Giuseppe Battiston

Giuseppe Battiston

Nacimiento : 1968-07-22, Udine, Italy


Giuseppe Battiston
Giuseppe Battiston


I peggiori giorni
Antonio (segment "Primo Maggio")
Four episodes – Christmas, May 1st (Labour Day), August 15th (Ferragosto), Halloween – to tell four stories that delve into the human soul.
Billy was a child prodigy who had invented and hosted a successful music podcast at nine. He is now 19, lives with his eccentric mother, is secretly in love with a girl, only visits children aged between 8 and 12 and does not know what to do with his life.
What a Life!
Biasutti and Perbellini have the same name, Fausto, and they both hate life in the big city. They meet by chance during a trip for amateur photographers, become friends and begin to cultivate together the dream of going to live in the countryside, keeping with the fruit of their efforts. When Biasutti inherits his grandmother’s old house in Valvana, in the hills of the north east, the dream can finally become reality: the welcome in the village, however, proves less warm than expected.
What a Life!
Biasutti and Perbellini have the same name, Fausto, and they both hate life in the big city. They meet by chance during a trip for amateur photographers, become friends and begin to cultivate together the dream of going to live in the countryside, keeping with the fruit of their efforts. When Biasutti inherits his grandmother’s old house in Valvana, in the hills of the north east, the dream can finally become reality: the welcome in the village, however, proves less warm than expected.
What a Life!
Fausto Biasutti
Biasutti and Perbellini have the same name, Fausto, and they both hate life in the big city. They meet by chance during a trip for amateur photographers, become friends and begin to cultivate together the dream of going to live in the countryside, keeping with the fruit of their efforts. When Biasutti inherits his grandmother’s old house in Valvana, in the hills of the north east, the dream can finally become reality: the welcome in the village, however, proves less warm than expected.
Il principe di Roma
Papa Borgia
An adaptation of Dickens' A Christmas Carol set in 1829 Rome.
The Desired War
An international incident threatens to break out a war between major European powers that only an unlikely couple of bickering lovers seems able to stop.
Versión en acción real del aclamado cuento sobre una marioneta que se embarca en una trepidante aventura para convertirse en un niño de verdad. La historia también presenta a otros personajes, como Gepetto, el carpintero que fabrica a Pinocho y lo trata como a su propio hijo; Pepito Grillo, que hace las veces de guía y “conciencia” de Pinocho; el Hada Azul; el Honrado Juan; la gaviota Sofía, y el cochero.
The Queen of Hearts
Alice is 18 and afraid of falling asleep. Every night she relives the same nightmare, made of endless races, terrible challenges in which she faces a disturbing Queen of Hearts. Art, her friends, her boyfriend seem unable to help her overcome a nightmare deeply tied to her past. When do wounds become scars? Can scars disappear?
Stay Still
These young women are an odd couple. Julie is quick-witted and stubborn. She celebrates idleness and even voluntarily checks into a psychiatric clinic. Nurse Agnes, on the other hand, is always eager to do the right thing and to meet everyone's expectations of her, which is not always easy. When the two of them accidentally meet one day, odds are they won't get along. But they quickly feel attracted to one another, despite their enormous differences.
Las hermanas Macaluso
Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia, Antonella. La infancia, adolescencia y vida adulta de cinco hermanas nacidas y criadas en la planta alta de un edificio de viviendas en los suburbios de Palermo, donde viven solas sin la compañía de sus padres. Su hogar guarda las cicatrices del paso del tiempo y de aquellos que han crecido y que aún viven allí. Es, en resumen, la historia de cinco mujeres, de una familia, de quién se va, de quién se queda y de quién resiste.
The Big Step
Dario Cavalieri
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
Three Perfect Daughters
Three families go into crisis when their daughters get engaged because they are convinced that their young daughters have all chosen a wrong partner.
La gracia de Lucía
Lucía es una mujer joven que cuida a su hija adolescente ella sola a pesar de las dificultades económicas. Para seguir adelante trabaja en un estudio de arquitectura, donde le piden evaluar un importante terreno de gran interés para todo el mundo. Pronto descubre que algo va mal, un problema en los mapas que podrían acarrear grandes riesgos geológicos. Al principio decide callarse, pero cuando la cosa se complica, Lucía luchará por sus principios para salvar el valle en el que creció.
Hotel Gagarin
An highly heterogeneous group of people go to Armenia to make a movie, all ignoring what will happen to each of them.
Tu mi nascondi qualcosa
Just Believe
Marco Cilio
The owner of a dilapidated B&B has an idea: in order to dodge bankruptcy, he has to turn his business into a place of worship—a tax-free activity, where he'll host pilgrims in exchange for a generous donation. He joins forces with an unscrupulous accountant and a failed novelist to come up with his new religion.
