Morgan Alling

Morgan Alling

Nacimiento : 1968-06-08, Mölndal, Göteborg och Bohus län, Sweden


Morgan Alling
Morgan Alling


A través de los ojos de un matrimonio en crisis y mediante divertidos dioramas, la directora Tuva Novotny examina la vida en pareja y la monogamia, y nos lleva a reflexionar sobre qué es verdaderamente el "comportamiento natural humano".
Bamse and the Thunderbell
Lille Skutt (voice)
Bamse's friends go on a quest to find the Thunderbell, the ingredient that makes Bamse strong. Meanwhile, the sly Reinard pretends to be a good guy to supplant Bamse as the hero of the town and win the affections of Mickelina.
A VHS collector with a drinking problem finds a valuable movie that could save his terrible economical situation. The film disappears. He suspects it is stolen and starts a hunt after a perpetrator.
Bamse and the Witch's Daughter
Lille Skutt (voice)
In Bamse and the Witch’s daughter Croesus Vole finds gold in the beavers' dam. To demolish the dam and get the gold he tricks the witch's daughter Lova to enchant Bamse. With Bamse gone, it's up to the children to help each other to stop Croesus - but to do that they have to be friends.
Cirkus Imago - en chans på miljonen
It's a festival in the city. The crowd enjoying the jesters, firefighters and jugglers, cheering and laughing. But everyone is not having fun, Dag is fleeing from the cruel circus director Machiavelli. With the help of his new found friends Anna and Morgan he manages to escape to Circus Imago. But Machiavelli does not intend to give up the chase so easily.
Cirkus Imago - en chans på miljonen
It's a festival in the city. The crowd enjoying the jesters, firefighters and jugglers, cheering and laughing. But everyone is not having fun, Dag is fleeing from the cruel circus director Machiavelli. With the help of his new found friends Anna and Morgan he manages to escape to Circus Imago. But Machiavelli does not intend to give up the chase so easily.
Cirkus Imago - en chans på miljonen
It's a festival in the city. The crowd enjoying the jesters, firefighters and jugglers, cheering and laughing. But everyone is not having fun, Dag is fleeing from the cruel circus director Machiavelli. With the help of his new found friends Anna and Morgan he manages to escape to Circus Imago. But Machiavelli does not intend to give up the chase so easily.
Los Andersson en la nieve
pappa Rudolf
Esta ocasión sitúa a la familia en las montañas por un capricho de Sune. Su amada Sophie se va a esquiar con un atlético y apuesto compañero de clase, así que Sune convence a toda la familia para seguir a la chica, a pesar de que no puedan permitirse un viaje de ese tipo y, además, no saben esquiar. Una vez allí, las dos familias deberán compartir cabaña, y no será fácil, mientras que Sune solamente tendrá en mente un objetivo: ¡recuperar a Sophie!
The First AD
A Swedish independent comedy about power. The 25-year-old idealist ANTON is First AD (First Assistant Director) on a feature film shooting. 10-year-old lead character KLARA has a strong fairness pathos and she and Anton become friends during filming. Anton's role as leader of the shooting is torpedoed from all sides and he gets more and more broken down by the job - and one day he just snaps! Klara sees what happens and is forced to use the great power she actually has, to really make a change.
Bamse and the Thief City
Lille Skutt (voice)
Sweden's most popular comic book character - the bear Bamse - will now get his first own feature film. In "Bamse and the city of thieves" the strongest bear in the world and his two friends Little Hopp and Shellman show that the best weapon against evil is -friendship (and a few drops of Grandma's Thunder Honey of course).
Los Andersson: Road Movie
Rudolf se entera por casualidad de que una pintura del artista Bengt Johansson, que él y Karin consiguieron en su luna de miel, tiene un valor superior a 900.000 coronas. Sólo hay un problema: el artista no la firmó. Es por eso que Rudolf decide llevar por carretera a toda su familia de regreso a la aldea en la que encontraron la pintura, situada en el Sur del Tirol. Así, el artista podrá firmarla fácilmente y ¡se harán ricos!
