game?
Joe Grant is an inventor, fireman and baseball player in his small hometown. He gets an offer to play in a big team and hopes to get more money for his inventions. But Joe's invited to present his invention to a fire extinguisher company at the same time when he is supposed to play. Will he be able to show the effectiveness of his invention and win the game?
Amidst a backdrop of growing violence and intimidation, independent cab drivers struggling against a consolidated juggernaut rally around hot-tempered Matt Nolan. Nolan is determined to keep competition alive on the streets, even if it means losing the woman he loves.
Director Lloyd Bacon's 1931 drama takes a different look at the Broadway arena by focusing on the owners of a theatrical costume shop.
John is a timid student who works at the University Book Store. He is studying to be a botanist and has a secret crush on the lovely Julia. One day, one of his letters gets accidentally mailed and Julia receives it. When the letter says that he is a fraternity man and a big track star, Julia rushes right over to see him. But John is neither and Spike, Julia's boyfriend, is a track star at a nearby College. John does not want to enter the track meet so Julia tries to use psychology on him. That and a good wrestling hold makes John timidly agree to enter the race, but Spike still scares him.
The wealthy von Wellingens are shocked when the father of their son Fred's fiancée Lia juggles desserts at a formal dinner. They encourage Fred to break the engagement. Lia goes to Berlin to marry a Baron von Schwarzdorf, and Fred arrives too late to stop the marriage.
El editor de un importante periódico quiere aumentar sus ventas y para ello decide sacar a la luz un caso de asesinato de hace 20 años. La autora fue Nancy Voorhees, que disparó contra su amante. Pero ahora, años después, ella es una feliz madre de familia que no quiere remover su pasado.
A mob boss has a change of heart when his daughter convinces him to move on from crime.
Una universitaria utiliza su cerebro y sus piernas para conquistar el mundo de los negocios.
A man is mistaken for a champion fighter.
A night club singer falls for a gangster.
Uncle Claude comes to the Ardmore Beach Hotel to see Tommy and his wife. At the hotel, with his two granddaughters Ruth and Sally, Uncle Claude meets a wise talking employee named Letty, which causes him to leave the hotel. When he finds Tommy, he mistakes Grace for his wife and likes her and the way she keeps a clean house. To get a big check from Uncle Claude and to see how life is with the other, the two couples switch spouses for a week.
Three Broadway chorus girls seek rich husbands.
Scenario Writer
With unpaid actors and staff, the stage show Phantom Sweetheart seems doomed. To complicate matters, the box office takings have been robbed and the leading lady refuses to appear. Can the show be saved?
Scenario Writer
A musical comedy that follows the progress of a college All America football player whose swollen head is deflated when, after graduating , he takes a job as a Wall Street stock salesman. While poor at selling, he knows how to charm women and his boss has him concentrate his efforts on disposing of bad stock to gullible females, one of whom turns out to be the wife of his boss. The film is considered lost, with only its soundtrack remaining.
No Defense is a 1929 romantic drama directed by Lloyd Bacon and starring Monte Blue. It was a silent film with part talking and sound-effects by the Vitaphone Company. It was distributed by Warner Brothers.
A Southern Belle must work in a gambling house to pay off her father's debts, which drove him to suicide. She then meets a man who sweeps her off her feet and takes her away from it all.
When a taxi carrying socialite Ruth Darrow drives into the middle of a gun battle between hijacker Kid Gloves and a trio of bootleggers, Ruth is injured. She is taken to a nearby apartment, and The Kid helps to care for her. John Stone, Ruth's fiance and a bootlegger with a respectable front, finds them together and blackmails The Kid into marrying the girl.
Bill Holmes rescues Rinty from a car wreck not realizing that there is a stolen $50,000 diamond necklace hidden in the dog's collar.
A train engineer and his fireman are best friends until the engineer breaks up a romance between his pal and a trampy girl he knows is no good for him, which also breaks up their friendship.
Fannie Brand, an industrious girl who supports her brother and sister by working in a theatrical costume house, falls in love with Joe Halsey, a young fellow who earns a precarious living demonstrating an elastic exerciser in a drugstore window. Fannie and Joe set a date to be married, but the wedding is called off when Fannie finds Joe making love to her unprincipled sister, Edna. Fannie auditions for Landau, a theatrical producer, and goes on the Broadway stage. Fannie is a great success, and she and Joe soon find their way back into each other's arms.