The Last Prosecco
Ispettore Stucky
Campo veneciano, colinas de Prosecco. El inspector Stucky (Giuseppe Battiston), protagonista de Mientras hay esperanza es prosecco, está llamado a investigar un aparente caso de suicidio: el del poderoso conde Desiderio Ancillotto, que se llevó la vida con un gesto teatral súbita. Stucky (medio persa, medio veneciano) recién ascendido, intenta torpemente llevar a cabo la investigación, aplastado por la inexperiencia y la carga de voluminosos problemas no resueltos. Entre filamentos y burbujas, el inspector tenaz se enfrenta con bottai, osti, confraternite de bebedores sabios, dándose cuenta de que la clave para resolver el misterio reside en la visión peculiar de la vida que anima el área; que la solución al suicidio-crimen del conde pasa por su bodega, entre el vidrio y el corcho, el alcohol y las levaduras dormidas.
After the War
Marco Lamberti
Bologna, 2002. Amidst protests against the labor reform, the assassination of a lawyer opens old wounds between Italy and France. Former far-left terrorist Marco, convicted of murder during the Years of Lead and living in Paris since then thanks to the Mitterrand Doctrine, is suspected of being its instigator. When the Italian government asks for extradition, Marco goes into hiding with his daughter Viola, precipitating also the life of his family back in Italy.
El orden de las cosas
Luigi Coiazzi
Rinaldi, un veterano policía italiano de gran experiencia, es enviado por su gobierno a Libia para negociar el control de los migrantes en suelo africano. Allí, se enfrenta a la complejidad de las relaciones tribales libias y al poder de los traficantes que explotan la angustia de los refugiados.
Perfectos desconocidos
Siete amigos que lo son desde hace años (tres parejas y un soltero) se reencuentran en una cena en la que deciden jugar a un juego extraño y arriesgado: ponen sus smartphone sobre la mesa y al grito de “no tenemos nada que ocultar”, deciden compartir los mensajes y las llamadas que cada uno de ellos reciba durante la noche, en una especie de ruleta rusa a golpe de SMS y tonos de llamada.
The Complexity of Happiness
Carlo Bernini
Enrico Giusti works for a big corporation: his job is to save dying companies by persuading young scions to sell. However, his latest assignment is proving more difficult than anticipated, since it concerns two teens whose parents just died in a car accident.
Pizza and Dates
After their mosque is expropriated and turned into a hairdresser by the landlord, a community of Muslims in Venice search for a new location. A young Afghan Imam named Saladin is called to the rescue, but rather than solving the problem, his arrival ends up complicating the situation with a series of absurd consequences and hilarious moments
La sedia della felicità
Father Weiner
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.
Zoran, mi sobrino tonto
Paolo es un borrachín infeliz deseoso de recuperar a su esposa, que ahora está con otro. De repente irrumpe en su vida Zoran, de 15 años, pariente que proviene de una tía lejana eslovena. “Pero, ¿es tonto?”, pregunta Paolo al notario mirando al joven. La principal cualidad de Zoran es que es infalible con los dardos. Tras una prueba en un club de dardos esloveno, Paolo ve en ese talento una oportunidad de negocio que podría cambiar su vida. Este insoportable chaval medio autista del Este, que él sigue llamando Zagor, podría hacerle rico si ganase los 60.000 euros del premio principal del campeonato mundial de dardos de Glasgow. (FILMAFFINITY)
La prima neve
Michele is eleven years old and lives in a small town in the mountains of Trento, with his mother and his paternal grandfather Pietro; his father has recently died. The boy’s pain meets that of Dani, a boy from Togo, who is a total ‘stranger’ to that place covered in snow which he has never seen before in his life.
The Human Factor
Carlo Levi
A world-weary, widowed police inspector has to break his vow of self-isolation and get back on the field after his teen daughter is arrested for the possession of a gun tied to a much-publicized murder.
El comandante y la cigüeña
Fábula sobre la Italia contemporánea, en la que historias muy diversas aparecen enmarcadas en el mezquino materialismo de nuestro tiempo. Los protagonistas son un fontanero, cuya esposa muerta se le aparece en bikini, y sus dos hijos adolescentes; una artista pobre y patética, el extravagante propietario de su piso, una especie de predicador urbano y un abogado que defiende a criminales y a políticos corruptos.
