Dr. Treweek
Elizabeth Hunter, una mujer de extraordinaria belleza, ejerce un férreo control sobre todo lo que la rodea: hijos, servicio, actos sociales; pero pronto tendrá que hacer frente al mayor reto de su vida: decidir el momento para morir.
In the world's first media interview, shot in Paris in August 1886, the great photographer Nadar interviews the famous scientist and sceptic Chevreul on his 100th birthday. In their own words - originally recorded in shorthand - they discuss photography, colour theory, Moliere, the scientific method, the crazy ideas of balloonists, and - of course - how to live for 100 years. These two legends of the 19th century have a lively and interesting conversation. One was born before the French revolution; the other was destined to see the marvels of the aeroplane and the movies.
Douglas Huyghue
The Eureka Stockade was a civilian revolt against the gold licence. Drawings and archival photographs depict the events that lead to the battle between gold miners and authorities at the Eureka Stockade. It describes the emergence of Peter Lalor as the leader of the Stockade and how the diggers used the Southern Cross flag.
Mr. King
Australia, 1958. When a nine year old white girl is found murdered, police are quick to arrest illiterate Aborigine, Max Stuart. Under interrogation Max admits to the killing. With a legal system compromised by intimidation tactics, the skills of his two gifted but naïve defense lawyers are put to the test.
Judge Bonaface
A lawyer becomes a fisherman from frustration. When his one piece of property, his boat, is struck by lightning and destroyed he is denied insurance money because it was “an act of God”. He re-registers as a lawyer and sues the insurance company and, as God’s representative, The Church.
Melbourne Detective #1
Danny vive en el 47 de una casa compartida. Obsesionado con los dilemas existenciales clásicos masculinos y los iconos que representan, Danny está intentando dar sentido a la extrañeza que produce el compartir su vida con completos extraños. Comenzando en el ambiente tropical de Brisbane, con una sobreabundancia de chicos, y una chica, Sam, Danny decide salvarse escribiendo una novela existencial. La llegada de Anya y un dilema del tipo 'Miami antivicio' relacionado con el alquiler, arroja su vida y, finalmente, la casa en la que vive, a la calle. 'House 48' está en Melbourne. Danny se encuentra ante una pesadilla kafkiana, donde toma el pulso a la ciudad con un par de detectives filosóficos y una colección 'hardcore' de sus seguidores, que en el estado de Victoria, la policía tiene una tendencia a disparar para matar. Escapa a Sydney, a 'House 49', y Danny se encuentra con un estilo de vida hetero-fascista.
Durante una expedición a la India, Ruth Barron cae bajo la influencia de un carismático gurú. Sus padres, desesperados, contratan entonces a P.J. Waters, un experto en sectas, que logra encontrar a Ruth en un refugio de un remoto desierto.
Aya, a young Japanese war bride, arrives in a small Australian town during the 1950s. She and her husband, Frank, are very much in love. Yet somehow Aya still feels more comfortable with the Japanese-speaking Mac, a close friend of Frank's, whose wartime experiences left him with a deep regard for Japanese culture. But Frank wants Aya to forget her Japanese past. Aya finds work in a Japanese restaurant and has a short affair with an Australian-Japanese businessman. With her marriage falling apart, Aya leaves Frank.
A married man meets a stunning brunette at an airport and has an affair with her. After a while though he wants to break it off but realises the woman will do anything to stay with him no matter who gets hurt.
Desmond Johnson
Danny wants two things in life more than anything else, one is a Jaguar and the other is Joanna Johnson. After he is conned into trading his Nissan Cedric for a 1973 Jaguar, he plots to win Joanna and get revenge against the sleazy car dealer Gordon Farkes.
George Coleman
On a TV tabloid show, Iya Zetnick exposes Joe Mueller as the Nazi war criminal who killed her family.
Durante unas vacaciones en la montaña, los Chamberlain pierden a su hija Azaria, una niña de pocos meses. La madre le cuenta a la policía que durante la noche oyó ruidos y vio cómo un dingo (un perro salvaje australiano) entraba en la tienda de campaña y se llevaba al bebé. Como, a pesar de la minuciosa búsqueda llevada a cabo por la policía, el cuerpo de la niña nunca se encontró, la madre acabó siendo acusada de asesinato.
Dr. Michael Millius
A new Premier is elected promising to clean up corruption. He sets up a taskforce headed by a traffic cop thinking he won’t get far. But Inspector Riordan opens up a can of worms and won’t let it go – all the way to the top.
Sergeant McCarthy
Corre el año 4039, la Tierra se ha convertido en un desolado campo de batalla. Hordas de robots asesinos creados por el hombre, tratan de imponer su particular reino del terror, destruyendo todo a su paso y amenazando con llevar a la humanidad a la extinción total. Como otras veces, la ciudad que guarda el arcano el tiempo, inicia un viaje al pasado en busca de una época segura. Esta vez, Ballard, el guardián del tiempo, es enviado a reconocer el terreno a finales del siglo XX. En pleno outback australiano conoce a la geóloga Annie Lassiter y juntos se embarcan en una desesperada lucha contra el reloj. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bob Leishman
Australia, 1962. Un niño ve cómo su amiga de toda la vida, hasta hace poco compañera inseparable de juegos, se está haciendo una mujercita que se enamora de un jugador de rugby.
Owen Owen
A business executive leaves his wife and family when he discovers that he only has a short time left to live.
The trials and tribulations of the Goddard family after the entry of Australia into the Vietnam War.
A mild-mannered English conscientious objector moves to what he feels will be the relative calm of Australia after World War I, but gets caught in the middle of violent battles between the rising trade unions and fascist groups.
Sgt. Blake
A woman moves away from her boyfriend because she suspects his feelings towards her pre-teen daughter. He tries to find them in the sordid side of Melbourne.
In this standard movie about a young doctor wandering across the U.S. in search of his lost ideals, Richard Moir is David Trueman, someone who has dreams of going to South America to practice medicine among the disenfranchised. Trueman does go, but after he arrives he encounters enough corruption and oppression to drive him out of there -- and into drugs. He decides to travel around the U.S., at a loss with himself and society, and eventually he meets Mary (Jo Kennedy), a young heroin addict who shares his angst about life. As the two commiserate, their bleak outlook lightens up a little, promising some fairer weather in the future. Jo Kennedy received a "Best Actress" Silver Bear award at the 1985 Berlin Film Festival for her portrayal of Mary.
Alex Duval
An advertising executive dies and goes to hell... except nothing changes. Well, his daughter is buying drugs with sexual favours from her brother, and the number of cancer-causing products is on the increase. But the notes he writes to himself to prove he hasn't gone insane are getting more disjointed, and he runs off with an ex-prostitute called Honey Barbera.
Jimmie es un joven mestizo educado por un pastor metodista que vive en constante conflicto entre dos mundos muy distintos.
Paddy Doolan is a man who refuses to accept change. In a new century where the motor car is changing the way things are done, the stubborn Irishman, the last of the draught-horse teamsters, continues to haul timber the old way.