Los Andersson en Grecia
pappa Rudolf
Como cada verano, la familia Andersson se va de vacaciones a Myggträsk, una pequeña isla cerca de donde viven en Suecia, a bordo de una caravana. Pero tanto Karin, la madre, como sus tres hijos, Sune, Håkan Bråkan y Anna, no soportan más las vacaciones en ese lugar. Un día, Rudolf, padre de la familia, asesor fiscal, recibe de su jefe la oportunidad de asistir a un congreso en Grecia. Animado por estas circunstancias, Rudolf decide llevarse a su familia de vacaciones a Grecia. Y con un "todo incluido". Pero un golpe de mala suerte echa para atrás los planes de Rudolf por agradar a su familia, que están expectantes con el nuevo viaje, porque es su jefe quien finalmente asistirá al congreso. Así pues, y para no decepcionar a su familia, Rudolf sigue adelante con el plan establecido y reúne el dinero suficiente para pagar el viaje. Una vez allí, la familia se embarcará en una aventura llena de sorpresas.
Arn 2
Eskil Magnusson
En 1192, Arn vuelve a su tierra con grandes proyectos y una enorme fortuna para hacerlos realidad. Sueña con volver a ver a su amada Cecilia y formar una familia; además, desea restablecer la paz entre los linajes enfrentados. Gracias a todo lo que ha aprendido en sus años de exilio y al grupo de constructores, artesanos y médicos, tanto cristianos como musulmanes, que ha traído consigo, creará el reino de Suecia, que marca el comienzo de una nueva época en Europa.
Between 11 and 12
A common day in Stockholm some people face major changes. The owner of a fur shop meets an animal rights activist. A priest has restrictions on Saint Lucy's Day. An old woman evicts and a young man disappoints his father.
Arn - The Full Story
Eskil Magnusson
Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. This is the international cut of the two movies Arn: The Knight Templar and Arn: The Kingdom at Road's End. The movie is cut to fit a higher tempo, but lacks some of the details and depth of the original story.
Arn: El caballero templario
Eskil Magnusson
Arn, hijo de un noble sueco de alto rango, es educado en un monasterio en el arte de la lucha con espada y en el estudio de los libros, al cruzar miradas con una joven de una familia rival su destino lo llevara a tierras lejanas.
Lögnens pris
Who Pulled the Plug? 2
Röde Börje
Andersson's boatyard remains after 25 years, still chased by the same stringent, but misfortuned debt collector. TV producer Vonna Jigert wants Andersson to compete against an Italian company and their boat Fortuna in a race on Göta Kanal – live on TV. The race is broadcasted as a reality show. Same gangly canoer like 25 years ago also has a canoeing vacation on the canal when the race starts.
Lovisa och Carl Michael
Bellman and his wife Lovisa live in a loving marriage, but in extreme poverty. They struggle to keep the family together and Lovisa tries to persuade Bellman to perform in order to earn a livelihood.
God Save the King
A story about a young girl who leaves her hometown to pursue her dream of becoming a famous punk artist.
Lars Sillén
The young code breaker Karnell works in the Swedish intelligence service during the Cold War. Having cracked a secret code he is drawn into a conspiracy that stretches throughout the Baltic Sea. It turns out that there is a leak codenamed Ramona within the organization and now they have to stop Ramona before it wrecks havoc.
Inspector Wallander: La leona blanca
En Cape Town, un inspector de policía de color llamado Septiembre descubre que el temido Mabasha, asesino a sueldo, está en tratos con una organización de extrema derecha. En Escania, al suroeste de Suecia, se da a la agente inmobiliaria Louise Åkerblom por desaparecida y el caso se asigna al inspector Wallander. Nada más comenzar la investigación un edificio supuestamente vacío explota. Un arma inusual, un transmisor ruso y el dedo índice de un hombre de color son encontrados en los restos del edificio…