A man is put on trial for the murder of his best friend. A young attorney wants to become successful and decides to defend him. However, he is very inexperienced.
A young doctor is accused by his pretty wife of paying too much attention to one of his woman patients when she makes a pass at him. Ferris, assuming that her husband is having an affair, decides to have one herself with a perfumer.
Women They Talk About is a part-talkie Vitaphone film, with talking, music and sound effects sequences, starring Irene Rich, directed by Lloyd Bacon and produced and distributed by Warner Bros. It is considered to be a lost film.
Lois, a stenographer at a luxury hotel, is being pursued by the hotel's house detective and a bellhop. When some valuable jewels are stolen, the bellhop--who has always dreamed of being a detective--sees his chance to both solve the jewel robbery and impress the woman he loves. The house detective, however, has other ideas.
Lois, a stenographer at a luxury hotel, is being pursued by the hotel's house detective and a bellhop. When some valuable jewels are stolen, the bellhop--who has always dreamed of being a detective--sees his chance to both solve the jewel robbery and impress the woman he loves. The house detective, however, has other ideas.
Judge Ross, on the Federal Bench, rules in favor of a large company in litigation before him, unaware that a smaller company in which he owns considerable stock has been subsumed by the larger firm, thus creating the appearance of a conflict of interests. When one of the Judge's enemies plots to ruin the Judge over this apparent improper behavior, Judge Ross's daughter Shirley sets out to prove her father's innocence.
El famoso actor de teatro Don Wilson (Walker), después de los ensayos de una nueva obra, sale de excursión con unos amigos. En las afueras de la ciudad encuentran un teatro ambulante en el que actúa una compañía de aficionados, cuya primera actriz, Ginger Bolivar (Love), contrata a Don como actor secundario. Con él representan ante el productor Arnold Wingate (Hilliard) el melodrama “Guerra Civil”. El productor cree que es una magnífica comedia cómica, por lo que ofrece a la compañía un contrato para actuar en Broadway.
Rex Hale, a reform mayor, closes the musical comedy "Powder My Back" because he feels that it is immoral. Indignant, Fritzi Foy, star of the comedy, determines to revenge herself on Hale. Gaining entrance to his home by pretending to be injured in an automobile accident, Fritzi has Claude, her press agent, masquerade as a doctor and advise that she should not be disturbed until she has completely recovered. Hale is enraged, but his son, Jack, falls in love with Fritzi though he is already engaged to Ruth Stevens, an attractive flapper. When she sees that her plan has caused unhappiness for an innocent person, Fritzi dissuades Jack, who returns to his old sweetheart; she ends up with the mayor.
Scenario Writer
Rich girl Joan Whitney does her flirtatious best to break up the marriage of May and Ted Howard and almost succeeds, but not before May Howard has a light flirtation with a light-in-the-slippers specimen named Claude.
Rich girl Joan Whitney does her flirtatious best to break up the marriage of May and Ted Howard and almost succeeds, but not before May Howard has a light flirtation with a light-in-the-slippers specimen named Claude.
Scenario Writer
Businessman Lefty Malone decides to become a prizefight, has his head turned by instant success, falls for the wrong woman, Kitty, then realizes the error of his ways, and finds true love with Molly O'Rourke.
Businessman Lefty Malone decides to become a prizefight, has his head turned by instant success, falls for the wrong woman, Kitty, then realizes the error of his ways, and finds true love with Molly O'Rourke.
Scenario Writer
Tom Grant saves Grace Percival from being tromped by a herd of stampeding horses,led by Tony, and they become friends. Grace tells Slade, a renegade who has been trying to capture Tony, the leader of the wild horses, that Tom has promised to capture Tony for her. Not if Slade has anything to say about he isn't.
A dramatic recreation of the Johnstown Flood of 1889.
Based on a story by Robert Lord, the film is about a ranch foreman who assumes responsibility for the ranch following the owner's death. He also cares for the owner's daughter who is taken to Europe by an aunt. Two year later the woman returns from Europe with her new wealthy fiancée and plans to hold their wedding at the ranch, which the foreman has turned into a successful tourist destination. The foreman's feelings for the woman have not been diminished by the years, and after learning some damaging information about the fiancée, the foreman must find a way to stop the wedding. (Wiki)