Bar Sport
Onassis, il barista
La pequeña Venecia: Shun Li y el poeta
Shun Li ha viajado desde china hasta Roma para ganarse la vida de cualquier forma. La inmigrante ha conseguido un empleo en una fábrica textil situada a las afueras de la capital y ve más cerca su sueño: legalizar su situación y ahorrar para poder traerse a su hijo, de apenas ocho años, a Italia. Pronto, Shun Li es trasladada a Chioggia, un pueblo de Venecia, para trabajar como camarera en un club donde conocerá a Bepi, uno de los clientes más fieles del sitio. Bepi, apodado el poeta, se gana la vida como pescador, aunque lo que verdaderamente le apasiona son los caminos de la poesía –justificación a su sobrenombre- y la filosofía. Entre la camarera y el poeta surge pronto la amistad y ambos mantienen conversaciones bastante trascendentales que se convierten en una vía de escape a la soledad y la rutina diarias. Sin embargo, no todos los habitantes de esta comunidad pesquera verán esta amistad intercultural con buenos ojos.
Make a Fake
Figli delle stelle
Five ordinary people disaffected with traditional politics -- a perennial temp, a docker, a university professor, a TV reporter, and a convict -- kidnap an elected politician and plan to donate the ransom money to the family of a blue-collar worker who died on the job.
The Swing Girls
Pier Maria Canapa Canapone
During the Fascist Regime in Italy, three Dutch sisters, Alexandra, Judith and Kitty, try to make a career as popular singers.
La pasión
A un fracasado director de cine se le ofrece la oportunidad de montar la pasión de Cristo en un pueblo, con divertidas consecuencias.
Notizie degli scavi
Il Professore
Come Undone
Anna se ha convertido en la persona que todo el mundo esperaba: tiene un trabajo modesto pero seguro, es una persona vital y se muestra siempre afectuosa con la familia, con los amigos y con su compañero Alessio, con el que ha decidido tener un hijo. Sin embargo, todo cambia cuando Domenico, un hombre casado, irrumpe en su vida y le hace redescubrir el amor, ese amor basado en el deseo y la pasión.
Cómplices del silencio
La caótica Argentina durante el Mundial de Futbol del '78. Maurizio es un periodista italiano que llega a Buenos Aires para escribir a propósito del torneo deportivo y conocer a sus familiares que emigraron en el pasado. Mientras realiza su trabajo conocerá a Ana, una mujer que cambiará su destino. Ana es militante de una organización perseguida por la dictadura y esto hará peligrar no sólo su vida… también la de todos los que están a su alrededor. (FILMAFFINITY)
We Can Do That
Dr. Federico Furlan
The film follows Nello, the recently hired director of a newly developed work cooperative of former mental patients. After the closure of state psychiatric hospitals and asylums in Italy under the Basaglia Law many former patients were left with few resources and little hope of reintegrating into society. With the intention of actually improving the lives of his pupils, rather than just sedating them, Nello encourages them to expand their individual abilities and explore the wider world around them although, regardless of intention, there is sometimes a price to pushing boundaries too quickly.
Amore, bugie e calcetto
Days and Clouds
Vito y Elsa, una pareja de clase media, se encuentran con dificultades que afrontar a raíz del despido de Vito de su antiguo y bien renumerado trabajo. Será difícil afrontar lo que les viene encima.
La justa distancia
En el idílico escenario de un pueblecito a orillas del Po, surge el amor entre Hassan y Mara. Él es un mecánico tunecino que, tras años de duro trabajo, se ha ganado el respeto de sus vecinos. Ella es una joven a punto de partir a Brasil con una ONG. Giovanni, un chico que aspira a ser periodista, es testigo de esta historia de amor. La vida de los tres dará un giro tras una serie de inesperados y dolorosos sucesos.
Mejor no pensar
Alberto Nardini
Stefano es un guitarrista de una banda de rock. Adolescente treintañero, decide regresar a casa de sus padres cuando descubre que su mujer lo engaña con otro. Pero al regresar, encuentra que sus parientes (padre, madre, hermanos) no llevan precisamente una mejor vida que la suya. Porque a pesar del bienestar económico del que gozan (y que le ha sido escaso a Stefano en su vida profesional) sus vidas personales se van desplomando. Y Stefano parece ser el único que los puede ayudar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Non prendere impegni stasera
Uno su due
At the End of the Sea
Todor, a Serbian smuggler in Trieste, Italy, earns his daily bread by smuggling fake brand cigarettes. He sails out in a small boat to collect his freight if there is enough mist to make his illegal mission possible. One day he reluctantly accepts a much larger cargo. In the crate he finds a wounded and drugged woman. Todor decides not to deliver the freight and takes the woman home with him. He takes a chest full of stones to his client and it soon becomes apparent that he has got himself into big trouble with this manoeuvre. Todor takes care of the woman, who slowly but surely overcomes her fear of him. By the time he manages to get her a passport, an unbreakable bond has silently grown between them and he asks her to go away with him. Fate decides otherwise.
