Bob Franklin

Bob Franklin


Bob Franklin


Jack Irish: Black Tide
Brendan O'Grady
Jack Irish has no shortage of friends, but family members are few and far between. His wife was murdered by an ex-client and his father is a fading photo on the pubs football wall of fame. So when Des Connors, the last link to his dad, calls to ask for help in the matter of a missing son, Jack is more than happy to lend a hand. But sometimes prodigal sons go missing for a reason... As Jack begins to dig, he discovers that Gary Connors was a man with something to hide, and his friends are people with yet darker and even more deadly secrets.
The Last Confession of Alexander Pearce
Mathew Travers
Eight men escape from the most isolated prison on earth. Only one man survives and the story he recounts shocks the British establishment to the core. This story is the last confession of Alexander Pearce.
Bobby Mac
They were the hottest thing in the eighties, the pin-up boys on every teenage girl’s wall. And with hits like “Tough Titties” and “BoyTown”, they cemented their reputation as the biggest boy band on the planet. Now two decades later, BoyTown are back – they may be the Old Kids on the Block and a bit Out of Synch, but these Boys to Men are ready to suck in the gut, put on the pastels and get those middle aged women crying for more!
Adaptación moderna del "Macbeth" de Shakespeare ambientada en el mundo de las bandas de Melbourne. Tras un enfrentamiento con una banda rival, tres extrañas y misteriosas mujeres convencen a Macbeth, fiel secuaz del jefe mafioso Duncan, de que un día será muy poderoso. Su ambición se despierta, avivada por su bella mujer que es drogadicta y sufre una depresión por la muerte de su bebé. Lady Macbeth trama un plan para matar a Duncan y dejar a Macbeth al frente de la banda. Macbeth es reacio al plan, pero su obsesión por Lady Macbeth le llevará a ejecutar el plan, que traerá más atrocidades y venganzas.
Bad Eggs
Mike Paddock
Ben Kinnear and Mike Paddock are two undercover detectives with way too much publicity, who find they can no longer turn a blind eye to the corruption in the police force.
Super Disco Killer
En un pequeño pueblo de Australia, un psicópata asesino esta al acecho. Se trata, nada más y nada menos, que de un fanático ”Village People”, el mítico grupo discotequero de los 70. Todas las víctimas tienen una referencia clara con cada uno de los miembros que formaban el grupo. El asesino primero mata a un motorista, después a un albañil, luego a un cowboy, más tarde a un indio y finalmente a un marinero. Por lógica, su siguiente objetivo está claro: uno de los dos policías del pueblo. Éstos, si no quieren ser asesinados, tendrán que descubrir cuanto antes quién es el psicópata.
Guru Wayne
Detective Lee
Guru Wayne follows the fortunes of Dave, a frustrated Uni student, and Gary his dead-beat, drug dealing mate. In a moment of madness, they dream up a brand new cult. To their utter amazement - it catches on!
The Craic
Script Consultant
When Fergus and Wesley get in the bad books of a local rough in their home town in Northern Ireland they decide to flee to Australia. After making a new life for themselves in Sydney they soon outstay their visas and must go on the run again, this time from the immigration officials.
The Craic
When Fergus and Wesley get in the bad books of a local rough in their home town in Northern Ireland they decide to flee to Australia. After making a new life for themselves in Sydney they soon outstay their visas and must go on the run again, this time from the immigration officials.