Our Country
Set in Milan, where people's lives are invisibly lead by money in its different shapes: too much, too little, stolen, earned, visible and even impalpable. The money flows from one story to the next, from one person to the other, becoming the engine of the film.Everything moves around two antagonist characters: Ugo and Rita. Ugo is a banker involved in a not really clean business. Rita, the Finance Police officer, is a strong and obstinate woman in charge of capturing Ugo. Other characters wander around them, with their weaknesses and fragility, their goodness, their evil and their contradictions. Characters meet, clash, love and hate each other, their lust for money becomes intense feelings.
El tigre y la nieve
Attilio es poeta y profesor de literatura en la Universidad para Extranjeros de Roma. Estamos en 2003; la guerra de Irak está a punto de estallar, pero Attilio parece vivir completamente encerrado en su torre de marfil, donde sólo se oyen las sublimes voces de sus poetas preferidos. Goza de cierta reputación literaria; ha publicado recientemente su último libro de poemas, "El tigre y la nieve", que ha tenido una buena acogida tanto por parte de la crítica como por parte del público. De noche sólo sueña con Vittoria, una mujer con la que desea casarse. Lo malo es que ella no quiere saber nada de él.
L'uomo perfetto
La bestia en el corazón
Andrea Negri
Sabina lleva una vida regular y se siente satisfecha con ella y con su amor por Franco, pero últimamente está teniendo pesadillas que la perturban, casi al mismo tiempo descubre que está embarazada y empieza a recordar poco a poco su niñez con una familia de clase media muy severa. Ella lleva un gran secretro, quiere contactar a su hermano, quien es un profesor en una universidad estadounidense, para intentar entender este secreto y librarse finalmente de "la bestia en el corazón"
Mas alla de las fronteras
La historia de la epopeya de Angela *Ghignino, una mujer italiana de ideales antifascistas que se enamoró de Hans *Wiedeman, un capitán alemán, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que abandonó su familia, desafió la sociedad y arriesgó su vida para estar con él. Hans, un hombre culto e inteligente, perteneciendo a la burguesía intelectual de Frankfurt, se había enrolado por sentido del honor y patriotismo, consciente, no obstante, del horror y la trágica inutilidad de la guerra. Su amor imposible serviría, al menos, para contribuir a evitar ulteriores sufrimientos y destrucciones en la zona de Venecia y sus alrededores durante los últimos días del conflicto.
Agatha and the Storm
The story of a middle-aged bookshop owner, who becomes embroiled in a surreal swirl of romance and family secrets of infidelity, her energy levels registering in bursts of electrical interference - causing lightbulbs, traffic lights, toasters and computers to spontaneously spark and malfunction.
Nemmeno in un sogno
A shepherd from the mountains of a remote Asian region travels to Southern Italy, in love with what he saw on Italian television. There, he accidentally ends up in a holiday resort, where he's treated like a guest for a whole day, thus cementing his assumption that all the opulence and kindness he saw on TV were true.
Un Aldo qualunque
A comedy with two italian comic actors
Brucio nel vento
Janek (voice)
For ten years, immigrant Tobias has worked at a Swiss clock factory and, in the relentless ticking, he saw life go by without much expectation. One day, he sees Caroline, a former schoolmate from back in Eastern Europe, and falls in love with her, but she's married and has a daughter.
Pregúntame si soy feliz
Beppe, the thief
Giovanni y Giacomo, después de tres años sin hablarse, viajan juntos en tren con la mujer causante de su enemistad. Viajan para ver al tercer amigo en discordia, Aldo, enfermo de gravedad. Los tres eran grandes amigos que preparaban representar una versión teatral de Cyrano de Bergerac. Grandes amigos que se ayudaban mtuamente en todo, incluído sus líos con las mujeres. Pero ellas también pueden romper grandes amistades...
Guarda il cielo: Stella, Sonia, Silvia
Three situations about women's lives in three different periods.
Pan y Tulipanes
Costantino Maria Caponangeli
Rosalba se há quedado olvidada por parte de su marido y sus hijos en la cafetería de la autopista. Ella tratará de volver a casa por su cuenta, pero el destino hace que se detenga en Venecia... y decide quedarse unos días para ver la ciudad.
Le acrobate
Ettore Mondini
A chemical analyst and a supermarket clerk strike up a friendship after they are brought together by the death of an elderly woman.
A Soul Split in Two
Gas Pump Attendant
Store security guard Pietro spends his days catching shoplifters, his weekends visiting his children who are in custody of his ex-wife, and his nights thinking about new ways to flirt with the store's makeup consultant. His malaise psychosomatically manifests itself in nosebleeds, outbursts of anger, visions, etc. One day, he sees a young Gypsy girl steal something from the store and lets it slide: he can't explain why, but she caught his eye. Pietro and Pabe – that's her name – warily start to hang out, knowing each other more and more, until something begins to blossom in them. Could their shared dream for a new, more compassionate life finally be at their fingertips?